About Sigrun JagrsdottirBarbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 13
BAB: +13/+7/+2
: Diehard (auto stabilize/ not dropped when negative) Skills:
Traits: Disillusioned: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws against emotion and fear effects. Northern Ancestry: +1 Fort Save & Cold Resistance 2. Characters with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and on sunder combat maneuver checks. Gatecrasher: Characters with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and on sunder combat maneuver checks. Feats:
Money: pp 5gp 10sp 30cp Armor/Weapons: Breastplate, Heavy wooden shield, Cloak of the Yeti
Other Gear: Hunting knife, Bedroll + sleeping furs, Flint + tinder, Aleskin, Pack, Whetstone, Snow shoes, Provocative Jadwiga Sketchbook Worn magic items.
war paint of the terrible visage x8 Drinking horn of bottomless valor - This horn is bound with fittings of gold and decorated with ornate carvings depicting scenes of glorious battle.
RAGE (32 rounds/day) Used:2 :
AC:25 (23 when using greatsword) Touch:14 FF:19 Fort: +17 (+2 non lethal cold) CMB (Sunder +17) Combat: Melee: Battleaxe +22/+17/+12 damage 1d8+12 x3 Melee: Frost-thunder hammer(+2 oversized) +22/+17/+12 2d6+15 Melee: Masterwork Dragon Greatsword +21/+16/+11 2d6+10 Melee: +2 Adamantine Warhammer +24/+19/+14 1d8+12 ignores hardness to 20 Melee: Flametongue +1 Flaming burst. +23/+18/+13 1d8+11 +1d6 fire 19/20 X2 +1d10 fire Melee: +1 Giantbane longspear +23/+18/+13 1d8+11 x3 (+2d6 vs giants) Ranged: 3 throwing axes +17 1d6+9 Rage Power: Guarded Life: Benefit: While raging, if the barbarian is reduced below 0 hit points, 1 hit point of lethal damage per barbarian level (24 w greater) is converted to nonlethal damage. If the barbarian is at negative hit points due to lethal damage, she immediately stabilizes. Rage Power: Renewed Vigor: Benefit: Once per day while raging (Heal 3d8+8 hp as standard action) Rage Power: Regenerative Vigor (Ex) Benefit: After using her renewed vigor rage power until her current rage ends, the barbarian gains fast healing 2 for every 6 barbarian levels she has (maximum fast healing 3). She regains hit points from fast healing at the start of each of her turns. Rage Power: Greater Guarded Life (Ex)
Rage Power: Fueled by Vengeance
Rage power : Flesh wound. Once per rage, the barbarian can try to avoid serious harm from an attack. The barbarian must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the damage that would be dealt by the attack. The barbarian’s armor check penalty applies on this saving throw. If the save succeeds, the barbarian takes half damage from the attack and the damage is nonlethal. The barbarian must elect to use this ability after the attack roll is made, but before the damage is rolled. Rage Power (Renewed Vitality: ignores the effect of 1 point of ability penalty or damage per two barbarian levels (6pts), once pre day when rage ends reroll Save to negate same amount of damage) Rage power (Deathless Frenzy)
Benefit: While raging, you ignore the effects of being at 0 or fewer hit points until you have been at 0 or fewer hit points for 1 round, at which point the appropriate consequences for your current hit point total take effect. Even death can be postponed this way, potentially allowing you to survive if you receive sufficient healing before the round is up. Upcoming Rage Powers
Defensive Stance: 26 rounds/day used: 2:
AC:29 (27 when using Greatsword) Touch:29 FF: Fort: +14 (+18 non lethal cold) CMB 23 (Sunder +26) CMD:27 Combat: Melee: Battleaxe +17/+12 damage 1d8+8 x3 Melee: Frost-thunder hammer(+2 oversized) +19/+14 2d6+13 Melee: Masterwork Dragon Greatsword +18/+13 2d6+8 Melee: +2 Adamantine Warhammer +21/+16 1d8+10 ignores hardness to 20 Melee: Flametongue +1 Flaming burst. +23/+18/+13 1d8+11 +1d6 fire 19/20 X2 +1d10 fire Melee: +1 Giantbane longspear +20/+15 1d8+9 x3 (+2d6 vs giants) Ranged: 3 throwing axes +14 1d6+8 Whenever you rage, you can choose to activate a Defensive Stance instead of your normal rage. Rage Powers work normally when in a Defensive Stance. Defensive Stance (Ex): At 1st level, you can enter a defensive stance, a position of readiness and trancelike determination. A stalwart defender can maintain this stance for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can maintain the stance for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from the defensive stance and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that the stalwart defender can maintain a defensive stance per day. The stalwart defender can enter a defensive stance as a free action. The total number of rounds of defensive stance per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive. While in a defensive stance, the you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC, a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. The increase to Constitution grants the stalwart defender 2 hit points per Hit Die, but these hit points disappear when the defensive stance ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in a defensive stance, a stalwart defender cannot willingly move from his current position through any means (including normal movement, riding a mount, teleportation, or willingly allowing allies to carry him). If he enters a defensive stance while on a moving vehicle he does not control (such as a wagon or ship), he can maintain the stance even if the vehicle moves. If the stalwart defender moves under his own power as a result of an enemy's successful use of the Bluff skill or an enchantment spell, his stance ends. The stalwart defender can end his defensive stance as a free action; after ending the stance, he is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the stance. A stalwart defender cannot enter a new defensive stance while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter a stance multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a stalwart defender falls unconscious, his defensive stance immediately ends, placing him in peril of death. A defensive stance requires a level of emotional calm, and it may not be maintained by a character in a rage (such as from the rage class feature or the rage spell). Intercept (Ex): Once a round as an immediate action, when a melee or ranged weapon would successfully strike an adjacent ally, the stalwart defender can choose to have the weapon strike him instead of the intended target. The attack automatically hits the stalwart defender, regardless his AC or any miss chance in effect, and he suffers the normal consequences of the attack.
4oo years after the founding of Irrisen, Tollheim hosted a number of individual Ulfen tribes, including the stalwart warriors led by Haggar Oriksson, a legendary Ulfen fighter reknowned for his skill in battle and one expected to one day take the mantle of a Linnorm King. Along the border an ambitious Winter Witch sought to expand her territory, summoning an army of fey to her side and pressing in towards Trollheim and directly into the domain of Haggar, as warden of the northernmost border. The fates however, deemed that the warrior and his people would not fall further, as a trio of Norns appeared before the warrior, warning him of the advance and granting his daughter, a skilled healer, with knowledge of a ritual that would grant his warriors power to face the witch and her trolls and giants. When the witch's emissary, a Frost Giant warrior mounted atop a white dragon, arrived to accept fealty, the entire tribe attacked with an unrelenting fury, slaughtering them both despite heavy losses. Their blood was drained and mixed with herbs and mystical components, a ritual cast with painstaking precision and the blood consumed by all the tribe's warriors, imbuing them with the impervious nature of a frost giant and the unrelenting fury of the white dragon. Such was the might of these magically imbued warriors that winter witch's plans for expansion were soon abandoned in light of continuous heavy losses, and a lack of support from the Winter Queen and her forces. Hundreds of years later, it is whispered that traces of this power still lies dormant in the blood of some Northernmost Ulfen, a rumor that bears truth, for once in a generation a warrior manifests a portion of this power and the ability to truly embrace the cold that for all Ulfen is simply an inevitable aspect of life. Sigrun was one so blessed, seemingly unaffected by the weather from the age of four. Her parents were outcasts, her mother, the daughter of a mighty Jarl and rumored to carry the blood of Baba Yaga herself, her father, a powerful warrior, born on a day of bad omen, a poor match despite his prowess and ability in the hunt. It was her mother's refusal to accept his fate that resulted in her being cast out, when her spurning of another warrior's approach erupted in a riot that killed a dozen warriors, most falling at Jagr’s devastating Lucerne Hammer. The wild tundra was the home of an immeasurable number of deadly creatures, one of the deadliest being the dreaded winter wolf. Scenting a child protected only by two adults, the pack descended upon the family's hovel, managing to kill Sigrun's mother before retreating with 4 of their number dead. Left with his wife dead and a five-year-old girl child, Jagr was forced to make a hard decision. Placing an axe and a doll at equal distances, Jagr set his little girl down in the snow to see which she would go to. The world of the north was no place for innocent childhood, and with pain in his heart, the man resolved that should the girl choose the doll, he would end her life, using his hammer to spare her the suffering that would inevitably fill her short life. She toddled towards the axe, straining to pick it up. The years were hard, but Sigrun was harder, the stoic child growing into a powerful and intense young woman, tough and focused, her father's pride and joy. No son could have done a father prouder, trained to hunt and forage, skilled in combat and prone to a devastating icy cold rage when in battle, the girl exhibited that in her the old blood was strong. Alas the hard lessons of life were far from over, during a hunt, Sigrun and Jagr came upon a terrifying sight…the tracks of giants. Though claiming no ties to any one Linnorm King, Jagr and his daughter fought for their land spending years tracking and isolating individual giants, using a mix of guile, cunning and absolute ferocity to take the fight to the enemy unseen, counting each death as a victory for their homeland and their people. In one of their sorties, the pair came across as hold besieged by a squadron of giants, their Jarl and his retainers fallen on the field, the surviving warriors desperately trying to defend the women and children against the ruthless destroyers. With no regard for their own safety, the two attacked the giants from behind, sowing such chaos and fury as catch them completely by surprise. Those who witnessed the two in battle would call it a moment worthy of the sagas. Father and daughter working in perfect unison, deadly, brilliant, unrelenting. Inspired, the defenders rallied overpowering the enemy, forcing the last giant standing to retreat. But not without cost. Burning with anger over his squadron falling to humans, the giant leader launched a parting shot, mighty great bow targeting the unmistakable flame haired warrior standing amidst his fallen men. None who bore witness could remember seeing Jagr move, none recall seeing the shot until it was almost too late. None but Sigrun. Wrenching her axe out of a giant’s forehead, her eyes were met with a sight that would haunt her for the rest of her life. The arrow, larger than any she had ever seen, more like a greatspear, spiraling toward her, faster than her body could even begin to react and yet slow compared to the blur of motion that was her father. One moment the arrow was sure to tear through her heart, the next it was punching through his back, his chest, her shield, coming to a stop a half inch into her chest, brutal impact hurling her into a tree with such force as to leave her with the memory of life fading from her father’s eyes as consciousness faded from hers. She awoke a day later, cared for by the survivors, her father’s body given the respect worthy of a Jarl. Having now truly lost all that she held dear, Sigrun clung to her purpose in her father’s last battle, protecting those who were victim of the invasion. Taking up her father's hammer she took on with it his mantle, protector, guardian. Her bravery and fierce determination won her something she had lacked from all but her father most of her life, acceptance. When she identified the need to strike out and find the stronghold of one of the great Linnorm Kings, none even through to question her, the community following her lead across the treacherous land, the ever increasing cold adding to the attrition during the journey. And yet as the cold affected those around her, it seemed to also give her strength. There were losses, but that was to be expected, getting them to Kalsgard, the realm of Sveinn Blood-Eagle was a task that truly put Sigrun to the test, cementing her in their eyes as a true hero in the making. Yet the fact that her parents had been outcasts amongst her people still lay heavily on her, and after a time she set off on her own making her way as far south as Heldren, finding that the cold almost seemed to be following her, the normally temperate regions giving in to increasing cold. Personality:
After the loss of all she holds dear, and a lifetime of learning that independence means survival, Sigrun is not someone to whom trust comes easily. Every displayed weakness is an invitation to predators, every need one cannot fulfill themselves is an opportunity to find oneself dangerously dependant and vulnerable. To Sigrun weakness on the surface is a sure way to invite death, and as such she attempt so conceal any weaknesses she cannot completely eradicate. Yet beneath this icy exterior lies the scarred heart of the little girl who witnessed her mother’s death and blames herself for not being strong enough to prevent her father’s. Should someone be able to make their way beyond the many layers of walls she has built up, they would find someone who encases her insecurities in ice. Positive/ Negative traits: Indomitable. Almost as a result of necessity, Sigrun does not truly accept that any opponent is unbeatable. Whether the brutal cold, the barren tundra or the vicious hunters of the wild, she does not surrender. While she respects the treats these things may pose, if cornered she would wade in headfirst, sure that she was prepared for the challenge. Inspiring: The combination of her physical presence, cold intensity and pure survival in the face of a brutal environment that by all accounts should have killed her has created a woman who evokes an emotional response in all who encounter her. To those fortunate enough to be her allies, she is as dependable as having a glacier at one’s back. To those who face her rage, it is akin to being set out in a blizzard, naked and afraid. Socially inept: Living the life of a warrior and hunter alone in the wilds with her father, Sigrun lacks much in the way of social graces, much less any idea of how a “lady” is expected to act, even in a society as rough as that of the Northmen. She is however willing to take on the mantle of hero, and she has come to understand that those who seek to do great things are often set apart by the sheer nature of being different from everyone else. Untrusting: Sigrun does not easily allow others in, fearing a display of weakness in what she has come to know as an incredibly harsh world. While easy to admire she can be hard to like.
Sigrun Jagrsdottir HT: 6'3 Wt: 180 lbs Tall and powerfully built, Sigrun's body is reminiscent of a masterfully sculpted statue. Powerful yet sleek muscle lines her form, her body impressive and intimidating, while still being indisputably feminine. Her skin is pale, spending much time in the dark gloom of continuous winter, lines of numerous battle scars across her body indicate a history of injury, yet the lack of depth or severe scarring indicates an ability to heal and an almost impervious nature, as if faint lines on the surface was all that could be expected from one trying to harm her. Shockingly red hair stands out against her pale skin like a warning of danger, her intense green eyes matching the intensity, bursts of vivid color that lends life to a woman who otherwise appears as if carved from ice. Her every movement speaks of confidence and power, a warrior's stride, stalking with a wariness born of a life of danger and violence, full of predatory beauty and deadly grace. Details:
Rugged Northerner Benefit: You treat extreme cold conditions as severe cold, and severe cold as cold weather conditions. You are not impacted at all by normal cold weather conditions. In addition, you do not become fatigued by frostbite or hypothermia. Diehard
Prerequisite: Endurance. Benefit: When your hit point total is below 0, but you are not dead, you automatically stabilize. You do not need to make a Constitution check each round to avoid losing additional hit points. You may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn't your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious. When using this feat, you are staggered. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some swift actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If your negative hit points are equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you immediately die. Normal: A character without this feat who is reduced to negative hit points is unconscious and dying. Riddle: "Baba Yaga has gone on,
Seek you now the two-headed eagle,
Then find the bearskin that finely adorns,
This +2 warhammer is forged from blue steel and is engraved with Abyssal runes that read "There are no screams for those who die the frozen death."