About Zakgrob QuickbladeCHARACTER SHEET:
Name: Zakgrob Quickblade Race: Goblin Class: Rogue (Unchained) 1 Archetypes: Knife Master/Scout Deity: Besmara Favored Class: Rogue Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Ht/Wt: 3'/34 lbs. Hair/Eyes: Black/Red Age/Gender: 14/Male STR: 08 (-1)
BAB: +0
FORT: +0(2)
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 11
Light Load : 19.5 lbs. (22.5 lbs. w/backpack)
TRAITS Campaign Trait: Besmara’s Blessing
Trait 2: Bloody-Minded (Combat)
Trait 3: Cunning Liar (Region)
Drawback: Paranoid
GEAR (1 gp 6 sp) Pickpocket's Outfit
Leather Armor (10 gp/AC +2/Max Dex +6/ACP 0/Wt 7.5 lbs.) Daggers (2) (8 gp/Dmg 1d3/Crit 19-20,x2/Range 10ft/Type P or S/Wt 1 lb.)
Light Crossbow (35 gp/Dmg 1d6/Crit 19-20,x2/Range 80ft/Type P/Wt 2 lbs.)
Backpack (Masterwork) (50 gp/Wt 1 lb.)
Like most of his kind, Zakgrob is short, standing exactly three feet tall, and to put it bluntly is, well, ugly. His beady little eyes are red, and and he has no hair to speak of. His oversized head sits atop a scrawny body, agile but not strong. His skin is a grayish-green in color, and marked with scars, boils, pustules, and other grossness. He has a wicked smile full of jagged teeth and a love of small pointy things. He wears clothing that is mismatched, mis-sized in some places, and colorful (also, easy to hide things in). PERSONALITY:
Zakgrob is a wily and cunning goblin, but as is common amongst his kind, not very smart. And the thing he is most definitely NOT is charismatic (or handsome). He likes shiny things, and cooking for some reason is a favorite pastime for him. He is not evil, per se, just more that he likes to do things when he thinks of them and doesn't think the consequences through all the time - especially in regards to things that belong to other people. If he wants something more than someone else, why shouldn't he have it? Clearly, he wants it more than them and if they didn't stop him from being able to take it from them, then they shouldn't have had it in the first place. He tends to mix up saying "I" for saying his name or "me". He is also BARELY literate. He likes water and being on boats more than most of his kind, and isn't as keen on fire as they. BACKGROUND:
Zakgrob was born in the cargo hold of a ship, amidst a small group of goblin stowaways who had been planning a takeover of the ship - for over a week with no headway. Every plan had flaws and no plan could be agreed upon by all. The ship came in to port without a goblin takeover, and Zakgrob was born on a day of celebration to Besmara, a festival in Port Peril that the goblins were able to sneak off in to. As a goblin, Zakgrob and his kind had to stay hidden in the city much of the time, as many of the inhabitants assumed the worst of goblins and/or tried to kill them. Along with hiding, Zakgrob learned he had to be fast and agile to keep from getting spotted or killed, and to look over his shoulder all the time. Of course, it's only paranoia if they AREN'T out to get you, right? One of his favorite pastimes growing up was hiding in the rafters of taverns at the docks listening to the pirates and sailors telling their stories once he learned the Common tongue. Many stories were exaggerated, some tellers were too drunk to really tell the tales, but they were all exciting and filled with treasure and killing, which were things Zakgrob liked! So he would sneak some of the ale from patrons too drunk or too asleep to notice, and listen to the tales, wishing it was he on the decks of the ships. He tried signing up with several ships, one he was laughed off of, the other he was chased off of. Finally, he was accepted on the third ship, where he learned not only how to sail, but got to put his cooking skills to the test. When the ship sailed in to port, he went to the Formidably Maid tavern, proud that he was now a pirate! That drink was really strong, though! He woke up on a ship, he could feel the movement, though he didn't remember boarding one whether as crew or passenger. |