
Eden Nightseed's page

61 posts. Alias of Pyris3303.

Full Name

Eden Nightseed











Special Abilities

Low Light Vision, Adaptability, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Multi-Talented, Nature Bond, Nature Sense, Orisons, Wild Empathy




Great Wolf (A large and rather magical wolf perhaps on the level of Demi-God, but otherwise open to any other if need be,)


Common, Elven, Druidic



Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 17
Charisma 16

About Eden Nightseed

Name: Eden Nightseed

Eden was the offspring of a rather unholy matrimony in which his father was an Anti-Paladin and his mother an Elven woman who happened to catch his eye. Needing a vessel, or host, for his evil deity (leaving which one up to the GM) to inhabit for evil purposes unknown. He had his way with said Elven woman who once pregnant escaped from Magnimar making her way back to her people in the Churlwood.

The Elven woman asked the elder druid to forgive her for leaving and begged that she be allowed to come back. He agreed and had the clerics cast divination spells focused on the unborn child. To their horror they discovered the child was a boy who had no soul, in essence a stillborn. The woman begged the druids to do something and the elder cast a miracle spell hoping that it might give the boy life, and purge him of the evil taint about his body.

The spell worked and the boy was born normal and healthy, but the mother died during the childbirth; which the druids took as a bad omen. The boy, was perfectly normal with the exception of bright golden eyes, the evil that the druids feared was completely gone.

The druids named the boy Eden and gave him his mother’s last name of Nightseed. They allowed him to live in their community and taught him the ways of the wild, but little else. He grew up largely ostracized because of the events revolving around his conception and birth, and the fact that he was half human. He grew up faster than the other children and because of this never quite fit in personality wise.

His life in the Churlwood was more or less normal, but incredibly lonely. Raised by no one but a grizzled and incredibly old she wolf named Tisa, Eden grew up largely removed from even druid society and as such learned little about how to interact with others.

At the age of 14 he was sent to gather the local Nymphs and Satyrs for a winter celebration, and while out searching he was ambushed by evil cultists working for, unknown then and still unknown to him, his father. They beat him and began transporting him back to Magnimar where his father waited. The cultists didn’t make it very far. Tisa the old and rather worn out looking she-wolf sensed Eden was in trouble and interceded. Like a nightmare unleashed from the Hells Tisa ripped, clawed, and tore at the cultists killing all but one who managed to flee.

When Eden made it back to the grove and the Elder learned what had happened he forbade Eden from ever leaving the grove again. Eden was forced to find ways to keep his mind busy which he did mostly by playing with the animals and exercising his body.

One day the Ranger Shalelu dropped by the grove as she did from time to time. But this time she dropped by when the others were all off immersed in one of their major rituals, leaving Eden of course behind to watch over the grove. Eden had been asleep under a tree as was his custom during this particular religious event.

Shalelu was Amused by the Half-Elf whom she had seen before but never really spoken with. She cleared her throat startling him awake and introduced herself; she asked where the Elder was. Eden replied and told her that the druids were off performing a ritual; and when asked why he was not there explained that they didn't really want him there, or anywhere for that matter. One thing led to another and in the end both began talking about their past, in no great detail on Shalelu’s part but she did listen and enjoyed Eden’s company while she waited for the Elder. When he arrived she thanked Eden and tossed him a necklace with one tooth on it from an animal not native to the forest (lion) and told him to keep it. It was a gift, she told him never to give up. Eden was confused but happy, he had never made a friend before and after that eagerly began awaiting her infrequent visits.

After two years and on his 18th birthday Eden couldn't take the isolation and disdaining of the druids any longer. He packed up his bag and decided to go find Shalelu, the only person who ever really seemed to enjoy his company. Before he made it out of the grove he was stopped by Tisa. Eden made an impassioned plea to the she-wolf about wanting to live not just survive and in the end Tisa relented but decided to stay with the boy she had all but raised and ventured off with him.


Eden is a 5’8’’ Half-Elf who wears no armor or clothing on his well muscled upper torso and a pair of well worn leather pants and leather boots. He has piercingly bright golden eyes and an unkempt head of brown hair. He is almost always seen carrying yet another well worn item, a backpack full of items with a quarterstaff and wooden shield attached to it by leather straps.

Eden is always followed by the old she-wolf Tisa who seemingly would rather lie down than do much of anything else. But if she senses a threat to her or Eden it becomes quite clear that there is still a very deep reservoir of hurt left unleashed in this particular wolf.

Eden is very much a puppy in his actions; he almost always has a smile on his face and loves to have fun, but lacks some very fundamental social skills and bits of common sense. For example he doesn’t quite understand why people have such a big problem with nudity; after all animals don’t wear clothes, but after a few run-ins with authorities he has come to understand that at the very least the pants stay on. He is also a talker, not having had much interaction with other people Eden enjoys talking to others and even the slightest hello can lead to hours of mind numbing conversation.

Eden also seems to have quite a crush on Shalelu, which he thinks he hides well, but is pretty obvious to everyone.

Eden is always the first to make a friend and once done a solid unwavering ally. He is also not much of a fighter, he would much rather everyone get along, but when push comes to shove he does in-fact have the powers of the wilds on his side.

Traits: Birthmark (Gold Eyes)
Childhood Crush Shalelu

character sheet:
PATHFINDER Character Sheet
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Name : Eden Nightseed | Race : Half-Elf | Height: 5'8"
Player: xxx | Gender: Male | Weight: 250lbs
Update: | Age : 18 | Eyes : Gold
Align : NG | Size : Medium | Hair : Brown
Deity : Great Wolf | Speed : 30ft | Hand : xxx
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Ability | Temporary | Class Level
Score Mod | Score Mod | Druid 1
STR 10 +0 | | xxxxx x
DEX 13 +1 | |
CON 10 +0 | |
INT 10 +0 | |
WIS 17 +3 |+2 for racial |Total Level: 1 Extra
CHA 16 +3 | |XP : xxxxx Next: xxxxxx
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc
HP : 9 xx | Init 0 : +x = 0 +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Total Armr Shld Dex Misc
AC : 14 = 10 + 2 + 1 + 1 +
Touch : 11 = 10 + xxx + xxx + 1 +
FlatFoot: 13 = 10 + 2 + 1 + xxx +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
SAVES Ability
Bonus Base Mod Magic
Fort (Con): +2 = 2 + 0 + +
Ref (Dex): +1 = 0 + 1 + +
Will (Wis): +5 = 2 + 3 + +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Base Total Base Str Misc | Base Total Base Dex Misc
Melee : +0 = 0 + 0 + | Range : +1= 0 + 1 +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Combat Total Base Str Misc | Mnvr Total Base Str Dex Misc
Mnvr : 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 | Defense: +11 = 10 + 0 + 1 + 0
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

Weapon: Quarter Staff Weight: 4 lbs
Move Name Type B Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack |Melee | +0 | 1d6/1d6 | 20/x2 | - | B |
Charge |Melee | +2 | 1d6/1d6 | 20/x2 | - | B |

Weapon: Sling Weight: x lbs
Move Name Type B Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack |Range | +1 | 1d4 | x2 | 50ft | B |

Armor: Leather (pants) Weight: xx lbs
AC MaxDex Pen. SplFail Speed Special
+2 | +6 | 0 | 10% | 30ft | None

Armor: Light Wooden Shield Weight: 5 lbs
AC MaxDex Pen. SplFail Speed Special
+1 | 0 | -1 | 05% | --ft | None

Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Skill Focus (Stealth)

Low Light Vision
Elf Blood
Elven Immunity
Keen Senses
Nature Bond - Animal Companion (Tisa)
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy


0: 3
Detect Poison

1: 1+1
Magic Stone
Cure Light Wounds
2: +1

0: 3 / DC 13
1: 1+1 / DC 14
2: / DC xx
x: / DC xx

SKILLS (Max Rank = Level, Class Skills get +3 bonus with at least 1 Rank)

Key Total Ability Class Misc
Ability Mod Mod Ranks Skill Mod
Acrobatics (Dex) + = + + +
Appraise (Int) + = + + +
Bluff (Cha) + = + + +
Climb (Str) + = + + +
Craft:_____ (Int) + = + + +
Diplomacy (Cha) + = + + +
Disable Device^ (Dex) + = + + +
Disguise (Cha) + = + + +
Escape Artist (Dex) + = + + +
Fly (Dex) + = + + +
Handle Animal^ (Cha) + 7 = 3 + 1 + 3 +
Heal (Wis) + = + + +
Intimidate (Cha) + = + + +
Knowledge:Geography(Int) + = + + +
Knowledge:Nature^ (Int) + 6 = 0 + 1 + 3 + 2
Knowledge:_____^ (Int) + = + + +
Linguistics (Int) + = + + +
Perception (Wis) + 9 = 3 + 1 + 3 + 2
Perform:_____ (Cha) + = + + +
Profession:_____^ (Wis) + = + + +
Ride (Dex) + = + + +
Sense Motive (Wis) + = + + +
Sleight of Hand^ (Dex) + = + + +
Spellcraft^ (Int) + = + + +
Stealth (Dex) + 3 = + + + 3(Skill Focus)
Survival (Wis) + 9 = 3 + 1 + 3 + 2
Swim (Str) + = + + +
Use Magic Device^ (Cha) + = + + +

^Trained only

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
GEAR (Weight):
Backpack (2lbs)
50ft Hemp Rope (10lbs)
Shield (5lbs)
Leather -pants/armor- (15lbs)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
LOAD: Light Medium (-3) Heavy/Max (-6) Lift (x 2) Push/Drag (x 5)
33lb 66lb 100lb 200lb 500lb
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Animal Companion
Ability MOD
STR: 13 +1
DEX: 15 +2
CON: 15 +2
INT: 2 -4
WIZ: 12 +1
CHA: 6 -2

Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc
HP : 19 xx | Init : +2 = 2 +
(two hit dice)

Total Armr Shld Dex Size Nat Misc
AC : 15 = 10 + + + 2 + + 2 + 1
Touch : 15 = 10 + xxx + xxx + 2 + + 2 + 1
FlatFoot: 12 = 10 + + + xxx + + 2 + xx

Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
FORT: 5 = 3 + 2 + + +
REFLEX: 5 = 3 + 2 + + +
WILL: 1 = 0 + 1 + + +

Key Total Ability Class Misc
Ability Mod Mod Ranks Skill Mod
Acrobatics (Dex) + 2 = 2 + + +
Climb (Str) + 1 = 1 + + +
Escape Artist (Dex) + 2 = 2 + + +
Fly (Dex) + 2 = 2 + + +
Intimidate (Cha) + -2 = -2 + + +
Perception (Wis) + 2 = 1 + 1 + +
Stealth (Dex) + 2 = 2 + 1 + +
Survival (Wis) + 1 = 1 + + +
Swim (Str) + 1 = 1 + + +

Base Total Base Str Misc | Base Total Base Dex Misc
Melee : +2 = 1 + 1 + | Range : +1= 1 + 0 +

Combat Total Base Str Misc | Mnvr Total Base Str Dex Misc
Mnvr : 2 = 1 + 1 + 0 | Defense: +4 = 1 + 1 + 2 + 0

Weapon: Bite Weight: x lbs
Move Name Type Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack |Melee | +2 | 1d6+1 | 20/x2 | - | p | Free Trip
Charge |Melee | +4 | 1d6+1 | 20/x2 | - | p | Free Trip



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