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Maybe halek, If the Dm is looking for ranged characters there is a hydrokineticist and I think a zen archer, both have amazing ranged potential and power. I can speak for the later as I'm playing one in a mythic gestalt game.
Regardless, it will not be an easy choice for the Dm, a roll call is a good idea.
the hydrokinectist is also a sprite and he said he doesnt like templates on characters. that was why I didnt think he would get in.
For the zen archer his competition was a paranoid pirate goblin who like to cook and cooking is important for a ship. Also i think the image of a murderous, paranoid, cooking goblin rounds out the crew more skill wise than the zen archer.

Malik Ariuk |

Haven't really picked a party. That sort of seems restrictive for your PC I think. Malik can add to any party make up, that's sort of his point. Better to see what you bring to the table over what you don't.
P.S. In my experience it's pointless to guess the DM choices. Just like everyone, they have their own taste, only someone who knows the DM will have a good chance of guessing their picks. Even then he may change his mind because you made the presumption. All DMs got a little evil in them. ;D

Shakaro Jun |

Okay, long form background is complete for Shakaro Jun and conversion to 1st level is finished.
Now all that I need to do is fidget in anticipation. :)

dickie |

Just because I have been quiet doesn't mean I am not watching, lol. A fresh list that removes those who have rescinded their application would help the watchers, even if the GM has their own list. I am eager to flesh things out and create an alias if selected, or move on if not, either way, good luck folks :D

Azacca |

Haven't really picked a party. That sort of seems restrictive for your PC I think. Malik can add to any party make up, that's sort of his point. Better to see what you bring to the table over what you don't.
P.S. In my experience it's pointless to guess the DM choices. Just like everyone, they have their own taste, only someone who knows the DM will have a good chance of guessing their picks. Even then he may change his mind because you made the presumption. All DMs got a little evil in them. ;D
So much ^^this^^. I actually try really hard not to make guesses about who will get in, or post 3 times a day and get myself super excited about the game. That way if I do get in, it's a pleasant surprise that leads into more rp-building as we all make sure the party works; and if I don't, it's no big deal, just wish everyone luck and move on to the next recruitment.

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Heh, to be honest once I've seperated you into your select power groups for balance I either go for the most interesting dynamic, or I try to pick those i feel would make a good team. Sometimes this makes the game end up with more than one of a certain class.
I believe in this balance:
1 Frontline: to draw attention and deal Melee.
1-2 secondary Melee/skill:such as rouges or Dex based Character-includes ranger and Alchemist,
1-2 spellcaster: at least one capible caster, healer or not
1 support: Bard, Druid, or other buffers. Possibly a monk
This leaves the game with around 4-6 players. It's gotten me a few good groups and it's the formula I follow.

Δaedalus |

Okay, long form background is complete for Shakaro Jun and conversion to 1st level is finished.
Now all that I need to do is fidget in anticipation. :)
Psst.... Power Attack requires a +1 BAB.
Oh, I'm still here in case anyone doubted.
I'm in a few campaigns with waz up? (including one with him DMing) and I can confirm that he loves crazy, yet cool submissions, so don't count yourself out just because you have a strange character.

Shakaro Jun |

I believe in this balance:
1 Frontline: to draw attention and deal Melee.
1-2 secondary Melee/skill:such as rouges or Dex based Character-includes ranger and Alchemist,
1-2 spellcaster: at least one capible caster, healer or not
1 support: Bard, Druid, or other buffers. Possibly a monkThis leaves the game with around 4-6 players. It's gotten me a few good groups and it's the formula I follow.
I see Shakaro as a secondary melee guy with spells. Since he normally will be buffing for a round he isn't quite at the level of a frontliner like a barbarian, but he is close. Once in he won't cast spells too often unless there is some kind of area effect he needs to have or there are enemies he can't get to or harm normally. But out of combat he will have a good amount of spells available for healing.
Psst.... Power Attack requires a +1 BAB.
Dang! Forgot about that. Will have to figure out what to swap that with. Maybe Toughness.

Malik Ariuk |

Malik can fill a few roles, the advantages of being a "jack". I was split between weapon finesse and breadth of experience but figured breadth was a more practical and concept focused choice for 1st level. Weapon finesse would be the feat to beat come 3rd level if he was chosen. We start out without anything after all. Being able to do any job and use mostly any skill is makes more sense for him. He can always shoot while he talks. :)

Δaedalus |

I'm pretty typical arcane support, your standard do-it-all wizard, but once I hit 9th level, my build will really take off, with lesser planar binding giving all kinds of niche roles that might need to be filled. Best of all, since evil outsiders tend to prefer payment in souls, we don't have to worry about lots of gold being funneled into the bindings- we just use captured sailors and slaves, then reanimate the corpse.

Trinam |

I'm a full divine caster and also a bard, without the face specialization. It's like if your bard could channel energy!
And with scribe scroll, I'm also batman! But as a 9 level divine caster!
What I am saying is that the dread pirate Roberts is the best and you should love him because nobody buffs better. Nobody.

Vrog Skyreaver |

In all seriousness, Kathandrax will be a tiny sized murder machine with limited spellcasting abilities and a stupid amount of Charisma and Dex. Once I get an agile AoMF, I will enter creature's squares and tear them apart.
As far as my casting goes, I get to pick a few spells from either the druid or sorc/wiz spell list (illusion only, unfortunately) and cast from those spells a scaling number of times, as well as getting up to 3rd level sorcerer spellcasting at the high end.
I hope I get to see where it goes!

OmniChaos |

If you get picked I would suggest learning or getting a wand of create soul gem. You don't have to keep your victims alive and most fiends value the soul more then the body. It's their homelands currency. Plus if anyone tries to bring them back to life you will know, if they manage to break through the soul gems defenses in the first place that is. I have no problem seeing Veltisiel having a room with shelves of soul gems each with their own label and apparent value. ;P

Δaedalus |

If you get picked I would suggest learning or getting a wand of create soul gem. You don't have to keep your victims alive and most fiends value the soul more then the body. It's their homelands currency. Plus if anyone tries to bring them back to life you will know, if they manage to break through the soul gems defenses in the first place that is. I have no problem seeing Veltisiel having a room with shelves of soul gems each with their own label and apparent value. ;P
I was thinking about binding a cacodaemon, myself. Especially multiple.

OmniChaos |

Well I think the spell/wand is preferred as you don't have to rely on an outsider that has it's own motives not to mention their restricted to once per day. Your going to have to bind a lot of them, that's a lot of wasted resources and time sense binding has a time limit. It's easier to have the wand for yourself or give it to your familiar. That way you can use it more often and even during combat as enemies fall if your familiar is holding it. Your LE if I recall, so an imp with it's fly speed and invisibility can use it without trouble or exposure. Just have to collect them all afterwards.
P.S. A talisman of soul eating could be useful too. Not only does it have the 1/day soul gem but it gives you the ability to eat soul gems for fast healing yourself. Handy for a soul collector such as yourself. >;)

Δaedalus |

OmniChaos- Ah, right. After looking it up, I see the Create Soul Gem spell is only level 3. Sweet. A 25 gp material component to trap souls? Awesome. What I really need to do is have my Imp companion (once I go into Diabolist) carry the wand and use it regularly.
dickie- Well, isn't that why all casters should keep fly, levitate or water walk going when they're on a boat? Besides, those are the dangers of casting while sailing.

OmniChaos |

Yep it's a sweet spell to keep bosses from coming back, at least not without you noticing. Also good for bindings or bribes to outsiders. It also has other possibilities but not going to say cause that homebrew/custom stuff territory. Not going to give away all my ideas and schemes. ;)
Concerning casters on boats. If you can't account for someone trying to charge/bull rush you. Your sort of asking for it, after all they should be behind cover or big guys.

AGamer70 |

I've finally finished my submission. I really tried to come up with something different, but in the end, I couldn't pass on the chance to play a hobgoblin alchemist. Coming up with a backstory was also a challenge though. I didn't see a post indicating if we needed an alias so I'm just posting the character in a spoiler. Let me know if I need anything else. Thanks for consideration.
Male Hobgoblin Alchemist 1
Init +4; Senses Darkvision ; Perception +5
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 leather armor, +4 Dex )
hp 11 (1d8 +3 con)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Resist Immune to sleep, +2 ST vs enchantment
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Bomb +4 (1d6+3)(R 20’)
Ranged Light Crossbow +4 (1d8/19x2) (20 bolts)
Melee Dagger +0 (1d4/19x2)
Melee Cold Iron Kunai +0 (1d4/x2)
Formulas: 2
Level 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture
Formula list
Level 1: Bomber’s Eye , Cure Light Wounds, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Crafter’s Fortune, Heightened Awareness
Str 11, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Brew potion, Throw anything, Splash Weapon Mastery
Traits Firebug (+1 attack – bombs/splash weapons) , Touched by the Sea (+1 Swim)
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +9, Spellcraft +7, Disable Device +7, Know (arcane) +7 , Know (nature) +7, Perception +5, Heal +5, Know (engineering) +9, Swim +5
Languages Common, Goblin, Draconic, Giant, Orc
Other Gear Alchemist’s kit (alchemy crafting kit, a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), Bandolier, Explorer’s outfit
12 GP, 5 SP, 0 CP | Load: 55# (Medium))
Encumbrance: Light (38#)/ Medium (76#)/ Heavy (115#)
Special Abilities
Engineer: +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Knowledge (engineering) checks. This racial trait replaces sneaky.
FCB: 1 - Add +1/2 to the number of bombs per day the alchemist can create.
Background Grak was born and raised in the Bandu Hills of Sargava. From an early age he had a fascination with fire and so he gravitated to the tribe’s alchemist. Initially, Grak would gather supplies for him and tried to learn from observing. When he showed an ability to mimic what he had seen, the tribe leader insisted on formal training. With Grak’s growing knowledge and natural talent, the tribe’s alchemist worried he may be replaced, so he convinced the tribe’s leader to send Grak on a journey to learn more about siege weapons in order to combat the Bandu tribes in the area.
He set off with a small group to reach the coast. A few days into the trip, however, they were attacked by a Bandu tribe. In typical hobgoblin fashion, most of the warriors abandoned Grak in order to save themselves from the larger force. While he was able to injure some of his attackers with a bomb, he was surrounded and captured. He didn’t realize it at the time, but throwing the bomb saved his life as the slavers recognized he would have value. He was sold to a tribe of Ombo who then shipped him down river and sold him again to some pirates. While it wasn’t how he expected to get there, he realized he had reached his destination.
Initially, he planned to learn what he needed in order to return to his tribe, but once on board a ship, he felt strangely at home. The strict discipline on the ship was normal for him, and he found his skills particularly useful, especially his ability to create alchemist’s fire. What a sight it was to see a flaming ball flying through the air to engulf the sails of an opponent’s ship he frequently thought to himself. And without any direct competition, he felt he had a secure position in the crew. Eventually, his abilities earned him his freedom, and he was allowed to leave the ship once at port to get the supplies he needed for his craft. As he waited on the dock for the rest of the landing party to return to the ship’s boat, he looked out at the ocean, marveling at how things had turned out for him. Unfortunately, in his daydream state, he didn’t hear someone come up behind him. The last thing he remembers is a blow to the back of his head and the waves rushing up to meet him.