DM Doomed Hero |

Also, now that you know what to look for you spot another one about ten feet below you. They seem to be staggered back and forth across the pit about every 5 feet.
why they become poles isn't immediately apparent, but feel free to ask questions, discuss it or make checks.

DM Doomed Hero |

DM Doomed Hero |

Looks like a few folks are lagging, or aren't keeping track of their own rounds.
I'm going to go ahead and announce that Round 3 has started. Go ahead and post me some actions.
Remember to mark off your rounds on the map.

DM Doomed Hero |

Caltrop Shot at Lorn: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Caltrop Shot at Ryujin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

DM Doomed Hero |

Lorn, please give me an Acro check for a 13 foot fall. If you can avoid 10' of falling damage we'll call it even. If not, 1d6 damage.

DM Doomed Hero |

I think we've waited long enough for other posters. We'll call this the start of round 4. Anyone have any questions or observations?

Joboo |

^Definitely! here's from my spoiler above -
DM Doomed Hero - "If the buttons all make bars, they could let someone raise or lower the floor by grabbing the bars and walking (like a treadmill) but after a while the bar would be too high or too low to use. Also, the bar would get in the way of the floor if it tried to raise or lower past it."

DM Doomed Hero |

I blame it on the holiday. People were busy and I can't post much over the weekend. Slowed things down a lot.
This seems like a good opportunity to ask people if this is still an enjoyable and challenging game. This encounter and the door street encounter seem like they have been more frustrating than fun for some people. I think the change in thematic appeoach may have made people feel like their characters are no longer appropriate.
Any one want to voice their thoughts?

Joboo |

Im having a great time. Like Lorn, I wish the post rate was higher.
But I could see where some players are feeling less optimal now that its not PVP. Perhaps through our training rebuilds would be allowed?

DM Doomed Hero |

Post rate is mostly my fault. I'm only really able to move the game along mon-thurs right now. That should end soon though. I moved recently and getting internet to my house has been a struggle worthy of song. Or maybe just a bad comedy.
Rebuilds are a really good idea, and there is a perfect opportunity for them coming up after this challenge.

DM Doomed Hero |

Ok, moving on to round 4.
Duroja, you'll get a +2 on this round's action.
Karlov seems lost to us. Shame, I liked him.

Joboo |

I'm liking that there's a bit more communication happening, by the way. Way to go guys.
Yah there really wasnt much to discuss the first couple of rounds bu tnow theres alot going on.
@ Dm Doomed - Is it plain to see that we'll only need the poles for raising the platform to get out? Seems like maybe we should be pressing onward or well, downward actually.

Melashara the Crone |

Just wanted to say that I'm still interested in the game, but for this particular challenge there's not much I can do but stay up top and brace the clothes-rope.
No magic, no prehensile hair, pitiful strength, no disable device, and bad things happen when more people hop down there? Yep, I'm dead weight in this challenge. :-)

Joboo |

I dont think that will be the case when we try to get up out of here Mel.
If Im correct then we'll need all of us to simultaneaoulsy push on the rods to crank the floor up to the necessary height to get out. And even if you feel like dead weight another pair eyes making Perception checks could make a world of difference.

Melashara the Crone |

I agree about the perception, which is why Im trying to look in the pit to see if I can see anything. But do you think at this point another perception check is worth more weight setting off the mechanism?
Maybe when a few of you descend to the next level Duroja and I can hop down.

DM Doomed Hero |

@ Dm Doomed - Is it plain to see that we'll only need the poles for raising the platform to get out? Seems like maybe we should be pressing onward or well, downward actually.
All will be clear shortly. Pressing downward would be a good idea.
In case people missed it- Round 4, go ahead and give me actions

DM Doomed Hero |

That was round 3. Go ahead and try it again if you like.
(This is why it's important to put your x on the round tracker)

DM Doomed Hero |

Ok, I'm going to announce the go-ahead to post for round 5.
Ryujin, I know I'm moving things along a little faster than normal (trying to speed up gameplay before the weekend hits) Go ahead and take two actions when you post.

DM Doomed Hero |

Caltrop Shots-
Gwrr: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 damage: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Joboo: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 damage: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Lorn: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 damage: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Ryujin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 damage: 1d2 ⇒ 1

DM Doomed Hero |

go ahead and post your observations.
everyone else, feel free to act on what they notice.

DM Doomed Hero |

I'm going to be on vacation for the next 4 days. Ill be able to post intermittently from my phone.
I'm going to give it one more day and then move things forward another round. Talking is a free action (within reason), and you can discuss things at greater length here in OOC. Feel free to talk to each other and discuss plans of action.

Lorth Blood-Seer |

Much appreciated and thanks for putting the game together and good luck with it moving forwards.

Joboo |

damn, that sucks Lorth but understandable. Looks like that leaves us with 5 players right?
Meleshara, Lorn, Gwrrr'rrr. Ryujin and Joboo.
still a good mix with a healthy evil lean...or not so healthy!

Sir Loric the Righteous |

Did someone call? It so happens I have some free time available to me. I'd love to come back into the action if yall will have me. Though I would request if possible, to have some kind of training battle or something so I can hit level 2 and catch up. :)

DM Doomed Hero |

I apologize for the lack of posting this week. I was on a trip and thought I'd have time in the evenings to update the game. That turned out to be a pipe dream.
Lorth, I'm sorry to see you go. We seem to be losing quite a few people lately.
Loric, I'm fine with you retraining. my concern is that a truly evil character may be unsuited to the "group challenge" focus the game currently has. Any thoughts on how you might address that issue?
Game update to happen on Monday. I'll be here for off and on for discussion issues though.

Sir Loric the Righteous |

I apologize for the lack of posting this week. I was on a trip and thought I'd have time in the evenings to update the game. That turned out to be a pipe dream.
Lorth, I'm sorry to see you go. We seem to be losing quite a few people lately.
Loric, I'm fine with you retraining. my concern is that a truly evil character may be unsuited to the "group challenge" focus the game currently has. Any thoughts on how you might address that issue?
Game update to happen on Monday. I'll be here for off and on for discussion issues though.
what if i make him a L/N inquisitor or cleric of asmodeus? he would be more of a team player then.