About Phillip HargreavesCurrent Notes: 17/17 HP, 0/3 Adaptable Luck, 5/5 Sin Sense, 1/1 Judgement, 4/4 1st level spells Phillip Hargreaves
CN Small Halfling
Racial Traits:
Teamwork Feat:
Skills: (6 + Int + FC)
Class Features:
Spells Known:
1/day as swift action
Escape (Su): Each time the inquisitor using this judgment hits an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, she can use a move action attempt to create a diversion to hide (see the Stealth skill). Destruction: +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels he possesses. Healing: gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels he possesses. Justice: a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels he possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. Piercing: +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target's spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels he possesses. Protection: +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels he possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor. Purity: +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels he possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons. Resiliency: DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels he possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor's. If he is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase. Resistance: shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels he possesses. Smiting: weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor's weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor's alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, he does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor's weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness). Gear: 120gp start
Pocketed scarf – 8 gp Backpack – 2gp
Traveler’s Outfit - free Jade figurine – 20gp Final cash = 6.8gp
1 x platinum chip - lifted
From the silt - 3gp, peridot - 50gp Appearance:
Phillip is a reasonably attractive man... for a halfling. Blessed with a full and unkempt mop of hair that he's chosen to accentuate with a mustache it draws attention away from his slighty plump frame and unto his face. Twinkling eyes betray his quick and agile mind and his youthful expression is tempered by the nicks and scars accumulated during an upbringing among the shanties.
His skin feels cold to the touch, and his canines are pronounced... giving him an occasional serpentine and predatory appearance. Personality:
A man of contrasts, Phillip sways between introspective thought and expressive conversation. When at rest he is relatively open of mind and thought and it is rare that his tongue does not o'erun with witticisms and idle converstaion. Growing up among the Sczarni his words are touched with the colorful slang and expressions used therein, and his hands and arms are constantly in motion as he speaks serving to emphasize his words. At times this makes for some difficulty to follow his train of thought, however when time comes to cut to the quick, his demeanor is mutable as the ocean's surface.
Able to read situtations and people with ease and rapidity, Phillip preys upon weaknesses of spirit and heart to make malleable the opinion of his targets. Where rage is called for he is vehement and incensed, a soft touch to inspire jealousy, and the ability to whisper poisoned words to play upon the greed of others. He is in his element when able to work the crowd - though is less able to deal with situtations where he is unable to talk his way out of trouble. Background:
Phillip was born to loving but limited parents in the district of Underbridge in Magnimar. His parents were kind, but forced to work long days as domestic help to the middle class in Magnimar. As Phil grew into puberty, boredom of staying at home led to exploration and ultimately temptation. Drawn to a shanty by the light of a fire and smell of roasted meat, Phil was welcomed by the Sczarni man who had set the honey trap. After a hot meal and mulled wine Phil was much more susceptible to the soft words and suggestions of the Varisian.
From that point on, Phil spent his days working capers (criminal acts) for the man and offering up the proceeds for cants (wine / gifts / meals). At first he wasn’t trusted much and was set to snowing (stealing clothes left out to dry) and griddling (begging), though his minder was impressed when he managed to talk his way out of being caught by the guard with a sack of women’s clothing over his shoulder. His tongue was put to use as a buttoner (assistant to a swindler to bring in dupes) working directly with the Varisian. Around this time his father passed unexpectedly, being found dead at home. There was no clear cause of death… but clutched in his hand was a serpentine statuette in jade. After that his mother grew more listless and Phillip more rebellious as he sank deeper into the Varisian’s criminal enterprise. He continued to push into more audacious acts and the Varisian brought him into his inner circle of groomed youths. It was there that his relationship with Calistria began. The Varisian used the worship of the Savored Sting as a means of control with his underlings – appealing to their base instincts and love of freedom. It was thus with Phillip… at least at first. Curious, Phillip took it a little further than the other youths and actually sought to understand the tenets of the faith… and in so doing saw a deeper truth. He saw that the Varisian was not his friend, and would cast him off whenever it suited him. But Phillip also knew that the arrangement was good for his own purpose, at least for now. So the status quo was maintained. While scrounging in Underbridge one night, Phillip was startled when a body plunged from the sky to impact messily beside him. His head told him to run, but his eyes were drawn to the man’s valuable jewels… and his greed o’erwhelmed his instinct. Purloining the jewels Phillip moved to a house he knew to be derelict and stowed the jewels within, keeping only a ring with him. This was an opportunity that might set him free. Keeping the find from his minder, Phil sought to turn the ring to profit at the Bazaar of Sails… and that is where turns were taken to less savory ends. One of the Princess of the Market’s agents noticed him trying to sell and unbeknownst to Phillip the item was of a noted merchant who had not arrived that morning. He was taken aside and interrogated with force. Phillip’s resolve was twisted to surrender easily and the agent insisted the rest of the jewels be returned. He begrudgingly led the agent towards the dead-drop with hands in manacles. As they neared the house his heart sank again as he saw a carriage of the city watch waiting. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, Phillip’s mind worked feverishly for an out and he clutched at desperation. Emitting an earsplitting scream he drew out the guard, and when the market’s agent stepped forward to explain herself – Phillip reversed course and ran. Through sheer luck alone he managed to slip the chase. Knowing that the Sczarni would not harbor him, and the law would sooner bury him then listen… Phillip fled. Running first to his home he gathered his meager possessions and was drawn to bring his father’s statuette also. From there to the docks and he stowed aboard a ship making ready. Little did he know that it was a pirate’s sloop… and bound for lawless Riddleport. Last bit of the backstory mutable to match up with the campaign start. Hooks and Notes: