The Sea Of Evil- Skulls and Shackles (Inactive)

Game Master william Nightmoon

An Evil PC pirate game!
Details On Ship Actions

Map of the Wormwood

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Sovereign Court

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:

Grippli is 6 RP - what would you do for them? Or do they remain as-is?

I'd love for them to get Int, since they have an alchemist archetype, but that may be greedy.

Oh, I thought since I included then in the title it would imply they get a bonus feat as well.

DM waz up? wrote:
HedwickTheWorldly wrote:

Grippli is 6 RP - what would you do for them? Or do they remain as-is?

I'd love for them to get Int, since they have an alchemist archetype, but that may be greedy.

Oh, I thought since I included then in the title it would imply they get a bonus feat as well.

Ah. Okay. Well, I wasn't sure because you mentioned them, and then said 5 RP. My fault. I'll gladly take a bonus feat, though. Thank you!

Sovereign Court

Skinwalker becomes full lycanthrope: I will actually rule that if a skinwalker contracts the same lycanthopy that they are decedent of will be considered Inherited, however they have to pass a "trial" to gain control of their inner beast.

I'm pulling out of the running. I can't wrap my head around a good (or bad) concept. Good luck to those submitting!

Shadow Lodge

Ok so interesting concepts I'm seeing
One master of wind
One hobgoblin warrior pirate
Two necromancers
A "familiar"
A kobald enchanter

I'm going tiefling exploiter wizard, with plans of entering Diabolist in time (perhaps with some necromancy on the side). Will it be possible to gain templates through the story? I'm particularly interested (as mentioned) in the devilbound template.

I'm also interested in the Damned story feat, as it's a very fitting addition and thematic for my character.
Also, do you allow the 'switch SLA' tables for tieflings from Blood of fiends? I'm going daemonkin, and while Death Knell as a SLA is somewhat thematic, I'm not sure how much use if get out of it.

This link is my rough draft of my submission (Google Docs).

Murat believes in the chain of command. And to him, that is the chain he beats you with until you understand who is in command (sorry, Joss Whedon, but that's too good a line not to steal). He would make an excellent first mate type, but is not smart or creative enough to be in command. The right person as captain, however, will earn complete loyalty from Murat.

"Alright you pustular seadogs! Stop scratchin' yer privates and get to work! No goldbrickin' on this pleasure cruise! You work, or I tie you to a post, man!" Murat shouts into the face of a human he chose at random to make an example of. "Are you daft? Don't talk back to me!" The human had said nothing, and continues to say nothing. Murat shoves his whip into the man's face, "That's enough lip from you, human, if you won't listen to me, maybe you will listen to Ol' Snapper!"

My character is a munchained monk. Just plain sea farer. Sailor/fisherman. But mostly because her tribe doesn't really need boats to move around. But they know how to fish and they know the ways of the ocean

Interested, but still settling on a concept. May send a PM. Here is a list for everyone. :)

LE Hobgoblin Brawler- dickie
Tiefling Exploiter Wizard- Δaedalus
Kobold Mesmerist- Gobo Horde
CE Sprite Hydrokineticist- Philo Pharynx
NE Skinwalker Unchained Monk- Seth86
CN Kitsune Ninja- BeastMasterFTW
CE Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)- ignuspyre
CE Kobold Unchained Rogue- Jovich
LE Vanara Monk (Zen Archer)- Gramork
LE Oni-spawn Tiefling Unchained Monk- Spazmodeus

Let me know if any corrections need to be made.

Wade Willhelm wrote:

Ok so interesting concepts I'm seeing

One master of wind
One hobgoblin warrior pirate
Two necromancers
A "familiar"
A kobald enchanter

Huh. Zakgrob is interesting to Zakgrob. No stew for Wade.

Rokea is just a skinwalker now. Still monk though =^^= and she's NE not LE

Here's my submission.... another monk :D

Edited for Rokea and Shunsen above. ;)

Zakgrob need big friend. Big and strong friend Zakgrob can climb on and leap from to kill. Cook special stew for friend. Make friend even more bigger and stronger.

All right, my submission here is ready to go now.


Azacca is a Dhampir Oracle, and right now he can buff allies (giving them a bite attack) or cause foes to flee. He can take control of the undead, although he won't be able to start raising them until 4th level. At that point, he'll focus more on buffing than battlefield control (i.e. the plan is to trade away cause fear), letting his minions control the battlefield for him.

He also fills the role of both party face and magic device user.

Fun little intro scene:

The Formidable Maid was already lively when Azacca stepped inside and made his way to a table. The dhampir sat down, setting coin upon the table to attract a barmaid, and waited. Sure enough, a sharp-eyed wench spotted the silver and wound her way through the crowd to his table.

"What can I get for ye?" the woman asked, looking Azacca up and down covetously. "A pitcher of de best wine in de house. And do let me know when dose need company, byootiful." Azacca smiled disarmingly, sliding several silver pieces across the table towards the woman. "Right away!" said the maid, seeing not only an attractive man with coin, but one who seemed to like her, as well. Dat ought to keep her working hard for me, thought Azacca, his eyes wandering over the other patrons. Now I wonder, is dere anyone in de house looking for anoder sailor?

Dark Archive

Working on a Sea-Reaver Barbarian. I think he would be perfect for ya Zakgrob ;)

Rokea will be a nice addon for Zakrob too =^^=

Submitting Chirrup Quon - will flesh out background in a bit, here's the bones of him.

Master Elodin submitting Black Caul. Just have to finalize his backstory. One thing I know - he loves a good stew! ;)

Shadow Lodge

OmniChaos wrote:

Interested, but still settling on a concept. May send a PM. Here is a list for everyone. :)

LE Hobgoblin Brawler- dickie
Tiefling Exploiter Wizard- Δaedalus
Kobold Mesmerist- Gobo Horde
CE Sprite Hydrokineticist- Philo Pharynx
NE Skinwalker Unchained Monk- Seth86
CN Kitsune Ninja- BeastMasterFTW
CE Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)- ignuspyre
CE Kobold Unchained Rogue- Jovich
LE Vanara Monk (Zen Archer)- Gramork
LE Oni-spawn Tiefling Unchained Monk- Spazmodeus
LE aasimar speaker fot the past wind shaman

Let me know if any corrections need to be made.


DM, have you had any chance to look at my ideas for the entothrope skinwalker you suggested? It's in a spoiler on the previous page.

link to make things easier

Wade Wilhelm, I don't see Azacca here on the list, unless I'm just missing it

Gramork wrote:
I think you rolled one die too many in that second set ;)

Duh. That would make for a good total!

Sovereign Court

Cuàn wrote:

DM, have you had any chance to look at my ideas for the entothrope skinwalker you suggested? It's in a spoiler on the previous page.

link to make things easier

I do believe that the stats you have listed make sense, and I think vital strike isn't too much of an advantage, given what it is.

Although the reduced stat would likely be Cha, although looking at the stats for a giant Mantis it looks like all the stats either have a bonus or are average. So yeah, a -2 to Int.

LE Hobgoblin Brawler- dickie
Tiefling Exploiter Wizard- Δaedalus
Kobold Mesmerist- Gobo Horde
CE Sprite Hydrokineticist- Philo Pharynx
NE Skinwalker Unchained Monk- Seth86
CN Kitsune Ninja- BeastMasterFTW
CE Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)- ignuspyre
CE Kobold Unchained Rogue- Jovich
LE Vanara Monk (Zen Archer)- Gramork
LE Oni-spawn Tiefling Unchained Monk- Spazmodeus
NE Grippli Alchemist (Beastmorph, Bogborn, Vivisectionist)- HedwickTheWorldly
LE Assimar Wind Shaman (Speaker for the Past)- Wade Willhelm
NE Dhampir Oracle- ObsessiveWiz

Updated. Let me know if any corrections need to be made.

DM waz up? wrote:
Cuàn wrote:

DM, have you had any chance to look at my ideas for the entothrope skinwalker you suggested? It's in a spoiler on the previous page.

link to make things easier

I do believe that the stats you have listed make sense, and I think vital strike isn't too much of an advantage, given what it is.

Although the reduced stat would likely be Cha, although looking at the stats for a giant Mantis it looks like all the stats either have a bonus or are average. So yeah, a -2 to Int.

If you have an idea for the 2nd skill bonus, spell-like ability and 4th shapeshift ability I'd love to hear it. That goes for everyone actually.

An alternative concept I have would be a Cavalier using a reflavoured version of the First Mother's Fang archetype where the character is a martial devotee of the Eldest Ragadahn.

Working on the character sheet now. First time building a sheet in Docs so bear with me plz thnx.


Caul is perfectly rational, calm, and always in control. Except when he isn't. He has a dark reputation, hence his name. He has a quick-triggered temper, but seems to be able to cool off as quickly as he heats up. Caul is an unrepentant, merciless savage of whom it has even been rumored that he has killed a few children in order to free an arrest. It didn't happen quite like that, stories always being exaggerated and all. As far as he's concerned, life's hard in the Shackles. Only man that survives is a harder one. Sometimes tough things need to be done. There it is.

Caul's father was a Free Captain, so hearing, "Ah, if it isn't Captain Grave Morley's kid," certainly hasn't been old for over two decades. Getting out the great wake made from his father's notoriety has been hard for him. Not cutting someone's throat every time he hears about dear Captain Dad is even harder.

Recently, Caul has been working aboard a whaling ship as a harpooner, but there's been little success in it, so he's decided to leave. It doesn't hurt that the decision has been encouraged by the whaling captain, after he shoved another crew member over board after tempers flared. So he decided to head to the Formidably Maid to start his own career. Time for his own ship. His own name. Only a beauty caught his eye, and after some winks and drinks, he's been cuffed and stuffed in a sack.

Still working on the sheet (Feats and Gear), but here's the backstory for Atremis Moonstar's Grippli Alchemist.


Dart Quina is an interesting byproduct of the near genocide of his parent’s tribe. The Quina tribe of grippli were a traditionally peaceful lot, happy with their place. His mother was a healer, his father was a hunter. Everything was fine, until the humans came.
It was an unfortunate twist of fate that the Quina tribe was situated in their swamp in the direction of the ruins of a mostly buried temple that were of interest to the Aspis Consortium. And so they came, and either killed or enslaved his tribe. His family was one of the few that escaped. They couldn’t seem to find anywhere safe to settle down, so they kept running. Eventually, they followed the old stories that the tribe’s alchemists and rangers had told the village, leading them to the lands outside their swamp.
They couldn’t seem to find refuge anywhere for longer than a month, his parent plying their trade. Eventually, their travels had them sailing to Ilizmagorti, under the belief they would be safe and find work there. On the voyage, his mother finally gave birth, curiously to only one child. The sailors marked this as an auspicious event, though the couple wasn’t sure why.
Thus, the family settled down in Ilizmagorti, his father finding work fixing and building ships, his mother as a physician for the seemingly never ending number of injured in the city. Dart grew up with an interesting genetic trait, in that he could secret a venom on his skin. This prompted his early foray into studying poisons and toxins, something only refined as he learned the healing arts from his mother.
His father wanted him to be a carpenter, and got very physical when he was under the drink, a habit he picked up shortly after moving to the pirate infested isle. Dart, however, felt the pull of the sea, the call of the waves. The family’s oldest friend on the island, a grizzled old sailor by the name of Crob, on account his face looked like a crab’s shell and he only had two fingers on his left hand, dazzled Dart with tales of sailors and pirates and sea monsters, and made no secret that the boy was born on the ship and Besmara likely had a greater destiny in mind for him.
Dart’s father finally died, in a drunken fight down in one of the seedier taverns (which is saying something for a city of pirates). He, unfortunately, left them in debt. Though his poisons were selling relatively well, and his mother was charging a premium for healing, they weren’t going to be able to pay off his father’s loan sharks. So, with tales of riches in his head, Dart decided the only thing he could do was to go pirating at sea, and return with riches from foreign ships so that his and his mum could pay off his father’s debts....
Besides... He'd like to try out some of his new toxins on some poor bastard. His mother always did get in the way of his... Experiments.

Adding in another Aasimar an applicant for the ship's doctor.

Molly was born of goodness with just a tiny speck of evil inside. Happily the world nurtured that speck until it blossomed into the brilliant, beautiful, rotten to the core wench she is now.

This is the submission from my (John G's) rolls earlier. I took the first set cause the 45 point buy was too insane. 33 points was still quite nice to make with.

I am considering throwing my name in the ring, I will take a 25 point buy, probably will go an arcane caster of some sort, unsure about race.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

LE Hobgoblin Brawler- dickie
Tiefling Exploiter Wizard- Δaedalus
Kobold Mesmerist- Gobo Horde
CE Sprite Hydrokineticist- Philo Pharynx
NE Skinwalker Unchained Monk- Seth86
CN Kitsune Ninja- BeastMasterFTW
CE Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)- ignuspyre
CE Kobold Unchained Rogue- Jovich
LE Vanara Monk (Zen Archer)- Gramork
LE Oni-spawn Tiefling Unchained Monk- Spazmodeus
NE Grippli Alchemist (Beastmorph, Bogborn, Vivisectionist)- HedwickTheWorldly
LE Assimar Wind Shaman (Speaker for the Past)- Wade Willhelm
NE Dhampir Oracle- ObsessiveWiz
CE Human Unchained Barbarian- Master Elodin
NE Grippli Alchemist (Eldritch Poisoner/Toxicant)- Atremis Moonstar
CE Peri-blooded Aasimar Alchemist (Chirurgeon)- John Gs

Updated. Let me know if any corrections need to be made.

This is Ero Berer, my lawful evil Vanara Monk. His back story is missing from his alias because I was unhappy with what i wrote when i first made him. When i get home from work He will have his backstory up as well.

Ero Berer

if there is still time I'd like to throw my hat into the ring with a kinecist(water or air) character.

Oh, gosh. There are only two even semi-healer submissions. Is it possible to submit a second character, to fill that gap?

This is my submission from Jovich, it is not complete as I still need to do a few things with it.
This most likely was asked already but are we starting with any gold or equipment.

Tiefling witch is what I have decided on, I will get to work on it.

Dark Archive

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Oh, gosh. There are only two even semi-healer submissions. Is it possible to submit a second character, to fill that gap?

That tends to be a problem in evil campaigns unfortunately.

I'd LOVE to play a pirate cleric of Besmara.

Master Elodin wrote:
HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Oh, gosh. There are only two even semi-healer submissions. Is it possible to submit a second character, to fill that gap?
That tends to be a problem in evil campaigns unfortunately.

Still planning to submit the Oracle (Life Mystery), just been waffling on some choices.

I think I am going with an undine druid for this one. Should have something drawn up tomorrow.

We have a shaman and oracle already in the submissions. Pretty sure they count as healers. Anyways you should always have scrolls and wands for back up healing. Smart enemies focus fire on healers and pirates deal with those more then mindless monsters. ;)

Master Elodin wrote:
HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Oh, gosh. There are only two even semi-healer submissions. Is it possible to submit a second character, to fill that gap?
That tends to be a problem in evil campaigns unfortunately.

Well, the other thing to keep in mind is that anyone with UMD or a healing spell on their list is a healer if the party chips in for a cheap wand (by the way, almost every caster has a level 1 healing spell on their list). In-combat healing isn't very good in Pathfinder anyway - with a couple rare exceptions.

P.S. DM waz up? Do you have a time frame in mind for how long the recruitment will go?

Sure, I know UMD and cure spells can get you most of the way there, I just worry about other things, like restoration, poison, disease, etc.

It's really helpful to have a person with access to myriad curative and restorative things.

There's also the Tiefling Fiendish Vessel archetype Cleric, though you'd have to be imaginative for a pirate feel. =)

DM waz up, would i be allowed to use rouge archetypes, specificaly scout as ninja has the abilites it replaces, as a ninja? Ive asked this before but Im not sure if youve seen it as you havent replied. or maybe you have and i just missed it, but if you have i dont see it.

Alchemists aren't bad healers, just not as good as clerics. They have to use brew potion to get cheap clw to everyone. The Chirurgeon archetype adds to that a bit. So not as good as clerics, or oracles, or witches, or shamans or... crap well they can heal a little at least. :)

And THANKS OmniChaos for gathering us all together in a list.

Δaedalus wrote:
Also, do you allow the 'switch SLA' tables for tieflings from Blood of fiends? I'm going daemonkin, and while Death Knell as a SLA is somewhat thematic, I'm not sure how much use if get out of it.

It asking this again, as I think you might have missed it.

A question for the GM: Would you be willing to let me use the Virtuoso Bravo archetype with the Antipaladin class, rather than the Paladin? It would just replace the similar class features--no deflection from smite good, no spellcasting, Nimble replacing Cruelties, no Aura of Vengeance, and no Unholy Champion.

If not, that's fine and I'll play just a Swashbuckler (or maybe a Daring Champion Cavalier), but I figured I'd ask to see. Still planning on Dhampir either way.

Submitting (Doctor) Cain d'Mondego, follower of Zon-Kuthon, taster of pain, and all-around nice guy. He firmly believes that life is a long thread of suffering and misery, and so will do everything in his power to help others live in this glorious state for as long as possible.

LE Tiefling (Kyton-Spawn) Oracle (Divine Herbalist) with the Life Mystery and Forsaken Curse.


Cain was born into a minor noble house in Nidal, where his birth was celebrated among those who followed the Prince of Pain. The boy's very existence looked like an ode to sorrow: spikes of bone and what appeared to be metal protruded from his body at odd, painful angles across his head, shoulders, and arms. His mother's survival of the birthing process was largely due to the aid of a cleric of Zon-Kuthon. Cain's studies as a child included a significant smattering of herbalism and healing, so as to allow him to keep alive those who were suffering the most, as the cleric had done to his mother.

When he came of age, Cain was to venture out to see Egorian, capital of Cheliax. His ship, however, was waylaid by pirates, and he and his crew were press-ganged into service. His knowledge of basic anatomy coupled with his healing prowess quickly gained attention, and he found himself taken on as the ship's doctor. The fact that those who were injured and healed by Cain did everything in their power to avoid needing to be "treated" by him again only served to encourage the pirates to hone their combat skills and avoid injury, leading to an even more fearsome crew, much to the captain's pleasure.

Cain eventually bought his own freedom from the captain, and has been selling his services as something of a freelance doctor and surgeon as of late. He has been able to eke out a living: his prices are reasonable, and the excruciating pain of his procedures is only temporary.


Healer, face, buffer. In-game, Cain would be shooting for the position of Ship Doctor. At present, he lacks Channel Positive Energy (although will gain that and Selective Channel at level 3), instead largely healing with the Life Link revelation, taking the wounds of others and converting them to his own.

Just in case anyone is unfamiliar with the Divine Herbalist, it grants the Healer's Way skill, allowing Cain to heal himself as a swift action similar to Lay on Hands, which will allow him to heal off the damage he takes from healing others with Life Link.

Sovereign Court

So, yes ,I've seen you all!

First:Ninja with rouge Archetype/Unchained with rouge Archetype- so long as the ninja/rouge has the Abilites to swap around in the Archetype.

Other abilities for the Mantis Skinwalker: well, one would be a fly speed with poor manuverability (like 30ft), the second option would be blindsense up to 15ft. Curse you mindless and your strange ability to know where the rouge is no matter what!

As for the spell-like ability: Isn't speak with vermin a spell? If not you can use speak with animals but it only effects vermin, who even though are mindless can still awnser questions, just as a plant can.

And the skills would be perception and bluff

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