Jubal Breakbottle |
Your introduction sounds fantastic! Seeing your frequent character feedback, I would like to pitch you my concept for what you think:
I'm thinking about a half-orc representative of the Hold of Belkzen. Son of a orc warlord and a captured witch of Irrisen/North. Six years, he was given to Lastwall as a 'noble hostage' to cement ally relations. He continued his training, especially on his alignment. Fighter/Barbarian, so you can talk the orc out of Belkzen, but not the Belkzen out of the orc. He would accompany the Lastwall contingent to the meeting.
Crustypeanut |
I would like to ask about the current situation in the Shackles, in this world. I'm going to assume the worst and that Cheliax conquered it?
This is looking AWESOME btw, and I think I can wait to read the adventure path if I get in this. My players won't be done with S&S for ages anyways..
Haven't thought of what I'd make yet, but so far what does the party look like, so I don't step on anyone's toes?
Spazmodeus |
Hmmm, love your "all-the-other-heroes" failed idea Lucent!
Got an idea for a half-elf ranger/druid, witnessed the destruction of Koynin from up in the mountains between there and Andoran. Was escorting a diplomat negotiating some business between the two nations. I'll have him be Andoran on the human side and Koynin elf on the other.
He will have done his duty and brought the diplomat back to Andoran but the shock of seeing his other homeland destroyed prompted him to seek solace in the bosom of nature, hence his second career as a druid.
When the expeditionary Force is created , the diplomat happens to be on the Knight-Commanders staff and recommends my character for membership based upon his obvious skills and devotion to duty.
Crustypeanut |
Alrighty, well I'll make something up and if needed, change it to fit the exact situation the Shackles is in. I'm thinking of a ex-Chelish Marine, trained for endurance who volunteers for the expedition.
To be specific, a Chelish Human Unbreakable Fighter. His Endurance feat would mainly represent his training to withstand the heatwaves of the Shackles, to Swim long distances and to hold his breath underwater for extended periods of time. Since Muskets are Martial Weapons, he'll have plans on obtaining a musket for use at range, otherwise he'd use more traditional weapons.
I'll get working on the specifics of his background and character build now.
It fits perfectly as Chelish Marines are destribed as Level 2 Fighters. :3
Lucent |
Hmmm, love your "all-the-other-heroes" failed idea Lucent!
Got an idea for a half-elf ranger/druid, witnessed the destruction of Koynin from up in the mountains between there and Andoran. Was escorting a diplomat negotiating some business between the two nations. I'll have him be Andoran on the human side and Koynin elf on the other.
He will have done his duty and brought the diplomat back to Andoran but the shock of seeing his other homeland destroyed prompted him to seek solace in the bosom of nature, hence his second career as a druid.When the expeditionary Force is created , the diplomat happens to be on the Knight-Commanders staff and recommends my character for membership based upon his obvious skills and devotion to duty.
Excellent beginning concept! Keep in mind the timeline spans seven years. So seven years ago, Karzoug arose in Varisia, six years ago (4709) the meteor hit Kyonin. The council meeting in Absalom happened 1 year ago, and in present day (4715) the Knight-Commander forms the Andoran Expeditionary Force.
Lucent |
Alrighty, well I'll make something up and if needed, change it to fit the exact situation the Shackles is in. I'm thinking of a ex-Chelish Marine, trained for endurance who volunteers for the expedition.
To be specific, a Chelish Human Unbreakable Fighter. His Endurance feat would mainly represent his training to withstand the heatwaves of the Shackles, to Swim long distances and to hold his breath underwater for extended periods of time. Since Muskets are Martial Weapons, he'll have plans on obtaining a musket for use at range, otherwise he'd use more traditional weapons.
I'll get working on the specifics of his background and character build now.
I like!
@LORAYNE THORNHALLOW: How do you see this character getting involved with the Eagle Knights/Knight-Commander Reinn? What do you see Lorayne's involvement being like? What special skills does she bring to the table?
well, not too familiar with who/what the eagle knights/Knight-commander Reinn is; i was planning to leave that a little vague, but since asked...
Id say that Loraynes husband was a scout for the Eagle knights, helping the knights trek through the cold wilderness. While he may not have personally known the Knight commander, a team was sent to investigate why Lorayne's husband didnt report for duty. Having found the burnt remains, the team tracked down Lorayne. Bringing her to the camp, she volunteered to help others out, and whenever the cold or hunger claimed the life of an innocent, Lorayne went on a rampage, howling at the wind with promises of revenge. So it was deemed that it would be wise to direct this unnatural anger towards this unknown foe.as for special skills... I was planning on having her pick up the throw anything feat, combining that with the hurler archetype, making her into a long range threat.
Add into that a maxed out Intimidate check to demoralize opponents. As long as the opponent can see you, you can make the check.
ill add a tweak, Lorayne would be a hurler/invulnerable rager. both stack, and the invulnerable fits well with Loraynes background.
Lucent |
@LORAYNE THORNHALLOW: Interesting, that's a good response. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions about the setting/individuals that you may have.
The Eagle Knights are an elite military force in the country of Andoran. In this setting they have rallied together with other governments to help collectively solve the problem of the endless winter.
Knight-Commander Calisaria Reinn is a half-elven commander of the Twilight Talons, a covert branch of the Eagle Knights typically tasked with black-ops in foreign countries. Presently, Reinn's assignment has the Twilight Talons putting together a special task force of volunteers and envoys from other nations to help investigate leads regarding the endless winter (among which the PCs will number).
Crustypeanut |
Marcellano Kain
Sporting a well-trimmed black goatee and the short hairstyle of a Chelish Soldier, Marcellano looks much like his Uncle, Captain Kyan Kain. He is of average height, average build, with nothing about his appearance giving away his nature. The only thing that belies his proud heritage is his black and gold Chelish Marine outfit and matching Tricorne hat.
Marcellano is a no-nonsense type of character, a personality beat into him during his time as a Marine. He listens to orders to their letter, and expects others to do the same. He's not much of a leader, however, but is an excellent follower. He is also not one to be moved to pity or mercy often, as he expects none for himself. He's not a bad guy though, and believes that in order to survive, one must trust his comrades fully, else perish. He's quite used to hardships and tough environments, as he has endured much in his career.
Marcellano grew up not knowing his parents - he was told that they served in the Chelish Army and died serving it. He was raised entirely by his Uncle, and as soon as he became of age, he joined the Chelish Navy, having a keen interest in naval warfare. There, he was trained in everything from boarding enemy ships from the water in the dead of night to firing a musket in line formation. This training he used well while serving aboard the Pirate Hunter Dominator under his uncle, who was captain at the time. Once the Shackles was conquered, he continued to serve aboard the Dominator, hunting what was left of the Pirates of the Shackles until recently volunteering to join an expedition into the north to end this threat of winter.
Traits' Info:
Vigilante Witch Hunter (Campaign): During his serve on the Dominator, there came an instance where the ship was boarded by Pirates in the dead of night. They were attempting to disable the ship's tiller so that they could escape, but Marcellano's Uncle and a few marines caught them in the act. During the ensuing fight, a Dwarven Witch killed Marcellano's uncle, Kyan Kain, and escaped after succeeding in disabling the ship's tiller. Marcellano has since vowed revenge against Witches and their ilk.
Resilient (Combat): Considering that Marcellano was raised on a boat with his Uncle, endured the harsh training of a Chelish Marine, and has thrived during it, its no surprise that he's a resilient person because of it.
Trained Medic (Regional): The Shackles is a rough place. As part of his marine training, Marcellano learned important skills on how to treat both disease and poison, and has kept the knowledge handy, even if he hasn't needed to use it. Yet.
I'll post more statistical stuff shortly.
Styvanus Rozier |
Here's the completed(for the most part) crunch for Captain Andoran here.
Human Fighter (Brawler) 2
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2 ; Senses Perception +1
AC 20 , touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +2 Shield)
hp 24 (1d10x2+4)Current: 24/24
Fort + 4 , Ref + 2, Will + 2
Spd 30 ft.
- Shield///Cestus: +3 /1d4 +3/ x2 /// +3 /1d4 +1/ 19-20 x2
- Cestus///Cestus: +3 /1d4 +3/ 19-20 x2///+3 /1d4 +1/ 19-20 x2
- Shield: +5 /1d4 +3/ x2
- Cestus: +5 /1d4 +3/ 19-20 x2
- Shield Throw: +4 /1d4+3/ x2/ 10ft/20ft*
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14 , Int 13 , Wis 12 , Cha 13
Base Atk +2 ; CMB +; CMD
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Fighting, Equipment Trick(Shield), Throw Anything
Traits Andoran's Last, Best Hope; Ease of Faith; *Strong Arm/ Supple Wrist
Skills Climb+7 , Diplomacy +6 , Knowledge(History)+2 , Sense Motive +3, Survival+5 , Swim+7
Languages Common, +1,
SQ Close Control +1
Combat Gear ; Other Gear
GP: 1,200
Notes: Styvanus will likely level as follows:
- 3 Brawler 3rd
- 4 Brawler 3rd/ Freebooter 1st
- 5 Brawler 3rd/ Freebooter 2nd
- 6-11 Brawler 3rd/ Freebooter 2nd/ Steel Falcon 1st-5th
- Beyond that he'll probably take the 3rd and 4th levels (6th at the most) of Freebooter, and the rest would be in Brawler.
Working on something that will work for his background/personality now.
Any comments/questions/critiques are welcome.
Lucent |
That's a great build. I'm glad you took brawler, that'll really work out well for his setup. Also freebooter is an option I wouldn't have thought of, but I really like it. Going into Steel Falcon also makes a great amount of sense.
There's also a Golden Legionaire prestige class too. I'm not sure if it's what you want, thematically, but it's an Eagle Knight PrC.
Crustypeanut |
Just working on his gear now, here's what I got for Marcellano Kain:
Marcellano Kain
Male Chelish Human Unbreakable Fighter 2
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses: Perception +1
AC 19 (Touch 12, FF 17)(+2 Dex, +6 Armor, +1 Shield)
Hp: 33 (2d10+8[Con]+3[Toughness]+2[Favored])
Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +1; +1 Will vs Mind-Affecting
Defensive Abilities: Unflinching (+1 Will vs Mind-Affecting)
Speed 30 ft
Melee: Cutlass +5 (1d6+3/18-20x2) or Boarding Axe +5 (1d6+3/x3) or Bayonet +5 (1d6+4/x2) or Dagger +5 (1d4+3/19-20x2)
Ranged: Musket +4 (1d12/x4/40 ft) or Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20x2/10ft)
Special Attacks:
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 7
BAB +2, CMB +5, CMD 17
Feats: Endurance (Fighter Bonus), Diehard (Fighter Bonus), Great Fortitude (1st), Toughness (Human), Power Attack (Fighter 2nd)
Skills: Swim (2) +7, Climb (1) +7, Profession (Sailor)(1) +5, Heal (1) +5, Survival (2) +6, Knowledge (Engineering)(1) +5,
Languages: Common, Polyglot
Items: Combat Gear: (Musket, Bayonet, Cutlass, Dagger (3), Boarding Axe, Breastplate, Buckler) Other Gear:
1000 gp
Musket (375 gp)
Breastplate (200 gp)
Bayonet (5 gp)
Cutlass (15 gp)
Dagger x3 (6 gp)
Boarding Axe (6 gp)
Buckler (5 gp)
388 gp Left
Powder Horn x2(6 gp)
20 Doses Gunpowder (In Horn)(50 gp)
20 Bullets (5 gp)
Gunsmith's Kit (15 gp)
362 gp Left
Fenyx Dagannauth |
Here's Mr. Necromancer himself. I'll go ahead and post appearance/personality/background here in-thread, but I have everything else in this profile. If you'd prefer I post it to the thread as well, I will do so. I have yet to finalize his gear, but I bought a couple of the neat-o low end magic items (let me know if any are out of bounds). And finally, if any assumptions I made with his background are inappropriate, I can adjust accordingly.
Towering above the rest of the assembly from Shalast was a much younger man, an air of foreboding swimming about him like a dark miasma...
Fenyx is extremely tall and lanky, the former owing to a touch of ulfen ancestry and the latter owing to a life of arcane pursuits. His sharp brows and prominent nose give his facial features a decidedly hawkish tone, made all the worse by his unnaturally pale skin and cold, blue eyes. His hair provides stark contrast to his visage; jet black hair as dark as a raven, its wispy strands slicked back and pouring uninterrupted down into the flaring collar of his immaculate robes. Fenyx, not surprisingly, chooses to adorn himself almost entirely in black and dark shades of grey, though his dress and demeanor are always that of someone of high social station. The net effect leans a bit towards the ominous end of the spectrum, which is exactly what he prefers.
Ht: 6'4"
Wt: 190 lbs
Age: 25
Eyes: cold blue
Hair: black
Complexion: pale white
...he spoke seldom during that night, though when he did it was as an emperor addressing his destitute subjects, self-important and walking a fine line between monotonous and composed. Measured words and endearments dripped from his mouth as if the man actually believed them; a rhetorical formality for those with the wits to hear...
In a word: haughty. He is a part of something far greater than himself: the rebirth of the greatest civilization Golarion has never known. He has little regard for such a frivolous thing as morality, though he appreciates that order and structure are paramount to a truly civilized culture. Though great tumult is often necessary to facilitate true and lasting change, chaos and disorder exist to be rectified. Fenyx approaches his studies from the same perspective: magic is an entirely chaotic force. And yet, with the proper application, order and form can be imposed upon it for those with the patience and understanding to do such; raw, unmitigated power transformed into a tool with specific purpose and function.
As an aside, and in terms of faith, Fenyx isn't a devout follower of any one religion. Suffice to say, he has a greater respect for the following than most of the other gods, and in no particular order: Abadar, Asmodeus, Irori, Nethys, Lissala, and Urgathoa.
...as the ambassador from Shalast spoke, only the unwise could find fault in his words, though it left a sour taste in our mouths. Karzoug wasn't going anywhere, and the collective threats we each faced made any hopes of his removal a flight of fancy. With winter's threat looming, there came only a grudging acceptance from everyone assembled: it had to be dealt with now, and quickly, or there would be nothing left worth saving.
Fenyx was a student in the Korvosan Academy when Karzoug returned. Ever fascinated by the lectures on Ancient Thassilon, and having long harbored an immutable desire to delve into the empire's myriad ruins and histories, the decision to abandon his studies and home in Korvosa in favor of the reappearance of Shalast was an easy one. Something of a know-it-all in the Academy, Fenyx did not make many friends, and had been long enough away from his immediate family in Magnimar that he effectively had no ties to hold him back - no regrets or second guesses.
He was nearly slain outright for his naive trip northwards. The immense boulder that crashed through a nearby outcropping is all the warning he had of the approaching patrol of giants. He was beyond fortunate the beast's aim was untrue, for it would have surely reduced the would-be wizard into a pulpy mess. Even more fortunate was the fact that a contingent of Karzoug's less savage servants were numbered among the pack of brutes, a wizard named Abernicus included. Fenyx eventually made apparent his will to surrender and serve, and Abernicus accepted graciously. Though someone so lowly was never brought before the Runelord Karzoug himself, Fenyx was nevertheless accepted into a newly realized school within Shalast itself. Though their tactics and tutelage were much more severe and "hands-on", Fenyx proved a prodigal student, and was granted positions of esteem within his fraternal circle, culminating in his appointment as one of the necromancers charged with devising counters and contingencies for combatting the threats posed by Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant.
The recent years have been fairly boring by comparison. Fenyx has not been involved in any of the fighting on the frontlines, nor has he been directly involved with any countermeasures against Tar-Baphon's hordes. Indeed, most of his time has been spent studying and practicing dweomers, poring over recovered Thassilonian libraries, and positing theories for the task assigned him. Recently he was afforded the honor of attending the diplomatic summit in Absalom tasked with solving the problem of the encroaching winter. Though part of him questions why someone tasked with combatting Tar-Baphon's influence would be selected for such an assignment, the pragmatist in him has long realized the answer: he is one of the least experienced of a circle of wizards whose talents are largely dormant in the immediate; the worst reports confirm that an incident involving direct conflict with Ustalav's new master is years away, which makes his organization's countermeasures irrelevant for now.
Styvanus Rozier |
That's a great build. I'm glad you took brawler, that'll really work out well for his setup. Also freebooter is an option I wouldn't have thought of, but I really like it. Going into Steel Falcon also makes a great amount of sense.
There's also a Golden Legionaire prestige class too. I'm not sure if it's what you want, thematically, but it's an Eagle Knight PrC.
Also, oh my God. I just remembered:
** spoiler omitted **
Yeah I feel the 'freebooter's bane' is a nice little captain-like ability, and brawler is certainly a nice archetype for this. Golden Legionnaire is an option that I hadn't looked into, and it could be interesting thematically , but I think I'll avoid it and go the Steel Falcon route. I don't really see my Cap Andoran as a armored tank, but rather as an athletic, agile shield-bearing warrior and I feel Steel Falcon offers him the best chance at that. The only thing that doesn't fit all too well is the "natural traps" thing but I suppose it is a realistic guerrilla soldier sort of ability. I really like the 5th level abilities of Talmandor's blessing and Talmandor's fury.
I had an idea to pay for masterwork Chainmail, and was wondering if it could essentially be treated as a a sort of Parade Armor, granting him a bonus to intimidate/diplomacy with Andorans. I'd be fine with paying a bit more for this if you deem it necessary, but pretty much mechanically, besides the skill bonus, parade armor is the same as studded leather. I'd pretty much just be going for a medium armor equivalent of that. (Imagining chain covering his arms/legs and torso covered with a thick Blue overcoat, stylized (possibly gold) spiked gauntlets with jagged feather/ avoral motifs as the 'spikes'( considering going with spiked gauntlets over the pairing of cestus since chainmail comes with gauntlets ), Sturdy blue leather boots, and some white elements (belts/straps, what have you)
this is all just brainstorming/ idea bouncing, and I'm having quite a good time with it.
EDIT: About that spoiler, yes, that's definitely almost too perfect!
Crustypeanut |
Crustypeanut wrote:Just don't freeze your tush off Cap'n. :Pcertainly, the cold weather aspect might force that coat to be a thick one! :P
possibly white elements of fur lining, that sort of thing.
I might have to try to tackle a design with heromachine!
I'm currently working on my gear for my own character.. he may be an Ex-Chelish Marine, but he's no fool and plans to prepare accordingly for the cold weather.
Despite being covered in furs and the like, he'll still have his Tricorne hat, though. As well as his cutlass and boarding axe.. hehe. Theres a specific reason why I don't have any masterwork gear, despite getting 1000 gp to play with.
If theres one thing he won't do, its die an inglorious death in the cold!
Akiros Ashmoor |
@Lucent - If you get a chance, I'd appreciate if you could check out my bio in progress... if there are any conflicts or opportunities you see with what I have so far (in regard to the world as you have it)
As the druids numbers dwindled, and their power waned, their community started to fall apart. What resources remained became the target of members of aggressive city-states and bandit throngs. During an invasion that would be the fall of their home, Rovil and his father fled with those who could while his mother left to seek help from what was left of her fey allies. She was to meet them on the road, but it was the last time he and his father would see her. They traveled with a small caravan of refugees through hostile territory, ending up in Taldor.
His father found work as a trainer and quartermaster for Grannish Estate militia, east of Oppara. It was an honorable position, and Rovil was able to take advantage of an arcane tutor also in residence there; a magus retired from the Eagle Knights.
While his father had great respect among his fellow militia for his wisdom and experience, the youth were less accepting of who they saw as a wild child outsider. This did not lead to years of tortured adolescence, it merely made him focus on his studies.
When he learned to wield magic, his thoughts were of the harrowing trip from Grungir Forest. The day they fled their home, Karzoug's main forces had dispersed, but the woods had changed. It had become a world more suitable for the malevolent fey.. hags and monstrous things... The images of the others of their caravan falling gruesomely one by one. His visualization of the practical application of his studies had a very specific setting.
His father was supportive of Rovil pursuing what he saw as his natural inclinations, but was warmed when Rovil asked him to teach him as well... to fight like a man of the North.
Armed with a snarlshield he had kept from a fallen ambusher, and the cold iron chakram from a fallen friend, he traveled to Almas.
edit: profile has most updated version as I tinker with it.
Sir Kane Ravencourt |
You had me at at post-apocalyptic. :)
Here's my first potential entry. Please tell me what you think of the concept. Basically, he's a paladin from lastwall cursed with a monstrous form. What form is open for discussion. The most inhuman base race is probably the Stryx so that's what I went with for the first draft of the background. It could easily be changed to anything you think is appropriate.
With a little feedback, I can finish doing the mechanical work up.
Ragnar Deathspeaker |
Here's my second potential entry. He's a man out of time from the dawn of the age of men, trapped by a curse (yeah, it's been a theme with my concepts lately).
He's an Oracle of Bones/Spirit Totem Barbarian headed toward rage prophet.
His race is listed as half-ogre, but he really just near-neanderthal. I just used that race as a mechanical base.
Whichever character you prefer for your story is the one I'll work out the mechanics for first.
Please let me know.
Cuàn |
How do you want animal companions to be shown? In the same stat block or do they need their own?
Are you ok with the companion archetypes? In this case I'd like a bird with the racer archetype, representing a Peregrine Falcon (or it's Golarion equivalent) and a dog with the Bodyguard archetype (when it comes to looks, think Tibetan Mastiff). These two would have been my characters faithful companions when it comes to guarding the isle of Grand Sarret and they will join him now.
Similarly, would you be ok with Order of the Seal where the true purpose of the Conservatory is the secret he hides? In the past he did so by keeping intruders off the isle, now he does it by safeguarding it's existence.
As for his heritage, Yantur actually knows exactly where he celestial blood comes from as he can trace a straight line to it through his ancestry as groundskeeper of Grand Sarret is a family business.
Profile is under construction, will add a bestiary style stat block for you, the things under spoilers are for myself.
Javell DeLeon |
I'm gonna throw this guy in there: Raelyosraden
Mechanically he's not up to snuff, but I'll get him there over the weekend. It's a basic gist of him, though.
Misroi |
Dotting for interest. Since this is the "Baba Yaga" campaign, I think I'll be making up a witch.
As a child, Vasilissa grew up knowing to respect and fear the Jadwiga and their thralls, and her parents were no different in that respect. So when one of the witches demanded tribute one cold morning in the form of their youngest daughter, Vasilissa was grabbed by the witch's trolls, stuffed into a sack and taken far from her family. She spent years toiling under the witch's cruel boot, by day cleaning and cooking for the witch and her minions, by night praying to whatever power would listen for deliverance.
One night, it came in the form of a white owl. The owl never spoke to her, but it caressed her face with its white wings. For the first time since her servitude, she felt warmth and safety. The owl hooted softly to her, and she knew she had to follow it. It led her out of the witch's tower and into the surrounding forests. Though she was not clad for the weather, she felt a warmth that she had not felt since she was stolen from her mother's arms. When the witch noticed her gone, the owl led her to places that sheltered her and hid her from the trolls sent to reclaim her.
Vasilissa fled Irrisen, and headed south for Varisia. This began her long trek through Golarion, and the curse that clearly followed her. Every place she stepped brought ruin to its people. Varisia not long after she left it, replaced by returned Shalast. Ustalav's people were subjugated by the return of the Whispering Tyrant. Kyonin's forest wiped out by a falling star. Even when she hid in the obscurity of the Stolen Lands, the return of one of the First World's powers chased her out. Recently, she has spent time in Andoren, where she came to the attention of Knight-Commander Reinn.
Sigrun Jagrsdottir |
Here's my submission. I can modify the background indicating that, as an outcast alone she wandered South, leaving the frozen wastes to work as a mercenary. In lastwall she found the sense of community she had always been missing and as such seeks to protect those whom she knows are unprepared for the blistering winters of the north, heading back to her homelands to save her adopted people.
Crustypeanut |
And he is DONE! Whew, that was a fun character to make. I still need to add the background stuff to this profile, but I have that written above.
I may not have much in the way of masterwork gear, but this guy is PREPPED AND READY FOR ZE COLD CAPTAIN! And heck, if I end up having to serve under some Andoran Captain in a chainmail leotard.. well, its better than letting the world freeze.
Edit: Making a few minor adjustments
Lucent |
Here's Mr. Necromancer himself. I'll go ahead and post appearance/personality/background here in-thread, but I have everything else in this profile. If you'd prefer I post it to the thread as well, I will do so. I have yet to finalize his gear, but I bought a couple of the neat-o low end magic items (let me know if any are out of bounds). And finally, if any assumptions I made with his background are inappropriate, I can adjust accordingly.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
Overall I think it's good. However I think that Fenyx's enlistment into the collegiate armies of Shalast may not have been quite as comfortable. I think initially he would have been "conscripted," after a fashion: Forced into servitude (even if that was his goal, to get his foot in the door). After a while Karzoug's servants would have likely noticed his keen intellect and willingness and relatively quickly released the bonds, so to speak, and given him more freedom to grow.
How soon after Karzoug's return did Fenyx try to join forces with the resurgent Shalast? The first two years were particularly bloody as holdouts like Magnimar and Riddleport tried to resist and failed. Korvosa was the last of the cities that Karzoug attempted to steamroll, but Kazavon/Ileosa pretty handily put a stop to that, enough to get Karzoug to rethink his strategies. By this time Tar-Baphon was out of the bottle and a more iminent threat. Ileosa doesn't want to rule anything, she just wants to be adored by everyone. So she was a less dangerous Sorshen to him.
Once Fenyx was chosen to be Karzoug's representative he would have had a face-to-face meeting or two with the Runelord himself. Very intense, very charismatic, very brooding and extreme in his actions and decisions. Karzoug would've left a remarkably indulable impression on Fenyx and pretty much any figure of prominent or power would be held up to that standard, in terms of what impresses or frightens Fenyx.
Those are my initial thoughts!
Lucent |
Going to submit my paladin here. Needs editing of course and will do that tonight. This campaign sounds awesome. I will keep most of the back story but he will also be sent to last wall. And will take that lastwall trait also. I think he will have to become human too?
Unless you can come up with a very good and detailed reason/narrative purpose for his aasimar hetirage, human would be preferable. Why is him being an aasimar integral to his personal story. What challenges does it represent? How does it change him as a person? How would portraying him as ahuman differ from as an aasimar?
Those are all good questions to consider as you craft his background :)
Lucent |
What was initially a rousing victory for Cheliax would inevitably become one of the worst military failures of the nation's history. When much of Avistan was struggling to come to terms with the second Earthfall, the destruction of Kyonin and the resurgence of Thassilon and the Runelord of Greed Karzoug, Cheliax was already moving on a long-seeded plan to purge the Shackles of pirates and claim the land as their own.
A protracted and brutal naval war consumed much of Cheliax's resources during this time, and while the brunt of their naval forces were away, they were unprepared to reclaim Westcrown when the Council of Thieves made their bid to claim the city from under Chelish rule.
While the Chelish navy was able to take control of the shackles, they were unprepared for what would become a constant war with the serpentfolk of Ydersius reborn. Mired in the Shackles and the Sodden Lands, the Royal Chelish navy collapsed under their inability to maintain a foothold of power against the vestigial remnants of the Pirate King Bonefist's armies and skirmishes from the serpentfolk.
Eventually the battered and diminished survivors of the armada returned to Cheliax too late to reclaim Westcrown and too battered to have maintained their hold on the Shackles.
Now, the region remains as lawless as it once was, but with the ever-present threat of the expansionist serpentfolk claiming landborn territory piece-by-piece.
Marcellano Kain |
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Hmmm.. won't need to change too much in my backstory then. Actually I'm not really sure I need to change anything, as most of his story is about before they conquered the Shackles, and immediately after.
It makes more sense now, actually, that he's no longer a Marine, though still proud of once being one. And he's a tough bugger for having served in such a chaotic place :P
Also, I added my background, personality, and description to the char page itself.
And woo for my first post as Kain!
Lucent |
Disaster comes in many shapes and sizes, and for disparate kingdoms such as those that make up the patchwork quilt of the River Kingdoms, disaster can be as manifold and unique as their city-states and fiefdoms.
Disaster first came in the form of devastating floods following the destruction of Kyonin. The impact of the second Earthfall that destroyed the elven nation and brought the world into a second age of darkness also sent literal shockwaves through Golarion. These earthquakes and tsunamis surged up through the network of rivers that criss-crosses the River Kingdoms and flooded thousands of square miles of land, dispersing entire kingdoms and displacing thousands of people. This was on top of the raging wildfires lit by second Earthfall that spread across the land, some that are still burning seven years out. The smoke from which blankets the southern River Kingdoms and coats dead forests in feet of choking ash and soot.
Those unfortunate few who fled north into the Stolen Lands and Pitax during those tumultuous years were soon to discover they had run straight into yet another oncoming disaster. Thousands of miles of territory on the southern border of Brevoy simply vanished in one horrifying night as a tremendous desert swallowed the land and caused the disappearance of everyone living in the kingdom at the time.
No sign of ruin or any recognizable landmark remains, only a swath of wasteland from as far west as Echo Wood and east to the border of Iobaria.
Following the disappearance of the Stolen Land and the emergence of the wasteland in its stead, Brevoy was visited by an ancient power equally terrible as it is cruel. Calling itself Choral the Conquerer, the historic but lost unifier of Brevoy, yet in an unthinkable outrage, rather than being a man of flesh and blood, the more than 2-centuries old king is nothing less than a fortress-sized dragon. Sweeping down upon New Stetven and proclaiming his right to the Dragonscale Throne, the great red dragon obviously differs from the historians’ tales of the father of Brevoy. Yet, tales of the Conqueror’s draconic allies and the wyrm’s more than encyclopedic knowledge of the lost lord’s life and secrets make his claim all the more possible.
Since the day of Choral's return, the people of Brevoy have been under the thrall of this draconic oppressor, ruling "his" kingdom in uncontested tyranny. Confident to leave better enough alone, not even Tar-Baphon has extended his reach east towards Brevoy for lack of desire to combat Choral and his enslaved legions.
The people of Brevoy had only a handful of choices upon Choral's return; fight, submit, or flee. The former option turned rather quickly into die as none possessed the strength to so much as threaten Choral, never-mind injure. Those who took the latter option and fled did so in whatever direction they well could. Some fled to Numeria, only to be slaughtered as they attempted to cross the country's now closed borders. Others had better luck attempting to disappear into fire-ravaged Razmiran or east into Iobaria. Some fled south into the Wasteland, but they were never heard from again.
Lucent |
Lucent wrote:That's a great build. I'm glad you took brawler, that'll really work out well for his setup. Also freebooter is an option I wouldn't have thought of, but I really like it. Going into Steel Falcon also makes a great amount of sense.
There's also a Golden Legionaire prestige class too. I'm not sure if it's what you want, thematically, but it's an Eagle Knight PrC.
Also, oh my God. I just remembered:
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Yeah I feel the 'freebooter's bane' is a nice little captain-like ability, and brawler is certainly a nice archetype for this. Golden Legionnaire is an option that I hadn't looked into, and it could be interesting thematically , but I think I'll avoid it and go the Steel Falcon route. I don't really see my Cap Andoran as a armored tank, but rather as an athletic, agile shield-bearing warrior and I feel Steel Falcon offers him the best chance at that. The only thing that doesn't fit all too well is the "natural traps" thing but I suppose it is a realistic guerrilla soldier sort of ability. I really like the 5th level abilities of Talmandor's blessing and Talmandor's fury.
I had an idea to pay for masterwork Chainmail, and was wondering if it could essentially be treated as a a sort of Parade Armor, granting him a bonus to intimidate/diplomacy with Andorans. I'd be fine with paying a bit more for this if you deem it necessary, but pretty much mechanically, besides the skill bonus, parade armor is the same as studded leather. I'd pretty much just be going for a medium armor equivalent of that. (Imagining chain covering his arms/legs and torso covered with a thick Blue overcoat, stylized (possibly gold) spiked gauntlets with jagged feather/ avoral motifs as the 'spikes'( considering going with spiked gauntlets over the pairing of cestus since chainmail comes with gauntlets ), Sturdy blue leather boots, and some white elements (belts/straps, what have you)...
I think that could work. Just roll the cost of parade armor (minus the cost of studded leather) into his chainmail and I think that would suffice and be balanced.
Lucent |
Allayna Reinesherz reporting in from Lastwall, Sirs. (for the those who read my backstory, Layla and Olzan are player characters from my CotCT game, and Olzan was a paladin who did fall to Rovagug as his player left the game)
I like the idea of a character coming out of part of the events of CotCT. Ileosa rose to power six years ago, so keep that in mind for the timeline of your background and at what age things happened at.
One thing to consider: How does Allayna feel about the peace between the hordes of Belzken and the knights of Lastwall? During her time they would have shifted from bitter enemies to unlikely allies.