JDPhipps |
No firearms is fine, just curious. However, how would you feel about the Bolt Ace gunslinger? They function like a gunslinger does, but they use crossbows instead of firearms. I was thinking of crossing Bolt Ace Gunslinger with Inquisitor, for a very dedicated ranged combatant.
Bolt Ace gunslingers swap out most of their deeds for new ones, and gain Dexterity to damage with crossbows instead of firearms. There are a few small problems with the archetype, but they're easily fixed. By RAW, I still get a firearm at 1st level and the Gunsmithing feat, but those can just be dropped or replaced.
Riuk |
ok here us my witch/summoner, i still might make some small changes to my story but for the big part im done. One of the last things is if youll let me use a bonus from a familiar with my poppet.
let me know if there is any issue oh and in truth i would rather play this character than my shifter ^_^ i feel he fits in way better with the setting and i can now become a vampire
{-=Blood God Disciple=-|-=Evolutionist=-|-=Blood Summoner=-}
{-=Hex Channeler=-|-=Gravewalker=-}{1}
N Medium Humanoid (HALF-ORC)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2 DV:30"
AC: 12, Touch: 10, Flat-Footed: 10 (+0 armor, +2 dex, +0 shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic)
HP: 8 {+1d8,-1Con,+1 FCB}
Fort: -1, {+0Base,-1Con}
Reflex: +2, {+0Base,+2Dex}
Will: +2,{+2Base,+0Wis}
CMD 14 {+ 0Base + 2Str +2 Dex +0 size +0 misc}
Speed: 30 ft.
CMB: +0; {+ 0Base +2Str + 0size +0 misc}
Base Atk: +0;
Str: 14, Dex: 14, Con: 8, Int: 16, Wis: 10, Cha: 16
-=Horrifying Mind=-
Murder: You have killed without just cause and been condemned for it. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, this was no typical killing but a particularly savage and unforgivable act. You may also have killed someone with powerful friends but ultimately they are too well protected.
Punishment: Death by beheading Benefit: You deal 1 additional point of damage when flanking a foe. This additional damage is a trait bonus.
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
* Ability Score Racial Traits: +4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.
*Type: both the human and orc subtypes..
* Size: Medium creature and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
*Base Speed: base speed of 30 feet.
*Languages:Half-orcs begin play speaking Common and Orc. Half-orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, and Goblin. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
*Toothy Some: half-orcs' tusks are large and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
*Chain Fighter: Some half-orcs have escaped from slavery and reforged the chains of their imprisonment into deadly weapons. Half-orcs with this racial trait are proficient with flails and heavy flails, and treat dire flails and spiked chains as martial weapons. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
* Skilled Second: and third-generation half-orcs often favor their human heritage more than their orc heritage. Half-orcs with this trait gain 1 additional skill rank per level. This racial trait replaces darkvision.
*Intimidating: +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
*Summoner Add +1 hit point to the summoner’s eidolon.
-=The Bitten=-You have been bitten by a vampire and infected with the curse of undeath. As you sicken, your senses heighten and you become profoundly aware that every day, you are changing into something both more and less than mortal. You have only begun your transformation into the living dead.
Prerequisites: You must be bitten by a vampire.
Benefits: You gain darkvision 30 ft. and the -=alertness=- feat, however your Constitution score is lowered by two permanently.
---------------=Skills=- (6 points; 2 class, 3 INT, 1 Race)---------------
Craft (Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Disable Device____+0{+0rank,+2Dex}
Disguise (Cha)____+0{+0rank,+3Cha}
Escape Artist*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+2Dex}
Handle Animal^ (Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis,+3 ICS}
Intimidate^(Cha)____+0{+0rank,+0Cha,+2 race,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Arcana)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Engineering)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Geography)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (History)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Local)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Nature)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Nobility)^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Planes) ^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Knowledge (Religion)^ (Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Linguistics^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Perception(Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis,+2 Feat}
Profession^(Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis,+3 ICS}
Sense Motive(Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis,+2 Feat}
Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+2Dex}
Spellcraft^(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int,+3 ICS}
Stealth* (Dex)____+0{+0rank,+2Dex}
Use Magic Device^(Cha)____+0{+0rank,+3Cha,+3 ICS}
ACP -0
*ACP applies to these skills
^In Class Skill Bonus +3
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-
Race:+2 intim
The Bitten:+2 Perception/Sense Motive
-=Languages=- Common
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
-=Life Link=-
-=Blood Feast=-
-=Patron Spells=--=Transformation=-
-=Spell Poppet=-
-=Aura of Desecration (Su)=-
-=Bonethrall (Su)=-
-----------------------=Summoner Spells=-----------------
-----------------------------=0th (at will)=--------------------------------
-=Acid Splash=-
-=Detect Magic=-
-=Mage Hand=-
------------------------------=1st (2/day)=------------------------------
-=Rejuvenate Eidolon=-
---------------------------------=Witch Spells=-------------------
-----------------------------=0th (3/day)=--------------------------------
------------------------------=1st (2/day)=------------------------------
-=Shadow Weapon=-
-=Cure Light Wounds=-
10 Min background.
Question 1. How does your character interact with the others within a group?
Thanatox is actually a very good team player. Assuming his god agrees, he is more than happy to work with others to accomplish a common goal. However, he wants to know the whole plan and not just his part, he is suspicious of having things concealed from him. He is used to taking orders, but not good at taking criticism.
Question 2. What is your character's role in a group?
Thanatox hit things, burn things, and bleed things. He is not a brains driven monster although he is more intelligent than he seems. Thanatox prefers to fight an obstacle head on and meet it in the front, even if it isn't always the healthiest option. He is also knowledgeable of how a city moves and breathes, having spent a portion of his life as an "Under-Butler"
Question 3. How is your character not as they seems?
I want one or two skills that would surprise others if they found out he knows them. Also include personality traits, positive or negative, that would similarly surprise others.
Thanatox was raised to a life as a man-servant, so while he likes to hurt things and hit them hard, he could also carry a tray of drinks without spilling a drop or lay out a perfect dinner party. His training also served to teach him about the pulse of the city and so he has a surprising amount of knowledge. He also always tries to keep an immaculately cared for serving-man's outfit on him at all times. He used to do it in case of problems with the outfit he wore so he could always present a proper face, but now it is a reminder of what he was, and what he will never be again.
Thanatox has a soft spot for orphans. He doesn't like hurting children in general, but the street urchins and other outcast children, regardless of race, are off-limits to him and anyone near him. The quickest way to gain his ire is to do something against this subset of society and let him find out about it, or worse, witness it.
Question 4. What are your character's goals, conscious and, perhaps, subconscious?
Revenge is an easy one, but against the entire judicial system makes him a little unique. It's not that he thinks he shouldn't have been imprisoned, but that he was laughed at while did it. He kept his face calm, barely, and let their laughter stoke the fire of hatred within him. He also wants to make a name for himself. He has spent his life trying to learn to be the invisible man-servant (no easy task), and now he wants to be known for who he is.
A goal he would never tell anyone is that of starting a home for unwanted children. Knowing the loss and resentment of being alone, he wants to help other children not feel the same way, however this is slowly beginning to morph and become part of his other goals. And his thoughts are turning toward using this as a means of gaining his other two goals. Teaching children to be warriors and follow him into battle, bringing down the hated enemies of Thanatox.
What he can't even begin to admit to himself, is that he wants to satisfy the "voice of god" he hears so that it leaves him alone. To be alone with his own thoughts and in his own head is something he wants, although doesn't even realize it yet.
Question 5. How easily does your character love? Have they been in love?
Thanatox had a crush on a serving girl once, but she spurned him. He thought he loved one lady he was contracted to guard and serve but she didn't even notice him. He thinks of her fondly, but also sometimes thinks of wringing the life from her with his bare hands while screaming about "seeing him" and "remembering him forever." He is very confused on the subject of love and it is all twisted up with hate and violence. He may never be able to have a healthy relationship with a woman.
Question 6. Is your character racist at all, either now or in their past?
Oddly, Thanatox hates Orcs, as well as humans. Humans for the obvious reason that they used him to be their attendant/bodyguard and stole his childhood to train him to that life, yet never noticed how hard he worked to please. But Orcs hold a special place of hatred in his heart because he sees every single one as a betrayer, leaving him to the hands of humans and abandoning him. On a field of enemies, Thanatox would kill the Orcs first, the Humans second, and then whoever is closest.
Question 7. All people believe something that is not true, both about the world around them and about themselves. What lies/untruths does your character believe about themselves and the world around them?
Obviously Thanatox believes he is sane and that his god speaks to him, which is plainly untrue.
Question 8. How is your character about material possessions?
Thanatox isn't obsessed with material wealth. He prefers to keep only what he can carry although he does like the occasional trinket. He is partial to things that glow blue for some reason. He likes to keep himself and his god's avatar (eidolon) outfitted in appropriate combat readiness gear and of course carries what useful potions he can, but doesn't horde it the way others do. This does not mean he doesn't desire his fare share of bounty, he just tends to spend it about as fast as it comes in.
Question 9. What does your character perceive their major problems to be?
Other than being in jail? He sees his whole life as a waste up till now. He worked so hard to be good at what he was taught but he was always beat hardest for the smallest mistakes. He has never been recognized for doing a good job, and if it weren't for his rather unique appearance, he would never have been remembered, but even still he was always referred to as "that Orc-servant thing."
Question 10. What does he perceive the solutions to those problems to be?
He intends to be his own master and punish those who have looked down on him. Whenever he hurts or kills someone, he will try and get them to say his name. He began carving up his body in anger when he was younger, but now he displays his scars proudly and even adds to them in sacrifice to his god of fire and blood.
Question 11. What are your character's religious beliefs?
He believes in his nameless god of fire and blood. It is a very relaxed religion, not speaking of things like good and evil or right and wrong, but instead demanding daily sacrifice and an offering to the avatar whenever he slays a foe. In return he is granted power and promised help in achieving his goals. Of course, sometimes the voice of his god becomes insistent and demands the death of another or a greater blood sacrifice than a token blood-letting, and when this becomes the case, he must answer the call of his god.
Question 12. What does your character fear?
Thanatox fears being completely helpless and immobile yet remaining aware. With even a little movement available, he can rage against his imprisonment and even cause himself a little pain in offering to appease his god, but being able to do nothing and yet have to witness things done to him, terrifies him and reminds him of growing up and being punished on the "time-out table."
Question 13. How much of a temper does your character have? What sorts of things set them off?
Thanatox has a rather large temper, although he has learned to keep it in check. Unfortunately this tends to make him a little more blood thirsty the more he holds it in, causing him to lose all restraint when he finally does let go of the reigns on his temper.
Seeing children hurt, especially orphans, will set him off instantly, but people ignoring him or not noticing him will feed his temper. The angrier he gets, the quieter he gets, knowing that the more he speaks while angry the more likely it is to boil over and come rushing out.
5)He is in jail because he murdered the families of three prominent (although more middle than high class) members of the city. When they found him he was covered in half-congealed blood while muttering to himself. He had several places on his arms that appeared to be fresh cuts that had been seared closed and all three of the houses were covered in blood. All of the families and their servants were accounted for in the death toll, near 200 people, but there were more than a few body parts that were never found. Upon finding him there were several moments of shocked silence before they charged him with murder, desecration, consorting with dark powers, and anything else they could stick him with.
1)Thanatox wants to create a place where children can be raised and trained to be self-reliant. This is the path he desires to fame and notoriety, although he also would like to keep his reverence of fire and blood to himself, unconsciously knowing others wouldn't understand.
2)As a player, I would love Thanatox to have to confront his growing insanity and see if it either shatters him utterly and drives him completely insane, or if he is able to piece himself together and come out of it at least partially sane and no longer hearing voices, or at least recognizing them for what they are, part of his psychosis.
1)Thanatox partakes of blood from those he kills. he feeds parts the the avatar of his god, but he always imbibes at least a small portion of a fallen enemies blood. He knows it is loathsome and there are few that would understand, but it is an urge he cannot silence, that only grows the more he tries to put it off. Once, he put it off so long, he actually tore a man apart with his hands before devouring the still-beating heart directly from his chest.
2)Thanatox doesn't know that he wasn't abandoned as a child. He was stolen by slavers and sold to an enterprising Butler who saw an opportunity for free labor. He was lied to growing up about his "orphan debt" and thus the butler was able to steal almost all of Thanatox’s wages for most of his life.
people in his life
1)"The Butler" is someone Thanatox actually never knew the name of. He was a portly man who trained Thanatox in the ways of a serving man but also spent most of Thanatox's life stealing the money he earned. When "The Butler" left service at the house and Thanatox received his first full pay, he realized what had been happening and swore an unending blood-vengeance against him should he ever encounter him again.
2)"Lady Larissa" is the waif of a woman Thanatox served for the span of only a few months and he fell "in love" with. She never paid him any special attention, but he gave her his hand to help her out of the carriage and was forced to physically move her when an attempt was made on her life once. He always respected the way she never lost her proper demeanor. While she wouldn't be "friendly" to Thanatox " she does remember him as a capable manservant.
3) Daniel "Hat" Etageorm is an enterprising halfling and the only person to ever treat Thanatox as more than a servant. Hat's visits were few and far between, but he always took a few moments to talk to Thanatox and sometimes even brought him a small trinket. His talk was always circumspect, but over time, Thanatox realized Hat was hinting that if he ever needed something done "under the table," that Hat would be more than happy to help such a fellow out. While imprisoned, Thanatox has thought often of Hat, so nicknamed for his penchant for wearing garish and outlandish hats, wondering how he might find him and if he might have more than help to offer.
how he got power
1)The first time he truly felt his rage begin to boil over, when a new serving man continuously tried to undermine him and make him look bad to their employers. It was the first of many times he sought comfort in cutting himself.
2)The sounds and smells of a house kitchen. Glasses and plates clinking together as they are moved and washed, a variety of food items in various states of preparation. An entire household of servants moving through a room that can in no way contain them all. the low voices of everyone trying to make their point but not be obtrusive in their speech. They are both fond and hated memories.
3)The first taste of blood that wasn't his own. The way it seemed to pour out of the body and sing to him, beckoning him to take just a taste. the feeling of power that erupted through him as he tasted it for the first time and witnessed the avatar of his god visiting him for the first time.
Hair:short black
Skin:pale green
Weight:230 lbs
1)Thanatox was raised to be a servant and bodyguard. His earliest memories are of being trained and whipped like an animal. Thanatox is a Blood-God Disciple Summoner/ Witch . He sees his eidolon as an avatar of his god and so he hears voices that are actually just his higher than normal intelligence working on a subconscious level. It will begin as a single voice
2)He stands an imposing 6' 3" and weighs around 230lbs. He has short cropped black hair and small red eyes. His teeth seem to be a little large for his mouth but for the most part he works hard to keep his lips pulled over them. His skin is the pale green of a foamy sea and slightly pebbly. On both legs he has straight, clean, and pale concentric rings of scars, as of cuts made with a fine blade and treated immediately. His arms have a more jagged and seemingly random collection of scars. There is one scar on his chest that seems random, at the same time it also appears deliberate in a very unsettling way. He has a single scar on his forehead in the shape of a stylized flaming drop of blood, this scar is so specific that is draws the eye and makes one wonder at its meaning.
3) Thanatox moves with a grace born of years of training as a servant. Despite his massive frame, he moves with an almost delicate step, generally not even causing the china to tremble. He is very good at moving in tight spaces and can generally manage something in each hand while maneuvering around people and obstacles with ease. This translates into his fighting with him assaulting more than one foe at a time and almost playfully dancing around the battlefield. Despite how he was raised, there is something primal in fighting that sings in his blood and puts a smile on his face. He is never as happy as when he is matching blows with an enemy.
4)Even prior to hearing the voice of god, Thanatox felt irresistibly drawn to fire and blood. While he was growing up he kept a small knife secreted on himself at all times and when his rage began to overtake him, he would find a reason to excuse himself for a moment and make small cuts on himself to relieve the pressure. He spent what little allowance he earned from his work on candles and always kept a fire burning in his room while he was there, sometimes staring into it for hours before sleep would overtake him. It was during one such session that the first whispers came to him a whispered of blood and pain to those who had shunned him.
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
Spell Poppet:Each gravewalker carries around a gristly, inanimate poppet stitched from human skin and stuffed with shards of bone, fingernails, and grave dirt. A gravewalker’s spells come from the will of evil spirits residing in the poppet, and its ability to hold spells functions in a manner identical to the way a witch’s spells are granted by her familiar. The gravewalker must commune with her poppet each day to prepare her spells and cannot prepare spells that are not stored in the poppet.
-=Empathic Link=-
-=Improved Evastion=-
-=Share Spells=-
-=Store Spells=-
M Quadruped
Init +2; Senses Perception +4 DV:60"
AC: 160, Touch: 12, Flat-Footed: 14 (+0 armor, +2 dex, +0 shield,+4 NA,+0 Magic)
HP: 12 {+1d10,+1Con,+1 FCB}
Fort: +1, {+2Base,+1Con}
Reflex: +4, {+2Base,+2Dex}
Will: +0,{+0Base,+0Wis}
CMD 10 {+ Base + Str + Dex + size + misc}
Speed: 40 ft.
CMB: +0; {+ 1Base +Str + size + misc}
Base Atk: +1;
Str: 14, Dex: 14, Con: 13, Int: 7, Wis: 10, Cha: 11
----------------=Free Evolutions=-----------------
-=Limbs {x2} legs=-
-=Improved Natural Armor=-
-=Improved Damage {Claws}=-
---------------=Skills=- (4 points; )---------------
Craft^ (Int)____+0{+0rank,-2Int.+3ICS}
Escape Artist*^(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+2Dex.+3ICS}
Handle Animal (Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis}
Knowledge (Planes)^ (Int)____+0{+0rank,-2Int.+3ICS}
Sense Motive^(Wis)____+0{+0rank,+0Wis.+3ICS}
Sleight of Hand*(Dex)____+0{+0rank,+2Dex}
Stealth^* (Dex)____+5{+1rank,+2Dex.+3ICS}
ACP -0
*ACP applies to these skills
^In Class Skill Bonus +3
-=Non-Standard Skill Bonuses=-
-=Languages=- Common
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
-=Darkvision {60 ft}=-
-=Share Spells=-
oh and im keeping the scarring as a quirk hope that ok. i still need to choose languages
as i am going to play this character as a front liner with magic to back me up even though i have low HP but once i go vamp that should fix it right up ^_^
Rosa Luminaass |
Don't forget the pricked have lost all our items, all we have is prison rags, even familiars got killed or ran off or in hiding. :(
Mind you your never alone if you have a faith, take Asmodeus, good after life options, have your very own pit of damnation. Help keep the doomed in line in hell with you very own customised pitchfork, all you need do is sign in blood here, here and here.
Kozari Victa |
Okay, this is an edit of Kasanar Vindakay.
Found a made a couple of errors in the build and reorganized most of it. I also cleaned up the presentation so its not murder on the eyes to read.
Also, did a new draft of the back story to make him more like a Batman Villian. Pushed too far and twisted forever. Count of Monte Cristo, really inspired a lot of this.
Definitely went with trying to reveal the hypocrisy that is the Talingarde Nobility, and being crusified for trying to upset the power structure. Kas had an ideal, naive as it may have been, that the world could be more equal. A Utopia.
That is gone. Replaced by betrayal, slander and the abuse of power. Kas learned his lesson well; if you want power, you musTht be able to brutally enforce it.
Goal wise: he wants to see every traitorous noble's head on a pike. He wants to save his men (if possible) and show them how they must achieve their utopia. They must be willing to do anything to get it.
If Leadership or Vile Leadership is availible, Kas will take it.
Gameplay wise: He is still going strait through both classes. Slashing Grace and Improved Critical to make him more of a fencer and fit that Monte Crits-O mold. Leaning towards mixing in some Mage Hunter with Disruptive and Spellbreaker. However, Eldritch Scion is almost a new class instead of the normal magus. A lot of the normal powers come on later, but you have bloodline stuff mixed in. Going to play with it and see how it goes.
Also, looking at those Aasimar only feats. Making him more angelic as he get more and more tyrannical. Might take Supernal Feast to make the eating of angels for their power extra disturbing. But I don't know if he'll become that crazy. At least he'll gain sustenance from the sun and steal Mitra's power.
Kasanar Vindakay
Male Angelkin Aasimar(Scion of Humanity)
Daring Champion Cavalier/Destined Edritch Scion Magus 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human, Outsider{Native})
Init: +5|Senses: Dark Vision| Perception +2
Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and bucklers.
HP 12/12
AC 13 (Shirt), Touch 13, Flat-footed 10
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +2
Defensive Abilities:
. . Celestial Resistance - Acid 5, Cold 5, Electric 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Fist
Ranged Spit
Destined Scion Abilities
. . 5/day - Eldritch Pool
. . 3/day - Destine Strike
Scion Spells Known(CL 1, Concentration +1)
. . 1st(2/day)-Shocking Grasp, Shield
. . 0(at will)-Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Detect Magic
Champion Abilites
. . 1/day - Challenge
. . 1/day - Tactician
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Traits Sedition, Bloody Minded, Arcane Temper
Drawback Pride
Feats Weapon Focus(Longsword), Elemental Commixture (Teamwork)
Skills Diplomacy +10, Bluff + 9, Intimidate +9, Spellcraft +4, Sense Motive +4
Languages Common, Draconic
. . Cocky: Add CHA modifier on will save against intimidation by a creature
. . Bloody Minded: +1 to Initiative and Intimidation
. . Arcane Temper: +1 to Initiative and Concentration
. . Pride: -2 to Diplomacy & Sense Motive if offended or insulted till offending party makes reparations or dies.
. . Spell Caster: Spontaneous CHA based caster with bard progression
. . Skilled: Aasimar gain +2 to Diplomacy & Perception
. . Sunborn: Standing in direct sunlight for half an hour nourishes you as though you had just eaten a hearty meal. You still need to drink water.
. . Chains
. . Rags
Special Abilities
Daring Champion Cavalier
Challenge(Ex): Extra lvl-based damage to challenged foe + Order DMG. -2 AC penalty against non-challeneged foes. [Swift Action]
Champion's Finesse (Ex): Gain weapon finesse feat and use CHA instead of INT for combat related feats.
Tactician (Ex): Gain teamwork feat. As standard action, grant feat to allies with in 30ft. Last 3+(1/2 lvl) rounds.
Order of the Cockatrice
. . Edicts: The cavalier must keep his own interests and aims above those of all others. He must always accept payment when it is due, rewards when earned, and an even (or greater) share of loot. The cavalier must take every opportunity to increase his own stature, prestige, and power.
. . Challenge: Whenever an order of the cockatrice cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all melee damage rolls made against the target of his challenge as long as he is the only creature threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
. . Skills: Gain Appraise & Perform to Skill list. In addition, an order of the cockatrice cavalier adds his Charisma modifier to the DC on another creature’s attempt to demoralize him through Intimidate (in addition to his Wisdom modifier, as normal).
Eldritch Scion Magus
Eldritch Pool (5ep/day)(Su): Use 2 eldritch points to enter mystic focus for 2 rounds. While focused gain access to bloodline abilities and use of spell combat. At 4th level, gains normal arcane pool abilities. Magus Arcana becomes CHA based.
Spell Combat (Ex): While in mystic focus, cast standard action spells as a swift action. As a full-round action, make all attacks with melee weapon at -2 and while casting your spell. Spell can be cast before, during or after attacking on your round. Can also increase penalty to increase concentration if casting defensively, point for point. At 8th level, an eldritch scion can use spell combat at any time.
Destined Bloodline
..Destined Strike (Su): At 1st level, as a free action up to three times per day you can grant yourself an insight bonus equal to 1/2 your bloodrager level (minimum 1) on one melee attack. At 12th level, you can use this ability up to five times per day.
This has never sat well in the heart of Kasanar of House Vindakay. For he KNEW; no matter how many tournaments he won, monsters he'd slayed, or respect he earned, he'd always be just a "servant" of the realm.
Kasanar's father did his best to impress upon his son the greatness of their line. How Mitra himself answered the prayers of the family matriarch centuries ago, and sent an angel to her aid in spreading the faith. How they're very blood is that of Mitra! "For all the good it does us, they mock us like the Mad King.", Kasanar would answer.
The House Vindakay is not a house of wealth or power. They are barely even nobility in the eyes of most the houses. Yet, they always seemed to produced the most excellent members of the cloth and stalwart knights. And as the most recent scion, Kasanar is expected to pick among the two.
After years of his father's lectures on faith and the "divine" bloodline, Kas practically jumped at the chance be a knight. He even did his father proud as the "Bright Star" of the academy graduates. He trained his blades-men-ship into an art form. He discovered he had a knack for the arcane and blended it into fighting. "A natural" they said. "A leader of great men", his teachers called him. And for a time this was enough. The glory heap upon him from his peers and the respect of his teachers was intoxicating. Like the world was his for the taking.
However, after years hunting bandits in the muck of the forest, defending towns from fell beasts, serving the greater good was not enough. He had worked so hard to rise through the ranks and truly feel some control, some power. But he had watched as unworthy dogs from families with deep pockets, leap years ahead of him status. How his ungrateful commanders took all the accolades for the deeds he had done. Deeds he put his blood sweat and tears into accomplishing.
"These fools do not deserve to even stand in my shadow!" He seethed with hatred for these men. "They are weak!" How could society even function with fools such as these at the forefront.
He was not alone in his feeling. The men of low born status among his company felt the same, but they despaired in their lack of options. What could they do, when getting to this point was trial enough. Kasanar knew as someone adrift in the middle of these caste, that there are not many options for men such as they.
But if they could "take" control, it could be limitless. Why they could all be great lords themselves. But it is only a fantasy, his men would say.
"Why not", Kas said to his band of brothers. "We are the ones that bleed every day for this kingdom. We are the ones that see the corrupt under belly of these "highborns". Let us cut this cancer out of our land."[b], they were hesitant at first. But the more fire and passion he brought, the more that flocked to his cause.
[b]"We can't be alone in this. Come let us gather those that would heed our cause from all across the land. We will change our world for the better, all will know our cause!
A swell of knights gathered around him, and heard his pleas of change. He would preach it to any that would hear, and that would be his down fall. For an ambitious hedge knight in his company had heard his plea. This traitorous knight knew there are easier roads, than the one Kasanar would have him walk. So, he went to every commander in their legion and twisted Kas impassioned words. For while, Kas was hungry for something greater, he still took a pride in being a honorable knight and doing it the right way. But for the amply power hungry nobles, this amounted to treachery.
Kasanar was arrested by his commanders, as well as everyman that followed his banner. Senteneced to Branderscar prison, his heart broke as he saw knight that followed him striped of their honor. The weight of failure of their trust wounded him deeply. He lost all sense of what the kingdom's justices was meant to be.
But the traitorous knight and power hungry nobles were not done with him yet. Kasanar's father had been lobbying for his sons freedom, and he was causing trouble for the nobles. The traitorous knight needed something to truly ensure his place in Talingarde. So the conspiring nobles told him of Kasanar's family and land. They planted a Asmodean text, in his Kas' fathers study and labeled him a heretic. In one fell swoop, the knight had revealed a traitor and heretic. The knight was labeled a hero gifted Kas' birthright and home, for his "good" deeds by the church.
His family in ruins, his honor sullied, and soon the axe would give him the final bite. This would have been a great deal to suffer, but what hurt him the most was his father. Kas screamed his throat dry as they made him watch his father burn. There was no mercy or good left in him after that day.
Kas promised to himself, "I will watch the whole rancid lot burn. Even if I have kill Mitra himself, THEY ALL WILL SUFFER!"
GM of the Wicked Path |
@Riuk: The description for the poppet says it's inanimate, so no movement, no familiar feats. I see it more as an Arcane Bond that can do ranged touch spells.
@JDPhipps: Bolt Ace would be fine solely because of the lack of gun, but you will lose Gunsmithing and the firearm doesn't matter because you begin with nothing anyway.
@Kasanar: Leadership probably won't be allowed.
GM of the Wicked Path |
Man, the more I read it, the weirder it f@ing gets. I'd say that no, it wouldn't have any bonus to skills since there's none listed. As far as familiar abilities go, it would gain the Intelligence score, empathic link, store spells, the modified deliver touch spells, speak with master, and scry on familiar. That would allow you to communicate with the spirits inside of it (as per the archetype's flavour) and be able to track it in the event it gets misplaced/taken.
Sykes From Under The Empty Moon |
@N. Specter: It'd be best to just stick with Barb as it is. I'm not too keen on houseruling around Con-based classes so they can vamp up and gaim crazy benefits from that, just because there are already so many toys at your disposal to play with.
Actually it wouldn't even really be a houserule, Paizo has apparently always done it that way.
And sorry I haven't updated Sykes for a full submission yet, work's been kicking my ass recently, will have everything up in a few hours.
Gavmania |
Definitely went with trying to reveal the hypocrisy that is the Talingarde Nobility, and being crusified for trying to upset the power structure. Kas had an ideal, naive as it may have been, that the world could be more equal. A Utopia.
That is gone. Replaced by betrayal, slander and the abuse of power. Kas learned his lesson well; if you want power, you musTht be able to brutally enforce it.
Goal wise: he wants to see every traitorous noble's head on a pike. He wants to save his men (if possible) and show them how they must achieve their utopia. They must be willing to do anything to get it.
If Leadership or Vile Leadership is availible, Kas will take it.
Hey, you stole my idea, lol. You even stole my Gestalt choices!
Seriously, though, have fun; I'll go with my second idea.
George Kinder |
Wondering Monster here. Here is my submission. Enchantment specialist. Sorcerer/Mesmerist. I hope to fill the Arcane caster roll of the party, as well as eventually become a lich. I can post multiple times a day with no problem.
George Kinder
Gestalt Mesmerist \ Fey Blooded Sorcerer 1
Male Dhampir
NE Medium
Init +6 ; Perception +6
Dark Vision 60Ft
Low Light Vision
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 dex)
HP 8
Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
Detect Undead - 3/day SLA
Light Sensitiviy - dazzeled in bright sunlight
Negative Energy Affinity
Undead Resistance - +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease
Reisist Level Drain - take no penalty from energy drain
Hypnotic Stare
Mesmerist Tricks: 5/day DC 15
Vanish Arrow
Bloodline Arcana - +2 DC Compulsion spells
Bloodline Powers :
Laughing Touch - 7/day
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1 (misc mods); CMD +13
Eschew Materials
Spell Focus - Enchantment
High Theft - +1 reflex saves
Skills (X Points - 1 class, 1 race, etc):
Bluff +10 (1 rank, 4 cha, 2 race, 3 class)
Diplomacy +8 (1 rank, 4 cha, 3 class)
Disguise +8 (1 rank, 4 cha, 3 class)
Escape Artist +8 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Knowledge Arcana +6 (1 rank, 2 int, 3 class)
Knowledge Local +6 (1 rank, 2 int, 3 class)
Knowledge Religion +6 (1 rank, 2 int, 3 class)
Perception +6 (1 rank, 0 wis, 2 race, 3 Class)
Sleight of Hand +8 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Stealth +8 (1 rank, 4 dex, 3 class)
Use MAgic Device +8 (1 rank, 4 cha, 3 class)
Money: 0 GP
0-Level DC=14
Disrupt Undead
Mage Hand
Acid Splash
1-Level 4/Day DC=15
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
0-Level DC=14
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Ghost Sound
1-Level 2/day DC=15
Disguise Self
Hideous Laughter - DC18
George is tall and lanky, with grey pail skin, and always seen wearing a robe, leather boots, and some sort of hat.
Ht: 6' 0"
Wt: 175 lbs
Age: 115
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: Grey
George Kinder has had a very strange life. He was orphaned as a baby. Adopted soon after by a nice human couple that
lived in the heartland of Talingard. His adopted parents named him George, as little was known about him. He spent the
first few years there on the family farm. His adopted parents had no idea what he was, as he looked like a sickly, yet
normal human baby.
Shortly after his 30th birthday his parents both died trajectly in a house fire that left George orphaned again, and
homeless. George nearly died himself, passing out from the smoke, but was rescued by a paladin of Mitra that just
happened to be passing close by. When the Paladin layed his healing hands on George, it nearly killed George. The rest of
the village blamed george, as he was a strange creature to them.
After this even, Geoege knew one thing for sure, he never wants to die. At this point George realized that he had no home
and moved on. Wondering across Talingard, George did whatever he must, to survive.
George began learning about magic and eventually figured out how to unlock magic within himself. He also became obsessed
with finding out how to become a lich, in order to preserve his life forever. This led George to steal artifacts from
archiology sites, museums, homes, anywhere that he could come up with, in search of magical items, books, or other
One day not so long ago, George was in a Tavern and over heard a bard speaking about a Lich that maybe living in Princess
Bellinda's castle. Who knows if it were true, probably not. This is when George had the great idea to try and steal the
Lich's Phylactery. He figured if he could get his hands on it, then he could black mail the Lich into telling him how to
become one, or even helping him to do so.
Well George made it just inside the castle when he was caught. And that his how he ended up in this Jail cell.
Riuk |
Man, the more I read it, the weirder it f$+#ing gets. I'd say that no, it wouldn't have any bonus to skills since there's none listed. As far as familiar abilities go, it would gain the Intelligence score, empathic link, store spells, the modified deliver touch spells, speak with master, and scry on familiar. That would allow you to communicate with the spirits inside of it (as per the archetype's flavour) and be able to track it in the event it gets misplaced/taken.
ok awesome, really hope i get in with this guy ill be making the changes any thoughts on my background \\
oh and if it maters i can post several times a day or more depending on the other players posting speed ^_^
oh man im loving the thought of pushing a pin into the poppet and someone caches fire ^_^
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
GM of the Wicked Path |
Unless someone needs the extra day to finish their characters, in which case I need to be warned in advance about that, I'll close recruitment some time tomorrow evening. I'm in Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5), and so somewhere between 6-8 I'll make my selections. Anyone who needs an extension until Sunday evening has 24 hours to ask for one, although if people can get their apps done by the deadline as it is, that would be very much preferable.
JDPhipps |
I'll be going with a Gunslinger/Inquisitor. Not sure about my race, but I'm thinking Tiefling. I'll have to think about whether or not I want to roll for variant Tiefling abilities. I'll be focusing on ranged combat, but the build I have in mind works even better when paired with another ranged character.
Tiefling Racial Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 86
Tiefling Racial Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 78
Ooh, I'll take 86. A chance to negate a critical is always nice, even if it's 15%.
EDIT: Additional question for the GM. If I were to take both in Conversion inquisition and the Infiltrator archetype, would you rule that I end up adding my Wisdom bonus to those abilities twice? By RAW it would technically work, as one replacing Charisma, while the other is a bonus to the roll in addition to the original ability score.
If not, that's fine too. I'll likely still take the archetype for the other features, but I wanted to know how you'd rule on that before I post the character.
CampinCarl9127 |
Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Guileful Lore (Ex): At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers.
Wow, yeah by RAW that seems you add your wisdom modifier twice. Your wisdom modifier is now treated as your normal abilities score modifier for the purposes of those three checks, and the infiltrator ability allows you to add your wisdom in addition to normal modifiers. Hilarious.
JDPhipps |
Yeah. Like I said, if the GM wants to say no to that, I'm fine with it, but I figured I'd bring it up. If not, I'm rocking a nice healthy +10 bonus on my Bluff and Diplomacy at 1st level, which I won't say no to, either. I figure it might be all good since gestalt is already high-powered, but I don't want to spring that on the guy without him knowing.
Gars DarkLover |
Oh. Okay that does change things a little bit. In that event, I'd say that Undead Barbarian could be made available as a Rage Power, just so it doesn't remain a free shift in ability score scaling.
Pathfinder Unchained Barbarian fixed quite a few problems with undead + Barbarian combo.
Seranov |
Vampire Savages are a thing, and in theory you could simply apply this to a PC, with the DM's consent, of course.
I'd still want to be a Graveknight Bloodrager/Summoner if the option presented itself. Even if it meant my Bloodrage was less effective (no HP/Fort save bonus bonus because it boosts Con instead of Cha, and I had fewer rounds/day than when I was alive). Because it's just so damn cool.
Soren Marsailles |
This is JDPhipps, with my submission! Soren's fluff and such will be up later tonight/early tomorrow, but for now I wanted to submit the crunch for your approval. In combat, Soren functions as your standard ranged combatant, hanging back and peppering her foes with crossbow bolts. She'll also be picking up some buffing/de-buffing spells for her own use as well.
Outside of combat, Soren's built to be a skill-monkey. She's built to be a face and infiltrator, filling the rogue's party niche with high stealth and social skills. She's also got some decent knowledge skills to help her identify threats, etc. She'll also have some spell support for infiltration such as Disguise Self and Invisibility.
Let me know if there's a problem with her crunch, and I'll post in once I've got her backstory written up.
CampinCarl9127 |
Come on guys time to get them builds in, no rest for the wicked
Damien's trait disagrees.
Riuk |
ok here is every one i saw i did not look into what players classes are but feel free to copy and post what you are ^_^
-=Orson Vay=-
-=Dimitri Rathwell=-
-=Slevin Wraith=-
-=Keena dor=-
-=Malak Jaedoom=-
-=Lysander Tremayne=-
-=Rosa Luminaass=-
-=Vincent Fleming=-
-=Soren Marsailles=-
-=Thanatox Dioaux=-Witch/Summoner
-=Xoruk ironmaw=-
-=George Kinder=-
-=Kasanar Vindakay=-
-=Damien Dalkarta=-
CampinCarl9127 |
Thanks for putting a list together. However, you missed my submission, Damien Dalkarta.
Sykes From Under The Empty Moon |
Okay sorry for the delay, here's an updated Sykes for consideration:
HP: 10
MaB: +1+3=4
RaB: +1+2=3
CmB: +1+3=4
Fort: +2+0+1=3
Ref: +2+2=4
Will: +2+1=3
Disable Device:
Knowledge (Religion):
Perform (String):
Use Magic Device:
Moroi-Born (Svetocher) Dhampir: Dhampirs are humanoids with the dhampir subtype.
Medium: Dhampirs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Dhampirs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Senses: Low-light vision and darkvision 60 feet.
Undead Resistance: Dhampirs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.
Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a dhampir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead, positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.
Resist Level Drain (Ex): A dhampir takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though it can still be killed if it accrues more negative levels than it has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.
Languages: Dhampirs begin play speaking Common.
Alternate Spell-Like Ability: Svetochers gain obscuring mist as a spell-like ability.
Alternate Weakness: Svetochers take a –1 penalty on saves against effects that deal positive energy damage.
Vampiric Empathy: Though dhampirs often relate poorly to humanoids, some share an affinity with baser creatures. These dhampirs gain the ability to communicate with bats, rats, and wolves as if under the effects of a speak with animals spell (caster level equal to 1/2 the dhampir’s Hit Dice). In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with these animals. Whenever these dhampirs initiate an exchange, animals begin with a starting attitude of indifferent. This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces manipulative.
The antipaladin’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Stealth (Dex).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency Antipaladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).
Aura of Evil (Ex) The power of an antipaladin’s aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to his antipaladin level. A paladin who uses smite evil on an antipaladin deals 2 points of damage per paladin level on his first successful attack.
Detect Good (Sp) At will, an antipaladin can use detect good, as the spell. An antipaladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single Item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the antipaladin does not detect good in any other object or individual within range.
Smite Good (Su) Once per day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the antipaladin adds his Charisma bonus (if any) on his attack rolls and adds his antipaladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the antipaladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while smite good is in effect, the antipaladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the antipaladin targets a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect.
The smite good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the antipaladin rests and regains his uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the antipaladin may smite good one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Antipaladin, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
The bard’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip. Bards are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A bard can cast bard spells while wearing light armor and using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a bard wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass bard still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
Bardic Performance Archaeologists do not gain the bardic performance ability or any of its performance types.
Archaeologist’s Luck (Ex) Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist’s luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.
Bardic Knowledge (Ex) A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Dueling unto Death You have engaged in a duel to the death and mortally wounded an opponent. The opponent was honorable enough to say nothing before he expired. Alas that his family or companions was nowhere near so honorable. Dueling was once common in Talingarde before the House of Darius came to power. The House of Barca all but encouraged duels of honor. Now, dueling of any sort is punished severely. Dueling to the death is a sure way to be sent to Branderscar Prison.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude saves
Disdainful Defender You are resistant to the magic of other faiths.
Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Will saves you attempt against divine spells. This bonus does not apply against divine spells cast by a caster who worships the same deity as you do.
Unusual Origin (Dhampir) Your undead progenitor left you with more than a hint of vampiric nature.
Prerequisite(s): Dhampir.
Benefit(s): You gain a natural bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. Once per day upon making a successful bite attack, you can choose to deal an additional 1d4 points of bleed damage to the creature struck.
Special: You can only select this feat at 1st level.
There are many such tales of noble knights diving headfirst into darkness to slay whatever unholy monsters lay within, to return to the cheering jubilations of the common folk they have protected. But this is no such tale. Late one dead winter morning a knight returned home to his wife after he and his brothers in arms had successfully followed an undead abomination back to its lair. And while the valiant knights had succeeded in bringing the beast low it was not without great cost into themselves. The knights perished in their attempt to stop the beast, but the did not lay idly afterwards as good corpses are apt to do. With foul magic they had before in life or gained in undeath they each returned back to the lives they once had, or rather, what had belonged to the corpses that now unnaturally walked about as men.
To the unawares of his wife, family, and friends who were altogether too trusting (though the use of illusion and enchantment played no small part in the beguilement) the once valiant knight went on about his life till one day members of his order he once called brothers came upon him with weapons drawn. One of the former vampire hunters had had a twinge of guilt and disgust at his unlife and had revealed the truth about their existence to the other living members of the monster hunting order. In the ensuing all too familiar fight of knights against a monster wearing a familiar face one of the aids to the hunters turned on the wife of the former knight, thinking her a willing compliant accessory rather than a unwitting thrall. Filled with self assured righteous indignation but lacking the most basic combat skills the the attempt was feeble, and the wife was able to escape. Her terrified mind now broken free from the dark manipulations of her once-living husband.
Fleeing from everything she had once known she took refuge in the many caverned mountains that dotted the land, and within them finding a long forgotten monastery. Or mausoleum. It was here in this solemn sanctuary that she would give birth to a child of a monster, in and of itself a monster. Although disgusted with what the baby boy was maternal love won out and she could not find it in herself to blame the child for the sins of the father. So she stayed in the dark depths of those cold unforgiving mountains for the safety of not only herself, but for that of her child.
The monastery, part memorial, part mausoleum, all just a memory now to those save for the mother and her child had in its prime served as a haven for The Sisterhood of Eiseth, a cult dedicated to the Erinyes Queen. It was here in these unhallowed walls that the boy grew up, finding dark crypts and hidden dark passageways and even darker scriptures and relics. As a woman scorned herself the mother came to believe they had been guided here to safety by Eiseth herself, and so took up whole heart and soul the worship of the dark but benevolent queen. A worship and ideology her son was all too eager to follow in.
Trying to raise the half feral child though became harder with each passing year though, as his birth had seemed to wring most of her life force away from her, and his continued presence proved to leech more and more until one day she did not wake. And although the boy was sad he did not know loneliness for he kept his mother and Eiseth in his prayers, hoping that she had become a beautiful angel of hell in service to their benefactor upon her passing the pale. And while he was not sad, he did know anger, and each day he awoke with more loathing for the world that had rebuked him and his mother, a world that he had never known until recently.
Restless with his hermetic life he came down from the mountains to world below, to varying degrees of hatred on first sight and fear and indifference and curiosity. As the seasons came and went he became increasingly tired of people and their holier than thou ways and culture and so set forth to a smaller island nation off the coast from the mainland, although upon making land it soon turned out the land he had ventured to was even more bigoted and self righteous. With only a few days spent on the soil he elected to travel elsewhere but was accosted by a group of young knights, who were more than a little under the weather at the time. One knight stepped forward from the others and declaring the half-spawn an abomination upon his God Mitra challenged him to a duel to the death.
While possessed of no qualms about taking lives the repercussions of a monster killing someone in shiny expensive armor and livery was immediately apparent to him. Wanting to just leave the man with a beating that a drunk deserved to snap them to their senses the boy, now a man, agreed. Although the challenge had been declared and the knight's weapons drawn and his equally inebriated friends boxing the half-vampire in the challenger simply drolled on in a puffed up self righteous monologue, completely fascinated by the sound of how own voice. Thinking the man would soon fall over due to his drunken grandstanding the traveler simply waited and let the idiot ply his superfluous beliefs. Until the intoxicated mockery of a holy champion touched on the subject of what kind of women would willingly lay with a monster to produce whatever it was that the drunkard saw before him, although using less kind words.
Having enough of the knight's nonsense the traveler removed a dagger from his vest and tossed it into the man's throat. It found the enlarged organ easily and sank deeply, putting an end to the man who made a better half assed bard than a sellsword in fancy armor. The events that played out next were as predictable as they were stupid. The man garbled as his mind forever failed to even conceive that he had been wounded, let alone slain. The man fell with eyes wide open with a look as if he had aged ten years. The other Knights and the gathered guards and townsfolk swiftly fell upon the traveler and although he couldn't remember much from before his vision went black he did fall with a grin on his face for his teeth clutched a large piece of flesh from one of his attackers.
And it soon simply spiraled from there. The drunken knight became a self sacrificing martyr who valiantly gave his own precious life to hold off a savage monster from ravaging the innocents around him. With an over abundance of testimony from Knights dressed in similar holy garb and clutching the sacred symbols of their God calling for righteous vengeance against a foreign monster who did little more than snark about the current situation and insult the victim in lieu of putting up a defense the outcome was predetermined and clear. And so the monster was shipped off to where all monsters are sent to on the island nation.
Having grown up in a cluster full of apocrypha and tales and sequestered knowledge he has developed quite the love of reading and art.
Hwee Last |
ok here is every one i saw i did not look into what players classes are but feel free to copy and post what you are ^_^
-=Orson Vay=-
-=Dimitri Rathwell=-
-=Slevin Wraith=-
-=Keena dor=-
-=Malak Jaedoom=-
-=Lysander Tremayne=-
-=Rosa Luminaass=-
-=Vincent Fleming=-
-=Soren Marsailles=-
-=Thanatox Dioaux=-Witch/Summoner
-=Xoruk ironmaw=-
-=George Kinder=-
-=Kasanar Vindakay=-
-=Damien Dalkarta=-
Missed me.
Riuk |
ok this is the last one...its 3 am so if i missed anything sorry ^_^
-=Orson Vay=-Samurai/Fighter
-=Shalewigg=-Druid 1/Witch
-=Dimitri Rathwell=-Urban Barbarian/Unchained Rogue
-=Slevin Wraith=-Inquisitor/Slayer
-=Grumble=-Warpriest / Shaman
-=Keena dor=-Monk(unchained) / Kinetiscist
-=Malak Jaedoom=-Cleric/ Unholy Barrister
-=Lysander Tremayne=-Antipaladin/Swashbuckler
-=Rosa Luminaass=-Cleric / Fighter
-=Vincent Fleming=-Fighter/Rogue
-=Soren Marsailles=-Gunslinger/Inquisitor
-=Thanatox Dioaux=-Witch/Summoner
-=Xoruk ironmaw=-Bloodrager/Summoner
-=George Kinder=-Mesmerist \ Fey Blooded Sorcerer
-=Kasanar Vindakay=-Daring Champion Cavalier/Destined Edritch Scion Magus
-=Damien Dalkarta=-
-=Hwee Last=- Oracle/Antipaladin
Spazmodeus |
Well, with so many options I just can't make up my mind and with the deadline approaching...I'll let fate or rather the randomizer in the diceroller decide for me :)
Sex , male:odd, female:even: 1d100 ⇒ 78 = female
1-5 Barbarian
6-10 Bard
11-15 Cleric
16-20 Druid
21-25 Fighter
26-30 Monk
31-35 AntiPaladin
36-40 Ranger
41-45 Rogue
46-50 Sorcerer
51-55 Wizard
56-60 Alchemist
61-65 Cavalier
66-70 Gunaslinger
71-75 Inquisitor
76-80 Magus
81-85 Oracle
86-90 Summoner
91-95 Witch
96-100 Arcanist
101-105 Bloodrager
106-110 Brawler
111-115 Hunter
116-120 Investigator
121-125 Shaman
126-130 Skald
131-135 Slayer
136-140 Swashbuckler
141-145 Warpriest
1st class: 1d145 ⇒ 113 = Hunter
2nd class: 1d145 ⇒ 133 = Slayer
Hmm overlapping rangerishness
Reroll 2nd class
2nd class: 1d145 ⇒ 84 = Oracle
Hunter/Oracle it is!
1-10 Dwarf
11-20 Elf
21-30 Gnome
31-40 Half-elf
41-50 Half-orc
51-60 Halfling
61-70 Human
71-75 Aasimar
76-80 Catfolk
81-85 Changeling
86-90 Dhampir
91-95 Fetchling
96-100 Ifrit
101-105 Kitsune
106-110 Orc
111-115 Oread
115-120 Sylph
120-125 Tiefling
126-130 Undine
Race: 1d130 ⇒ 112
Race = Oread
Ok, so a female Oread Hunter/Oracle.... I can work with that!
Rikash |
Debating if I have the bandwidth for another game right now. I've got a neat idea for a Knight of the Sepulcher Antipaladin/Ghoul Sorcerer. Let me toss around some ideas about how to make it work and I'll come back.
Theodoric Redner |
A pallid man sitting in the corner eyes you warily for a moment, then smiles and beckons you over. Tousled black hair frame a handsome face, now grimy from the decay found at the heart of Brandescar prison. His tattered finery and handsome face unworn by the outdoor's marks him a noble. Grinning genially, the man nods his head politely and asks, "Pray tell what horrid misfortune has brought you here, friend?" His grin widens and he waits for an answer patiently.
"Ah, of course. For myself, I've run into a spot of trouble with my debtors and I seem to be here by mistake. I can't say I'd be sad to never see the inside of this hellhole again." The man extends a hand to shake. As you do so, you notice that his skin is oddly cold and clammy, even for the depths of Brandescar. "I am Lord Theodoric Redner, Paladin of Mitra."
A voice calls from the darkness, "Don't listen to that puling whoreson's lies, fish. Tha' bastard was plotting agin' the good King. And I'm willing to say tha' there's no Paladin or I'm a bloody pox on yonder 'lordling's' backside." A raucous peal of laughter breaks the quit of the dungeon as the speaker steps into view.
Theodoric's smile never waivers as he stands, chuckling, "I'm afraid you've caught me in my little ruse, friend. I hope you don't take my little game to heart." He steps closer, hand extended as if to shake. In a sudden blur of motion, Theodoric backhands the speaker violently. A flash of blueish light outlines the man against the dark dungeon and you get the odd impression that the handsome lordling has grown fangs and claws. Blinking as the light fades, you hear a heavy thud and screaming that cuts off an instant later.
Roderick strolls back into the feeble candlelight that makes it through the door, nonchalantly wiping his bloodied hand on his threadbare garments. He takes a seat near you, smiling broadly and saying, "Now, where were we?" His smile, formerly warm and welcoming, has a dark edge to it that you hadn't noticed before.
Rikash chiming in with my Knight of the Sepulcher/Sorcerer. Roderick is built to focus on debuffing the enemy with his spells before wading in and smashing his enemies to pieces. He's resilient and starting at level five can heal himself like a Paladin could with his touch of corruption. He'll have fantastic saves and strong attacks (when Smiting, Arcane Striking and buffed by his spells). With a focus on Charisma, his spells will also provide strong arcane support.
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
Vesvius |
ok this is the last one...its 3 am so if i missed anything sorry ^_^
-=Orson Vay=-Samurai/Fighter
-=Shalewigg=-Druid 1/Witch
-=Dimitri Rathwell=-Urban Barbarian/Unchained Rogue
-=Slevin Wraith=-Inquisitor/Slayer
-=Grumble=-Warpriest / Shaman
-=Keena dor=-Monk(unchained) / Kinetiscist
-=Malak Jaedoom=-Cleric/ Unholy Barrister
-=Lysander Tremayne=-Antipaladin/Swashbuckler
-=Rosa Luminaass=-Cleric / Fighter
-=Vincent Fleming=-Fighter/Rogue
-=Soren Marsailles=-Gunslinger/Inquisitor
-=Thanatox Dioaux=-Witch/Summoner
-=Xoruk ironmaw=-Bloodrager/Summoner
-=George Kinder=-Mesmerist \ Fey Blooded Sorcerer
-=Kasanar Vindakay=-Daring Champion Cavalier/Destined Edritch Scion Magus
-=Damien Dalkarta=-
-=Hwee Last=- Oracle/Antipaladin
So close, but so far lol. Missed me too.
Kozari Victa |
Finally found a decent representation for Kas
And one of what he'll cap out at.
@Kasanar: Leadership probably won't be allowed.
Good to know. Will probably go the imp familiar route, if picked then. They have a nice familiar archetype called Mascot that lets everyone benefit from the familiar. Grants team speak as an ability.
Was wondering if you'll be playing with the Devilbound Template?
Rosa Luminaass |
@Kasanar Vindakay
no templates, I asked, cus I was thinking half devil for Rosa, would have been perfect.
"Pray tell what horrid misfortune has brought you here, friend?" His grin widens and he waits for an answer patiently.
At the back of cell, off to one side, chained to a wall, is a thing from the pits, steel like skin, metal like horns, she stands some 6 1/2 tall in her Hoves and rages. IMAGE HERE OF ROSA,
The thing form the pits looks like its been whipped and beaten, yet shows no pain of such. The slight light in the cell glints of its silver orb like eyes as it looks at you with its fixed alabaster like face. Sound comes but its mouth dos not move."Why doing our lords bidding, my pretty, pretty"
There is no mercy in that inhuman voice, no hope or joy, its the cold hard voice, as cold as steel, the voice of the hells talking to a doomed soul.
there is a taster of my roll play style
Soren Marsailles |
And Soren is complete! Her background and description are up on her profile, so all the fluff should be set. I tried to go decently in-depth, but if you want more/less info feel free to let me know and I will provide it for you. Also added languages, which I'd forgotten.
As a note on Soren's fluff, I would like to note that while it's important to her backstory, I certainly won't be playing her as some kind of sex-crazed maniac if I get picked. While I imagine that it's likely how she usually unwinds for the Hedonistic drawback, I'm honestly expecting--hoping, even--that such things would just be a 'fade to black' moment that isn't lingered on to heavily.
I feel like I shouldn't have to mention it, but having seen how other guys have played female characters in the past, it seems only prudent to mention that Soren will not be some sort of walking sex beast.
Riuk |
one more ^_^
-=Orson Vay=-Samurai/Fighter Human
-=Shalewigg=-Druid 1/Witch Human
-=Dimitri Rathwell=-Urban Barbarian/Unchained Rogue Human
-=Slevin Wraith=-Inquisitor/Slayer Human
-=Grumble=-Warpriest / Shaman Half-Ogre
-=Keena dor=-Monk(unchained) / Kinetiscist Tiefling (devil spawned)
-=Malak Jaedoom=-Cleric/ Unholy Barrister Human
-=Lysander Tremayne=-Antipaladin/Swashbuckler Dhampir
-=Rosa Luminaass=-Cleric / Fighter Tiefling Devil-Spawn (Hellspawn)
-=Vincent Fleming=-Fighter/Rogue Kyton-Spawn Tiefling
-=Soren Marsailles=-Gunslinger/Inquisitor Tiefling
-=Thanatox Dioaux=-Witch/Summoner Half-Orc
-=Xoruk ironmaw=-Bloodrager/Summoner Pitborn Tiefling
-=George Kinder=-Mesmerist \ Fey Blooded Sorcerer Dhampir
-=Sky=-antipaladin/Bard (Dhampir)
-=Kasanar Vindakay=-Daring Champion Cavalier/Destined Edritch Scion Magus Angelkin Aasimar(Scion of Humanity)
-=Damien Dalkarta=- Antipaladin/Rogue Fetchling
-=Kyla=-sorcerer/Rouge kitsune,
-=Hwee Last=- Oracle/Antipaladin Half-Orc
-=Theodoric Redner=-(Knight of the Sepulcher 1/Sorcerer Human
-=Soren Marsailles=-Gunslinger/Inquisitor Tiefling
-=Arcis Tamarak=-]Tiefling druid 1/inquisitor
@ Vesvius
i don't see a character from you any were so i did not list you
NVM found it ^_^