
Vincent Fleming's page

649 posts. Alias of Jing the Bandit.

Full Name

Vincent Fleming


Kyton-Spawn Tiefling









Special Abilities

Scaled Skin (Fire)






Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal

Strength 12
Dexterity 17
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

About Vincent Fleming


Vincent Fleming
Lawful Evil
5'11" 186lbs. Age 80
STR 12
DEX 17
CON 12
INT 16
CHA 12
HP 12
Speed 30
Init +3, Darkvision, Perception +3
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1

AC 14, Touch 13, Flat 11

CMD 14/11Fl

Trait: Pain Artist, Precise Treatment, Slave Taker
Drawback: Unlearned Knowledge Nobility
Feats: Endurance, Weapon Finesse

Unarmed +4 1d3+1

Acrobatics 7 (Rank 1)
Appraise 3
Bluff 5 (Rank 1)
Climb +5 (Rank 1)
Diplomacy +1
Disable Device 6 (Rank 1)
Disguise +5 (Rank 1)
Escape artist +9 (Rank 1)
Fly 3
Handle Animal +5 (Rank 1)
Heal +3
Intimidate +7 (Rank 1)
Knowledge (Local) 7 (Rank 1)
Knowledge (Nobility) 7 (Rank 1)
Perception 3 (Rank 1)
Profession (Torturer) (Rank 1)
Ride 3
Sense Motive 3 (Rank 1)
Stealth 7 (Rank 1)
Survival -1
Swim 5 (Rank 1)


Special Abilities
+2 save vs Disease
Empathic Link with Familiar
Energy Resistance Fire (5)
Familiar Bonus +2 to Fortitude saves
Pain Artist
Prehensile Tail
Share Spells with Familiar
Trapfinding +1
Unlearned (Knowledge Nobility)


Vincent Fleming was born like most of his kind were, in Cheliax to a noble family who were falling from grace and made a pact with a demon to hold on to to their standing till they passed. He of course killed his mother during child birth, the spines and horns covering his body had caused a hard labor and his mother lost too much blood. His father resented him for that fact and much like anyone who made a pact kept him hidden from sight for fear of repercussions from society.

He grew up sheltered from the world, only learning what little he could glean from servants and listening in through the ventilation through the house. When his father passed away he was finally free to move about in life. He threw away his family name and picked one at random from a book he had stolen away with. His childhood had been spent that way, sneaking books from his father's study to learn what he could. He mostly learned languages and a fair bit on anatomy, how to treat the body and of course how do to the most harm.

When he ventured out into the outside world, he noticed how people felt about him. He already had some resentment for people from being kept in a basement most of his life. Being shunned by people even now that he was free, he made his way to where misfits often go, to the slums and the docks. He fell into a crowd of people similar to himself, joining the band of sailors. He himself had no real love of the sea, but the mission they had was interesting to him. They had all come from similar situations where the aristocracy had made slaves of them or caged them and kept them from the world or what they loved.

So it was that the band formed of sailors formed together with their mission of taking slaves. They knew that in order to make a decent amount of money they'd need to take children and nobles. But the question was how were they going to do it in secret and draw the crowd that they wished for. It was Vincent that thought of the idea originally, offering that they do it under the guise of some kind of performance. The group tossed about the idea till they settled on a Circus. The each took on an everyday job on top of being slavers, for Vincent it was the animal tamer. He had found that he had a knack for animals, one in particular was a mongoose he had named Gef.

So it was that they performed and sneaked away children and nobles alike. It worked well for a few attempts but as they made their way towards Talingarde it was unfortunate that apparently word of a circus snatching people up on their way out made it's way to the faithful of Mitra. When the group was just about finished performing and started to pack up, they were set upon by the towns guard. Caught in the act even of throwing one of the children in the cages hidden amongst the tamer animals, Vincent was taken in before he could get to his weapon or manage to escape. He escaped from their clasp twice, taking a guard's life in the process the first time. Each time they searched him for how he had managed it and both times they found nothing on him, adding more manacles before finally tying him up like a trussed up calf at a rodeo.

He growled and spit profanities at them in every language he could think of, cursing them and telling them what terrible things he would do to them if he ever got out. He secretly was scared of what he had heard the guards talking about, it seemed he was set for the chopping block. Of all the ways to die, to be there helpless to do anything as a man with a mask over his face waiting for the axe to fall, waiting and knowing the ending was truly torturous. He waited in his cell, hoping and praying that he can find a moment to turn the situation around and escape. He's swear allegiance to anyone; demon, god, or mortal alike if he could just get free and take revenge upon this cursed region.


He is a bit of a vindictive natured man who values his own freedom above others. He is a bit spiteful living under his own code.
Taking hits for others is dishonorable.
Letting helpless victims get away (Don't kill but take them as prisoners or slaves)
Killing a disarmed man
Always let the opponent go first, after the first attack it's fair game until they are helpless.
Don't kill what can be useful or valuable.


Goals are to pull a turn about is fair play kind of move. Taking the key soldiers (Like the Warden, Sergeants of the Guard, General) and making them into the group's slaves. Then turning the Prison into a camp persecuting the goodie goods of Talingarde that under mind the new law and order.


He's a tall lanky man. Black scaled and possessing demonic horns akin to the Kyton that made him. every joint possesses a spur that has been sharpened. His tail moves about with his emotions often destroying any kind of cover up he may be trying to manage in regards to his emotions. Even though he has scales, surprising he has long greyish silver hair growing out of the scales of his head. His eyes are a bluish grey.

Plans for Advancement:

Plans are to go to Rogue 5/Fighter 5 and then from there take Pain Taster/Assassin 10 then probably finishing off with another bout of Rogue/Fighter 5. Feats will include all those necessary for Greater whip Mastery. Once all those are finished probably go up the two weapon tree and taking leadership.