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This is discussion thread. Any questions you'd like to solve between yourself, but not in character, please, make it here. Feel free to ask me any questions, try to incorporate my answer in your post.
- Are there oars in boat?
- No there are no oars.
- OK, than I go other way around.
Post: "Bob went away from a pier"
Should be: "Bob went to a boat, but found no oars. Dissapointed, he went away from a pier".
Anything, that is not game related should be down there.

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DM Tiaburn—there are a few Swashbuckler abilities (both the dodging panache deed and the opportunity parry and riposte deed) that are meant to be activated after an attack has been announced against the swashbuckler, but before the attack roll is made. How would you like to handle this in the PbP format?

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Nice question. I think, you need to be aware about such attack, and then you can "script" your action. Like, I declare "using dodging panache against half-Orc with greataxe". In this case, I roll your reaction check.

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Should be +3. I did one just now and it's +3 for me.
Upd.: if you put a checkbox on, than it starts to count it as melee weapon (like club), so put's +1 melee modifier there. Don't put checkbox there :)

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Guys. DM asked me to show you this.
Here's a link on Climb skill check description: http://paizo.com/prd/skills/climb.html
With a successful Climb check, you can advance up, down, or across a slope, wall, or other steep incline (or even across a ceiling, provided it has handholds) at one-quarter your normal speed.
So if your base speed is 30ft and you need to climb 15ft wall(which we are doing now), we need to do two climb checks

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Please, do not forget to update the map and move your avatar, when you are moving around.
If you cannot do this (for example via Phone or tablet it is impossible) and then me or someone else can move your avatar.

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Sorry for delay! Busy weekend and I think I will update game thread in evening.

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* You can use CLW wand to inflict positive damage to undeads. It is not a natural attack, so you don't get burning damage. Casting from wand does not provoke AoO. You need to strike their touch AC in this case. If you miss, charge is there and you can try again next turn or you can discharge that touching yourself as swift action (and get healing benefit).
* Blunt arrow can do lethal bludgeoning damage if shot with -4 penalty.

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Yeah, that was one of the closest I've come to death in quite a few scenarios. Being sucker punched nearly to death with the crit really hurt. I was probably best equipped to take them down quickly with my greatclub.

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Hey, I wrote in recruitment thread
I plan to start adventure August, 26th, 12:00 GMT and willing to finish it September, 18th midnight.
Are you willing to end today and receive partial wealth chronicles with full XP and full PP per scenario? This might be handy if you have convents or something coming up this weekend.
Or you are willing to continue play and see how it ends?Please, comment below!

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Another thought is whether we could head straight to the top of the tower and finish the final battle...does that get us max gold?

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Another thought is whether we could head straight to the top of the tower and finish the final battle...does that get us max gold?
I think we won't get max gold. As far as I know there are sums of gold added for each encounter, so we need to finish all encounters to get max gold.
@Tiaburn. I'd also like to finish the scenario.

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Basically, Odmar right. Each encounter rewards party and if party avoids encounter (not overcome it by different measure), it get less gold.
* opening door and getting trap triggered - is not avoiding
* getting rogue to disarm trap - is not avoiding
* choosing not to open door and walking away is avoiding, so some gold will be subtracted from final value
So if you will go to last floor right now and fight monster up there, you finish the scenario, but do not get max gold.
As most of players voted to continue, I will continue this module till the end.

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No problem with absense over weekend. Outside my working hours (9:00 - 18:00 GMT+3), I'm usually accessing games via phone and try to keep them up to speed.

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This module might be very brutal, basically it contains major hazard that could not be detected by characters.
The collapse of the lower levels has weakened the floor of this level’s eastern wing. If more than four Medium-sized creatures (two Small creatures count as one Medium creature) stand in the shaded area on the map, the easternmost 20-foot section of floor falls away. Characters standing in the affected area may make DC 15 Reflex saves to jump to safety. Failure means falling to the ground below for 6d6 points of damage. Generous GMs might allow falling characters additional Reflex saves to catch themselves on the exposed floors of the lower levels before plummeting all the way to the ground.
I usually allow everyone (Characters and Monsters) to roll Reflex DC15 each level and get 1d6 per even level and 2d6 per odd level, and they roll Reflex DC15 each level to determine are they stay there or fall another floor down.

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As scenario is close to finish, please fill this form for me to prepare chronicles.

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Hmmm, having a problem filling out the form.
It says the following error: "Please use format 123456-23" when I submit my character number.
If I use either 132076-5 or 132076-05...neither works.
Any suggestions?

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I put 132076-5 and it works for me. Both Chrome & Safari.
Could you try Copy-pasting number from here?
Oh, I turned off data format validation so you can enter your number now.

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Feel free to role-play your return in Grand Lodge and all dialogs meanwhile.
I will prepare your Chronicle Sheets soon.

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Since this is Free RPG Day scenario, no Job Rolls this time.
Ronald still can try to do Spellcraft check and copy shatter or invisibility in your spell book. It will take 2 hours and 40gp.

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Send all Scenario Chronicles to everyone, except Ronald.
Waiting for his decision to spend some time on coping free spell in his spellbook, since this should be included in Chronicle Sheet.
I'll keep this active for couple more days.

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OK, I'm closing everything.
If you would like to play again any new scenario with me, just drop me a private message.
Thank you all for taking part in it.