Braddon Hurst |

Do I sense some skepticism...? :-D
Braddon's diplomatic skills have served him extremely well so far. ;-)
What's the worst that can happen...? :-O
I can always give my _next_ character a decent Int.
I've been playing a lot of low Int characters of late... time to move on. :-)

Joana |

As of today, it's been two weeks since Khaladon has posted anywhere on the boards, as far as I can tell. At this point, I'm going to treat Dayn as an NPC and assume he's doing his thing mostly in the background.
Would anyone object to adding another player at this point? If Khaladon turns up again (which I hope he does), that would put us back at 6, which is where we started.

Restless Cherry Blossom |

If positions happen to come open, I would be quite flattered to be considered.
Originally thought this character up for a Second Darkness game that subsequently died. She has since seen quite a bit of tweaking in attempts to get into other games, but the core concept hasn't changed much & I've always liked Riddleport & the concept of an 'innocent' Calistiran.
Obviously she would need updating for your guidelines.
Again, I hope I'm not stepping on any toes, but I have been following the Campaign since all of you began it & would love the opportunity to play in it.

Joana |

I'm immensely flattered that someone's been following our story, but at the moment, I've offered the open slot to one of the applicants from the original recruitment thread. Should (heaven forfend!) we find ourselves in need of another replacement, I would be happy to consider your character submission at that time.

Restless Cherry Blossom |

I'm immensely flattered that someone's been following our story, but at the moment, I've offered the open slot to one of the applicants from the original recruitment thread. Should (heaven forfend!) we find ourselves in need of another replacement, I would be happy to consider your character submission at that time.

Thornborn |

Somewhere in a distant wood
His cubes of bone and oak
And stone and steel, each dif'rent feel
He rattled, and he spoke:
"When witchling favored by Dead-eye
Black rider on horse lost
Will ride next into Riddleport..."
The tree-thing knew the next words he would say, but he rattled the cubes, and, throwing them, roared the question:
"Gold, goods, and garb! WHAT COST?!"
4d610 + 10 ⇒ (258, 29, 283, 16) + 10 = 596 The gremlins giggled, and the treething gathered his cubes, and cast again:
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2) = 14 * 10 = 140 + 10 = 150
Glaring at the gremlins, Thornborn gathered up his cubes, careful to remember each upturned face, as though each were important.

Phillip Hargreaves |

Well the following is my all time favorite from the metaphysicals... and probably relates to Phillips attempts with Ethel...
MARK but this flea, and mark in this,
How little that which thou deniest me is ;
It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee,
And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.
Thou know'st that this cannot be said
A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead ;
Yet this enjoys before it woo,
And pamper'd swells with one blood made of two ;
And this, alas ! is more than we would do.
O stay, three lives in one flea spare,
Where we almost, yea, more than married are.
This flea is you and I, and this
Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is.
Though parents grudge, and you, we're met,
And cloister'd in these living walls of jet.
Though use make you apt to kill me,
Let not to that self-murder added be,
And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.
Cruel and sudden, hast thou since
Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?
Wherein could this flea guilty be,
Except in that drop which it suck'd from thee?
Yet thou triumph'st, and say'st that thou
Find'st not thyself nor me the weaker now.
'Tis true ; then learn how false fears be ;
Just so much honour, when thou yield'st to me,
Will waste, as this flea's death took life from thee.

Braddon Hurst |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In Riddleport there didst arrive a man,
Yet not a man, a boy of twenty two,
All swagger and bravado yet he knew,
He didn't know the dangers that he ran.
But Desna favoured Braddon with employ,
A man who knew the layout of the land,
A man who would not settle to be banned,
Had uses for a cocky half-elf boy.
Now Braddon runs between the lords of crime,
A happy pawn for players of the game,
Collecting points of infamy and fame,
He'll soon be rich or dead beore his time.
And he shall want for nothing whilst he's paid,
Except with Samaritha to get laid.

Thornborn |

Unclear, unwise, and uninformed
Relevance here eludes me
So under seal, some rhyme ill-formed
In hope you'll not refuse me
The one at once struck down
The two that fought the one
The knight who held the wall
The witch who healed us all
Sandpoint, beset, Dragon, Giant
"Oh flames! Peril! We're lost!"
No, most were hid, as heros planned
The monk, first paid our cost
The dragon's bite, and claw, and wing
Not all could he avoid
It bit, and shook, to ground did fling
Broken, a doll, ill-toyed
Still, will unbeaten, he lived on
His heart unstilled, soul-fired
Til crept the witch, when dragon gone
With whispered words, inspired
And gentle touch, a silent song
Sung to the monk's fled soul
She set to right, what wyrm had wrong
And left monk, hale and whole
Above, the wyrm, past blooded fang
Spat gouts of hellish flame
Buckets filled, as alarm bells rang
And hand to hand they came
The simple folk, every hand full
With buckets full, then not
Yet wyrm would burn the town to shell
But for two'd been forgot
Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! The arrows flew
As dragon drew his breath
And fire rained, that clung like dew
And promised charred black death
The fire drove the bard to ground
The rogue by chimney hid
The dragon struck, when rogue it found
She laughed, and rooftop-slid
The bard called out, the wyrm gave chase
Like kite on halfling's string
Around the building alleyways
Back to the rogue did bring
Another flight of arrows flew
Thwip! Thwip! and Thwip! They stung it
All biting deep, and wyrm withdrew
Shame on the wings that brung it
Now other force beseiged the wall
Paladin cried, "Hold Fast!"
He would not let our Sandpoint fall
If only he could last
When giant came upon, and past
Though the wall-hero's heart wept
Just as he said, he did hold fast
And to battle-front kept
The giant through the streets did go
And swatted men like flies
As fabled, seven at one blow
Then the witch burned his eyes
She filled each orb, a thousand stars
A twinkling, merry vision
And halflings again served the cause
With swift tendon's incision
Giant stumbled, giant felled,
Giant roared in pain
And out rogue tumbled, triumph yelled
No giant rose again
The battle, won. Foes, fled or done.
We, Desna brought our fallen
Our broken, burned, harsh lessons learned
Soot ashes fell like pollen
The witch again. Would priest let in?
He would, if help might render
The witch began, and touched burnt man
What Power, life did lend her
She healed that man, and 'gain began
And over, and another...
Two hundreds, we. And touched all, she.
I's there. I _saw_ it, brother.
I'd not believe it, were I not
No hobbit shames a dragon
No man might rise, thrown from the skies
Such tales pour from a flagon
But it's all true, I pledge to you
The day that Sandpoint needed
The call went out, to all about
And these five heroes heeded
The one, at once struck down
The two, that fought the one
The knight, who held the wall
And witch, who healed us all

Thornborn |

If last too long, here's eight-line song:
When one grapples succubi, go right for the pin
No, do not linger in the clinch, it's not a fight you'll win
Don't kiss the supple demoness, as from you your strength drains
And grinning, she will sup her fill, and discard what remains
So, when you grapple succubi, try coming from behind
And, quickly, now, control the head, of beauty most unkind
And keep those luscious lips well clear, of all your flesh, my son
They're simply just too perilous, for all they seem like fun

Phillip Hargreaves |

Do not look to shadows,
for you'll find no succor there.
The blade is drawing nearer,
and it's wielder wants to share.
A practiced lunge, a gurgled scream,
then down upon the stone.
Quickly rifled pockets,
then left to lie alone.
He walks away, your vision fades,
what brought you to his sight?
If only you learned it's not that wise,
To walk alone in Riddleport at night.

Joana |

You guys have way too much time on your hands. It's like a poetry slam in here. :D
Free reroll to Dave for nailing the rhyme scheme of the Shakespearean sonnet. Make it count.
Mark, John Donne was the master of compartmentalization. He spent half his poems trying to seduce women and the other half bemoaning his sins. Then again, perhaps he was just more honest than most people are these days. Like Martin Luther, he sinned boldly. Between Donne and Andrew Marvell, it's astonishing how much effort and eloquence the Metaphysicals expended on trying to talk women into bed. 17th-Century British Literature was one of my favorite courses I took as an undergrad, and I was in choir that semester and actually sang a choral arrangement of "At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners." (We weren't near as good as these guys, though.)
Thornborn, I like your Heroes of Sandpoint poem. Based, I assume, on events from RotRL? Don't spoil it too much for me; I'm a player in it now, although at the pace we're going I doubt very much we'll ever get to a point where we're slaying dragons. I like the imagery of "the wyrm gave chase / Like kite on halfling's string."

Phillip Hargreaves |

Yep - as a 16 year old teenager taking English Literature at school I groaned and moped when we found out we'd have to study metaphysical poetry... in my ignorant youth expecting them to be staid and dry... but then you start reading and realise that as you say: half and half sex and religion.
I do love a colourful turn of phrase and vivid description.

Daynadrian Nirgassan |

Hey all, still here. Been crazy busy and I think, after more than five straight years of PbP, I was a little burnt out and needed a bit of a break.
If Dayn's still welcome (and it sounds like he is?), I'm still game to continue along with you all. If not, an/or you want some new blood along, no worries and no hard feelings.
Either way, it's been great fun. Thanks!
PS Love the Poetry Jam. You guys Rock!

Joana |

If you're sure you still want to commit to the game, we'd love to have you back, Khaladon. Thornborn is technically a replacement for Wander Weir's character; there's still room for Dayn. Otoh, if you're still feeling burnt out and you're offering out of obligation rather than real enthusiasm, I certainly don't want to guilt you into it.
If you want to pick up the scene in the Three Billed Duck with Thuvalia and move forward from there, you're more than welcome.

Gristav |

I see the footage of Ethel and Philip's current conversation being fanned into a musical montage set to Abba's 'Take a Chance on Me'. Then the first youtube response it set to BOC's 'Don't Fear the Reaper'. Neither is perfect, but both close enough. :)

Phillip Hargreaves |

Heh - I see it a little more like this :P
It's interesting trying to muddle my way through his particular version of Calistrian worship. Hopefully the paint by numbers version isn't too contradictory or flawed.

Gristav |

Taffy Plimpton? Sounds like a Ronny Marrow. :)

Joana |

It's interesting trying to muddle my way through his particular version of Calistrian worship. Hopefully the paint by numbers version isn't too contradictory or flawed.
Hey, you're the heretic. I assume you're the expert on your own heresy. :)
Hmmm, I'm never getting back that 3 minutes and 14 seconds of my life.
You have to admit the allusion to the most inappropriate-sounding lines of Dr. Seuss when taken out of context ("Could you, would you, with a goat? Could you, would you, on a boat?") was amusing, assuming it was deliberate.
Taffy Plimpton? Sounds like a Ronny Marrow. :)
I get a lot of NPC names from children's books; they tend to be both memorable and evocative. And I'm awful at coming up with names on the spur of the moment. My RL homebrew world is full of people like Bob the Merchant and Joe the Guard when the players surprise me by asking for the name of someone I hadn't preplanned to be important. :P

Phillip Hargreaves |

Phillip will soon be on a short vacation to the land downunder for a whirlwind feast of familial visitation, bacon and egg muffins and iced coffee. Departure is scheduled for this evening at 11:55 PM GMT+8. Characterful service will experience a slight delay in response time during the period and if patience could be extended that would be delightful.
The Phillip unit should be returned to normal function and reliability on the evening of the 23rd of April GMT+8.

Joana |

Have a safe trip, Mark!
Taffy Plimpton? Sounds like a Ronny Marrow. :)
Both names are trochaic as well, which makes you want to make a counting rhyme out of them. "Lizzy Borden took an axe/ Gave her mother 40 whacks": She probably wouldn't be nearly as famous if her name had been Margaret Dumaine; it just doesn't flow as naturally.

Braddon Hurst |

Taffy Plimpton, halfling mage,
Greatest wizard of his age,
Summoned demons with his stave,
Last one sent him to his grave.
Callow Marrow, deadly fight,
Gallows interrupted flight,
Shallow grave that harrowed night,
Ronny Marrow - barrow wight.
Hmm, should throw them in Carrion Crown :-D

Gristav |

Ronny Marrow as a barrow wight? I suppose it could be read that way.
It's in theme with the whole recycling, waste-not-want-not ethos of Ronny, the halfling vagabond.
Ronny was made for a cultural reference in a setting a friend and I were making. We had some hobbit being scolded by his GF: "Dipple Teage!, you don' come back 'til you've brung a proper present, an' not more o' your ronnymarrowed crup!"

Gristav |

Just for clarity, the casino Gristav is in is not the place the halflings are discussing making a whole, and one is playing a boats?

Joana |

No, the Gold Goblin is only open on Sundays to avoid competing with the other casinos in town which are owned by the Overlord and open every day but Sundays. They're all in the Free-Coin District. Right now, Phillip is at the Watercress (#17 on the annotated map); Tendal, Malkith, and Braddon are at the House of the Silken Veil, the local brothel/temple of Calistria (#6); and Daynadrian is in some weird limbo region reserved for PCs whose players are missing but was last sighted at the Three Billed Duck (#5). :)

Gristav |

Is the Three Billed Duck sign the image of a cigar-smoking humanoid duck with a polearm and an invoice?
Oh, a casino open one day a week? Genius! :)

Braddon Hurst |

Going to give Braddon a little bit of time to check in to make sure he's done talking to Shorafa. What's the plan after that? Are you all going to try to find Lil Scarlet? And if so, how are you going to go about it?
Waiting for me? I posted immediately after Shorafa... I am wounded that she didn't respond to a nobody like Braddon and his crass implications.
Wounded, I say. Wounded! :-)So I made another post. Surely Malkith and Tendal can't ignore him... after all, they're Player Characters. :-)

Phillip Hargreaves |

Crass and crude as it can be I can't help but think:
Sam (aritha)'s spellbook brings the boys to the yard,
And they're like It's better than mine,
Damn right it's better than yours,
I can teach you, But I have to charge
Still on the mini-vacation and won't be in a good headspace to enunciate Phil's response to Ethel probably till I get back to KL on Wednesday.