"We cornered his drunken ass in the Goblin last time. This time, we won't show any mercy. We'll kill him for what he did to Larur, and then he'll tell us where Lil is."-- Braddon Hurst
Annotated map of Riddleport:
1. The Publican House
2. Velashu Ferry
3. The Mystery of the Gate
4. The Gold Goblin
5. The Three Billed Duck
6. House of the Silken Veil
7. Bazaar of the Seafaring Peddlar
8. Zincher's Arena
9. Shoreleave
10. Boss Croat's Compound
11. Zincher's Tenement
12. Gas Forges
13. Ladies' Attire & Necessities
14. Harbor View rowhouse (Ananda Mescher's flat)
15. Maskyr's Island
16. The Dirty Angel
17. The Watercress
18. The House of Nabin
19. The Dragon's Hoard
20. Flask & Stubb's
21. Cypherlodge
22. Cyphergate Visitors' Center and Gift Shop
23. Anya & Lexy's flat
24. tea room
25. gladiators' dormitory and practice facility
26. the Krump house
27. Men's Clothier
28. Almah, Ethel & Maddy's flat
29. Nathanael Weatherby, Scrivener (Lil Scarlet's flat upstairs)
30. Harbormaster's office
31. Casamen Cazynsik's ship repair yard
32. Rag's End
Riddleport NPCs: Syd, partner in crime to Brett Scabb Fiora, middle-aged seamstress and part-time costume mistress at the Gold Goblin
Hans and Franz Beyar, twin brothers and vault security at the Gold Goblin
Covey Smith, peg-legged ex-sailor and bartender at the Gold Goblin
Anya, prostitute at the House of the Silken Veil; with her friend and roommate Lexy, surreptitiously moonlighted as tieflings at the grand opening of the Gold Goblin
Alex and Quinta Crispin, married proprietors of the Three Billed Duck
Finian, tiefling boy of about 12 years and ward of the House of the Silken Veil
Thomas, Finian's human friend
Laz Krupt, former tavernkeeper whose establishment burned several months ago
Galen Krump, tanner and husband to Desiree Quint Drovenge, foul-tempered metalsmith
Casamen Cazynsik, Varisian shipwright
Ambrosia Kemplefae, gnome jeweler
Carl Balket, lader at Riddleport harbor, gambler, devotee of Desna
Almah, halfling domestic, roommate of Ethel and Maddy, sweetheart of Winthrop Squires
Maddy, halfling domestic, roommate of Ethel and Almah, skiffs player
Olin Britt and Ewart, halfling carpenters employed by Casamen Cazynsik at the shipyard
Wilfrid Piggens, emeritus Riddleport power broker from before the Overlord's rise
Drulia Wardrox, teenaged Riddleport native; worked in the kitchen of the Gold Goblin on opening night
Ananda Mescher, sixteen-year-old daughter of Anton Mescher, the head of the Riddleport Gendarmes
Volo, Sczarni operative and lover of Thuvalia Barabbio, leader of the bandits who robbed the Gold Goblin, now deceased
Hugo, Gendarme squadron leader who removed the Sczarni thieves to Shoreleave
Zaiome Vishki, Varisian housekeeper to Ananda Mescher, dead under mysterious circumstances
Skender, oyster fisherman in the River District, supplier to the Three Billed Duck
Winthrop Squires, halfling sailor on the Deceitful Mermaid and beau to Almah
Quincy Dawkins and John Casey, sailors on the Flying Cloud Bard Leroung, owner/renter of Leeward real estate
Sam, junior carpet layer
Galen Wintrish, investor in shipping
Ishmael Stubbs, owner of Flask & Stubbs dry goods store
Rugat Manion, operator of river taxis from the Windward docks
Nora, housemaid to the Krumps
Suse, cook to the Krumps
Varg, Ulfen gladiator in Zincher's stable
Harry, Mwangi gladiator in Zincher's stable
Drezi and Stellan, Varisian gladiators in Zincher's stable
Dogger and Allardyce, ex-sailors and rookie gladiators in Zincher's stable
Violetta Bick, stationer
John Depuy, Riddleport harbormaster
Cora Weatherby, wife of Nathanael Milon Chath, Desnan and previous owner of the Gold Goblin
Billy Dagger and Bellamy, dockworkers
Esmeralda, human Taldan acolyte of Calistria at the House of the Silken Veil
Hyram Krooge, half-orc hermit residing in the Boneyard
Ziphras, wererat head of the ratcatchers' guild
Livia Darragh, manageress of the Harbor View rowhouse
Adalo Vishki, grandson to Zaiobe and former inmate of Shoreleave
Fane, Mel, and Boiko, Varisian petty criminals
Tobias, Cooke, and Graves, Gendarmes
Pitivo Vitteri, Varisian alchemist
Badeye Rumblefist, Rasper Ellias, Brandy Nurrus, Madrat Menk, Balston Ungles, Knuckles Redbone, and Garspheal Elstrice, members of Beltias Kreun's gang
Chrysanthemum "Mumsy" Garrison, halfling alchemist in Marzo's employ
Micah, mad former priest of Sarenrae, resident of Rag's End
Finnie, homeless woman and resident of Rag's End
Cassey, homeless girl and resident of Rag's End, possessor of a one-armed doll named Neenah
Vern Thrayer, bartender at the Dragon's Hoard
Luca and Bruno, half-orc security patrolmen in Boss Croat's employ
"Crusher" Leland, The Notorious Punisher, Sluggy the Spanker, and Noseless Maurice, half-orc gladiators in Croat's stable
Ferdinand Haddock, captain of the Coral Plunder Jude Teach, captain of the Fearful Jewel Jal, Varisian instrumentalist
Remy, Nico, Nigel, and Jenner, wererats in Ziphras's employ
Roderic's Cove NPCs: Marzo, Sczarni ringleader in Roderic's Cove, Beltias Kreun's superior
Harvey Read, thug, dandy, lieutenant to Port Governor Jess Gildersleeve Mr. Arrow, servant to Port Governor Jess Gildersleeve Arrus Gether, farmer northwest of town, connoisseur of parsnip wine
Bran, mercenary archer
Gertrue Gether, wife to Arrus
Sunday, 27 Erastus 4708: "Opportunity and danger go without saying in a city like Riddleport, but I think fate may be upping the ante this evening."-- Malkith Deraythen Moonday, 28 Erastus 4708: "The idiot was enslaved by her charms. Now me... I'd never be a patsy for a pretty face. Where do you want me to put this down? Shall I pour you another cup of tea?"-- Braddon Hurst Toilday, 29 Erastus 4708"Truth is straw. It makes hats, beef, cream, or cheese, depending on how it's processed. What's your intent?"-- Gristav Wealday, 30 Erastus 4708"Lyle Vermiel is a fake name used by Lil. Lyle, Lil. Vermiel as in Vermillion, which is a kind of red, and not a hundred million. I remember reading about a vermillion droplets of blood and thinking 'wow, that must be a lot'. But yeah, it means red, like Scarlet."Braddon nods benevolently, doesn't see a sea of heads bobbing at his revelation and hurries on. Oathday, 1 Arodus 4708"... in a place like Riddleport, an eye for an eye leaves only blind men."-- Malkith Deraythen Fireday, 2 Arodus 4708"Gristav failed to mention that our destination was a house of madness and murder... so no, I didn't come that prepared."-- Phillip Hargreaves Starday, 3 Arodus 4708Braddon: What's a mole?Snake: It's a blind animal that digs holes underground. Why? It's not what's for dinner, is it? Because I'll just starve if it is. Not really that hungry anyway. Sunday, 4 Arodus 4708"Rag End, Rotgut, Rat Street. Someplace out past the wharves that begins with R. Apparently it's really dangerous and crawling with thugs and murderers, but apart from the evil cultists this is the only time I've been attacked since I got here...last week. I think I've been there twice. I lost count. Can I have that drink?"-- Braddon Hurst Moonday, 5 Arodus 4708"Serpe... ready to sail towards the past and our future?"--Phillip Hargreaves Toilday, 6 Arodus 4708"You know, this feels like a bit of a downward slide. First I left Magnimar, to Sandpoint...which all things being equal is a quite lovely town...then Riddleport, which is...Riddleport, and now here to this festering sore. I cannot, nor do I wish to imagine the next location will hold for us."-- Tendal Deverin Wealday, 7 Arodus 4708"Choose: words? We've plenty.
Peace? All you want, behind you.
Or battle? Have it!"-- Gristav Oathday, 8 Arodus 4708"All our power and agency in what ensues will come from firstly finding Lil, secondly securing her compliance by whatever means are necessary... and then deciding upon how to dispose of her. Multiple parties have bid us to do their bidding... but absent Lil's personal knowledge of proceedings I don't think we can commit to knowing which path best serves our purpose."-- Phillip Hargreaves Fireday, 9 Arodus 4708"I believe that the wild is just that, wild, and like magic is best when either set orderly and contained or left to itself. Meeting the wilderness halfway leaves neither satisfied. My back least of all."-- Tendal Deverin Starday, 10 Arodus 4708"Save your revenge for the big fella because you're going to need it."-- Snake Sunday, 11 Arodus 4708
masterwork light crossbow {Braddon}
gold masterwork breastplate with symbol of Abadar
catching cape
potion of cure light wounds
potion of protection from chaos
200 gp
Thugs at the Gate:
6 daggers
3 saps
potion of protection from evil
40 sp
1 gp
3 gems
Rag's End:
+1 shortsword{Braddon}
masterwork morningstar
masterwork punching dagger
masterwork greatclub
6 daggers
light crossbow
2 cutlasses
heavy crossbow
composite longbow (Str +1)
20 crossbow bolts
40 arrows
+1 studded leather{Gristav}
3 masterwork studded leather
3 studded leather
unholy symbol of Norgorber
holy symbol of Sarenrae
Small masterwork backpack {Phillip} 3/11 potions of cure light wounds{Gristav - 3, Braddon - 3, Snake - 2} 0/2 potions of spider climb{Braddon - 1, Gristav - 1}
252 gp
The Flat on Rat Street:
2 Small masterwork daggers
2 Small daggers
Small +1 chain shirt
pocket case of 5 cigars
garnet necklace
gold holy symbol of Besmara
portable bridge
5 pp, 33 gp, 7 sp, 4 cp
Harvey and Friends:
masterwork cutlass
heavy crossbow
10 crossbow bolts
+1 light steel shield cape of free will +1/+2 potion of cure moderate wounds
5 elixirs of swimming
73 arrows
4 composite longbows (Str +0)
11 daggers
4 scimitars
2 sets of manacles {Braddon}
masterwork composite longbow (Str +1)
spiked gauntlet
331 gp