
OmniChaos's page

Goblin Squad Member. 435 posts (10,868 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 69 aliases.


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Hope it's nothing serious and he gets well soon.

That said, I'm resisting a vomit comment just for you. ;)

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Feeling like this, it's alright. That's why we're all here. (¬‿¬)

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Just messing, take it easy Shadow.

Good luck to those that made it and those that did not. :)

Updated. Feel free to correct me if I missed you or got something wrong.

Whisper Heart Sliver Female Sprite Inspired Blade, Mouser (Swashbuckler) 5/ VMC Rogue [Nickadeamous]
Trakas Aeramirdal Male Squirrel Rogue 4/ Swashbuckler 1 (Inspired Blade) [Jovich]
Fidget the Raccoon Male Raccoon Cleric 1/ Monk(of the Four Winds) 4 [RobL8675309]
Silvertail Female Fox Sorcerer 5 [Almonihah]
Nilly FratzMale Brownie Druid 5 (Goliath) [Edelsmirge]
Azurz Male Atomie Fey Adept 5 [OmniChaos]
Eirish Carb'Ombe Male Carbuncle Companion Fighter 1 (Dragoon)/ Alchemist 1 (Construct Rider)/ Artificer 3 [VoodooMonkey]
Zizi The Masterless Female Cat Incanter 3 / Rogue 2 [DarkLightHitomi]
Dagg The Broken Female Homunculus Shaman (Animist) 5 [william Nightmoon]
Anaxian Male Pseudodragon Exploiter Wizard 5 [Doomed Hero]
Sir Gallant Male Goat Cavalier (Gallant, Gendarme, Charger (Lapith)) 5 [Seth86]
Tekumsah La'Awethikah Male Petrifern Phytokineticist 5 [Loup Blanc]

My vote is Golarian/Faerun, I know the most about those. The others little to nothing. x)

Here is a list of submissions in no certain order. Feel free to correct me if I missed you or got something wrong.

Whisper Heart Sliver Female Sprite Inspired Blade, Mouser (Swashbuckler) 5/ VMC Rogue [Nickadeamous]
Trakas Aeramirdal Male Squirrel Rogue 4/ Swashbuckler 1 (Inspired Blade) [Jovich]
Fidget the Raccoon Male Raccoon Cleric 1/ Monk(of the Four Winds) 4 [RobL8675309]
Silvertail Female Fox Sorcerer 5 [Almonihah]
Nilly FratzMale Brownie Druid 5 (Goliath) [Edelsmirge]
Azurz Male Atomie Fey Adept 5 [OmniChaos]
Eirish Carb'Ombe Male Carbuncle Companion Fighter 1 (Dragoon)/ Alchemist 1 (Construct Rider)/ Artificer 3 [VoodooMonkey]
Zizi The Masterless Female Cat Incanter 3 / Rogue 2 [DarkLightHitomi]
Dagg The Broken Female Homunculus Shaman (Animist) 5 [william Nightmoon]
Anaxian Male Pseudodragon Exploiter Wizard 5 [Doomed Hero]
Sir Gallant Male Goat Cavalier (Gallant, Gendarme, Charger (Lapith)) 5 [Seth86]

If I recall correctly. Max HP for 1st, half +1 after that or roll. Then add the normal stuff like Con, favored, and feat as always. While wealth was 5th level.

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Drink plenty of fluids and get better.

I think you misunderstood, your stat mods should be -8 Str, +4 Dex, +0 Con, -8 Int, +2 Wis, -6 Cha. You start at 10 for every stat and use a 15 point buy like normal, then you apply the above mods to the result to get your final stats. As well as add +2 on two abilities of your choice for being a basic familiar. If I'm wrong, please correct me. x)

My guy is a improved familiar with decent starting stats, Cha is his highest stat from the start. Then I dumped a lot of points into Cha and used my ability point from leveling on it as well. To make his illusions harder to disbelieve, sense that's sort of his bread and butter. Can't have a weak DC if I want to keep him from being completely useless to the party.

You know the size mod's are already included in the stats for monsters. You should not be adding or subtracting anything if you didn't change it to begin with. Unless your changing sizes for some reason then I guess you adjust.

Your master could have done some enhancements or simply created you that way. Now after the game starts then any enhancements or changes will need you to have the prerequisites or find someone who has them. Regardless of setting their are construct crafters in most large cities. So gold is the only real requirement.

Here is the homunculus specific one and here is the construct options. Their may be more 3rd party but this is the ones I know off the top of my head.

The way I read it, unless the DM states it. We don't have anything from our familiar advancement. He said we get alertness and evasion.

Homunculus can have advancements added to them, benefit of being a construct. One of those abilities is Voice that cost 500 gp. Which you can easily afford as a level 5.

Here he is again, for some reason my post was eaten. T.T


Male Atomie Fey Adapt 5
CN Diminutive Fey
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light Vision; Perception +16
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 Size)
hp 50 (7 HD, 2d6+5d8+14)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8
DR 2/Cold Iron
Speed 20 ft., Fly 50 ft. (Good)
Melee -
Ranged -
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6, Shadowmark (3d8, -1), Illusions (DC 20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th)
Constant— speak with animals
At will— dancing lights, reduce person
3/day— invisibility (self only)
1/day— shrink item
Str 6, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 24
Base Atk +2; CMB -4; CMD 10
Traits Quick Learner
Feats Alertness, Improved Familiar, Tactile Illusion, Greater Shadowmark, Extra Magic Talent, Improved Initiative
Skills Bluff +17, Fly +21*, Knowledge (Arcana) +12, Knowledge (Nature) +12, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +27, Use Magic Device +18
Languages Common, Sylvan, Aklo, Draconic; speak with animals
Spell Pool 12
Caster Level 5th (6th Illusions)
Spheres Illusion (Complex Illusions, Illusionary Odor, Illusionary Sound, Illusionary Touch x2, Ranged Illusion), Telekinesis (Finesse)
Drawbacks Somatic Casting x2,
Boons Easy Focus
Improved Evasion, Fey Magic, Master Illusionist (2), Shadowstuff (9), Shadowmark (3d8, -1), Darkvision, Truesight (1/day),
Explorer's Outfit, Staff of Illusion +1, Pathfinder Sack (Pouch), Cloak of Resistance +1, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid, Cracked Dusty Rose Prism, Cracked Pale Ruby Trillian, Cracked Pink and Green Sphere (UMD), Western Star, 1450 gp

Azur is a animal speaking fey adapt who does not fight in the traditional sense, arguably at all. He is a tricky little guy, still tricks can help and hurt.

Throw a cloak on or invest in the disguise skill. Now your a doll or child halfling on an animal. If your were even smaller then buy a fur cloak that matches the animals and invest in stealth, now they can't tell your riding until you spring out. ;P

You wouldn't be the first talking animal that commands or rides another animal. ;)

This thread blew up so if you already answered this, forgive me. :)

I was thinking a fey and per your rules, I can pick a sprite but their CR is 1/3 while being an improved familiar. How does that work?

Maybe place a size restriction on top of a CR restriction. Little ones big destinies. :)

Monkeygod wrote:
OmniChaos wrote:
P.S. I always enjoy the sight of a tiny mouse man, back handing something 10 times his size and sending it flying like a boss. Blame cartoons for that. xD

Does said tiny mouse man wear a cape?

Yep, he has brothers that go full frontal or wear a hat too. Hard to keep track sometimes. ^.^

What I have against base familiars is the overlap potential. How many people are going to pick similar things. Not to mention the more out there concepts can't be done. A cat rogue is fine, a winged cat rogue is better, and a cat shaped air elemental rogue is best. But that's just my simple opinion. ;)

P.S. I always enjoy the sight of a tiny mouse man, back handing something 10 times his size and sending it flying like a boss. Blame cartoons for that. xD

I would vote for option B, I always go with more options rather then less.

Shadow is at it again, making interesting games. That guy. ;P

I am interested but waiting on the rules before I comment. I got a concept but if it can work or not is the question. :)

Could you instead put a revision on added style feats in particular, that their prerequisites have to be met even as a bonus feat? Or restrict it to one "style line" instead?

A number of style feats, I have not read them all, have a "monk clause". Listing a monk level or class feature in their prerequisites which can be met instead. That should maintain balance and not give access to certain styles at level 1 that are meant for higher levels and such. Which seems like most. :)

P.S. Thank you Sharaya and Zanbabe for the list.

Aasimar's lack a pointed weakness but tieflings have more options that can be exploited or synergized. That's the reason why Pass for Human has those caveats, sense Aasimar don't have those same options. Basically Pass for Human is the same as Scion of Humanity, with extra text to make it clear you can't use their options on top. In exchange you get access to the human options, this way a tiefling's pool of options can't be stacked to a certain degree.

Still the tiefling makes out pretty good. Only loses access to 7 options while gaining access to 20+ options.

Btw you could always go with Fiendish Facade, but it will cost you a feat.

How much gold are we starting out with?

Sorry if this has been answered already, I was late to the party. x)

Dotting, almost forgot about this. Glad the DM said something. xP

Dot >.>

Dot <.<

Dot, dot, dot.....dot O.O





So what was our start date again? ;)

I suggest we get a roll call first as some have not posted in a while. Also confirm what everyone is playing as.

My idea and alias remains unchanged. I may add to my backstory to detail his time in Zhentil Keep a little more.

Yeah that would have to be a very well written backstory to make sense, in my opinion. As anyone of note would have equally noteworthy enemies to take advantage and if your not of note then how are you not dead by being drained below 1st level. As for stasis, that's more time passing then actual aging, wouldn't be the first time in the realms.

Just a reminder but we start out at level 0 making us all teenagers of our respective races. Humans start at 15 or 16. Elves at 113, 115, and 119 respectively based on class. Dwarves at 42, 44, and 46. The half elves at 20, 21, and 22. To name a few examples, we will all be full of angst and shenanigans galore. ;P

Submissions List
DeathQuaker- Tiefling Craftsman
OmniChaos- Male Chondathan Human Apprentice
Teiidae- Human Acolyte
Monkeygod- Human Acolyte
Tanner Nielsen- Male Illuskan Human Warrior
william Nightmoon- Male Kitsune Merchant
EmissaryOfTheNorth- Male Human Noble
Gramork- Male Fey'ri Cutpurse

Updated, let me know if anything needs to be added or changed.

If I remember right, Halaster got his insanity cured a little bit by Mystra herself. In exchange for trying to go into hell to save Elminster. Seeing as a goddess was unable to fully cure his magical madness and asked him personally to go into hell, I still say their is a very good reason why the twisted rune did not mess with him sooner and regretted it ever after. ;P

Also if I remember right, the Blackstaff helped Halaster get some revenge on one of the two members of the twisted rune that kidnapped him. That lich's soul box and him ended up in his tender hands, to their horror. Love it when a mortal has the stuff to make an undead monster wet themselves. xD

Oh man, I felt Halaster's death was so anticlimactic considering who he was and his mastery of magic. Even insane he was a genius of massive cunning and ability, makes you shudder to think of him being sane. They only managed to catch him after all with wish magic and paid for it in more ways then one. Anyways seeing as magic was loopy during ToT I doubt the twisted rune was in better shape then anyone else. Makes sense for them to be somewhat ready before trying anything on him.

It happens to everyone Storyteller Shadow.


Can we just change the name to Grandmage or something?

Pathfinder's mythic class and the 3e class share the same name but that does not make them the same class or share the same abilities. Much like in 3e their are classes of the same name but a normal version and epic version. I am no expert on mythic, only played it in one game and as a champion, but generally mythic is far and away superior to any prestige class in pathfinder or 3e. At least concerning melee in my experience. It is a high prestige class at that, can only be taken at high levels due to requirements. In this case 14th at the earliest which really only makes it usable for games going to 20th level as it's not worth the investment otherwise in my opinion.

No problem Storyteller Shadow, you got alot on your plate.

Add one more PM to that, just sent you one. Don't worry it's short.

We don't get regional equipment.

Still waiting on my PM, but it seems their is a line. Can I get a number? xP

Strike him down!

Thou shalt not rush the DM, for it brings only misfortune!

Ga Nomes! <3

I would disagree. I can think of two evil gods right off the top of my head that gambled with their faithful in a bid to gain more power. One lost and the other won. To me it's more like they have a new weakness that needs tending. I can also think of a god that was destroyed because their worshipers were tricked into no longer worshiping them. Didn't even need to wipe them out, taking advantage of that weakness.

A number of gods didn't change how they operated. In part I think because that was their purpose. Ironically I think the quasi powers made out the best in that deal. Their powers are their own so faith means nothing to them until they push into godhood. Then they only have to worry about amassing enough faith to keep moving up while at worst they fall back on to their original quasi power status. But I could be wrong, as far as I know their are no rules on it or anything.

My words are my own, it's a conversation. Unless I reference you, I am not talking about you specifically but rather the subject matter. Didn't even quote you so I don't know why you would think that. Regardless sorry you took it that way. I am not in the habit of quoting people or referencing them as a matter of course.


Cyric didn't become a god until the end of the time of troubles. Basically it was over when he rose up into godhood. If we are starting the year before the time of troubles that's going to be the longest 1st level ever. We can wait for the DM to clarify or dug through the post. But pretty sure he meant that someone was going to play a cleric of cyric when he came around. Not going to dug through the post myself at the moment. x)

We are starting in the year before ToT, 1357 DR The Year of the Prince. While the ToT last about 10 months starting in 1358 DR The Year of Shadows. So it depends how fast the DM intends to level us during that year before ToT, their is really no way to know.

Shadow has a few PMs, from me included. He will get to them, he is good about that, so we just have to wait. I'll take some blame, I sent him a big one. x3

@Silver Suni
I have not read all the novels and I never take novels into account for the game. Authors are given creative license and what fits for their story does not need to fit for the game. So far I have found nothing in the source books that addresses how arcane magic works during the time of troubles, only that the goddess no longer regulates it and that dead/wild magic zones popped up as a result. Divine magic they have stated works normally with in 1 mile of said god's avatar. So the DM will have to state which changes if any he is going to make.

We are the bad guys remember. If your not going to collect a few minions or saps to do your bidding along the way, then your not doing it right. xP

I am sure Storyteller Shadow is not the type to completely hamstring a class. If clerics lose their spells for a time, maybe they can find a divine shard or artifact that let's them cast normally once obtained. Or they get the servant of the fallen feat for a while with a whole different meaning due to their exceptional faith. Who knows?

The DM that's who, evil little bugger! ;)

Well yes and no. Magical items were unaffected, again if I recall correctly. I may not. So their is that, then again not everyone has a storehouse of scrolls and such. I'm looking at you Manshoon. Maybe stick to crafting for those few months. ;)

Bam! Done.

Submissions List
DeathQuaker- Tiefling Craftsman
OmniChaos- Male Chondathan Human Apprentice
Teiidae- Human Acolyte
Monkeygod- Human Acolyte
Tanner Nielsen- Duergar Warrior
william Nightmoon- Male Kitsune Merchant
EmissaryOfTheNorth- Male Human Noble
Gramork- Male Fey'ri Cutpurse
RobL8675309- Plumekith Aasimar Warrior

Sorry I missed you Gramork.

Submissions List
DeathQuaker- Tiefling Craftsman
OmniChaos- Male Chondathan Human Apprentice
Teiidae- Human Acolyte
Monkeygod- Human Acolyte
Tanner Nielsen- Duergar Warrior
william Nightmoon- Male Kitsune Merchant
EmissaryOfTheNorth- Male Human Noble
Gramork- Male Fey'ri Cutpurse

Teiidae let me know when you finalize your idea and I'll make the adjustments if needed.

From my understanding, I could be wrong as my memory is not fool proof. During the time of troubles, magic works. Without the goddess of magic regulating it of course. She put a lid on magic after old Karsus put his hand in the cookie jar after all. During the time of troubles was when dead and wild magic zones first appeared as well because she was no longer tending to the weave. As for divine magic, during the time of troubles their magic did not work. Unless they were with in 1 mile of their god's avatar. So find your god and stick with them during the hard times, unless your a druid in which case. Nature rules and gods drool. ;)

@Silver Suni
Spellfire Weilder is a broken feat as are most things connected to it. It is very underwhelming in that you have to constantly ready an action. As well as be directly targeted by magic to make it work. At first glance it looks powerful, but read the fine print and their are a lot of holes. Villains always find the holes or we make them.

Submissions List
DeathQuaker- Tiefling Craftsman
OmniChaos- Male Chondathan Human Apprentice
Teiidae- Tanarukk Acolyte
Monkeygod- Human Acolyte
Tanner Nielsen- Duergar Warrior
william Nightmoon- Male Kitsune Merchant
EmissaryOfTheNorth- Male Human Noble

Let me know if I missed anyone or got anything wrong.

Ah yes sweet Sammaster and his many plots. He got what was coming to him in the end, that last move was not a smart one. Honestly I expected better from a wily former chosen, even if he was mad. ;P

I'll make a list later if no one else beats me to it.

Figures the boards start working and a bunch of post are made, then work goes to hell and I can't post.

O.- I see you goblins, I will have my VENGEANCE!

Anyways, with what storyteller said I am tempted to change my kit to diversify my PC. But I think my first choice is the best choice. He is a born mage, no tricks besides the original one. Magic and constantly being underestimated. ;)

P.S. He was born in the Year of the Gate, sometimes canon just helps with your concept without you realizing til after the fact. x3

Edit- Anyone want to do a quick count of subs and kits?

I see Storyteller Shadow went on a rampage lol. I sent you a PM btw, just a reminder. I am sure you have tons to do. x)

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Posting questions again just in case they may have gotten lost in the site insanity.


Do we get bonus equipment from our region? In the player's guide it says if you don't want the bonus equipment for your region you get a 100 gp instead. Sense some of the equipment may be useless to your class. What do I need armor for after all. :)

Also I don't know about anyone else but I followed the automatic and bonus language rules for your region as well. Don't know if your enforcing that or not. May effect language buffs the most I figure, which I am one of due to that pesky intelligence.

Also a little lore and stuff for anyone interested on a few things concerning Zhentil Keep. Spoiler warning!, don't open them if you rather not know. Anyways I am sure the DM will change/ignore as he will. ;)

Clerics and Cyric in Zhentil Keep:

The year that the DM is starting us at. Cyric is not a god you can worship yet. Bane is Zhentil Keep's god of choice, yet not the only one. Bane's high priest/chosen in Zhentil Keep will switch over to Cyric, then Iyachtu Xvim, and finally back to Bane. I will not go into details about him or this. Not stepping on DM toes. :)

Clerics are not stuck with the first god they choose. Depending on the faith they may not hold it against you for converting. How they react should you return after converting to another faith depends on the faith as well.

Power Groups in Zhentil Keep:

The Chruch of Bane: Fzoul's faction of the church of Bane, believing that the proper worship of the god of tyranny is to support a tyrant, has allied itself with the Zhentarim, which is headed by the most efficient tyrant around, Manshoon. It also participates in numerous ventures in Zhentil Keep, to bring wealth and power to not only the church, but those individuals who serve the Black Lord. Individual priests aid the Zhentilar, the Council of Lords, and the Zhentarim on various missions, providing many kinds of tactical support through the capabilities of different priest spells.

The Handful of Coins: The struggling merchants of Zhentil Keep who are not lords have organized in the last few years to form a secret and informal support network for each other. These folks help each other with smuggling and tax evasion, and by quickly raising funds for bribes for the lord magistrate or to pay off debts and fines. This cooperative effort helps them to avoid being shut down by the richer and unscrupulous lords. The Coins also exert a united front of pressure on the Council to try and get trade standards passed and firm rules in place so that fear of the Zhentarim does not drive away ail foreign trade, or so that certain lords cannot create trade monopolies on specific goods by using arson, blades in dark alleys, and similar means.

The Naug-adar: The naug-adar, or devil dogs, are the ever-watchful minor mages of the Zhentarim. These low ranking or inexperienced mages are given certain spying and eavesdropping tasks that the Zhentarim deem important and that require the magical capabilities endowed by the ability to use wizard spells.

The Naug-orls: Also known as the devil worms, the naug-orls are loosely the thieves' guild of Zhentil Keep, although they are so closely tied to the ruling lords and the Zhentarim that they ought to simply be counted as the scouting and reconnaissance arm of the powers that be in Zhentil Keep.

Orthodox Banites: The power of the orthodox following of Bane in Zhentil Keep, guided by the authority of the High Imperceptor in Mulmaster, has waned rapidly since the inception of the Zhentarim in the Year of Bright Dreams (1261 DR). During their heyday, orthodox priests of Bane were the confidants of the lords of Zhentil Keep, using their power and influence to help the lords in their business transactions and to enrich themselves and their church through the services they offered. The lords, in turn, supported the worship of the Black Lord, allowing the Banites unprecedented freedom of worship. This enabled the Banites to bring more worshipers into the Black Lordís fold than ever before. The Orthodox Banites lost much of their secular power within Zhentil Keep with the Imperceptorís initial (trumped up) discreditment in the Year of the Tressym (1263 DR), when Fzoul took over the church of Bane in Zhentil Keep.

Press Gangs: During the night-time hours, the dreaded press gangs roam the streets of Zhentil Keep in force. The press gangs are sometimes led or incited by naug-adar mages or depraved priests of Bane looking to test their skill or prove their worth to the Black Network or the church of the Black Lord. The press gangs are supposed to (forcibly) recruit able-bodied people into the ranks of the enlisted Zhentilar, These collections of brutal thugs are theoretically details from certain units of the Zhentilar that have suddenly had massive casualties and need to be reinforced quickly.

You sound like CN to me.

The boards have been glitchy the last day or so. If the DM is in that boat then he may not have access to the boards. Or like me only access via phone.