Augustana Station

Game Master Redelia

This will be where GMs can post to look for players for their SFS2 games.

Watch this space; I'm sure there will be playtest games recruiting soon!



PbP Gameday XIII Event # 2713068
When: September 8, 2024 - November 17, 2024

Greetings Pathfinders and Starfinders! We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PBP Gameday XIII! I will try to keep this as brief as possible so that folks can find all the information quickly. We will be having adventures of all sizes, including quests, bounties, scenarios, and even the latest multi-table specials! We welcome Society players and GMs of all experience levels, from grizzled veterans to wide-eyed newcomers.

Important dates:
General GM game submissions open – Immediately
Specials GM submissions open- Immediately
Specials GM Deadline - July 29, 2024
Specials GM Chosen and Notified - August 5, 2024
Scenario Support Deadline - August 12, 2024
GM early player access - August 12, 2024 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special)
Player seating, general - August 15, 2024
Start of PBP Gameday XIII - September 8, 2024
End of PBP Gameday XIII - November 17, 2024

During this convention, we’ll also be offering the following specials:

• Starfinder Special #6-99 The End Awakens run by House GM ogrenoah
• Pathfinder 2e Special #6-00 Salt of the Ocean run by House GM bigrin42
• Pathfinder 1e Single Table Special #8-00 Cosmic Captive run by House GM JB Woodford

The Specials GM signup form is here.
The GM signup form is here.
For more information, read the full announcement at the announcement thread for Gameday XIII.

So no Starfinder 2 during gameday, oh well.

DoubleGold wrote:
So no Starfinder 2 during gameday, oh well.

Look again at the post right before yours... it specifically says that SF2 playtest games will be included.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DoubleGold wrote:
So no Starfinder 2 during gameday, oh well.

So I can better craft these posts in the future, what about that announcement led you to believe no SF2? Feel free to DM

Didn't see the big print at the top of the page. Going to offer Dming for it.

The Gameday XIII Event Listing spreadsheet is now live!

You can’t sign up for games now, but you can see all the great tables that are being offered. We’ll update the listing every day or two, so keep an eye out.

HERE is the link for the Event Listing sheet

Remember, general signups don’t start until August 15, 2024!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I'm recruiting six players who would like to play through the first playtest scenario, learning the rules together. The first day the scenario is available is August 1, so we will start on August 3, using pregen characters so that we can get started right away. We will be following society playtest rules, and the game will be reported as a society game. I will leave recruitment open for 48 hours, or until I have 9 applicants, after which I will make my choices to put together a party. It's OK that you won't be familiar with the rules when we start; we'll be learning together!

Recruitment is here!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm also recruiting six players who would like to play through the playtest adventure A Cosmic Birthday, learning the rules together. We will start building characters together on August 3, and hopefully begin the story on August 8. The game will be reported as a society game. I will leave recruitment open for 48 hours, or until I have 9 applicants, after which I will make my choices to put together a party.

The recruitment link is here

I'm also looking to run Playtest #1 before the gameday starts. I've got 4 remaining slots. I'll start as soon as I've got a table or Wednesday, whichever comes LAST.


In tonights episode of Hazardous! our contestants can choose from the following categories:

- Shards of the glass planet
- It came from the Vast

Remember, all answers must be phrased in the form of a question!

---Hazardous! A Zo! production, with your host Tralempehzec!

Recruiting for the starfinder playtests. I have one spot free for 'It came from the Vast (L5)', and two free for 'Shards of the Glass Planet (L1)'

You can sign up here

Disclaimer: I'll probably need some time to adapt to PF2 rules. Do not adjust your set, your GM is not broken. All ticket sales final.

...and the answer is of course 'Where did it come from?'

Starting a game of 'It came from the Vast', for the following four players:

Super Zero

The gameplay thread is here!

I'll set up the other game soon

Scarab Sages

I'm looking to jump into a playtest game if anyone is setting one up, let me know. Willing to play any class.

There are still slots available for both senarios at Gameday


VampByDay wrote:
I'm looking to jump into a playtest game if anyone is setting one up, let me know. Willing to play any class.

The link cmlobue gave goes to a different page than the one I posted. There are a few games being played on the Paizo forums listed I didn't see before.

Scarab Sages

Driftbourne wrote:
VampByDay wrote:
I'm looking to jump into a playtest game if anyone is setting one up, let me know. Willing to play any class.
The link cmlobue gave goes to a different page than the one I posted. There are a few games being played on the Paizo forums listed I didn't see before.

Thanks, I signed up.

Seeking 2 to 4 players for SF2 Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet. This playtest adventure is for level 1 SF2e characters or pregens and will be run as part of the PbP Gameday XIII event, taking place from 8 September 2024 to 17 November 2024. If interested, please enter your details in row 63 on this Event Listing.


GM Frost wrote:
Seeking 2 to 4 players for SF2 Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet. This playtest adventure is for level 1 SF2e characters or pregens and will be run as part of the PbP Gameday XIII event, taking place from 8 September 2024 to 17 November 2024. If interested, please enter your details in row 63 on this Event Listing.

Because this is a repeatable playtest is it ok to play in more than one game at the same time?

Driftbourne wrote:
GM Frost wrote:
Seeking 2 to 4 players for SF2 Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet. This playtest adventure is for level 1 SF2e characters or pregens and will be run as part of the PbP Gameday XIII event, taking place from 8 September 2024 to 17 November 2024. If interested, please enter your details in row 63 on this Event Listing.
Because this is a repeatable playtest is it ok to play in more than one game at the same time?


There are no organised play rules for SF2 at this time, so you can in fact do anything you want (as your GM allows). I'd still recommend following the gist of SFS/PFS org play rules, just to avoid total anarchy :-)

We will get Playtest ACP though right? Like when Pathfinder 2e was in Playtest we got Playtest ACP. Will this be the same thing, like we can start a character at level 2 with Playtest ACP bought.

Grand Lodge

The checklist says SFS1 AcP, plus the benefits for PFS2, SFS1, and SFS2.


Gameday XIII Both low-tier Starfinder Specials "The End Awakens" are still open if anyone is interested.
The End Awakens sign up.

From the FAQ:

Starfinder Playtest FAQ wrote:

Will there be Organized Play playtest involvement?

When the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest launches, visit and download the Starfinder Playtest Tracking Sheet. Each time you play one of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventures or Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenarios listed on this sheet, check off the associated box. By checking off these boxes, you’ll unlock rewards in our Organized Play campaigns! Earn Achievement Points in Starfinder Society (first edition), gain access to exciting alien ancestries from the wider galaxy in Starfinder Society (first edition) and Pathfinder Society (second edition), and gain access to campaign-exclusive backgrounds themed to the events of these adventures in Starfinder Society (second edition). No need to select which rewards you want most—you get them all!

For the purpose of Starfinder Society (first edition), these adventures are considered repeatable, meaning players and GMs will earn Achievement Points every time they play or run them. Characters do not earn in-game rewards such as credits or XP for these adventures.

In order to get the SFS1 AcP, your GM must report the game with the players PFS number (note that character numbers are not needed, since they don't exist yet). You can also check off a box on the chronicle sheet that comes with the playtest adventures - that unlocks the special boons for SFS1 and PFS2.

So you get:
- SFS1 AcP
- SFS1 boons
- PFS1 boons
- SFS2 boons

Grand Lodge

The Playtest Tracking Sheet is available from the playtest website.

(Or right here.)

Horizon Hunters

GM Frost wrote:
Seeking 2 to 4 players for SF2 Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet. This playtest adventure is for level 1 SF2e characters or pregens and will be run as part of the PbP Gameday XIII event, taking place from 8 September 2024 to 17 November 2024. If interested, please enter your details in row 63 on this Event Listing.

Looking for one more player to join to make the table legal without needing a pregen as the fourth player.

Frozen Frost wrote:

Looking for one more player to join to make the table legal without needing a pregen as the fourth player.

Now you have 4

Horizon Hunters

I would like the following PCs to dot into the linked game for the PbP Gameday XIII event:
SF2e Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet
Driftbourne (Mystic 1)
Shifty's PC
Halgur's PC

I have the following sign-ups for Shard of the Glass planet



I realise it has been a while since I put up the recruitment, and a lot of games have started since. Please let me know if you are still interested, by announcing yourself in the gameplay thread

Interested in joining a different playtest scenario? I'm recruiting for 'It Came from the Vast' and the upcoming 'Wheel of Monsters'!

You can sign up Here!

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