Daynadrian Nirgassan |

Every once in a while this needs to be brought up in a PbP and I prefer to have it done sooner than later.
So just want to state that, for me, In Game, Character interaction, is always very different, and seperate from, my RL thoughts and feelings. So I have absoloutely no problems with You at all ZetaG. And in fact I'm very much liking the way you're playing Tendal as he seems bang on based on your description of him. I'm enjoying the friction between our two PC's at the moment. It's always seemed much more realistic to me that not all PCs who are strangers to each other will instantly get along swimmingly and all buddy buddy like.
So all is great on my end, but if things should ever heat up too much or seem to uncomfortable please let me know and I can easily tone things down. This applies to anyone who may feel uncomfortable with PC friction, as this game is meant to be fun for all.
So game on y'all! : )