Murat |

Normally, I would just chalk that up to typical kobold paranoia, but after what happened? Vel has not done anything, so it is some sort of bias. Not good for discipline.
Murat nods in response to Ordrax' comment. "Yeah."

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you are able to estimate it somewhere between 15-30 gold
Before the rum is passed out you all are called on deck.
Vel is let out of the Bilge by Scourge. AH, picking up the dirt are we? he chuckled before he and a few men grab the man in the cell and drag him to the top deck.
Mr. Plugg stands on the poopdeck as Scourge and his men begin tieing the prisoners arms and legs with rope.
This man begins Mr.Plugg, Is Jakes Magpie. He was caught stealing from the quartermaster's store last night. This is his third offence of stealing, and we all know here what that means... Jakes Magpie, you are sentenced to a Keelhauling! he says, and Scourge tosses the man overboard. For one long minute you hear the sound of the rope being pulled as the poor man is dragged across the keel.
When they finally pull him up he's a message of tathers and rags, dripping wet. Drop 'im, ought to give those thinking the same a thing to think about...
Once the punishment is over, the quartermaster comes out, the half orc carrying several bottles of rum. New rule, she says. we are running out of bottles, so each member must return their bottle when finished. Those who do not return their bottle shall be punished,
You can take your actions, these count actions between the time the quartermaster passes out rum and lights out, then later of you choose to sneak around rather than sleep.
The pirates begin their games, this time they are having a game of Hog Lob, the current bowl for winner standing at 5gp and a hammer of fine quality..

Veltisiel Ekai |

What's the Hog? I'm guessing it's a weight of some sort.
Veltisiel quickly stops into the galley, and checks the door to the quartermaster's shop (if nobody is in there). If it's unlocked, he quickly makes his way into the shop (closing the door behind him) and pokes around in the lockers, trying to find the one that Jakes broke. If he stumbles across it, he also looks for his spellbook.
He keeps an ear out for anyone coming in, and if he's confronted while in the galley, he simply defends himself by pointing out he's the cook's mate, and asks them what they think they're doing.

Murat |

Murat watches the execution solemnly. He is surprised that they gave the human so many chances. He is not surprised the human kept pushing his luck.
Back below decks, he finds himself exhausted. Murat was meaning to mention the kobold's comment to Vel, but he does not see him around, Murat shrugs and finds a quiet corner to drain his rum ration, then immediately returns the bottle before heading to his hammock. Magicians are valuable to any unit, but especially a ship's crew. He handled himself well earlier, but I don't think he realizes he is such a target, nor that it is likely they'll jump him while he is unaware or vulnerable. Oh, well. If he's alive in the morning, I'll mention it then.

Grak Firethrower |

Grak joins the others on deck, watching as a man gets tied up. As his offense and punishment are announced and carried out, he glances around the group to see everyone's reactions.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
"Well, I don't think I'll put my sneaking skills to the test, seeing as I don't have any. Not worth the risk. So I either need to find a way to get on the quartermaster's good side or find someone to team up with that is more skilled in that area," he thinks to himself.
He takes his bottle and thanks the half-orc. Seeing some of the crew playing a throwing game, he makes his way over and talks to one of the players. "What is the goal of this game and how do I get in?"

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A "Hog" is a Ingot of lead they covered in leather, it's actually called "the Pigskin"
Chance that door is unlocked: 1d100 ⇒ 1
When Vel comes into the Gally he finds the quartermaster's store unlocked... The door at least. There are two locker, two cases, an iron chest, and a wooden chest. The second locker is jammed, and the lock has what appears to be a broken lockpick inside...
Most of the people are shaken by the Keelhauling but keep it out of mind with their Rum...
The rest of you notice the Quartermaster standing next to the group playing Hog toss. One of the bigger men thinks for a moment. Ah, yes, the goal is to throw the Pigskin the farthest. We all bet something, usually a piece of gold or two, perhaps a favor, and give it a toss. Whoever throws it farthest wins the pot.. current pot is a bottle of wine, has Grok at the ready, she loves her fine Alcohol! he laughs
You make a ranged attack check with the Pigskin, which is an improvised weapon and grants a -4 to attack(except if you have throw anything) AC:5 every point over 5 is 1ft. Nat 20 is 20ft, not anything special. Use your Str or Dex which ever is higher. The Hog is made if lead and is really heavy... That's why it's hard to throw.

Veltisiel Ekai |

Vel, mindful of anyone that might find him, quietly casts a simple spell of telekinesis, withdrawing the broken lockpick from the second locker's lock, first attempting to turn the picked lock if at all possible, hopefully unlocking it.
Using Mage Hand to pull out the lockpick, and turn the lock itself if at all possible.

Grak Firethrower |

Grak looks disappointed. "Thanks for the info. Having just been brought aboard, I'm afraid I don't have anything of value to use to wager. What do you mean by a "favor"? Like a small item or agreeing to do someone a service?" he says wearily, concerned about what services some of them might want.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

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The man nods. Mostly you do work for them... Take Their work for a day Mechanically this doubles the DC of your work(but not the fatigue) Checks, however if you win you accomplish your job without check and can do anything that day other than work.
The lockpick it seems isn't a proper pick. It bent in the lock. So pulling it out will take alot more than 5lbs...
As for trying to use the spell to unlock it, you are not skilled in mechanics of a lock...Doing so would require a Disable Divice check, and An ability that states you can use mage hand to pick locks - Like the Counterfeit mage's ability

Grak Firethrower |

Grak contemplates the possible repercussions of having to do twice the work tomorrow if he's unsuccessful. "This might get me some items to use to trade for my gear though." "Okay, I'm in. I'll cover someone's work tomorrow if I lose." He takes the pigskin, holding it in his hand to get a feel for its weight. He draws his arm back and gives it a throw.
Throw: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Throw anything feat
He smiles as it goes 14' down the deck. "Wow. Must be beginners luck," he says somewhat nervously, not wanting to sound cocky. "Hopefully that will be good enough," he thinks to himself as he moves to the side to watch the other participants.
@GM - initially you said the pot was 5 gp and a hammer of fine quality, then you said it was a bottle of wine so I just wanted to clarify which it was.

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both, the bottle of wine isn't in the pot, it's just part of the win. One of the men is holding onto it. grok snorts, the half-orc retriveing the pig-skin
Throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
She then throws it half the distance of the hobgoblin, cursing and blaming the shape of the block.
She then turns to Grak, Ah, good game... Tell ye what though, you share that bottle with me and I'll get ye something from me shop she says, and the pirate holding the bottle hands it to the hobgoblin, along with the pot, a hammer and 5 gold in copper and silver.
The wine is half empty but still enough for one or two goblets.
@Vel, you see the Quartermaster speaking with Grak.

Veltisiel Ekai |

Vel comes up to Grok, "Greetings. My name is Veltisiel." He assumes a sad/hurt expression and sighs, "When I was... hired, a book of mine was taken from me. It's written in a special codified language mixed from celestial, infernal, and draconic, so I doubt you can understand it. In any case, it's nothing valuable- it's just my personal journal. If there's any way I could arrange for that to be returned, I would be greatly obliged," he looks at the ground in shame, "I seem to have made a few enemies on board already. If there's any way my daggers could also be returned, I would also be in your debt. Beyond the practical purposes of having a blade, they're also all I have left of my family, and I think every once in a while, I can feel their shades grow restless, until I return them to sleep at least. I would hate to unleash a few angry ghosts onto the Wormwood, after all...."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Grak Firethrower |

Grak smiles again when he sees he has won. "Well played," he says to the half-orc before she speaks. When she mentions getting something from her shop, his eyebrows rise. "Hmm, something from your shop you say. What did you have in mind? Your choice of item or mine?"
When Vel comes up and introduces himself, he nods.
@Vel - is that speech directed at me or the quatermaster?

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The quartermaster Scoffs. well, seems both of you want something from my shop... I'll offer you something now for the wine, but as for you, Devilspawn, You have to wait until the shop opens, On the morning. she thinks for a moment. Speaking of which, I think I forgot something- Grok walks off, headed up to the store.
If you follow her you notice her locking the store's door.
She then comes back and Explains to Grak She'll give him any one item up to a value of 20gp.

Veltisiel Ekai |

Veltisiel shrugs, and goes to sleep. He's feeling slightly panicky, but he heads to his bed and hopes for better luck in the morning.
I'm really feeling useless without my spellbook, FYI. Not much I can do at this point.

Veltisiel Ekai |

Vel starts awake, then adjusts to Wade's question, "Oh, thanks. Yes, I need my spellbook. Today, I did my best to brush off an attack- as you might have heard- but it cost me a lot to appear so powerful. Without my book, I can't replenish my spells and I'm vulnerable. Currently, it's locked in the quartermaster's shop."
Thanks. It was more of a cry to the DM asking him to let me get the chance to retrieve it in the morning, but this works too.

Grak Firethrower |

She then comes back and Explains to Grak She'll give him any one item up to a value of 20gp.
Does that include my formula book? It looks like a spell book costs 15 gp.
Grak considers her offer for a moment. "I too have a book I would like back. What would you offer if I were to let you have the whole bottle of wine? Could I get a second item?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Ordrax Silentback |

Ordrax lies still in his bed. He is expecting trouble to show up tonight and so has not been sleeping much of the night.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
As the tiefling and Aasimar talk, Orthdrax give them a warning without moving from his bed. In a calm quiet voice....
Do not do it. The tiefling has drawn too much attention to himself and is watched. It is known that he craves the return of his spell book. You go tonight and you will get caught. If you want all your items returned...give me a day or two. In the mean time you try to get others to join you because once that lock is popped, there is not turning back. Now you should get some sleep...and tiefling...I would keep both eyes open tonight.
Orthdax remains silent with his eyes closed...trying to sleep.

Veltisiel Ekai |

"Hmmm... Perhaps he's right. I'll try to stop by the store in the morning, get it then. You're welcome to try, of course, and I would greatly appreciate it, but I've called too much attention to myself for one day."

Ordrax Silentback |

Come morning Ordrax does his job and keeps his head down. He keeps his eye open and listens in on conversations as the goes by.
Taking 10 on Perception for a 19: Casing the quartermasters store, wanting to see who goes in when and who is saying what..

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The quartermaster laughs. "Ha! give me the bottle, I'll let ye be me friend! And sure... A book..." she turns to the Aasimar. There are four books... Two with scribbles, another with diagrams, and what looks to be some smutty story... I'll show ya them, you tell me what's yours... I'll make sure not to sell it... she Smiles, going back to the hobgoblin. Ya know... I figure we greenskins ought ta keep together, aye?

Veltisiel Ekai |

"Thank you very much, mistress. I can easily show you which book is mine. It's my journal- primarily written in Infernal- mostly worthless, but valuable to me. I have something of great value I am interested in selling to you, but I suppose that can wait until the morrow? Unless, of course, you're interested in a gemstone right now?"

Grak Firethrower |

Grak laughs with her and nods at her comment as he hands her the bottle. "I would gladly accept your friendship, and my book," he says with a grin.