About Thanatox Dioaux---===Statistics===---:
{-=Blood God Disciple=-|-=Evolutionist=-|-=Blood Summoner=-} -=Witch=- {-=Hex Channeler=-|-=Gravewalker=-}{1} LE Medium Humanoid (HALF-ORC)
--Ranged:+2 -------------------------------=STATISTICS=-------------------------------
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
---------------=Skills=- (6 points; 2 class, 3 INT, 1 Race)---------------
ACP -0 *ACP applies to these skills
---===Special Abilities===---:
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=------------------------------- -------------------------=Summoner=------------------- -=Eidolon=- -=Cantrips=- -=Life Link=- -=Blood Feast=- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- -==- ---------------------------=Witch=-------------------
-----------------------=Summoner Spells=----------------- -----------------------------=0th (at will)=-------------------------------- -=Acid Splash=- -=Daze=- -=Detect Magic=- -=Mage Hand=- -==- -==- -==- ------------------------------=1st (2/day)=------------------------------
------------------------------=1st (2/day)=------------------------------
10 Min background. Question 1. How does your character interact with the others within a group?
Question 2. What is your character's role in a group?
Question 3. How is your character not as they seems?
Thanatox has a soft spot for orphans. He doesn't like hurting children in general, but the street urchins and other outcast children, regardless of race, are off-limits to him and anyone near him. The quickest way to gain his ire is to do something against this subset of society and let him find out about it, or worse, witness it. Question 4. What are your character's goals, conscious and, perhaps, subconscious?
A goal he would never tell anyone is that of starting a home for unwanted children. Knowing the loss and resentment of being alone, he wants to help other children not feel the same way, however this is slowly beginning to morph and become part of his other goals. And his thoughts are turning toward using this as a means of gaining his other two goals. Teaching children to be warriors and follow him into battle, bringing down the hated enemies of Thanatox. What he can't even begin to admit to himself, is that he wants to satisfy the "voice of god" he hears so that it leaves him alone. To be alone with his own thoughts and in his own head is something he wants, although doesn't even realize it yet. Question 5. How easily does your character love? Have they been in love?
Question 6. Is your character racist at all, either now or in their past?
Question 7. All people believe something that is not true, both about the world around them and about themselves. What lies/untruths does your character believe about themselves and the world around them?
Question 8. How is your character about material possessions?
Question 9. What does your character perceive their major problems to be?
Question 10. What does he perceive the solutions to those problems to be?
Question 11. What are your character's religious beliefs?
Question 12. What does your character fear?
Question 13. How much of a temper does your character have? What sorts of things set them off?
Seeing children hurt, especially orphans, will set him off instantly, but people ignoring him or not noticing him will feed his temper. The angrier he gets, the quieter he gets, knowing that the more he speaks while angry the more likely it is to boil over and come rushing out. More 5)He is in jail because he murdered the families of three prominent (although more middle than high class) members of the city. When they found him he was covered in half-congealed blood while muttering to himself. He had several places on his arms that appeared to be fresh cuts that had been seared closed and all three of the houses were covered in blood. All of the families and their servants were accounted for in the death toll, near 200 people, but there were more than a few body parts that were never found. Upon finding him there were several moments of shocked silence before they charged him with murder, desecration, consorting with dark powers, and anything else they could stick him with. Motivation
2)As a player, I would love Thanatox to have to confront his growing insanity and see if it either shatters him utterly and drives him completely insane, or if he is able to piece himself together and come out of it at least partially sane and no longer hearing voices, or at least recognizing them for what they are, part of his psychosis. 1)Thanatox partakes of blood from those he kills. he feeds parts the the avatar of his god, but he always imbibes at least a small portion of a fallen enemies blood. He knows it is loathsome and there are few that would understand, but it is an urge he cannot silence, that only grows the more he tries to put it off. Once, he put it off so long, he actually tore a man apart with his hands before devouring the still-beating heart directly from his chest. 2)Thanatox doesn't know that he wasn't abandoned as a child. He was stolen by slavers and sold to an enterprising Butler who saw an opportunity for free labor. He was lied to growing up about his "orphan debt" and thus the butler was able to steal almost all of Thanatox’s wages for most of his life. people in his life 1)"The Butler" is someone Thanatox actually never knew the name of. He was a portly man who trained Thanatox in the ways of a serving man but also spent most of Thanatox's life stealing the money he earned. When "The Butler" left service at the house and Thanatox received his first full pay, he realized what had been happening and swore an unending blood-vengeance against him should he ever encounter him again. 2)"Lady Larissa" is the waif of a woman Thanatox served for the span of only a few months and he fell "in love" with. She never paid him any special attention, but he gave her his hand to help her out of the carriage and was forced to physically move her when an attempt was made on her life once. He always respected the way she never lost her proper demeanor. While she wouldn't be "friendly" to Thanatox " she does remember him as a capable manservant. 3) Daniel "Hat" Etageorm is an enterprising halfling and the only person to ever treat Thanatox as more than a servant. Hat's visits were few and far between, but he always took a few moments to talk to Thanatox and sometimes even brought him a small trinket. His talk was always circumspect, but over time, Thanatox realized Hat was hinting that if he ever needed something done "under the table," that Hat would be more than happy to help such a fellow out. While imprisoned, Thanatox has thought often of Hat, so nicknamed for his penchant for wearing garish and outlandish hats, wondering how he might find him and if he might have more than help to offer. how he got power 1)The first time he truly felt his rage begin to boil over, when a new serving man continuously tried to undermine him and make him look bad to their employers. It was the first of many times he sought comfort in cutting himself. 2)The sounds and smells of a house kitchen. Glasses and plates clinking together as they are moved and washed, a variety of food items in various states of preparation. An entire household of servants moving through a room that can in no way contain them all. the low voices of everyone trying to make their point but not be obtrusive in their speech. They are both fond and hated memories. 3)The first taste of blood that wasn't his own. The way it seemed to pour out of the body and sing to him, beckoning him to take just a taste. the feeling of power that erupted through him as he tasted it for the first time and witnessed the avatar of his god visiting him for the first time. ---===Appearance and Personality===---:
-=CHARACTER AND EIDOLON LOOK=- Eyes:red Hair:short black Skin:pale green Height:6'3 Weight:230 lbs 1)Thanatox was raised to be a servant and bodyguard. His earliest memories are of being trained and whipped like an animal. Thanatox is a Blood-God Disciple Summoner/ Witch . He sees his eidolon as an avatar of his god and so he hears voices that are actually just his higher than normal intelligence working on a subconscious level. It will begin as a single voice 2)He stands an imposing 6' 3" and weighs around 230lbs. He has short cropped black hair and small red eyes. His teeth seem to be a little large for his mouth but for the most part he works hard to keep his lips pulled over them. His skin is the pale green of a foamy sea and slightly pebbly. On both legs he has straight, clean, and pale concentric rings of scars, as of cuts made with a fine blade and treated immediately. His arms have a more jagged and seemingly random collection of scars. There is one scar on his chest that seems random, at the same time it also appears deliberate in a very unsettling way. He has a single scar on his forehead in the shape of a stylized flaming drop of blood, this scar is so specific that is draws the eye and makes one wonder at its meaning. 3) Thanatox moves with a grace born of years of training as a servant. Despite his massive frame, he moves with an almost delicate step, generally not even causing the china to tremble. He is very good at moving in tight spaces and can generally manage something in each hand while maneuvering around people and obstacles with ease. This translates into his fighting with him assaulting more than one foe at a time and almost playfully dancing around the battlefield. Despite how he was raised, there is something primal in fighting that sings in his blood and puts a smile on his face. He is never as happy as when he is matching blows with an enemy. 4)Even prior to hearing the voice of god, Thanatox felt irresistibly drawn to fire and blood. While he was growing up he kept a small knife secreted on himself at all times and when his rage began to overtake him, he would find a reason to excuse himself for a moment and make small cuts on himself to relieve the pressure. He spent what little allowance he earned from his work on candles and always kept a fire burning in his room while he was there, sometimes staring into it for hours before sleep would overtake him. It was during one such session that the first whispers came to him a whispered of blood and pain to those who had shunned him.
Int:6 -------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
---===Eidolon Statistics===---:
M Quadruped Init +2; Senses Perception +4 DV:60" -------------------------------=DEFENSE=------------------------------- AC: 160, Touch: 12, Flat-Footed: 14 (+0 armor, +2 dex, +0 shield,+4 NA,+0 Magic) HP: 12 {+1d10,+1Con,+1 FCB} Fort: +1, {+2Base,+1Con} Reflex: +4, {+2Base,+2Dex} Will: +0,{+0Base,+0Wis} CMD 10 {+ Base + Str + Dex + size + misc} -------------------------------=OFFENSE=------------------------------- Speed: 40 ft. CMB: +0; {+ 1Base +Str + size + misc} Base Atk: +1; Melee:+3{+1Base,+2Str} Ranged:+3{+1Base,+2Dex} --Melee:+3
--Ranged:+0 -------------------------------=STATISTICS=-------------------------------
----------------=Free Evolutions=-----------------
---------------=Skills=- (4 points; )---------------
ACP -0 *ACP applies to these skills
-=Languages=- Common -------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------