William Drak |

Avan the Aloof |

@Marik Whiterose: I would like to inform you that I have rewritten all of Avan's back-story and most of the personality section of the character sheet, to accommodate the changes in his backstory. I am sorry for making this change so late in the recruitment period and hope that you will give it a read and still consider Avan for a spot in the campaign. Also at this point I am seriously considering giving Avan a level or two in Barbarian; you'll understand why once you read his new back-story and the revised personality section.

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Okay, I'm going to go ahead and close this recruitment thread and go over the submissions. Just to prolong the agony even further I will post those selected here in a few hours.
Just as an FYI I have my 30th High School reunion this evening so I probably won't post a discussion thread until tomorrow and won't begin the game until Monday.

Piper Hemlock |

Okay, I'm going to go ahead and close this recruitment thread and go over the submissions. Just to prolong the agony even further I will post those selected here in a few hours.
Just as an FYI I have my 30th High School reunion this evening so I probably won't post a discussion thread until tomorrow and won't begin the game until Monday.
Piper writes another message: Sounds good, Marik. I just want to state that if I'm chosen, I will try to post as much as I can. I do have school, work, and possible school projects that will require my time. I probably won't see the results until 8 pm tonight at the latest due to my job (if they're not posted by 2 pm). Just thought I should let you guys know. If anything drastic shows up, I'll let you guys know ahead of time. Good luck to everyone!!
Alara pauses briefly in her relentless pacing.
Good luck everybody!
She then immediately goes back to pacing. You can see a large rut in the thread where she walks.
Piper watches Alara pacing and, giving a small smile, takes out his flute and begins playing the Jeopardy theme.

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Sorry it took so long to complete this, but I didn't have a chance to finish looking over everyone before my reunion last night. That being said the Martial characters were the ones giving me fits in trying to decide. So, in no particular order, I've decided on the following six players
Alara Dawnchaser-Elf Ninja-Shalelu
Piper Hemlock-Human Bard-Ameiko
Jacen "Ash" Teleris-Human Oracle of Life-Koya
Sharrd-Human Sorcerer-Ameiko
William Drak-Human Fighter-Sandru
Masamune Mitsuhide-Human Samurai-Koya
I'll have a discussion thread up later this afternoon and a Gameplay thread up tomorrow.
Thank you all for your consideration and effort in making my job an extremely tough one.

Alara Dawnchaser |

A 20-foot deep hole has been worn in the thread where Alara was pacing. Upon hearing that she was selected, a grappling hook lands with a *chink* on the edge of the hole. In a flash, Alara races out with an overjoyed look on her face and starts doing a happy dance!
"YAY! Thanks, Mr. GM!"
Alara then decides to give all the other selected candidates an overjoyed hug. After giving out hugs, she turns to the rest of the prospective adventurers and bows.
"It was a pleasure hanging out with all of you guys! I hope you all have success in future adventures!"

Piper Hemlock |

Piper continues to play. Once the announcements come in, he stops and looks in shock. He then grins and begins to hop in excitement. When Alara hugs him, he hugs back with equal excitement. He then writes down: HURRAY!! I'm finally in my first Pathfinder campaign! If I need help, then I'll ask or look up the rules online, so no worries. I would like to know how we would see the maps and our positions since this is my first pbp game. Are we using something like Roll20.net?
Piper then bows to the other participants and writes: I look forward to working with you guys.
He then goes around, shaking the hand of those who weren't selected and writes: It was nice to hang out and meet you guys. Hope you guys will have your own grand adventures!
Piper then looks in Sharrd's direction and, eyes narrowed, writes (in character this time): So, Sharrd, it seems like we'll be competing for Ameiko's affection. Very well. The game is on, worthy adversary.

Alara Dawnchaser |

Alara shuffles into the thread, hands wringing, head bowed. She stops and looks up.
"Um, this is kinda embarrassing..."
She begins pacing back and forth. "Due to life winning initiative and Sneak Attacking our GM in the nuts, we find ourselves without a GM."
She folds her arms behind her back, swaying from side to side.
"Is there anyone here who could fill in for him?"

Bill Dunn |

Opening up some more recruitment...
First arcane-based caster of the campaign (sorcerer) had to bow out, so did his first replacement (magus). So, we're looking for a new arcane caster for a Jade Regent campaign. They have explored the local caves, recovered some information about local bartender's family past, and are determined to investigate.
Needless to say, it's fairly early in the campaign and due to real life intrusions, we haven't been moving too fast. I hope to pick up the pace a little, though Gen Con is about to intrude in its own right.
A reminder (from way back in post 1) what this campaign is looking for:
The Rules:
• Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other 0HD race will be considered on a case by case basis.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) and Archetypes from Paizo Publishing will be allowed. 3.5 or 3PP classes/archetypes will have to be approved by me prior to acceptance.
• Alignment: Characters can be of any alignment, but must be able to play well with others.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the High Fantasy (20 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability may be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat published by Paizo Publishing will be acceptable. Any 3.5 or 3PP material you wish to use will have to be approved by me prior to acceptance.
• Traits: Character's will start with two traits, one of which MUST be from the Jade Regent Player's Guide.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. Thereafter players may either roll for HP's or take the average (whichever is greater).
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with Maximum starting gold for their base class as found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 140, the APG on page 26, UC on page 8, or in the UM on page 8.
PM me with your pitch for an arcane-based caster. The current players don't seem too picky the specific class. The party's current makeup:
And the arcane caster will make 5. I'd like submissions over the next week so I can review them during my copious free time at Gen Con - when I'm in a serious gaming mood.

Haru Yoshioka |

These shapeshifters live as humans at nearly all times. Sometimes they change in private, keeping their abilities fresh and practiced. The youngest child, Haru, has difficulty maintaining her silence, and gave the secret away, one day, as she was travelling with Shalelu in the forests.
When the young woman she had agreed to teach tracking suddenly transformed into a humanoid fox, unconsciously taking the form as she tried to follow the trail of a hare, Shalelu said nothing at first.
"Nice tail," the elf finally said after a few minutes.
"Oh thank you, I try to keep it well-brushed every night... wait, what?"
Haru looked down at herself, and gasped. "Uh... how did that happen?" she tried to bluff her way through the situation.
Shalelu chuckled and put her finger to her lips, and Haru transformed back into her human form, red in the cheeks as the elf woman she revered laughed at her. However, Shalelu kept the secret the youngest Yoshioka had revealed.
Haru will take either the childhood crush (Shalelu) or Student Survivalist traits. (Which one depends on what other characters take or have taken already. If no one else seems to be focusing on Shalelu as a romance option, Haru will take the former. Otherwise, the latter. Haru is bi, and if Shalelu isn't available, she'll go for someone else. I don't want to conflict with another player's intentions.)
Other than that, she'll be a pretty straightforward buffing, face, skills, spells, and archery bard. The Kitsune bonus to enchantment will help a lot with bard spells.

Bill Dunn |

tomtesserae - we have one childhood crush on Ameiko.
In general, for campaign traits, we have 2 foster children, one crush, and one rescued in the ongoing players.
Delphine - I will not be handing out PFS credit. I expect to deviate too much from the AP to facilitate the online format to really be PFS-compliant.