Wicked Path's Way of the Wicked

Game Master Butterfly with Bullet Wings

Okay, everyone report to here. I'll begin gameplay some time tomorrow, so in the meantime, ask any last minute questions or make whatever small changes you have to before we begin.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

VICTORY! I do actually have a question I was waiting to ask until I knew whether or not I was picked. Since I'll be using a crossbow, I had a question for you about repeating crossbows. I very much like the idea of using a heavy repeating crossbow, but unfortunately they eventually end up being rather useless compared to standard crossbows for those who are dedicated to ranged fighting.

Would it be alright with you if Rapid Reload/Crossbow Mastery applied to repeating crossbows much like they do to heavy crossbows? Basically, it'd mean that instead of reloading a set of five bolts as a full-round action, it'd instead become a move action with rapid reload, and a free action with crossbow mastery. This is exactly how heavy crossbows work regardless, and I'd really just like one for the flavor aspect.

Male Pitborn Warlock 1 [ HP: 13/13 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: +3, Per: +8 | BN: 3/4, CNE: 4/4, Sp: 1/4 | SP: 5/5 ]


Xoruk is ready and rarin'. :D

I'll give the crossbows thing a look over later, probably tomorrow, given how bad my head is right now. But I can't think of any major problems with it at the moment.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

Awesome, thanks! If you find anything that is (somehow) potentially game-breaking or whatever, I'm also willing to just pretend it doesn't exist.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Congratulations, fellow players! I'm ready for this to be a special game. I promise to be creepy and villainous!

Male Human Wizard 8

Damien checking in. Thank you for the selection GM, I look forward to playing with you all.

GM, would you like help with making maps? I would be happy to put them together for you. They're made on Google Drive and include a numbered grid for tactical movement.

I appreciate the offer, but we're going mapless for this. Offroad villainy.

Also, Soren, for the crossbow thing, it doesn't seem like you really gain anything exploitative from using the heavy repeating with the feats, so I don't see any problem with it.

Male Human Wizard 8

Gotcha. The offer stands if you ever change your mind.

How will flanking be handled? Us characters with sneak attack are curious :D

Still pretty easily. Pathfinder doesn't have any real concept of "facing", and so it's easy to just say someone gets on the other side of someone to get a flank going.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

In dramatic combats when someone wants to flank I let them move to flank intentionally. They make an acrobatics check to see if they avoid an AoO but get into flank regardless.

Gameplay is up.

Male Human Wizard 8

Soren, escaping manacles is an escape artist check, not sleight of hand.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

Not for me! Stealthy Escape lets me use Sleight of Hand to escape handcuffs and manacles. I figured this might come in handy more than once, and the fact that Soren can bend her fingers back to touch her wrists (yuck) means it makes perfect sense for her.

Thanks for the heads up, though.

Male Pitborn Warlock 1 [ HP: 13/13 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: +3, Per: +8 | BN: 3/4, CNE: 4/4, Sp: 1/4 | SP: 5/5 ]

Neat. Never seen that before.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

It's a fun trait. Also, didn't have the extra skill points for Escape Artist. I figured if I'm ever grappled, I'm doing something horribly wrong, so grabbing Sleight of Hand for freeing myself makes sense.

Male Human Wizard 8

Oh, very cool. I stand corrected.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I wrote a post where I attempted to distract the guards while you talked and broke loose, but it was apparently eaten.

So...Shalewigg has a pretty good contingent of combat options available. I'll try to incapacitate the guards and get a key so we don't have to pick a cell door while they watch.

I was hoping my familiar would sneak in and carry the key for us, but the text sof ar describes him as three days away, right?

Your familiar is MIA right now, and out of the one mile radius where you can empathy them.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

Soren will be asking you all in-character as well, but her current plan is a distraction to get the guards into the cell, where we just sort of... gang beat them to death.

At the moment, she's thinking having three of the party pretend to still be chained, while another feigns getting loose and beats one of those still "chained" for some perceived insult. When they enter to "discipline" them, we move to flank to incapacitate.

Like I said, I'll do that in character, assuming my Take 10 gets us all out of our shackles.

Male Pitborn Warlock 1 [ HP: 13/13 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: +3, Per: +8 | BN: 3/4, CNE: 4/4, Sp: 1/4 | SP: 5/5 ]

Zenid's too big to get through the prison door, even if I did summon him. In theory, we could all get free, I could summon him, and then we could all pretend we're still in our bindings. Then Zenid would run around and start making a ruckus. Once the guards come to see what is going on, we could jump them.

Of course, this assumes they don't notice me summoning Zenid, or us getting out of our bindings. Which is unlikely, so I doubt it's really a solid plan. :x


Oh, we're all free already. Neat. In that case, we should probably split the stuff in the veil and hatch a plan.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

Ugh, not again. Posted in with the wrong alias. Fixed it, but now it's gonna keep reminding me I posted with it.

Kind of wish these forums has a "default alias" function for different threads.

Male Human Wizard 8

You can ask the GM to mark that alias as inactive.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

That was the plan, it just irks me when I mess up.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

So can the picks be used again? If not, once these guards are all asleep we'll need someone to retrieve keys. If we don't have a better plan, I'll try to Intimidate the last one to open the door and kill me immediately.

Alias is marked as inactive.

I'd like to ask everyone to please format their race bar to have something along the lines of what Xoruk does, so the info is all there and handy, since I had to grab initiative off of everyone's aliases, and it's handier to have it there for my convenience. Also, Soren, your sheet lacks a mention of initiative.

As for how I handle initiative:
I'll do all the rolls for everyone so that we can set the order right away, alphabetically and then enemies below them. Rather than go in the strict order of highest to lowest, I split the initiative into 'brackets' divided up by where enemies are. When it's your bracket, you can post, even if you share it with someone higher. Once everyone in the bracket has posted, the enemy moves, followed by anyone below that. For that reason, unless there's a special or notable enemy like a boss, enemies will share their initiative.

The hope is that with this system, we can move combat a little quicker. Rather than waiting for everyone to be able to post one by one, we should ideally be able to get at least one round done every 24 hours this way. I stole this shamelessly off a PBP I was in elsewhere, and it's worked out very well in my experience.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

Oh, whoops! I'll format the class bar, and put my initiative in there. Didn't realize I'd forgotten it.

Male Human Wizard 8

That's exactly how I choose to do initiative in my games, and I've found it to be the fairest and quickest for PbP.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013


I dig the way you do initiative.

I didn't intend to speak for the NPC guard, or to even assume the hex worked. I just figured you have him snap awake and yell for help or whatever if it failed. I was just being descriptive.

I'll get on the class bar thing tonight or tomorrow.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Shalewigg didn't get skipped...she went to the outside of the cell, popped thorns ad readied an action for the guard to do something dumb. Even roleplayed a little bit. Right?

You went, then the next turn came, hence saying on Wednesday I was waiting for Damien and Shalewigg to move because the surviving guard didn't get a turn.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Huh. Okay..I explained what was going on in her head in the gameplay thread. She's taken the readied attack and is waiting on Soren to get in on it.

I'll be more clear in the future and keep rounds listed in my posts.

Female Tiefling Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 5
HP: 19/40 | AC: 18, T: 15, FF: 13 | CMD: 20 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +8, Perception: +11 | Spell Slots: 5|3
(Alias: Lydia Kallin)

We've all moved this round, right? I'm just trying to make sure.

Male Pitborn Warlock 1 [ HP: 13/13 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: +3, Per: +8 | BN: 3/4, CNE: 4/4, Sp: 1/4 | SP: 5/5 ]

Yeah, I think so.

Male Human Wizard 8

Is this game still alive?

Well I feel really bad that you all lost you're GM so soon...I was thinking of running a second table of this game and if your all willing to adhere to the requirements I have for my game I am willing to take over this game ^_^ let me know if that's cool with you all..and I will more than likely add one more player to your group

My requirements are in my recruitment thread ^_^


I know they are kinda big hope that dose not scare you off

No takers?

Male Pitborn Warlock 1 [ HP: 13/13 | AC: 11, T: 11, FF: 10 | CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +1, W: +4 | Init: +3, Per: +8 | BN: 3/4, CNE: 4/4, Sp: 1/4 | SP: 5/5 ]

We actually found a different DM, but he's currently embroiled in some IRL stuff. We'll see how things go.

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