Kulko |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hello Guys,
I am new to Organized play and also just upgrading from Android App to Real Cards (bought the two new sets). I have signed up for Outpost II and just havve a few Clarifications in order to start best prepared for when it starts.
1. I will be using Adventurers Packs as deck, and since the Hierarchy still does extensively mention basic cards I just wanted to make sure, that this does not concern me in anyway. I can choose my deck freely from any Level 0 cards.
2. Speaking of Adventurers Packs, I have a bit trouble choosing my third pack, is there any online discussion of Strategy here? Specifically Valeros and Harsk.
3. When I banish a Elixir of healing during the adventure is it correct that normally I can just pick up a new one from my Class deck since I need to refill my cards?
3a.This is until I pick up an ite upgrade since this would fill my empty spot first.Correct?
4. When I use Adventurerspacks Level 0 deck upgrades are of very limited use Since I could freely choose from all Level 0 cards anyway?
5. When I want to Change my deck sideways, by switching in a card better suited for the next adventure Whic I already owned in an old adventure. I still need to spend a deck Upgrade for this, Correct?
6. From The examples I guessed the way BR is handled here is that the BR always posts the whole location stack, but you are expected to open the spoilers only when you encounter or examine. IAnd I am also expected to draw my own card using for instance a Deckhandler Sheet. Correct and Correct?
7. It is Okay? and Expected? to own the Scenario Descriptions.
wkover |
Some quick answers - glad to have you!
1. Yes, your starting deck is built from any level 0 cards. With the distribution allowed by your character, of course.
2. You might try the PACS forum here for packet strategies.
3. Yes. This is a benefit to PACS play. You can fish banished cards right back out of your personal card pool.
3a. Not necessarily. You can upgrade any card. You don't have to upgrade a banished/missing card first.
4. Once you've built your starting deck, you probably won't use any remaining level 0 cards until you add card feats. Then you'll need them again.
5. Yes. Except for card feats and replacing banished cards, you always need to use upgrades to bring new cards into your deck.
6. Correct and correct. There's a lot of trust in online PACS. We assume no one will cheat and look ahead at location cards, draw cards honestly, etc.
7. Own in what sense? You mean purchase the scenarios? No, you don't need to own the scenarios to play them. Similar to, if you play PACS in a store, you can use the store box and scenarios to play.
JohnF |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Tyler just pointed folks to this thread in his part of the "Online Region Resources" Paizo blog, so here I am.
I'm currently in the process of setting up a trial real time PACS game to be run using the PACS Wiki as reference, a Discord voice channel (video optional), and a physical box that the Box Runner (me) can use.
I'll be testing it out with a couple of our local players; if it works, I'll probably add another game open to a wider audience.
If anyone else has already done something like this, I'd be interested in hearing how it went. I'm also open to any suggestions on how to improve the experience.
zeroth_hour2 |
Tyler just pointed folks to this thread in his part of the "Online Region Resources" Paizo blog, so here I am.
I'm currently in the process of setting up a trial real time PACS game to be run using the PACS Wiki as reference, a Discord voice channel (video optional), and a physical box that the Box Runner (me) can use.
I'll be testing it out with a couple of our local players; if it works, I'll probably add another game open to a wider audience.If anyone else has already done something like this, I'd be interested in hearing how it went. I'm also open to any suggestions on how to improve the experience.
John, I think the Discord Video Chat feature isn't available anymore.
Zalarian |
I have done it...I took pictures of the locations and sent those ahead of time and encouraged folks to use online deckbuilder..that way it is a lot easier to add cards they acquired; some did and some didn't..proxies were used for those that didn't use deckbuilder. Then for the actual cards, I switched the video camera on laptop to point outwards and rigged up a holding mechanism to put the card people are interacting with. If curious, my holding system consisted of 2 white card boxes and then placed a strong piece of cardboard with a binder clip on it so the card could be put on cardboard and wouldn't slip off due to binder clip. We didn't use the wiki but it was a resource that was available.
I likely could see about setting up one as well to run in the future.
Tyler just pointed folks to this thread in his part of the "Online Region Resources" Paizo blog, so here I am.
I'm currently in the process of setting up a trial real time PACS game to be run using the PACS Wiki as reference, a Discord voice channel (video optional), and a physical box that the Box Runner (me) can use.
I'll be testing it out with a couple of our local players; if it works, I'll probably add another game open to a wider audience.If anyone else has already done something like this, I'd be interested in hearing how it went. I'm also open to any suggestions on how to improve the experience.
JohnF |
One thing I need to do, of course, is let the players see the "During this Scenario/Adventure/..." text, and also the location powers, closing checks, etc.
As these are publicly visible on the play-by-post threads in the Paizo forums (and, in the case of the locations, on the PACG Wiki) I presume it's OK to put those together into a briefing sheet. Of course if somebody has already done that I'd appreciate a link ...
eddiephlash |
redeux |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
JohnF wrote:Another discovery: The PACG Wiki doesn't have PACS-specific cards (or, at least, it doesn't have those for "Season of the Goblins!", which is what I'm using for my test - I haven't checked the others).
They look all there to me for the most part. I just added a bunch ;) (everything except some ships)
for PACS specific wiki cards - those can be added if anyone has the initiative. I can try to add those as my time allows.
For the handout-- it would be OK to prepare a sheet with the scenario rules and give as a handout to your players, but to err on the side of caution I'd keep it limited to adventure/scenario rules and anything else particularly pertinent.
Iceman |
Tyler just pointed folks to this thread in his part of the "Online Region Resources" Paizo blog, so here I am.
I'm currently in the process of setting up a trial real time PACS game to be run using the PACS Wiki as reference, a Discord voice channel (video optional), and a physical box that the Box Runner (me) can use.
I'll be testing it out with a couple of our local players; if it works, I'll probably add another game open to a wider audience.If anyone else has already done something like this, I'd be interested in hearing how it went. I'm also open to any suggestions on how to improve the experience.
Minor necro...
We have played quite a bit of Pathfinder ACG over google hangouts. One person points a camera at the table, so you can see the locations and where each character is, as well as the hourglass.
My webcam, when perched on top of the box lid, is actually at a pretty ideal height for this. Sometimes I have to set up another box lid just off-camera to provide a little shadow and avoid glare on the card sleeves, but otherwise it not really different than a normal game setup.
As cards are encountered they are placed where the camera can view them, and the box-runner usually reads the key bits to the other player(s) ("so-and-so, level X" and "combat 14, don't lose" [implying an If Undefeated clause] or "task/fire traits, dex/disable 10, wis/perception 12" or "melee 13 to acquire" [cause you know the paladin has melee so no need to mention strength is an option]).
Now, one caveat for all of the groups I have done this with - everyone has their own copy of the game. So decks can exist, hands drawn, boons acquired and added to them, etc. Nothing is managed online - even dice are rolled by the players.
And when complex monsters or barriers are pulled, or the villain is encountered, the players can look at their own copy easily. The wiki could take the place of this aspect, but not the deck-building part.
Along those lines, for society stuff, I simply share the pdf with the other players, so they have all of the proxies and special rules.
I want to say it takes only slightly longer to play a scenario this way than normal f2f play. Maybe a flat extra 15 minutes, at most.
I've run through entire adventure paths in this manner, and a local player and I are halfway thru Adventure 6 of Season 5 after switching to online play around the beginning of adventure 5 in mid-march.
Hope that helps. Hope your experiment went well.
MorkXII |
PbP Gameday IX Event # 2701293
Box Runner Signup Sheet
When: September 01, 2020 - November 10, 2020
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Greetings Pathfinders!
We’re all very excited to announce PACS play as part of the upcoming PbP Gameday IX! This year we are pleased to offer both the first PACS-only multi-table special, Tyrant of the Harrow, as well as the first adventure in the new organized play season: Year of Reborn Strife! (If you’re looking for details about RPG gaming during Gameday IX, you can find that information here)
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Important dates:
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As of today, Box Runner signups are officially open! In order for your game to count, it must start on or after Sept 01, 2020 and end on or before November 10, 2020.
If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 04, 2020.
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
How do I sign up to run a game?
Fill out our Box Runner Signup Sheet. This form includes a section for signing up to run a table in the special as well.
How many games can I sign up to run?
While you may sign up to run as many games as you choose, we strongly ask that you consider what you can reasonably handle while still providing a great experience for your players and completing all games within the given timeframe. Remember, life happens to the best of us, so please do not commit to maximum capacity. If this will be your first time running a game PbP or you are still learning the ropes, we strongly recommend that you only do one game at a time.
If I run a table of the Tyrant of the Harrow special, can I also play in the special?
Yes. You will be able to sign up as a player, either at your own table or at another table.
What do you mean by scenario support?
Paizo will gift you the scenario that you wish to run — if you sign up by our deadline. If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 04, 2020.
May I add a game after September 01, the official start of PBP Gameday IX?
At this time we will not be adding any games past the official start date for a number of reasons. This helps the VO team with tracking games as well as being able to finalize reporting for you in a more timely and efficient manner.
eddiephlash |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ever thought of trying live PACG online? Tabletop Simulator is currently %50 off. We've been using a sanctioned mod for PACS at the various online conventions, and even have a weekly lodge that plays using TTS every week.
There's never been a better time to check out Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Online!
WilderRedbeard |
Legit question for players out there. Is there any desire to go back and run some pre-core seasons? I am considering running seasons 3 and 4 as they are a blast to play and am gauging interest in such things.
I haven't played Season 4 yet and would love to join a game to go through that AP.
Abraham Z. |
TColMaster wrote:Legit question for players out there. Is there any desire to go back and run some pre-core seasons? I am considering running seasons 3 and 4 as they are a blast to play and am gauging interest in such things.I haven't played Season 4 yet and would love to join a game to go through that AP.
I'm currently playing through season 4 but I have a character (Valeros) that played through the first 3 adventures of Season 3 - if you end up running Season 3 I'd love to jump in for the second half. Other than that, the only other season that I've played (currently playing) is season 6, so I would be up for a run through of any of the others.
cartmanbeck RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
TColMaster |
Question for the masses out there, just in case there was a post or ruling somewhere about this that I am missing.
OA2 Mavaro Ghost Hunter power: When you would recharge or discard the weapon The Missing Eye, you may reveal it instead.
Is there anywhere that specifies or erata's that to say something to the effect "for it's power"?
Why do I ask? Look at all the cards and such that take a "discard/recharge a card from hand" to now "reveal The Missing Eye". What do I mean? Handy Haversack is discard a card to draw a card. Well, now you just reveal the sword. Spirit Surge dealing unpreventable 1 damage? Reveal the sword. All of the BYA/AYA dealing of 1 damage or 1d4 that can be reduced with the weapon. It is so OP as written that there has to be something more for it.
Also, you can even game the system by having Weapon be your favored card and replacing any other deck weapon slots with something else (Strength or melee items/Allies maybe?) so you guaranteed get the sword in your hand at the start of every scenario.
Bigguyinblack |
Mavaro's deck rules say
'Favored Card Type: Your Choice'
'When building your deck, you may treat 1 or more cards of 1 type of boon as boons of your favored card type.'
This is worded confusingly but what it means is this. Before your first scenario or between scenarios you pick a card type to be your favorite card.
You then build your deck and you may replace slots of your favorite card with cards of another type.
For example if you chose weapon as your favorite card you could use one of your weapon slots as a card of another type ally maybe and then yes you could start with your 1 remaining weapon.
You could even change your mind later on.
Say after a few scenarios you decide you want a lot more allies.
You would first declare your favorite card as say Items. You could then rebuild your deck designating x amount of item slots as ally slots. You would then remove some items from your deck. Then you would fill in your missing weapon using the hierarchy and add allies into the designated slots also using the hierarchy.
And you would keep your first hand with an item in it.
As to your first question: Not that I am aware of but the forums were purged awhile ago so if there was a dev comment on it it may be gone now.
Bigguyinblack |
Bigguyinblack wrote:As to your first question: Not that I am aware of but the forums were purged awhile ago so if there was a dev comment on it it may be gone now.I'm not aware of the forums ever being purged. My own comments from 2013 are still on the forums.
... *Switches from Focused to Defocused.*
Never mind.
MorkXII |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sarah Bull |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Everyone get ready for another online Convention!!!! PACS is at CannotCon this year with scenarios from the newly out 7-3 as well as We Be Heroes, Fangwood Thieves, A Night at Bloodthorne Manor, and the everplayable Dragons Demand - Wandering Way. You can check out more about the convention at the Warhorn Site. The games will be played real-time on Tabletop Simulator. The convention runs from Jan 22-26.
TColMaster |
Question on Alase powers.
Does this role power: When you play a blessing ([X] or a spell or an ally) on a check by a character at Tonbarse's location, you may recharge it (☐ or shuffle it into your deck) instead of discarding it.
override this power: After you play a spell that has the Attack trait, bury it.
? Thanks!
wkover |
Question on Alase powers.
Does this role power: When you play a blessing ([X] or a spell or an ally) on a check by a character at Tonbarse's location, you may recharge it (☐ or shuffle it into your deck) instead of discarding it.
override this power: After you play a spell that has the Attack trait, bury it.
The listed power only kicks in when a spell would be discarded. Alase buries Attack spells (no discarding), so the power doesn't apply. The Attack spells are still buried.
skizzerz |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
After quite a bit of work, I'm pleased to release a modification of the Shared Hand Tracker spreadsheet for others to use. The Shared Tracker works in conjunction with Yewstance's Deck Handlers to bring data about the entire party on the same screen. Version 2.1 of the tracker supports the following features:
Shared Tracker Index containing links to all versions of the sheet (right now there's only one).
Version 2.1 of the sheet (current version as of this post)
- Track up to 6 characters, with buttons to hide the 5th and 6th characters to tidy up the view for smaller tables.
- View the hands, displayed cards, marked scourges, notes, and more of each character all on the same screen.
- Alternate character support, for if a player is bouncing between two characters (e.g. 4-P1 or 4-P2 rewards)
- Scenario tracker: check off which scenarios you've completed in the AP.
- Loot sheet automatically populated based on which scenarios are marked as completed -- No more typing out loot cards!
- Custom highlighting for cards in hand to better show available support at a glance. Blessings, healing, combat support, and non-combat support are highlighted by default, with 2 additional highlight colors for you to use for whatever purpose you wish.
Using the sheet
1. Head to the Shared Tracker Index and follow the link to the latest version of the sheet.
2. Select File -> Make a Copy to create a copy of the tracker that you can edit
3. Head to the Setup tab and add your player's deck handler URLs. If they are using a recent version of Yewstance's sheet (v4.5 or later), everything will work without any additional configuration. Otherwise, you can tweak the various ranges to match the deck handler's layout by expanding the advanced settings.
4. On the Setup tab, choose the AP you are playing to populate the scenario tracker and loot lists.
5. Share the link with your players, and put it in your campaign header for easy reference![/list]
Future improvements
I plan on adding automation for other things such as Supporters, Ships, and Traders. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please let me know!
Special Thanks
I did not originally come up with the design of this spreadsheet, although I'm having a difficult time figuring out who did originally make it. Either way, I'd like to thank them for their efforts! (if it's you, feel free to post to let us know and I can get a more proper thanks section in next time I post an update)
skizzerz |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Version 2.2 of the shared tracker sheet has been released.
- New State sheet to track board state between BR updates, based on Zalarian's work.
- Mark party cards as used on the State sheet, and they will be crossed off on the Hands sheet. No more double-spending a blessing!
- Choose how the Loot sheet is sorted: by the scenario it was unlocked in, by card type and level, or by the card name
- Add new Credits sheet with Community Use disclaimer and names of people who have contributed the sheets this tracker was based on.
Thank you everyone who has suggested improvements for this! If you find something you think the sheet could use, please let me know (shoot me a PM on the paizo forums or message me on discord).
TColMaster |
Question for the Mods out there. Is there a way to stop someone from ever posting to a PbP adventure? I had to remove a player because of their abuse and bad attitude and now they are going on continuing to harass the group, going so far as to post what cards are where in locations. Basically proving my point as to why I removed them in the first place.
I did remove their characters, but because they have posted and have the location saved, well, they are able to find it.
redeux |
Question for the Mods out there. Is there a way to stop someone from ever posting to a PbP adventure? I had to remove a player because of their abuse and bad attitude and now they are going on continuing to harass the group, going so far as to post what cards are where in locations. Basically proving my point as to why I removed them in the first place.
I did remove their characters, but because they have posted and have the location saved, well, they are able to find it.
If it is here on the forums then unfortunately not much any of us can do directly. Anyone can post in a thread even if they get "removed" from my understanding. Only resolution would be to contact customer service (email at bottom of page), or begin flagging the posts as personal harassment. They may be able to prevent someone from posting in a specific thread, or temporarily suspend them.
If it is on the community discord server then one of the admins can remove the person's access to the game thread.
Regardless, you're welcome to send me more info privately in case it is something I need to take action on from an Org Play side of things
duckyinspace |
My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.
I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?
Matsu Kurisu |
Generally people are playing under the old Pathfinder Card Game Society rules
All of the cards in your character’s Class Deck box must come
from your Class Deck, with the following exceptions.
• You can replace your character with any character of the
same class, along with a matching role card.
• If you are using the Goblins Fight! or Goblins Burn! deck,
you can replace your character with one of the goblin
promo characters associated with that deck in the sidebar
• If the back of your character card names a card such as a
cohort, you may replace that card with any other card that
has the same name and type.
• If the back of your character card lists a specific card, that
card must be in your deck.
• If your character’s deck is not an Ultimate Add-On Deck,
you may add the cards from any 1 Ultimate Add-On Deck.
• If your character’s deck is an Ultimate Add-On Deck, you
may add the cards from any 1 Class Deck or Character
Deck (but not a Character Add-On Deck, another Ultimate
Add-On Deck, or any other type of deck).
• You may add 1 of each class-appropriate promo card from
the Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes miniatures line (see
Appendix 3 on page 15).
• You may include other promo cards only if you have
earned them as a reward from a scenario you have played.
• If your Class Deck box contains boons that have the same
name as boons in the Core Set or the Curse of the Crimson
Throne Adventure Path, in between scenarios, you may
replace these boons with the Core or Curse versions. (Card
names must match exactly, with one exception: you may
replace Short Sword with Shortsword.) Do not take cards
from the vault for this—you must bring your own copies.
If the replacement card’s level is higher than your tier, you
can’t replace that card until you’re allowed to put cards of
that level into your deck.
For example, if you’re using the Summoner Class Deck,
you can use the summoner Balazar from that deck or the
one from the Wrath of the Righteous Base Set, and you can
include the cohort Padrig from either of those products
(but not both). You can add the cards from 1 of the Ultimate
Add-On Decks to your box, and you can also add the Iconic
Heroes card Splendiferous Hat.
There is also options to swap core deck cards into your Deck box
Adventure PacksHave fun!
TColMaster |
My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.
I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?
It looks like you are new to PbP - but not ACG, so if you are interested in joining in a complete series run (seasons 0 - end), I have a 3 man group that is in the middle of 0-1d if you want to join in after the current scenario is completed.
duckyinspace |
Ducky5309 wrote:It looks like you are new to PbP - but not ACG, so if you are interested in joining in a complete series run (seasons 0 - end), I have a 3 man group that is in the middle of 0-1d if you want to join in after the current scenario is completed.My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.
I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?
Thank you, I would love that!
TColMaster |
TColMaster wrote:Thank you, I would love that!Ducky5309 wrote:It looks like you are new to PbP - but not ACG, so if you are interested in joining in a complete series run (seasons 0 - end), I have a 3 man group that is in the middle of 0-1d if you want to join in after the current scenario is completed.My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.
I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?
PM'd you Discord Info
redeux |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hi all! Gameday XI has been announced here, which is a play-by-post convention.
Here is a summary of important dates
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Important dates:
GM game submissions open - now
Scenario Support Deadline - August 04, 2022
Player seating- now (you may sign up to games as they are posted)
Start of PBP Gameday X - September 11, 2022
End of PBP Gameday X - November 20, 2022
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Box Runner's: To register your games (new games, or existing campaigns), please see fill out our BR Registration form. Please fill it out if you intend to report any games for existing games. It helps me get an idea of how many games we have running and how many paizo vouchers I can secure for prizes.
Players - Keep an eye on this discussion page for information on how to sign up. I will post more info on how to sign up for card game sessions once we get closer to the player sign-up date.
Matsu Kurisu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hi all! Gameday XI has been announced here, which is a play-by-post convention.
Yay! Looking forward to it
TColMaster |
Rules question for the group. We just finished adventure 1-1 and the reward is a skill feat. We are having trouble with the group understanding the ACG rules (page 9 in the guide).
"Some scenarios from Season 5 and earlier include skill feats, power feats, and card feats as part of their rewards. Receiving such a reward permanently increases your maximum number of feats of that type to your Tier + 1, then you gain a feat of that type. Further rewards of feats of the same type give you a hero point that you may immediately spend on a feat of that type, but the maximum number of feats of that type is not further increased. For example, if your Tier 3 character earns a reward that includes 2 skill feats, the first skill feat rewarded increases their maximum number of skill feats to 4 and they gain a skill feat. The second skill feat rewarded grants them a hero point; if they have not already reached the maximum, they may immediately spend it on a skill feat. Because the character’s maximum number of skill feats has permanently increased to their Tier + 1, when they reach Tier 4, their maximum number of sklll feats increases to 5."
As this is our first feat reward (putting Skill at max 2 going into 1-2) do we gain and spend a hero point for the feat, or ?? We are confused a bit. I thought, as it was our first Skill Feat reward the max goes up to 2 and we just gain it. Others say we get it, but we have to spend a Hero Point to do so.
eddiephlash |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You always get a hero point with a successful scenario. Since 1-1 grants you a specific feat, you get that as well. So you can each take 2 skill feats, or a skill feat and a power/card feat, or a skill feat and save your other hero point.
Regardless, for the rest of the campaign, your maximum number of Skill feats is now equal to #+1, and any future skill feats granted to you when you are already at this maximum will be converted to hero points.
Matsu Kurisu |
Hi all! Gameday XI has been announced here, which is a play-by-post convention.
Here is a summary of important dates
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Important dates:
GM game submissions open - now
Scenario Support Deadline - August 04, 2022
Player seating- now (you may sign up to games as they are posted)
Start of PBP Gameday X - September 11, 2022
End of PBP Gameday X - November 20, 2022
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★Players - Keep an eye on this discussion page for information on how to sign up. I will post more info on how to sign up for card game sessions once we get closer to the player sign-up date.
Sorry been offline with Covid :-(
Has the player sign ups for PACG opened up?If so, can you point me to instructions?
eddiephlash |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry been offline with Covid :-(
Has the player sign ups for PACG opened up?
If so, can you point me to instructions?
I forgot Gameday is different and player sign-ups open immediately (as games are being offered).
So if any BR's are starting new games, please post your game in the the Recruitment tab.
So player and gm signups are both live, though we are too late for adventure support at this point. I haven't seen a ton of activity on the recruitment tab, so I'm not aware of new campaigns starting up at this point.