![]() OK so this one miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight be a bit of a stretch, but....eh what the heck? Make them Zombies*. That asterisk is SUPER important. See they wished to be fully restored right? Well, restored applies as long as they can achieve all the things they could before. So as long as their physical ability scores and skill ranks remain it totally applies. The trick is to use Alchemy, which, technically, is not magic. So they end up becoming alchemical abominations onto the lord. The fact that they now have alternative dietary concerns shouldn't be a problem; they still had to eat before, the fact that they now need to consume flesh (Or really whatever you want, including rare materials that hey only this guy as access to) is, in the grand scheme of things, negligible. Beauty is also a subjective term. As long as they're roughly humanoid, it totally works out. They're just as beautiful or ugly to an elder god as they were before right? Again, kind of a stretch, but it's a starting point at least! Edit; Also you should be sure to make them Pseudo Zombies in this case. It wouldn't be fair to them if they couldn't die horribly anymore, after all. ![]()
![]() Reksew_Trebla wrote:
I feel like the problem with this is that it comes across as (Even if not intended) very condescending which actively encourages people to come up with new and exciting ways to twist it around. Though, to be honest, I imagine most GM's would simply say "No" to the first wish and be done with it. I think there are such limitations for the spell, but I actually don't remember off hand (And can't check at the moment sadly) ![]()
![]() Like the cost of this uber wish would need to be staggering. We're talking undoing major maladies, raising the dead, teleportation, safeguards. Also I noticed they did not say anything about disease so I guess you could start a world ending plague that follows them, but also doesn't directly affect them. ![]()
![]() Oh. Oooooooooooooooooooh. Well if the price is always proportional there need to be severe consequences for cramming half a dozen or more wishes into a single thing. You could have the wish create psycho-ranger versions of the characters for example, beefed up evil clones with existential crises, psychosis, and a grudge. ![]()
![]() I suppose you could just go with the "Returned to somewhere horrible" route. As long they are all together it would be valid. You could even make an adventure of it! They wind up in the belly of a multi-dimensional whale or something and need to get out without killing the poor thing or else reality shenanigans ensue. ![]()
![]() This does make me wonder if the fast/instant alchemy abilities would affect the brewing of the mutagen. On the one hand, it doesn't actually say it does, and brewing a mutagen doesn't require any sort of check. On the other hand, it's clearly an alchemical item to some extent. But it would also be kind broken to be able to whip up a new mutagen as it suits you in the blink of an eye and kinda negate the need to actually think about it. ![]()
![]() So I've been plotting an alchemist to take advantage of the animate dead discovery and the Implant Bomb feat. Y'know, for exploding zombie hilarity. And I have a question; Is there anything other than the GM (Rightfully) stopping me from implanting more than one bomb in a zombie? I TOTALLY see the logic of why you would not want to do this. But if this were purely for poo and chuckles, could you stuff a zombie to literal bursting? XD ![]()
![]() Oh I had a question! I had been considering the vampire chain for Dimitri, but also realized that would severely hinder his rages, as they're all Con based. Would there be a workaround for this? Would he have to suffer from reduced number of rage for now, and then maybe base it off Cha later when he's undead? Or just stick with the badass normal route he's currently going? Hehe