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Could i take the major drawback combat disrupted casting without the bonus feat? Would probably help balance being undead.
I see no issue with that
And Simple Great clubs: I think your thinking too simple. You imagine just the big wooden stick right? Well, that's not a great club. And you also forget that Clubs can be made if more things than just wood. Sure it's that that makes them worth nothing, but what about Masterwork clubs? Are they just a well shaped branch? No- they are well crafted weapons.
There's a reason some weapons are not simple, but I'm going to go ahead and say yes because frankly I see where your coming from.

Shakaro Jun |

There's a reason some weapons are not simple, but I'm going to go ahead and say yes because frankly I see where your coming from.
OK, cool.
The simple/martial divide seems to mostly be based around critical multipliers and special abilities. The greatclub is the lame duck of the martial two-handers as its crit multiplier is just 20x2 and it has no special abilities. Compare it to the earth breaker at 2d6 damage and x3 crits. When you consider that the two-handed simple weapons do only 1d8 but have special abilities (longspear has reach, while spear can be thrown, and quarterstaff is a double weapon) and crit multipliers (longspear and spear are both x3), 1d10 with no abilities is about equal in power.
That answers #1. How about question # 2 and 3? I'm cool if the answer is no for those.
@ DM waz up?:
It's coming together. But I have a few questions:
1. How do you feel about the greatclub being considered a simple weapon instead of martial?Done2. As an oracle I get Diplomacy as a class skill, but I feel as a 'primitive' that intimidate might be a better fit. How would you feel about swapping the two, so Intimidate is in class but not Diplomacy?
3. The Wood Bond revelation gives me a +1 bonus to attacks with wood weapons. How do you feel about this ability also giving me a +1 to craft (carpentry)? Strangely, the wood mystery offers nothing that would assist in working with wood.

Guy St-Amant |
Yes and yes,
Any more questions?
Quite a few questions and comments in the posts bellow That one have yet to be addressed.

KM WolfMaw |
And I apologise that I didn't address any other questions. I am not able to respond to everything especially since there are quite a few of you all asking.
Read them, and pick those which seems like good idea to answer at Character Creation, like the ability scores adjustments for age categories.
Edit #2: compiled some...
Wade Willhelm:
1) Do aasimars also get to do the whole roll three times thing?
Guy St-Amant: Now for my usual Questions:
2) Templates? Nevermind.
3) Young Characters?
4) Ability Scores adjustment by age categories, does it work core rules or more like PFS?
5) DnD 3.5 Unearthed Arcana Generic Classes?

Guy St-Amant |
Another option for answering questions is wait until the player puts forth the effort to put together an interesting background and character before requiring the gamemaster to research the 1000 different options of character creation that pathfinder supports.
So smart. But most of us don't want to have to remake 95% of a character due to unanswered questions and/or things the GM forgot to mention.

Daleth the Lost |

So i realize my hit points are still higher than normal but the undead rules mostly counter that. I have no con so if i go to 0 hitpoints i die. So i effectively have the normal hitpoints of a 1st level character.
I know that you have said that undead probably won't be chosen because they are unbalanced. I have done my best to balance my character. It isn't stronger than a normal 1st level character. It is just a aqautic bloodline sorcerer with a support role. Their seems to be a dearth in arcane support.

OmniChaos |

@Guy St-Amant
I would suggesting going a different direction with your character then. If your fixed on only a single concept that requires specific rules then this may not be the game for you. Wait for one that is more open ended with it's rules in that case. Personally I think of a concept then find a way to make it work with the rules in place, more often then not 3rd party or custom rules are off the table from the start.
For this game I went through three concepts and proto-PCs before I settled on one that fit with in the rules and direction I wanted to go. Play the concept/PC not the rules and crunch sense they rarely line up perfectly if ever. Also in case you missed it, the DM has made it clear what preferences they have for PCs. Your concept seems counter to it in a number of ways based off your questions.

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DM waz up? wrote:And I apologise that I didn't address any other questions. I am not able to respond to everything especially since there are quite a few of you all asking.Read them, and pick those which seems like good idea to answer at Character Creation, like the ability scores adjustments for age categories.
Edit #2: compiled some...
Wade Willhelm:
1) Do aasimars also get to do the whole roll three times thing?Guy St-Amant: Now for my usual Questions:
3) Young Characters?
4) Ability Scores adjustment by age categories, does it work core rules or more like PFS?
5) DnD 3.5 Unearthed Arcana Generic Classes?
1) Yes, they can.
2) alrighty, you know this
3)hmm... Gonna have to say no, just because it mucks some things up.
4)standard as Pathfinder, as time passes in game so will it for your characters.
5)ah, no... Sorry I just don't want to have a bunch of build-a-class Characters.

Δaedalus |

Check the spreadsheet for a more in depth answer, but basically we're pretty short on proper Casters. I would advise going for a divine caster of some sort.
Not that I'm biased or anything, being one of two full arcane casters, thus having a better chance of being accepted.

Guy St-Amant |
KM WolfMaw wrote:3) Young Characters?
4) Ability Scores adjustment by age categories, does it work core rules or more like PFS?3)hmm... Gonna have to say no, just because it mucks some things up.
4)standard as Pathfinder, as time passes in game so will it for your characters.
3) Aww, no creepy kids then.
4) asking just to be sure.

Δaedalus |

Arrgh! I don't know anything about making divines!
Okay, lemme. Lemme try something. I guess. It can't be much harder than making a melee bard.
I was kind of kidding, we have almost no proper arcane support (one wizard, one sorcerer, three alchemists, and a bard). Divine we have a few more of (two oracles, a cleric and a Druid). Really, though, make what you want to play. We're lacking on both, I just like being one of the few Arcane submissions.

Trinam |

...Evangelist Cleric of General Susumu (Glory-Heroism domain) who acts as a force multiplier, dude's a tien who was over here for trade and got suckered into everything... okay yes I think I have a plan. LEMME THROW A THING TOGETHER this could take a few.
EDIT: change that to gorum, I need to channel positive energy. Things are gonna get nuts.

OmniChaos |
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Daleth the Lost wrote:if you can only get one full caster choose Δaedalus. He is way more helpful. Making spreadsheets and waiting a whole month. As much as I would like to play if you can only choose one choose him.I approve of this message.
Sounds just like a politician. At least we know he can play the evil role already. ;P
P.S. Don't mind me I have had two gourmet donuts when clearly, I shouldn't have. x)

Trinam |

Behold, that one CN guy who seems to be in every party.
Only in a party where he makes sense.
The war-hound and rabble rouser who wants to watch the world burn, THE (soon to be) DREAD PIRATE ROBERTS.
Male Human Cleric of Gorum 1 (Evangelist, Bravery variant channel)
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor +1 dex)
HP 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Club -1 (d6-1, x2, B)
Ranged Sling +1 (d4-1, x2, B, 50 ft)
Sermonic Performance 6 rounds, standard action to begin
Touch -1, Ranged Touch +1, DC 14+SL, CL 1st, Concentration +5
known: 3/2+1
0 (at will): Detect magic, Create Water, Guidance
1: shield of faith, bless, unprepared
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
BAB +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
1 Scribe Scroll
B Heighten Spell (just. don't ask. it's a prereq ok?)
Seeker (+1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.)
Touched by the Sea (+1 trait on Swim, Swim is always class skill, -1 to penalty for attacking underwater)
Skills5 SP/lvl
Perform (oratory) +6 (1 rank + 3 trained + 2 cha)
Knowledge (religion) +6 (1 rank + 3 trained + 2 int)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank + 3 trained + 2 int)
Swim +4 (1 rank + 3 trained - 1 str + 1 trait)
Perception +9 (1 rank + 3 trained + 1 trait + 4 wis)
-3 ACP
Languages Common, Infernal, Abyssal
Combat Gear 10 bullets
Other Gear Sling, Club, Chain Shirt, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (10), cheap holy text, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, wooden holy symbol, 23 gp
Special Abilities
Bonus Feat
Aura (Chaotic)
Public Speaker (penalty to be heard in difficult conditions reduced by 3)
Touch of Glory +1 cha-based skill (7/day)
Sermonic Performance (6 rounds/day)
Standard to begin
inspire courage +1
Spontaneous Casting:
1st command
2nd enthrall
3rd tongues
4th suggestion
5th greater command
6th geas/quest
7th mass suggestion
8th sympathy
9th demand
Glory Domain (Heroism Subdomain)
1st—shield of faith
2nd—bless weapon
4th—holy smite
5th—righteous might
6th—heroism (greater)
7th—holy sword
8th—holy aura
As far as personality goes, he is literally just here to watch the world burn so why not do it with some particularly jerkish pirates? He can keep his alignment CN by abusing protection from evil spells and then committing atrocities, simultaneous extremism is totally how neutral works, right? Right.

Ouachitonian |

Behold, that one CN guy who seems to be in every party.
Only in a party where he makes sense.
The war-hound and rabble rouser who wants to watch the world burn, THE (soon to be) DREAD PIRATE ROBERTS.
** spoiler omitted **...
I think he'd get along well with my Skinwalker Armored Hulk Barbarian (also a Gorumite) who's just a little bit more honest about being in it to steal, kill, and destroy (and therefore CE).

OmniChaos |

I know I am shooting myself in the foot here, but seeing as I submitted a bard myself. I think you would be better served as an actual bard (arcane healer) over your current build if that's your concept. If your going for a healer cleric then losing a domain, your burn a spell for cure, and capping your channeling. For a bard's ability to perform is a big trade off to me. But that's just my opinion, feel free to ignore. :)

Peet |

Peet, wouldn't your concept maybe be fulfilled better by a Warpriest? They're basically self-buffing clerics that focus more on combat than spellcasting. Just a note, and I can personally attest (with two of them on the boards) that the Warpriest is a great class.
Yeah, I know what a warpriest is. I have submitted a warpriest for a different game. But I don't want to be playing two characters that play the same way.
Besides, I think the wood mystery is neat and am trying to figure out a way to make it work. I also prefer spontaneous casters.

Trinam |

I'm looking ahead to 8th level where I'll be able to give everyone heroism as a swift action, drop a performance as a move, and have my standard for another buff spell (not haste though, sadly) or a channel that'll negate the AC penalty to charge for my allies. That's a swing a bard can't do without a lesser quicken metamagic rod, and it costs him two 3rd level spell slots to do it (which are precious to him--I've played a few bards in my day)
That's well worth not having a second domain, and since we're all evil then infernal healing is going to be more cost efficient than any number of CLW spells. The only thing I'm hung up on is extend or selective channel at 3rd. 5th is preferred spell (lesser resto) of course, and 7th will probably be quick channel for when you absolutely have to buff every mother--ahem, in a room.
EDIT and don't even get me started on scribe scroll on a cleric. Dear god, I will become batman.

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Ok so i don't mean to presumptuous but here is my prediction on who is getting in.
aedalus: for being super helpful and being the best arcane support available
Kathandrax: intertwined backstory with aedalus, being a melee monster but also a tiny critter and flying. Hoards gold like a pirate, and has the arrogance of a future captain.
Zakgrob Quickblade: ranged character with a traditionally evil race. Good backstory and provides mechanical strength to the party.
Arok the Drowned: Good solid icky mechanics likely to get worse as time goes on. Also provides decent aoe while also being a divine caster and covering that role.
Black Caul: Pirate through and through with no remorse and already has the tendencies for anger that make a great first mate. Fame is usefull and backstory contains possible hooks for the future. Solid melee combatant.
These are my predictions for the likely players.
Could we start a roll call to see who is still active?
Some people might have dropped out and just not posted.

Teiidae |

Maybe halek, If the Dm is looking for ranged characters there is a hydrokineticist and I think a zen archer, both have amazing ranged potential and power. I can speak for the later as I'm playing one in a mythic gestalt game.
Regardless, it will not be an easy choice for the Dm, a roll call is a good idea.