Braddon Hurst |

Braddon is a lackey and won't continue the next book if no other character does. But if anyone else stays on, especially Tendal, it'll be easy to transfer Braddon's loyalties. Assuming he stops being charmed ;-)
And while I considered making him an urban ranger, Braddon is just a core ranger with favoured terrain urban and favoured enemy human, which I always keep forgetting. So he won't have issues outside civilisation. I'll just take new enemies and terrain over the next couple of levels :-)

Tendal Deverin |

Tendal isn't so specialized that he cannot function in the wilderness. He likes his fine things, and would be forced to make disparaging remarks, but the idea of the effete snob in the wilderness makes me happy.
Tendal also doesn't think that there is anyone qualified to figure out whatever is pulling starmetal down from the sky and disable it without it blowing up and/or pulling down something worse.

Joana |

So that's a wizard, a ranger, and a magus heading to Skymetal Island. Mark and Javell, any ideas what kinds of PCs you'll be rolling up?
Mark and KRNVR, votes on Lil's fate?

Javell DeLeon |

Or a warpriest. I've got one in mind that might be interesting to roll with.
I do have a ranger that I ran in an SD game years ago. It was therealthom's game. He was pretty fun. But he's the one I'd switch to Slayer for those rogue benefits. There are a couple of talents that will come in super handy.
Depends on what Mark wants to roll with. I'm pretty flexible in running whatever. Except arcane. Not really an arcane fan. I like Snake, don't get me wrong, but arcane is my least favorite by far. I don't mind it too much at higher levels(had a 17th level dragon disciple that was pretty dang fun at the time) but at lower levels it's just a freaking beating.

Thornborn |

So that's a wizard, a ranger, and a magus heading to Skymetal Island. Mark and Javell, any ideas what kinds of PCs you'll be rolling up?
Gris will be taking Larur's papers to his brother, as was agreed. He'll be striking at Lil when the opportunity presents itself in character, but perhaps only roll the dice if there's agreement out-of-character. There's the slim hope Bojasc rants that killing the dwarf was all Bojasc's idea, to get Lil out from under that cloud. But Lil's marked for death, both this current day and in future, Violent Accidents will plague her.
"I have that feeling." [/Badger]
So if that absents Gris from the Island trip, or from the party going forward, ThornRune might need a new toon. One wonders how much of 'the party' is still 'the' party.
Mark and KRNVR, votes on Lil's fate?
I've felt I had to abstain, given Gris' powerful motive for outright immediate revenge. He's put the other's changes of heart down to magic in some cases, perhaps greed in others, perhaps the tangles of all the claims on Lil's person, or civil restraint as discussed.
It's just a restraint Gristav does not feel at the moment.
But OOC, I see the grandeur of the established recurring villain. I'm enough of a writer to know how good that can be. I'm just also enough of a roleplayer that Gris will play through. And hopefully enough of a team player that good arguments might talk ThornRune around.
Gris, not much for talking just now. (And if THAT's not a clue...)
So, I'd try to abstain in any vote. Is that fair?

Mark Sweetman |

Apologies for being a bit out of circulation over the last week - we lost a team member from work, so it's taken some adjustment and mental reconciliation.
I'll go with Mark's vote on Lil's fate - which is for her to escape at some point and become a recurring theme in our future. She serves for a decent antagonist in the shadows, and gives a counterpoint to the games to come.
As for what to play moving forwards - I'm easy. I'd be happy to take up the healeresque role if needed, or could take a skills / combat route as well. Even happy to be Mr Beefcake in the front line if desired :)
So Javell - roll with what you feel like and I'll flow round the edges :)

Joana |

I will say that someone probably needs to play a healer of some sort. No Arnando to pay a quick visit to once you get away from town.
I don't know if it helps at all from a meta standpoint (Gristav is never likely to be entirely cognizant of the facts of the case as he has little reason to trust either Lil's word or Bojasc's), but Larur's death was entirely an impulsive act by Bojasc. Lil instructed him to make sure no one stumbled onto the truth about where the Gold Goblin's profits were going, and when Larur confronted Saul about the money, Bojasc killed him to keep him from asking more questions.

Phillip Hargreaves |

Given we want to beef up our martial prowess - my consideration to supplement Javell's Warpriest is a Skald - worshipper of Kurgess and Darechaser.
He can then dance on the front lines as needed, buff the party a bit as well as take some of the healing load.

Javell DeLeon |

I gotta say, I agree with Tendal. A Skald is pretty dang cool. I'm in one game with a Skald(I joined about 6 or so months ago) and the other pc's get to ride off the back of the Skald's rage powers if they so choose. It's pretty dang trippin'. That's the only time I've ever been witness to what a Skald can do. I was shocked when I learned that my character(dwarf paladin) could gain the benefits of rage too. I'm like, "Seriously?! Cool." I mean a dwarf paladin with raging benefits?! Doesn't get much better than that, folks. :)

Phillip Hargreaves |

Hey Joana - should we assume building around Level 4? - or is that a bit forward?
Built solidly he moves lightly on his feet, clothed in a mixture of earth tones and tight fitted leather. On each hip lies a well made bearded hand-axe in the Ulfen style, and the hilt of a blade pokes out over one shoulder where the scabbard lies under his travelling cloak.

Phillip Hargreaves |

Greetings fellow raconteurs - many apologies for the radio silence for far too bloody long. Work has been... probably the hardest stretch I've ever done. I'm writing this at 11:20 pm staring at probably another couple of hours work before I can contemplate seeking slumber.
Much stress and pressure, plus our lads are getting larger and interesting in their own ways (good, bad and indifferent). None of this of course is an excuse, but I've nary been able to find the headspace for much creative of an eve - which has obviously driven into the PbP space as well.
I'm not sure when / how I'll come out the end of it, but owe all you good sorts better than I've been giving you of late. I'd like to say give it another few weeks and see how I'm travelling... hopefully the door falls down a tad to more level and stable footing.
Your eminently replaceable conniving con

Gristav |

Except not really, right? Because she's on contract for Season Two?
Because if we're striking in anger, Gris is en queue.
I've been explaining his NOT doing so as a sort of leaving it to Fortune, what with the Lethal Accident spell hanging.

Joana |

Let's call the gameplay thread there. I plan to post an epilogue this weekend that will serve as a bridge to the action in the next adventure.
Everyone check your Wealth By Level, if your character is sticking around. New PCs will come in at 6000 gp. Returning PCs can equip themselves up to the same level; there will be adequate explanation for any extra spending that needs to be done in the epilogue. If somehow you happen to have more than 6000, you can keep the overage.

Braddon Hurst |

Joana. Thank you.
And thank you to the rest of you too.
Over 200 pages and over 8 years I have been honoured to game with you all. You have brought me hours, weeks of fun and laughter, and always the desire to see "What happens next?"
You have gotten me through hard days of work, and been there the rare moments I've had time to be bored. Reviewing old posts has always been a pleasurable passtime.
Thank you all.
And I am so looking forward to the next few years of gaming with you all.

Joana |

Expectations management:
The end of the school year is running me ragged right now. Particularly with Mark unavailable and his future participation still in question, I have no intention of getting a new thread underway until after Memorial Day/PaizoCon (June, in other words).
I still owe you a wrap-up of this thread that will happen ... sometime.