Rise of the Runelords with a Twist

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition with some Variant Rules in Play

Maps, etc.

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M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5
Dora Asal wrote:
She doesn’t have anywhere else to be so I hope that it’s okay to stay with you.

That's fine, she's your PC. Guess we do the gear shopping after.

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

I’m sorry but I’m on vacation. I’ll be back next week. :-)

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I guess we're paused for a bit; as mentioned, Dora is the one with the knowledge skills...

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I have a bit of a family emergency and will be travelling. I am not sure how much I will be able to keep up with posting, so feel free to bot me if needed.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

No worries Khamul, family comes first. We’ll be here. Speaking of, our friend Grenz has contacted me and is planning on returning to the game as well. Probably once you return to Sandpoint, we can work him back in.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

You know, you folks are supposed to keep going without me, not come to a dead stop, when I post stuff about botting me... I'm still on the road, but I can slip a couple of posts in here...

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Apologies I've found myself a bit overwhelmed of late, and am starting to think it may continue for the foreseeable future rather than just being a bad week. I was thinking about leaving this and a few other roleplays when the next opportune time. Presumably in this case, tagging out with Grenz.

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

I am honest that for me real life is hard to manage as well. :-/

F Kobald Incanter 3 / Monk 1

Well, I'm sorry to see you go, but I also have been rather swamped lately as well. Though I hope you decide to stay.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Well, I'm home, posting will resume a more normal rate...

WRT to assorted folks leaving, I'd be sorry to see either of you go, but still, if real life does need to come first...

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

I was just stating the current state but I’m not leaving, yet. :-)

Please don’t any of you leave. If you guys don’t want Grenz back, just say so ;)

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

I am really sorry everyone but I cannot continue with this game anymore. I really appreciate the great time we had together. :-)

Savage Rifts RotRwT

We are sorry to hear that Dora. Hopefully we will see you around the boards again soon.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Fair winds and fortune.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

That's too bad. Sorry to see you go Dora.

I assume that DM ShadowBloodmoon will bot Dora until we get back to something resembling civilization... Unless he has another arrangement in mind. I also presume that he continues to have no intention of opening up recruitment for this campaign.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

I do not plan to open recruitment, however, this would be a great time for Grenz to show up. I will work on a story reason for him to return and get him back into the game quickly as we fade out Dora. I will bot her until then.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5
Grenz wrote:

I remember we had a way of keeping them from turning?

No, we have a recipe for an innoculation against getting the ghoul disease from bites and claws, that we don't have any made up doses of. I'm not too sure that will work on what this house does.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I am travelling until Oct 10th. I should be able to post, but things may be sporadic...

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Safe travels.

Hope it is a leisure trip and not work ;)

By the way, I will also be away from the 12th to the 19th.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Since we’re all sharing, I will be gone from the 27th through the 31st of this month…

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5
The Captivating Caprice! wrote:


I presume I need some help or something to change things up and can't just keep rolling swim till I succeed?

Yes and no.

The Swim skill wrote:

Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water. Success means you may swim at up to half your speed (as a full-round action) or at a quarter of your speed (as a move action). If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress. If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater.

Presumably you failed by 4 or less; if you fail by 5 or more, we starting talking drowning rules...

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I'm back, by the by...

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Yeah, I didn't really have any other plan for dealing with the problem.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I hope it works. The next steps (assuming success)

1) finish looting foxglove manor (there are rooms in the upper floors that we didn't search because of haunts, which should go away with a successful consecration.
2) Burn Foxglove manor (and rig it to collapse on itself, filling in the basement and access to the complex below, when it burns - that'll be your trick to figure Ms. K Engineering).

If the consecration doesn't work, I figure we skip directly to step 2...

Sorry guys, still on vacation. Will try to post today.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

I’ve been on field trip duty the last couple of days. I will try to get caught up quickly.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Clearly, we should go directly to Magnimar, no stopping in Sandpoint...

On a more serious note, sorry to see you go Caprice. As you say, fair winds and fortune.

Finally, with only 2 players, I think an AP will be very difficult. If GM ShadowBloodmoon doesn't want to recruit, would you be open to offering an invitation or two for players to join?

Sad to see you go Caprice - I felt like you seamlessly joined the group, both as a character and as a player. And that is very hard to find :/

That is exactly the same reason which makes me hesitate in suggesting any further recruitment, and also why I understand DM ShadowBloodmoon has avoided it as much as possible.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Thanks for the well wishes, it's been a nice time, and I wish you both well with further recruitment or not as you decide.

F Kobald Incanter 3 / Monk 1

I've been lagging lately, but I could always pick back up again.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

I wasn’t aware that Caprice was leaving until just now. That is unfortunate as I had a tie in to the story with her character and a rival. I can table that though. As for recruiting new folk, I believe I have mentioned before that I am not doing that any more. As Grenz so eloquently put it, finding someone that meshes well with the others AND can stay with the game long enough to accomplish something is difficult at best. As far as the difficulty goes, that is easily changed by me. APs are meant for 4 players, but can be done with less if necessary.

All that said, if either of you want to invite someone in particular, make sure they know the status and the rules of how we play, posting frequency, etc. Going to Magnimar offers lots of opportunity for meeting new people.

As for Zarque, we had started a spin off, but is has been a bit and I would be willing to continue with that. My concern is that if you rejoined the main campaign, there might be a new flare up of an old issue and I’d rather not have the in game problem make another out of game one. If we can curb that, then I will have to find a way to tie up a few loose ends. If not, then let us continue with Zarque working in the background as we have been.

F Kobald Incanter 3 / Monk 1

I'm good with whatever you are comfortable with.

I'd allowed the spin off to be rather slow because I've been wanting to keep the time tables aligned for my own sanity. That said, I had a rough couple of months till a couple weeks ago so I fell behind a bit and haven't caught back up yet with reading the main thread. I'm getting there though.

F Kobald Incanter 3 / Monk 1

Yea! I'm caught up on reading the game thread. I'll post in Zarque's little side thread later.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

@DM ShadowBloodmoon, Grenz and I have been chatting on an off about inviting in some more players, and we have come up with one guy: Dread (AKA GMMichael). Figured I would ask if you have an objection before I messaged him..

Savage Rifts RotRwT

It looks like Dread might be a contender. They seem to be pretty active in the boards, so if you two vouch for him, then he can pop over and create a character. In game, you guys can easily meet someone new in Magnimar. Just let Dread know that is where we are starting and that his character should be around 5th level.


M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I'll send him a PM asking if he would be interested.

Edit: Message sent

Gang, just a heads up - I will be traveling during the weekend and really busy for work next week, so updates might be slow.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Sorry, it's been a bad weekend - I have a head cold and my brain is filled with cotton wool...

Hope you feel better soon Khamul!

Savage Rifts RotRwT

No worries. Feel better soon. A lot of have people have come down with something lately.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

WRT to loot sale, I have made up a new spreadsheet to calculate the split. You should all be able to access it...

1) I am shorting anyone who is not here on splitting the resulting cash from this sale (in Magnimar). Idun, Dora and others are currently not getting a cut...

2) I have taken into account the items assorted folks have claimed from the loot.
In particular -
Grenz: Magic Fang +1 handwraps, Neck Chain of Resistance +1, writ for 500 gp from Sandpoint
Khamul: Sihedron Medallion, Neck Chain of Resistance +1, writ for 500 gp from Sandpoint
Idun: Sihedron Medallion, Neck Chain of Resistance +1
Dora: Neck Chain of Resistance +1
Zarque: Magical Rod, writ for 500 gp from Sandpoint
Sileven: Writ for 500 gp from Sandpoint

3) @Gm Shadowbloodmoon, there are some things that I have not been able to put values on.
A) The Painting and frame, Line 41
B) There are 2 vials of unknown, Line 42
C) There is a Rose Pendant, Line 54
D) A Cyan Earring, Line 55
E) An un-ID'ed magic locket, Line 68
I will make appraise and spellcraft checks IC...

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The painting is done by someone named Andoselu, some of you may recognize it. The locals tell you that it is worth 600gp here, but maybe more to a collector.

The two vials take a while to identify, but you find through some of the less savory folks that it is used pesh and worthless.

The rose pendant will net you 300gp

The cyan earring is only worth about 50gp

The magic locket however is one in which its mate is required to function. If the two are pressed together, the two people can communicate over long distances for one week’s time. If sold, you are told it would fetch 1000gp. If you can find its mate, you can easily sell the set for 5000gp.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Ok, I am going to try to deal with a number of mechanical questions about purchasing here, in discussion, while advancing the actual play in the game thread (while glossing over whatever shopping happens)...

With that disclaimer,

1) To be clear, you are not running standard pathfinder city rules , where you have a 75% chance of finding any magic item you want below the settlement's base value. with a smattering of higher value items on top....
So, for example, if Khamul wanted a headband of charisma +2 (4000 gp), I would be waiting until I got lucky on the item generation rolls? (Which could take a very long time as they are normally rolled weekly...)

2) Is it possible to commission a magic item(s)? (Crafting at 1000 gp/day would make it relatively short waits for lower end stuff...)

3) When you say "almost anything mundane is available as well", does that include special materials (eg mithril breastplate)?

In an unrelated question (which I just realized), as Chains of Resistance occupy a neck slot and so does a Sihedron Medallion, I assume that you can't use them together (and the same with Grenz's amulet of natural armor and a set of chains of resistance...)?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

For the most part, I am using the standard rules. The items I generated using some apps I have, it’s a bit faster that way. Otherwise, you can always roll to see if there is something magical you might want available as well, that list was just what stands out currently. (3d4 minor, 4d4 major, etc. )As for special materials, I count those among magical things, so again, 75% chance to find them.

Yes, you can certainly commission items, there are plenty of shops that can do that for you in Magnimar.

You are correct about the neck slots. You can only use one at a time.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

1)I have fixed an error in the spreadsheet; Chains of Resistance +1 are worth 1500 gp (1000 gp for +1 resistance to saving throws X 1.5 for being in a non-standard slot - neck).
2) I have put my previously claimed Sihedron Medallion in the sell pile, as I can't wear it and a Chains of Resistance +1.

Now we get to start looking at gear...

+1 Mithral Breastplate, small sized is 5200 gp

Availability: 1d100 ⇒ 17 <= 75 is available

Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 is 4000 gp

Availability: 1d100 ⇒ 59 <= 75 is available

Edit: Both are available and I will purchase them. I will sell my masterwork chain shirt for 125 gp.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

@Grenz, I have 375 gp available (and a bit more), so shall we split a wand of CLW?


I also need to look into some purchases, if possible.

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