George is tall and lanky, with grey pail skin, and always seen wearing a robe, leather boots, and some sort of hat.
Ht: 6' 0"
Wt: 175 lbs
Age: 115
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Skin: Grey
George Kinder has had a very strange life. He was orphaned as a baby. Adopted soon after by a nice human couple that
lived in the heartland of Talingard. His adopted parents named him George, as little was known about him. He spent the
first few years there on the family farm. His adopted parents had no idea what he was, as he looked like a sickly, yet
normal human baby.
Shortly after his 30th birthday his parents both died trajectly in a house fire that left George orphaned again, and
homeless. George nearly died himself, passing out from the smoke, but was rescued by a paladin of Mitra that just
happened to be passing close by. When the Paladin layed his healing hands on George, it nearly killed George. The rest of
the village blamed george, as he was a strange creature to them.
After this even, Geoege knew one thing for sure, he never wants to die. At this point George realized that he had no home
and moved on. Wondering across Talingard, George did whatever he must, to survive.
George began learning about magic and eventually figured out how to unlock magic within himself. He also became obsessed
with finding out how to become a lich, in order to preserve his life forever. This led George to steal artifacts from
archiology sites, museums, homes, anywhere that he could come up with, in search of magical items, books, or other
One day not so long ago, George was in a Tavern and over heard a bard speaking about a Lich that maybe living in Princess
Bellinda's castle. Who knows if it were true, probably not. This is when George had the great idea to try and steal the
Lich's Phylactery. He figured if he could get his hands on it, then he could black mail the Lich into telling him how to
become one, or even helping him to do so.
Well George made it just inside the castle when he was caught. And that his how he ended up in this Jail cell.