DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Hegh, you've never attempted to spread the gift of your blood's magic to so many other kobolds before. The unity you feel with your tribe; the loyalty inspired by Tanard and the Bloodmother...they allow you to try, but you will need to spill your blood in order to create so much magic. For every kobold beyond 1 that you add your Gift's benefits to, you must take 1d6 damage that ignores armor. You must decide how many kobolds you will bless before making the single roll. Alternately, you can always try to Bless other kobolds one at a time...but that dramatically increases your risk of failure, which would cause something bad to happen. Multiple failures in a row would be very bad for your whole group. You must decide whether to risk taking the damage or risk failing over multiple rolls. Ugly choices are what DW is all about! :)
I also like your thinking regarding making a dangerous cave, Sees and Smoog. I am all for you trying it and we'll see how well it works! Haha.

Smoog |

I think Sees was the furthest away from the approaching orcs and also inside the hollow hideout so she could simulate a big baddie if needed to scare the orcs away.
Are the wargs smelling someone else outside?

Sees-Death |

Thunk, we camped twice during the journey here, so your HP was max when we got ambushed. Since then, I think you only got hit for 6 damage. Your HP is maxed from the two other times I healed you.
I mean, if not, then Hegh is dead.

Sees-Death |

Yeah, twelve damage is no joke, and healing in this game is like asking Twoface to flip a coin. In the past few scenes we've been in the presence of mostly dead enemies, and one of the most explicit outcomes of Arcane Arts is that the magic spreads to other targets. Since Sees got sucked into Pork, I've been kinda skittish about healing near corpses.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Hey guys, I'm thinking it might be fun to re-open recruitment and get some new blood into this campaign. Right now it's primarily the four of you, and there's definitely room for more in this party. We could even try and get someone willing to jump into the orc slaver's skin and play him as a PC. Yea/nay?

Smoog |

Yes, that is good with me.
Do you think it would be worth anything to contact Fssst?
He is active in another game here on Paizo and I do not know why he drifted away from us.
Also, is Grick's player a friend of yours?

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Cool. I made the recruitment thread; it's here if you want to chime in with endorsements. :)

Kibra |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello adventurers. I am pleased to introduce Kibra to the adventure. I will intro him into the gameplay very soon. I have read the last few pages of your adventure. While I definitely don't know everything you have been through I think I know enough to join in.
My adventure will intersect with yours at the slave camp where you I was with the slaves. Having released me I quickly, I gathered my few supplies from a nearby cache and joined the group not asking many questions and taking the leap on the gorge.
From here I will introduce my character. Please correct me and guide me if I am off track on anything.

Sees-Death |

Well met, Kibra!
RE: Hegh's bond: I think Hegh's relationship with Sees has matured a bit since then, especially in light of recent events.
Should we have an end of session for the orcs and establish bonds with Kibra?

Sees-Death |

Bonds: I think Sees suddenly realizes the connection she has with Hegh is more than a string she can use to lead him. I'd like to replace "I may be right, Hegh may be crazy, but it just might be a lunatic I'm looking for..." with "I don't know if I'm capable of doing anything more than hurting Hegh, and that scares me."
On a related note, I'd like a bond with Kibra to the effect of: "
Kibra and I have a past I'd rather the others not know about."
In the games I've played and watched since we started, I understand bonds a bit differently now, but I think the way we've been playing them fits well with the Kobolds' team spirit.
Alignment: "Use your art to take advantage of someone."
I scared off a band of orcs with Gorlaug's Wrath, and I have an orc pet now.
As a group:
• Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Dufus the orc gave us a lot of information about the dwarven stronghold and the orc slavers that now want us dead.
• Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
I don't think those orcs could have been any more overcome by a handful of Kobolds.
• Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Do orc pets count? I've got enough food and booze for us to coast for a few weeks. I didn't read what anyone else got, and I don't think we've stopped to identify any items.
I count 4? I don't think I'd get anywhere near leveling in either case. I'll need 12 to reach level 6.

Smoog |

Mooshy, if it is narratively appropriate, can we resolve bonds with inactive characters?
I feel Smoog has finally embraced the advice Fssst gave him a while back, resolving that bond.
If so, I count 5...
Resolve Bond with Fssst +1
Alignment: "Use your gear in a new or interesting way.
Mind whisper to scare the wargs away" +1
As a group:
• Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Dufus the orc gave us a lot of information about the dwarven stronghold and the orc slavers that now want us dead. +1
• Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
I don't think those orcs could have been any more overcome by a handful of Kobolds. +1
• Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Eye implant I cannot wait to put to use. +1

MiniGM |

my proposed bond with Kibra
Kibra thinks he can thump, but he should learn that twang is good too
Resolve Bond with Flung and Grick +2
Alignment: Eschew social norms (were the dwarves this session? If so I climbed off the temple in a new way. If not nothing I can think of) +1
As a group:
• Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Dufus the orc gave us a lot of information about the dwarven stronghold and the orc slavers that now want us dead. +1
• Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
I don't think those orcs could have been any more overcome by a handful of Kobolds. +1
• Did we loot a memorable treasure?
My fun new vial. +1
Answering question about my land +1

Kibra |

I have leveled up and selected Camouflage as my next level skill. I also added 1 skill point to Wisdom, increasing my modifier to +2.
For End of Session I don't think I can resolve any bonds as I just created them. I'm fine with that.
Should I answer the 3 questions?
As a group:
• Did we learn something new and important about the world?
I learned of a group of Kobold adventurers on a quest for vengeance and I have joined them. +1
• Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
Other than running away from the slavers with my new group I don't think I can say I overcame any monster.
• Did we loot a memorable treasure?
Not yet.
If this isn't appropriate I can just hold of for this end of session.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Yes, you can answer the 3 questions; I'd also recommend making "first impression" Bonds with your fellow Kobolds, so you can resolve them for XP over the course of this session. Especially Sees-Death, since she has indicated that she has a secret past with you from when Gorlaug was still master of Moontower Mountain.

Kibra |

Mooshy can you help me with those? What are first impression bonds?
If I were to guess it would be something like:
- Sees has changed so much since I last saw her, is she still the same young Kobold I remember?
- Smoog is lost in his own mind, I will find a way to make him express himself.

Hegh |

Moosh, I'd like to propose that Hegh's alignment turns out to be wrong. Currently, it is Drive: Ambition and Power. Endanger others for your own gain.
Turns out that isn't what Hegh is about. I think sprouting dragon wings to impress Dufus showed Hegh's true character as he is coming into his own out from beneath Gorlaug. I'd like to change to: Show Off, Impress others with your wealth or skills.
If that change is ok, I'll take +1 for fulfilling that.
+1 for resolving Sees. New bond with Sees: Sees has been acting oddly towards me. I must uncover the truth.
I'll look at the other bonds later
+3 for all three questions.
5 total.
Recover 13 HP, now at 18/25.

Sees-Death |

The heavy sexual overtones are just a standard with Sees-Death. She might just be embarrassed that she frolicked in the flowers with Kibra when they were whelps. We can figure out what their past was over time. For now, I'm assuming something to the affect of "she had a crush on Kibra which he was completely oblivious to."
We'll be sure to tell Doofus that it's a draconic honorific- which it is. It means 'first among suckers'. He'll be joined by Goofus and Roofus if he lives long enough.
I'm not sure Sees would be comfortable with the implications of "Lizard Lover" given her distaste for pigskins and her general attitude toward males as sexual objects. She's a lustful little harpy, but she's got standards.
Edit: Oh, and if we're doing multiple bonds, I'd like to resolve mine with Smoog as well. "We may have known each other for some time, but someone as incompetent as Smoog has no place in the new world order." would change to "Smoog really came through, and after all I've put him through, he deserves a second chance."

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Okay, we have more new blood than just Kibra joining us. Rather than just handwaving and retconning them in, which I consider to be lazy, I propose that we have a little more fun with it.
I'm suggesting that I can add them to the Gameplay thread as a separate party, that will join up with you guys as you approach Estr.
Estr is a small town built up around the ruins of an ancient Temple of Time - the Temple that was marked on the map in the Map Room of the Necromancer's lair. It's a far more cosmopolitan town than Erdogan, as Erdogan's population is made up of 1) 90% Dwarves and 2) 10% everyone else, mainly their slaves (orcs, kobolds, goblins, ettercaps, duergar).
In Estr there will be mischief afoot. Greas the Thief, Retzack the Goblin Necromancer and possibly Firzenick's Channeler and MisterLurch's shaman are captives of a cruel Dwarf taskmaster called Arman the Kind. Smoog will learn of these captives via his 11 on his Spout Lore roll on Estr. Though you new characters will be imprisoned, you know where your gear is being kept and you have an ally that is providing you with a method of escape. It's up to you new guys to pitch in with ideas for why you were in Estr, why you were captured, and who's helping you to escape.
Then, we'll bring the two parties together as soon as it makes sense in the fiction. Sound like a plan?

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Retzack, you represent the very first time a goblin has been mentioned in this campaign. Since this world is completely homebrewed, that gives you tremendous narrative power in what goblins are like. Give us a bit of background about goblins in our world; how are they like the goblins of Golarion, for example, and how are they different?
We'll also want to set some Bonds with the other characters in your side-party, since you've been imprisoned alongside them for some time under Arman the Kind.

Kibra |

Back brief: If I understand this correctly we will basically have 2 stories going on for the time being. One of the plight of the imprisoned folks, the other with the original party plus me.
Sounds like fun. Maybe to avoid confusion for the split parties we may want to preface our posts. Maybe the first line of the post might start with "Back in the Estr Prison:" or "On the Road to Estr:". Maybe I'm overthinking it.

![]() |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Goblins were originally a scientific experiment by Kelstra the Arch-Mage to splice a gnome with a gelatinous cube. The end goal was to create a race that was functionally immortal and endlessly unkillable. Unfortunatealy for Kelstra the experiment was a success. Goblin Zero splorked through her bonds, ate the archmage, and left.
Since then cross-breeding has largely bred out much of the division-ability from the goblin race, but they still have a strange affinity to natural symbiosis. It's not uncommon for an adolescent goblin to have several colonies of blood-sucking insects living on, or in, their skin, acting as natural immunological agents, feasting on the normal pests that infest warm bodies. Acting on a tiny, even cell-sized level, the insects get a steady diet of parasites, and goblins live long life-spans, often free of bacteria and viruses.
Of course this makes for several misunderstandings in the world at large. When a goblin rolls around in mud, either trying to accumulate, or grow, a colony of beneficial bugs, others see it as a completely disgusting ritual. However, since it is the non-goblin that does not have the immunity the goblin does, goblins see the bath-taking races as the unclean ones.
So too the goblins are always trying to enhance their knowledge of natural cures, and an ability to digest nearly everything as lead to goblins having no hesitancy to consume a thing, based simply on the reason that they've not eaten it before. Hence, farming outposts near goblin villages often complain of not just missing livestock, but also half-destroyed wagons, cottages and even stones for road paving. Indeed, goblins have found that limestone has many times the beneficial effects of plant-based fiber, and will gorge on it any chance they get.
Goblins live in a utopian commune-society, and see personal property as a barbaric principle, so they don't understand why others are upset when they partake in the bounty of a farmer's house. Attempts to offer up feasts of tree bark and rare grubrot maggots have not been very successful at making amends.
The omnivorous nature and constant search for knowledge includes consuming mold and strange growths, all in the name of science. Of course this is off-putting to those that do not have the goblins fortitude, and the goblins try not to look down on the less curious cultures too much.
Lastly they have a fascination with leeches and re-attaching limbs. The medical benefits of leeches have long been documented, with several elders having more leeches than bare skin, and the current line of research is trying to see if enough leeches can hold a severed limb on in perpetuity, until it heals. This is ongoing.
It was in this current line the Retzack become fascinated with necromancy, and the ability to attach deceased limbs to living beings. One thing lead to another, and Retzack is happy that the broken vessels of the former-living peoples can assist others in continuing to enjoy life, so he's struck out to bring his good work to others.
He just can't understand it why no one wants to eat his toe, however.
Alas, many civilizations are still backwards in their beliefs, and when he inquired about dead bodies and people without limbs, there was a misunderstanding and he is in the predicament he is in now. He hopes he can make it up to someone by hacking off a limb and attaching a better, dead limb on to them. Among goblins this kind of "Prosthetic surgery" is very expensive and is only the purview of the very rich, so doing this freely would of course win him many friends.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Back brief: If I understand this correctly we will basically have 2 stories going on for the time being. One of the plight of the imprisoned folks, the other with the original party plus me.
Sounds like fun. Maybe to avoid confusion for the split parties we may want to preface our posts. Maybe the first line of the post might start with "Back in the Estr Prison:" or "On the Road to Estr:". Maybe I'm overthinking it.
That's exactly how I planned to handle it. You can refer to my Fallout 4 Apocalypse World play-by-post game that I'm currently also running, that has a split party, to see how I handle it.

Greas |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello, friends!...well, maybe we weren't friends, but that isn't the point here. I intend to join the group, and with any luck, I'll be as interesting as everyone else here.
As for Mooshy's idea, I rather like it. I'll have to make some background edits, but it works out. I'm thinking right now that I'm from Moontower. Just so people can say they saw and call me out on it later - I came back from trying to collect tribute back at Bastion to find the adventurers about to kill Gorlaug, and ran like hell.
After some trekking, I end up at Estr. It's a small place, and I figure I can cause some havoc without too much trouble. I pick some pockets, attack people, and set traps - make a name for myself. I may or may not be responsible for Retzack's first corpse, depending on where he got it.
It only takes a few days before I'm caught. And now, I'm wondering whether my new cellmate wants dwarf steak, and how desperate I have to get before I'm willing to try his toe. Arman takes an approach to feeding us that would make even the thinnest models seem like gluttons.

![]() |
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Retzack almost accidentally stumbled upon Greas. He had been scouring the city for new raw materials....
(Goblins believe in instant Reincarnation: As soon as you die, you'll be reincarnated before the rising of the next sun. So they can't understand why others are weird about getting killed. It's the start of a new adventure! And why is everyone all weird about their old bodies? It's like getting emotional over an old pair of slacks--You had worn it once, but not anymore.)
...but wasn't having much luck when he noticed a kobold thief plying his own trade. Retzack investigated the scene later, and was impressed at how little damage the laceration between the third and forth cervical vertebrae had. Totally fatal but barely discernible. He stuffed the corpse into a jar and went about his business.
Currently, Retzack offers his toe to Greas again, trying to be helpful. If he gets much hungrier he'll have to eat it himself and there will be none for the kobold and that will be sad.
His offer to help him escape by killing him wasn't well received, but he's not an enlightened goblin, so that sort of makes sense.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Man, I may steal have to steal these goblins for the IRL fantasy steampunk campaign I've just started up. Love them.
That's why I love giving narrative control to the players. The world the campaign is set in is so much more detailed and cool when there's multiple authors contributing. I never would've thought of goblins like that.

Greas |

Damn, you have no idea how much I was laughing at your post, Retzack. Greas'll be veeeeeery happy to provide new corpses given a polite request and an opportunity. Die, not so much. He gets the feeling if he tried to pull a stunt like that, even if that naive goblin was right he'd be spiritually tortured by Gorlaug and then shunted back into his old body before he got the chance to reincarnate. The nuances of the kind of suffering he'd undergo were lost on the poor creature upon attempting to explain.
...and if he didn't get anything before the time came for it to be eaten, he'd split the toe. If it weren't for his self-preservation instincts and the fact that Tessith was getting even crazier from hunger than he seemed to be before, he'd have the whole thing. Dammit, why won't this lock OPEN?

Hegh |

Since we have lots of new people, I thought I would share a post I made in one of Mooshy's other games on how to take the pain out of posting by phone.
Here is what I wrote in response to another player's question about how to deal with paizo's formatting rules:
iPhone lets you make custom keyboard shortcuts. So when I type fdice it changes to [die=. I can't spell it out correctly or it messes everything up, but you get the idea.
I bet Android has something similar.
EDIT: Yeah it does. Here's how: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/create-android-keyboard-shortcuts-for-w ords-that-you-use-frequently/
I have shortcuts for the start and end bold tags, italics tags, dice tags (a bit more tricky), and ooc tags.

Hegh |

Hegh wrote:Man, I may steal have to steal these goblins for the IRL fantasy steampunk campaign I've just started up. Love them.That's why I love giving narrative control to the players. The world the campaign is set in is so much more detailed and cool when there's multiple authors contributing. I never would've thought of goblins like that.
In my RL campaign I had the players build the world's history with me in a forum based game of the microscope rpg. I highly recommend it. This is the result.

Krish |
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Hello, Krish here. Humble kobold Shaman.
The profile info is coming.
Krish is a strange creature. Though he bears the markings of a kobold more closely related to dragons than is normal for his kind, Krish has no facility with sorcery. Instead he seems to be able to talk to the spirits of his people and of the land, and some even more ancient ones than that. He often has entire conversations with them. Or with no one at all.
He likes Greas, because Greas' actions often make the spirit of their ancestors happy. And because dead people equals more materials for totems.
Retzack makes him fairly uncomfortable. Retzack interferes with the natural progression of living person to spirit. And he is dirty. And infested. Krish's offers to help Retzack become clean were met with disgust which Krish found confusing AND ironic.