
Master Elodin's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts (356 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 aliases.


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Dark Archive

What also would be helpful is a few tips and tricks to playing the classes successfully. But I'm not sure how labor intensive that is.

Dark Archive

Excellent work here. Thank you so much guys!

We just started playing Skull & Shackles. We've got Zarlova in our party and she seems pretty fun. I'm playing the S&S Seltyiel. Does anyone know if it would be worth it to get the Magus deck. Currently the only add-ons we have are the S&S Add-on and the Cleric CD.

Are the other classes not included because you do not have them?

Dark Archive

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Master Elodin wrote:
Thinking Varisian Cartomancer Witch. Probably a friend of Koyas?

Want to submit with Boram? You read their fortunes, I just steal them ;)

Understandable if not, I just like the idea of characters with a con/scheme in place.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Dark Archive

Thinking Varisian Cartomancer Witch. Probably a friend of Koyas?

Dark Archive

Definitely interested.
Flying Blade Swashbuckler, Cartomancer Witch, Druidic Tiger-tamer? Ideas abound!

Dark Archive

Aww yeah. Evil submissions abounding! Love it. Dotting for submission later today.

Dark Archive

Working on a Wind Oracle or Cleric of Gozreh...

Dark Archive

Dotting for later tonight...

Dark Archive

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Oh, gosh. There are only two even semi-healer submissions. Is it possible to submit a second character, to fill that gap?

That tends to be a problem in evil campaigns unfortunately.

Dark Archive

Working on a Sea-Reaver Barbarian. I think he would be perfect for ya Zakgrob ;)

Dark Archive

I've actually been toying with the idea for quite a while to run a sort of reverse Runelords adventure where the PCs actually become the next Runelords. Definately an evil adventure kind of a thing. I've thought that perhaps using Shattered Star as a template might be worth while. Just haven't got around to it yet.

Dark Archive

GM Shathira wrote:

@Ierox not real keen on the ratfolk.

I'm looking to get this started again sometime next week.

Level 3? Is that correct?

Dark Archive

I can get behind that (no pun intended). Klassalka's gonna be making Artemis' day A LOT. Hopefully the has the opportunity to return the favor XD

Dark Archive

Working on a Divine Paragon Cleric of Nethys, as we speak XD

Dark Archive

HedwickTheWorldly wrote:
Master Elodin wrote:

Hmmm...Elven Cloistered Cleric of Nethys? Rice-Farming Kitsune Cleric of the Daikitsu?

Why is it that with a choice of only one class, I'm having a harder time nailing down a character?...

So, first of all, I'm jealous of your NotW-plug of a name, Master Elodin :D

I also agree with the fact that the limitation seems to make me MORE indecisive. Should I play a fast-talking, money-grubbing Dwarf Cleric of Abadar? Maybe a surprisingly whimsical, wandering Half-Orc Divine Paragon of Desna? A sheltered, bookish Cloistered Cleric of Irori? The options are endless!

Doubly glad that someone both understands my frustration AND appreciates outstanding literature! Hats off to you Hedwick!

Dark Archive

Hmmm...Elven Cloistered Cleric of Nethys? Rice-Farming Kitsune Cleric of the Daikitsu?
Why is it that with a choice of only one class, I'm having a harder time nailing down a character?...

Dark Archive

LegitGM wrote:

Okay... here goes.

Starting balance: 150 gp, and an inherited item worth no more than $1000 gp.

Any restrictions/limitations on the inherited item?

Dark Archive

May be a good opportunity to tap those seldom used Elven deities as well.

Dark Archive

Philo Pharynx wrote:

Sorry to hear about the broken arm.

This sounds interesting. I could definitely go with this. With all clerics, we won't need anybody to be a straight healbot. Lots of options there.

I would suggest one limit and one expansion. I'd say that all multiclassing has to be divine classes or archetypes connected with the divine or your specific god. I'd also let people play any divine class. Let's give the warpriests, oracles, and inquisitors some love.

I hear you, though once you bring in the other divine casters, that kind of defeats the purpose of the original idea, no?

Dark Archive

GM Shathira wrote:
We are looking for two players to join the campaign. It's just about at the end of the first book.

Is there something specific you're looking for, for the group as far as roles are concerned? I've had a few ideas for this adventure that I've never got around to yet - one of which is a druid who is looking to see the worldwound closed to see the nature restored to what is right and natural.

Dark Archive

I could get down with that. There could be a lot of interesting dialogues between different followers of different faiths with the same common goal.

Dark Archive

GM SilentSage wrote:

@Master Elodin

For the Hellknight info you've requested, the most thematically appropriate would be the Order of the Torrent.

The Hellknights of the Order of the Torrent were mandated in the wake of the Chelish Civil War after the order’s founder, Reya Naulvaneti, rescued the abducted son of Kintargo’s then lord-mayor. In honor of this accomplishment, the Order of the Torrent has focused itself on rescuing the abducted. The Order of the Torrent appeals to lawful good Hellknights—they have never knowingly had an evil member among their ranks. The order has diminished in recent years to a historic low of 23 members. Most of them are spread throughout Avistan, where they search for the lost and taken throughout the Inner Sea region, but they also often serve as mercenaries aboard ships in waters sailed by slavers. The current Lictor of the order Octavio Sabinus, is currently missing due to unknown circumstances.

“Breathe deeply before the plunge.”
Fortress: Citadel Vaull, Castle District in Kintargo
Leader: Lictor Octavio Sabinus (MIA)
Symbol: Armored fish
Armor: Aquatic themes with fin-shaped flourishes
Favored Weapon: Halberd or longbow
Reckoning: Allowing oneself to be nearly drowned and then revived
Discipline: 3rd-level Hellknight - Seek the taken: Use an Enlarged Locate Creature as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his total character level.
At 9th level, when a Order of the Torrent Hellknight gains his third discipline, he cannot choose the summon devil discipline

I do not believe Signifiers get disciplines, so that part may not apply to you. Other than them though, the Order of the Rack has shown up in town to pick up their slack. Since they're all about quashing rebellions though... not a great pick. Otherwise, Order of the Scourge, of which the Torrent were and off-shoot of, could also be an option with some convenient GM magic.

Thanks for the info dump. Much appreciated!

Dark Archive

@GM SilentSage Just saw in the Player's Guide that the Hellknights could be a potential choice? A Signifier seems really intriguing to me given this information, as I had automatically ruled out anything like this as even remotely possible. Would you care to give some helpful direction as to potential Order(s) of the Hellknights either here in post or in a PM?

Dark Archive

Dotting for submission later today...

Dark Archive

Sorry. Day of nightmares yesterday. Shouldn't happen again. Apologies guys!

Dark Archive

Side note...what does everyone here use for mapping in PbP? Google slides? Roll20? Something else? I'm planning on running an adventure myself pretty soon...

Dark Archive

Davia D wrote:
There's the question of whether he's dead-dead or 'just' at negative XP.

Or it's just a mind mess or who knows what...

Dark Archive

I'm keeping the working dad theme going here. I live in Massachusetts.
I've been RPing for a while face-to-face and online but this is my first PbP. Pretty excited.

I really enjoy reading (and weekly attempt writing) Fantasy Fiction. Not so much of a video gamer anymore as the few hobbies I have time for don't share well with others.

Dark Archive

4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 5) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 6) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 2) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 4) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 2) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 1) = 5

Dark Archive

What's the scope of this? 1 level? Longer?

Dark Archive

Definitely love to play in Hell's Vengeance.

Dark Archive

Hey everyone. Pretty excited about this one!

I'm thinking either Occultist or Elder Mythos Wizard.

Dark Archive

GM Bone Man wrote:
Pirate goblins you say....

You have me!

The question is, will the goblins burn down their own ship before the first book is finished?

The We Be Goblins line is out there too, if you wanted to string those together (and they're free).

Dark Archive

Interested and already rolling one up!

Dark Archive

Hope you're still looking. I've got an Elemental Gnome Sorcerer who's dying for some adventure on the high seas.

Here's his character sheet.

I can easily generate a character background, but I like mine to be tied into at least one other PC in the group somehow. So for that, I'd like to chat with one of them first. What I do have in mind is that Finkibrik (Fink) has been a "Storm Runner" - basically a smuggler/loot runner who's run skirts the Eye of Abednego.

Dark Archive

Much thanks for the timely responses.

Dark Archive

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if someone could help me with what might be the best way to get involved with a play-by-post group.
I've been playing Face-2-face for several years now and play some online as well, but I wanted to try this out after hearing about it for awhile.

Dark Archive

Helel13 wrote:

While I love this flavor wise, I would really run it by the players first since this could kind of mess with character concepts with regards to stats.

Echoing these thoughts. That's what I was unsuccessfully getting at.

Dark Archive

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

I think the individual bits and pieces of the first adventure are great, but yes, a remix is required at the least. The PCs really should have two "Campaign Traits", in the same way that Hell's Rebels has the psuedo-traits for "Why are you at the protest?" as well as a trait that ties into the campaign as a whole.

Were I to run this again: ** spoiler omitted **

Crazy good idea. I like it!

One thing that might be difficult for some groups - certainly mine - is assigning their stats via the Harrow reading. That really eliminates so many options the players may want to use and be excited about.

Dark Archive

MrVergee wrote:
If you like the idea of 0-level characters, you can check my journal for some ideas. I had the PCs start off as lambs, giving them a reason to really hate the old guy ...

Two of the characters actually were lambs, so we've sorta got that going for us.

Dark Archive

Steel_Wind wrote:

Another note, for those who use Herolab, I have purchased the "GM Only" content for Curse of the Crimson Throne Anniv Ed AP and I am finding it very useful.

Most of my players are very experienced and tend to blow through most combat encounters as written with ease. Only you as a GM can best gauge how much to beef up encounters to provide the proper challenge to your players' PCs. Every group of players is different. I find I have to boost mine significantly; YMMV.

Having the encounters in Herolab via purchased content greatly facilitates my being able to revise statblocks and boost encounters quickly. As I also use Herolab's tactical console to run my combats, this is a great method for getting it all in there quickly. Lastly, I use a VTT to run my game and having the encounters in a form I can (mostly) revise and then export in D20Pro format saves me countless hours of work.

Short strokes: if any of this sounds like you, get the CotCT Anniv Edition "GM Only" content from Lone Wolf. It's worth it.

Duly noted. Thanks!

Dark Archive

walter mcwilliams wrote:

Regardless of the version you run, and Kalindlara is correct it's a great rewrite of an already excellent series and everything is already converted to PF for you. Regardless of the version you need to get the players fully-invested in Korvosa. She is the most important NPC in the AP!

I have a lot of extra material I did for this campaign if you're interested. It is far and away my favorite of the first three post WoTC AP's.

DEFINITELY interested in the extra material you did.

We all talked last night during character creation and everybody is investing in several different parts of the city, as I told them they've got to really care about Korvosa, or the adventure won't work.

Dark Archive

Hmmm. I may have to reconsider that then, huh?

Dark Archive

Kalindlara wrote:
First of all, are you running from the new hardcover compilation? I found it to be a significant improvement over the (already excellent) original. ^_^

How so?

I already had the PDFs of the original adventure, so a big unfortunate no to that.

Dark Archive

Hey guys. I'm going to be GMing this AP starting in two weeks.

Wondering if any of you out there had thoughts on what you would do differently if you were to run this again. Are there things you would add/remove. Are there things you would play up more/less?

Dark Archive

Carter Lockhart wrote:
Master Elodin wrote:

"If the PCs agree to investigate the House of Withered Blossoms on behalf of the kami, they may leave the next morning."

"If the PCs agree to go to the House of Withered Blossoms, an audible sigh passes through the kami gathered in the clearing."

So what do I do I the PCs DON'T want to go to the House of Withering Blossoms? Just bypass the rest of the adventure?

Maybe an opening to put Suishen's Ego score to work?

That aside, more subtly you have a lot of NPCs to play with. Ameiko could feel compelled to seek revenge for her family by striking at the storms holdout. Koya may be interested in find clues to the story of the Oni group and their history. Sandru muses aloud about the valuables that might be hidden within. Shalelu talks about removing the taint of goblins and oni so the Kami can restore the land. Ulf is intrigued for a chance to navigate more of the forest and the opportunities that being a skilled guide through such territory might bring.

But. Basically. Yeah. If they don't want to. They don't have to. But that's boring and there are a ton of good plot hooks to go inside of the group has gotten this far.

Yeah. I'm sure my group will want to go because they rarely turn down an opportunity to showcase their awesomeness in combat, but still. I wasn't really seeing a lot of things in the way of plot hooks here and wondering if I was missing something.

Dark Archive

"If the PCs agree to investigate the House of Withered Blossoms on behalf of the kami, they may leave the next morning."

"If the PCs agree to go to the House of Withered Blossoms, an audible sigh passes through the kami gathered in the clearing."

So what do I do I the PCs DON'T want to go to the House of Withering Blossoms? Just bypass the rest of the adventure?

Dark Archive

Nefreet wrote:

I went ahead and flagged it for the Homebrew Forum.

Lots of useful advice and experience over there.

Thank you Nefreet and Daw. Super helpful.

Dark Archive

Milo v3 wrote:
No you can't.

I understand it's not in the rules. I'm wondering more about the philosophy behind the ruling.

Dark Archive

A player in my group wants to know if he can use Eidolon feats on his Phantom. What might be some potential problems with that? Would you allow that or no? Are there many Spiritualist specific feats out there?

Not as familiar with the Occult classes.


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