Box Runner Nalshene |
Welcome to the Flaxseed On Deck Discussion thread! This is the best place to post your questions, comments, or suggestions on how to run PACGuild games through online media. For the time being, this lodge is supporting only limited forms of online play (namely, play-by-post over the Paizo forums) but we will be working diligently over the next several months to make other platforms available for official organized play games.
For the most up-to-date information on running or playing in games as part of this lodge, please go check out our Campaign Info page.
Estra and Honaire |
Awesome to see PACG Online Play being so actively supported! A couple of questions.
1. Is there a limit to how many tables a single player is allowed to join at once?
1.1. As a related question, I presume that you can not (or at least should not) ever use the same character (from a reporting perspective) in two simultaneous games, even if you give them separate deck handlers (reward tracking would be a nightmare)?
2. Reward tracking and reporting for Organised Play. Is this ultimately the responsibility of the GM/BR or the individual players, and how frequently should these be tracked (per scenario, per adventure/tier, per "however-long-the-forum-thread-goes-for")? Are there specific actions to undertake to ensure that you attain and track recieved rewards (such as the use of specific characters in OP)?
Box Runner Nalshene RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
GM redeux |
To add,
2. I'd say per adventure (so typically 4-6 scenarios) or until end of thread (whichever comes first) is a good rule of thumb for these. I'd just shoot the BR a message if you haven't received them a week after completing an adventure. You can also always ask your BR what they will be doing. For example, If I had a player leave before the end of an adventure I would still make sure they would get their chronicle sheet and their info reported. Otherwise, my players will get their sheets at end of adventure.
Box Runner Nalshene |
@redeux and Mork: Good call. I agree that it can be a little tedious to have to report after every single scenario played, since you're going to be editing the same chronicle sheet for each one. I prefer to make chronicle sheets and report after a full adventure.
Box Runner Nalshene |
Ooh! Deal me in!
Step on over to the Recruitment thread!
Rhynn Davrie |
Eventually I might be up to run a box as well, but not sure how much time I have to commit right now. Any idea on the average amount of time needed by the GM/Box Runner to keep the game up and moving? I would imagine it's somewhat dependent on the group and how frequently people are posting...but it might be helpful to have an idea for those that are interested in coordinating the game.
Would you need to have a copy of the various scenarios? Or do the tools for creating the post have that information?
cartmanbeck RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
It definitely depends on the group. On weekdays, I generally update maybe once per hour if there have been turns taken, but to do an update usually takes me no more than 5 minutes. You could easily devote a maximum of 20-30 minutes a day and keep the game going at a reasonable pace.
In order to run the game for credit, we do require that the person running the box own the scenarios. If you ran the box as part of one of our events, like the kickoff event that I'm planning for mid-June, the PDFs would be sent to you for free.
BR redeux |
I'd agree that it depends on the group and also the scenario. Active groups will require more time as you're going through cards and scenarios quicker. Some scenarios are more confusing either due to the rules or because it is limited to one location. Those scenarios tend to need a little extra time to make more frequent post-updates so that everyone has a clear understanding of the game state.
As far as time, I'm currently running two tables and they tend to take 2-3 turns per day with 5/6 players at each table. I would say I probably don't spend more than 5-10 minutes per table most days, though helping new players out takes more time. For instance I'm still helping one of my players learn so that tends to be an extra 10-20 minutes walking them through their turn via Google Hangouts. At the end of a scenario it takes probably another 10-30 minutes to get the Development posted and start prepping for the next scenario. A fairly straight-forward scenario takes much less time to set-up. This past Friday/Saturday i set up two new scenarios for my tables and don't think I spent more than 30 minutes between the two of them.
For copies of scenarios, these are provided for events, otherwise you would need to own them. If you're looking at purchasing them they are sold by Adventure deck and tend to cost $1 per scenario. So for most Adventure Decks you're looking at $4-6 and for a whole campaign it shouldn't be more than $36.
Currently the tool we're using is through MS Access so a computer with MS access is needed to make the updates. This will change eventually.
BR Mork |
If I can, I generally try to post game updates every 3 turns, or as soon as I can after a location was shuffled or closed. I find that generally that keeps everyone clear on the state of the game. So, probably a couple posts per day, at about five minutes each. Plus there's some extra time just answering questions (and chatting) in the chat group. So, 30 minutes a day is a pretty good estimate for me for most days.
In addition to that, setting up new scenarios probably takes me about 20 minutes (more for a couple of the crazier scenarios) every 5-7 days, and filling in Chronicle Sheets and reporting games takes me about 30-45 minutes every few weeks.
That's with a bit of experience, so you could probably count on a little bit longer times for your first few scenarios, but it won't take long to get the hang of it.
Wei Ji the Learner |
I'm still a newbie, don't laugh too hard.
...but I did just pre-order a Monk Deck since it's on sale for ordering when Darklands map goes live...
Seriously, if someone had mentioned that there was a tengu in the Monk deck sooner I would have gotten off my butt sooner :P
Yewstance |
You will need to own a class deck (or a character deck or Ultimate Add-On deck, all of which are basically the same thing), but that's all!
BR redeux |
Yes, as Yewstance stated you would need the Class/Character deck you intend to use, and/or the Ultimate deck you intend to use. We are verifying ownership prior to a game starting.
The Box Runner will then provide the gamestate info including any card text for cards you would encounter at your location. Much like how I could go to my local group without bringing a box, since they already have a box there. I just need to bring my class deck
PS, if you haven't checked it out already, there is a sale of card game stuff through the end of the month! Including several class decks (Scroll to bottom)
Yewstance |
I'd be interested in joining as a player. Is there anything special I need to do?
You need to have a Class Deck (or Character Deck or Ultimate Add-On Deck) and find a table to join. A month from now there'll be more than 20 tables looking to recruit players due to the Cards Against Gnomality digital convention that will be run, so there will be plenty of choices then!
Other than that, you're good to go! You can read about more of the rules and requirements on the Campaign Info tab of this forum thread.
Box Runner Nalshene |
I'll be putting up signups for the upcoming games probably next week. We're still finishing recruitment for the box runners at the moment. We're happy to have you, Void_Eagle!
BR redeux |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks, guess I'll keep an eye on this thread and see about joining a table or two in a month. :)
I've already taken a look a the Campaign tab, but other than saying I'd need the deck for the character I'm playing, it seems to mostly be for the Box Runners.
Skizzers wrote a pretty useful post here which describes a few things to get ready for participating. Definitely check that out and give it a read.
He mentioned checking out one of the existing play-by-post games. Here's a fun one I participated in from last convention. MorkXII's Season of the Goblins
That should give you the basic idea of the format we've been using. There was also a blog post about the format as well.
If you have little to zero knowledge of the ACG then one thing you can do, in addition to reading the rulebook, is download "pathfinder adventures" on your IOS or Android device. It is free to download and play through the beginning scenarios. I think you may need to pay money to unlock the full adventure path (you can also buy the game on Steam (PC) to unlock the full adventure path as well). It should be noted that the digital game and physical game aren't exactly the same and sometimes the digital app has some weird interactions. For the most part though it can help give you a basic idea of the flow of the game and what your turn should look like. . Reading through the rulebook that skizzer's linked before playing can certainly help you understand a lot of what the game is automating for you.
Lastly, once you sign up for a game, the Box Runner/GM and willing veteran players will be able to help you. Last convention I had about half my players as new-to-ACG and between myself and a few of the other players at my tables we were able to catch them up to speed. So regardless of how much you know about the ACG, don't let that intimidate you, we'll be here to help you out!
VampByDay |
Just re-iterating what BR redux said. That goblins playthrough link he posted is how I learned the ins and outs of most play by post stuff. I still don’t know how the spreadsheet/keeping your own deck in order thing works, but the rest of it is pretty well explained by example in the goblins post. And it’s a pretty darn fun read to boot!
The big thing that threw me off for a bit until I realized what was happening is if something requires you to shuffle the location deck (failing to beat a bane, etc.) and you continue exploring; instead of waiting for a shuffle, just roll a die for which card you explore (such as a d10-> 7, explore 7th card down). When the box runner goes next, he/she’ll fix it. Just keep up on who posted what earlier, as you may be exploring a location that has been shuffled and the box runner hasn’t fixed it yet. In that case just roll a die and re-roll any results that have already been dealt with.
dinketry |
Is there anything written about to how to fill out the Deck Handler spreadsheet apart from entering the cards of your specific deck? In other words, how do we fill out our character sheet on the spreadsheet?
VampByDay |
Is there anything written about to how to fill out the Deck Handler spreadsheet apart from entering the cards of your specific deck? In other words, how do we fill out our character sheet on the spreadsheet?
There’s a third tab where you can just write out your character sheet, but most people keep a running current tally of their powers and the cards in hand with every post. As for powers/skills filled in, there’s some fancy code for it, but honestly open and close brackets ([ ]) and ([X]) would probably work just fine.
Ezren "His Father's Son" |
Posting as my Ezren alias so there's a convenient Deck Handler link as an example.
Is there anything written about to how to fill out the Deck Handler spreadsheet apart from entering the cards of your specific deck? In other words, how do we fill out our character sheet on the spreadsheet?
The Campaign Info tab on this forum has the instructions you should need.
The short answer is you have to enter each card manually. For a starting character, you need to type in your 15 starting cards in the "DON'T LOOK!" sheet, then the "LOOK!" sheet will be able to automatically 'draw' them (just put a "1" in G1, as per the instructions).
You'll need to manually type, or use copy and Paste-Values-Only (Shift-Ctrl-V) to 'move' cards around between your piles/zones, but you get used to it in time, especially since you no longer need to manually shuffle.
If you're looking at my Deck Handler, I've actually modified mine extensively for convenience. If you have any scripting knowledge, or just want to mess with the design, you can certainly feel free to play around! If you break anything, just revert to an older saved version.
My one's just been tweaked and messed with over time so it's more helpful to me on the go (when I may not have my cards with me) or to team mates looking through it. Your Deck Handler doesn't need to do any of that; at its core, it just needs to list your 15 cards and your skills and powers.
If you want to use my Deck Handler as a template, you can copy it and just delete all of the cards and powers to switch with your own, and delete any sheets/tabs you don't want to use. However, there are active scripts used for some of the automation that you'll be prompted to give permission for on every device, and as a matter of course you should generally avoid giving file modification script permissions to anything you don't explicitly trust. The code is available via the sheet if you want to have a look at it.
The most important thing here is that the standard Deck Handler is pretty simple, but you're absolutely allowed to mess with it to make it more convenient for you!
dinketry |
Thanks Ezren for the model.
I’m not a programmer; I don’t have any Excel knowledge beyond the basics. I’m still a bit lost and frankly, I’m feeling quite nervous about being a Box Runner and asking other people to join my game when I couldn’t tell them how to handle their decks beyond simply downloading the spreadsheet on the Campaign tab and entering their deck in the DON’T LOOK tab.
You reference, Ezren, “G1 in the instructions”. What instructions are these?
For the organisers, I think we need a very explicit guide for new players with the assumption that they know NOTHING about Excel. We need info on how to load your deck, what each of the tabs means, and some example of how you’ll use that spreadsheet during the game. Following gameplay threads is fine, but you have no insight from these on how the spreadsheets work.
I remain very nervous.
Yewstance |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks Ezren for the model.
I’m not a programmer; I don’t have any Excel knowledge beyond the basics. I’m still a bit lost and frankly, I’m feeling quite nervous about being a Box Runner and asking other people to join my game when I couldn’t tell them how to handle their decks beyond simply downloading the spreadsheet on the Campaign tab and entering their deck in the DON’T LOOK tab.
You reference, Ezren, “G1 in the instructions”. What instructions are these?
For the organisers, I think we need a very explicit guide for new players with the assumption that they know NOTHING about Excel. We need info on how to load your deck, what each of the tabs means, and some example of how you’ll use that spreadsheet during the game. Following gameplay threads is fine, but you have no insight from these on how the spreadsheets work.
I remain very nervous.
(Ezren here)
Ah, sorry, I'll step back a bit.
After adding your cards, row by row, in the DON'T LOOK tab, and writing your skills and powers in the lower section of the LOOK tab, here's all you need to know.
- To draw cards, type in "1" in Cell G1, right next to the cell that says "Draw". That should be in the upper-right of your screen, and cell G1 should be in yellow.
- Whilst there is a '1' there, the cell below will randomly pick a card from your deck that isn't already in another zone (like hand or discard). You just copy and ctrl-shift-v that card to your hand to draw it, and a new card will take its place.
The "Character Sheet" tab isn't actually used for anything, so you can ignore that in the default Deck Handler.
There was a slightly more explicit set of instructions sent out by cartmanbeck/Tyler for Outpost (a prior event like this), which included how to use the Deck Handler. Link here.
dinketry |
That was exactly what I needed, Yewstance!
Ok, last question - there's a note in your instructions about "a character that hasn't been released yet" that might used the Sideboard section.
I'm playing Aric/Red Raven in my ACG game.....does Sideboard relate to the Vigilante?
(I'm thinking that it does...)
Thank you thank you thank you...
Box Runner Nalshene |
That was exactly what I needed, Yewstance!
Ok, last question - there's a note in your instructions about "a character that hasn't been released yet" that might used the Sideboard section.
I'm playing Aric/Red Raven in my ACG game.....does Sideboard relate to the Vigilante?
(I'm thinking that it does...)
Thank you thank you thank you...
Haha, yes, the unreleased character is the Vigilante Aric. He hadn't been released yet and was still just in playtesting when I originally wrote those instructions.
As far as running the game, box runners will be using a BRAND NEW system that we are finalizing right now, and we'll be doing some tutorials very soon for that new system. If your players have any questions about using their deck handlers that you can't answer, you'll also have myself, Hawkmoon269, MorkXII and Redeaux all as resources for them. Don't stress!
Zalarian |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Greetings all!
I somehow wandered over here by finding the reddit post on the matter and since I have recently played a few of the early RotR and SS scenarios I would try the online version.
As I am new to this, I must say I was a little confused on using the deck handler sheet reading the instructions. However, once I read the rules document this cleared up quite a bit on how to use the spreadsheet and how to roll dice.
I have also asked a few folks to try and sign up in the same game so fingers crossed if a few of them decide to join. Looking forward to playing this!
Yewstance |
Greetings all!
I somehow wandered over here by finding the reddit post on the matter and since I have recently played a few of the early RotR and SS scenarios I would try the online version.As I am new to this, I must say I was a little confused on using the deck handler sheet reading the instructions. However, once I read the rules document this cleared up quite a bit on how to use the spreadsheet and how to roll dice.
I have also asked a few folks to try and sign up in the same game so fingers crossed if a few of them decide to join. Looking forward to playing this!
Awesome to hear! The greater a success these events are, the more likely online play of Pathfinder will grow further!
Box Runner Nalshene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@Zalarian: Thank you for joining us! I've updated that rules document for the new event (most everything for players is staying the same).
Bigguyinblack |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hi. I played my first game of the ACG a few days ago and am hooked. I plan to play the RotRL version of Lini given to me by a friend.
I picked up the Druid class deck today and my local store should have my Ultimate Magic addon deck soon.
I'm ready to create a fun and powerful deck but I have a few problems. (Beyond being confused how to play via PbP but I'll figure that out.)
1. I am akin to your primitive ancestors in that I don't have one of those fancy-pants super computers that fit in your pocket. I have a home computer and a flip phone. That makes it tough to e-mail morkxii a picture. But I do have a printer with a scanner and a receipt for my class deck. Would it be enough to scan the receipt plus Lini and e-mail him that?
2. I may not actually be ready until 2 days before the event starts. Not only do I not have my Ultimate Magic addon deck yet but I'm in negotiations with a buddy for the Droogami promo and maybe the Bag of Sticks if he can find it. But he can't get it to me until July 7th.
So assuming a table is fine with a brand new player, and MorkXII is fine with me scanning my proof, and my buddy gets me the cards in time, I should be able to play at a tier one table if they will have me.
Yewstance |
Hi. I played my first game of the ACG a few days ago and am hooked. I plan to play the RotRL version of Lini given to me by a friend.
I picked up the Druid class deck today and my local store should have my Ultimate Magic addon deck soon.
I'm ready to create a fun and powerful deck but I have a few problems. (Beyond being confused how to play via PbP but I'll figure that out.)
We're definitely happy to have more players! I think I can step in and answer your questions.
1. I am akin to your primitive ancestors in that I don't have one of those fancy-pants super computers that fit in your pocket. I have a home computer and a flip phone. That makes it tough to e-mail morkxii a picture. But I do have a printer with a scanner and a receipt for my class deck. Would it be enough to scan the receipt plus Lini and e-mail him that?
Yep! Anything that construes proof of purchase should be sufficient, which a scanned character token and receipt certainly should be.
2. I may not actually be ready until 2 days before the event starts. Not only do I not have my Ultimate Magic addon deck yet but I'm in negotiations with a buddy for the Droogami promo and maybe the Bag of Sticks if he can find it. But he can't get it to me until July 7th.
So assuming a table is fine with a brand new player, and MorkXII is fine with me scanning my proof, and my buddy gets me the cards in time, I should be able to play at a tier one table if they will have me.
If your promo card and Add-On deck aren't ready by the start date, that isn't a big issue. You can choose to add them after you start the character for future scenarios (though you will need to take Card Upgrades to switch them in if you didn't start with them). As long as you're confident you'll be ready by the start date, all should be well. Some tables may be willing to give you an extra day or two to get things sorted if absolutely necessary, but you shouldn't rely on that.
If you have any additional questions after reading the Card Guild Guide, feel free to ask them here!
Zalarian |
I am looking forward to trying this out! After reading through a forum thread of a sample game, I do have a few questions. If anyone can help a newbie out, I would greatly appreciate any information about these.
- 1. If someone says they have card x available to use where would one find out what card x does? I have 2 base sets but I havent opened any of the adventure decks and one of them only has a few of the adventure decks. Additionally, if a few of my friends play all they will have is a class deck so they too may need to understand a card a player has.
- 2. How much time is expected to be allocated to playing? Just looking for rough numbers in the amount of minutes per day or week or what have you.
- 3. This would be my first PFSACG as well as any of my friends that may join. I have read the PFSACG guide but I am going to need to read it again to understand how rewards work and the like and any other nuances..if there are any other resources or any key things to understand, I would greatly appreciate someone letting me know.
- 4. I tried to find a good avatar to match the sword eye one I have used throughout other sites such as this link. If someone happens to see a better avatar image to use, let me know. I seem to recall that my avatar and/or name can be changed prior to making 10 posts or so.
- 5. I thought I marked this thread to get activity show up to review it later. Is there some way to mark a thread to get a daily digest and/or email about activity?
- 6. Any reason why lists isn't in the format text spoiler below? I did find it in the page faq so all good.
- 7. I wasn't sure about this but can a Add-on deck such as Ultimate equipment or spells be added later or must it be selected before playing? I wasn't planning on getting one and honestly not sure which one to get for a bard at the moment.
zeroth_hour2 |
I am looking forward to trying this out! After reading through a forum thread of a sample game, I do have a few questions. If anyone can help a newbie out, I would greatly appreciate any information about these.
- 1. If someone says they have card x available to use where would one find out what card x does? I have 2 base sets but I havent opened any of the adventure decks and one of them only has a few of the adventure decks. Additionally, if a few of my friends play all they will have is a class deck so they too may need to understand a card a player has.
- 2. How much time is expected to be allocated to playing? Just looking for rough numbers in the amount of minutes per day or week or what have you.
- 3. This would be my first PFSACG as well as any of my friends that may join. I have read the PFSACG guide but I am going to need to read it again to understand how rewards work and the like and any other nuances..if there are any other resources or any key things to understand, I would greatly appreciate someone letting me know.
- 4. I tried to find a good avatar to match the sword eye one I have used throughout other sites such as this link. If someone happens to see a better avatar image to use, let me know. I seem to recall that my avatar and/or name can be changed prior to making 10 posts or so.
- 5. I thought I marked this thread to get activity show up to review it later. Is there some way to mark a thread to get a daily digest and/or email about activity?
- 6. Any reason why lists isn't in the format text spoiler below? I did find it in the page faq so all good.
- 7. I wasn't sure about this but can a Add-on deck such as Ultimate equipment or spells be added later or must it be selected before playing? I wasn't planning on getting one and honestly not sure which one to get for a bard at the moment.
1) ask around; for a few of these the box runner puts up a hangouts where you can ask questions like that. There might be a solution later for this but I'm deferring to Tyler for that answer.
2) A turn takes around 10-20 minutes for me to assemble the post; and I'm pretty slow due to pretty formatting. I'm thinking of ways to speed that up as well like macros and such.3) We're still spinning up resources like a new player guide and so on; I assume you're asking about how to build a proper ACG character rather than how to play online in this case.
4) You can't customize avatars on the Paizo forums (due to copyright) so you'll have to go dig through the filters. You can filter race/gender/class etc on those.
5) I don't have the forums marked to email or anything like that, but you can get updates to threads in your campaigns by going to the campaign tab in your profile.
6) Unclear on what you're talking about here.
7) You can add an Ultimate add-on after you pick your character, and even after you've played a bunch of scenarios.
But Bard is great with Ultimate Magic or Ultimate Intrigue.
Zalarian |
1) ask around; for a few of these the box runner puts up a hangouts where you can ask questions like that. There might be a solution later for this but I'm deferring to Tyler for that answer.2) A turn takes around 10-20 minutes for me to assemble the post; and I'm pretty slow due to pretty formatting. I'm thinking of ways to speed that up as well like macros and such.
3) We're still spinning up resources like a new player guide and so on; I assume you're asking about how to build a proper ACG character rather than how to play online in this case.
4) You can't customize avatars on the Paizo forums (due to copyright) so you'll have to go dig through the filters. You can filter race/gender/class etc on those.
5) I don't have the forums marked to email or anything like that, but you can get updates to threads in your campaigns by going to the campaign tab in your profile.
6) Unclear on what you're talking about here.
7) You can add an Ultimate add-on after you pick your character, and even after you've played a bunch of scenarios.
But Bard is great with Ultimate Magic or Ultimate Intrigue.
Thanks for the reply zeroth_hour2! Added a few clarifications below:
3) Your assumption on 3 is correct that I am trying to learn more on PFSACG for not only building a character but also playing and getting rewards and such. The PFSACG play information will likely make much more sense if one had an opportunity to play face to face. Having the hangouts, slack or other channel for that type of chatter for questions makes sense so that will likely help.
4) Sadly I am already aware of the avatar limitations but I did have a heck of a time to filter or search to go through them. I went through the unspecified gender ones but wasn't sure if there was a better way to search or filter through the avatars.
6) This was a general question forum/observation only. At the bottom of the page there is a line of text just below reply How to format your text and it didn't list lists is all. Just wanted to call it out and certainly no big deal.
7) My first class is being shipped to me but I assume that I won't be able to use any other cards from the add-on deck until the end of the scenario. If I am understanding correctly, if I have it before starting I can use the B cards in there if any to start my character.
Yewstance |
I thought I'd add in my own 2 cents in addition to zeroth_hour's, because there's some things I've discovered which may also be helpful.
- 1. Personally, I actually type up all of my card text into a tab in my Deck Handler; which also lets me know exactly what cards are in my hand/deck on the fly, since I often post from areas outside of my home PC and my cards. I know a few other players who do a similar thing. Since people should be able to read your Deck Handler, that allows them to know what you have available.
- 3. The main things to understand is that you get 1 of each type of feat per tier (Which is basically the same as 'Adventure' for most intents and purposes) and 1 card upgrade per scenario, usually. So "The team acquired a Blessing 2, who wants it? Zalarian is given it so he can replace a blessing in his deck with a Blessing 2 from his class deck box".
- 4. I would be careful using any filters in the avatar selection. To be blunt, the current avatar selection is very badly implemented. Not only does it have no true search functionality, but in my experience it appears to pull from an older/different database when filtered, one that has a LOT less images. For example, there's at least 4 different profile pictures for the Spiritualist Estra character, but you'll find a grand total of 0 when you search for them with any correct filter (like Iconic, Female, Spiritualist) even though they match exactly. In short; finding avatars is a colossal pain, sorry.
Keep in mind, however, that you'll probably make an alias to post in your Play-by-Post, which allows you to include your character name and, usually, choose a profile picture that represents that specific character.
Oh, and your avatar can be changed at any time. It's just your name that is locked in after 10 posts. So don't let it stress you regardless.
- 6. There's a lot of website issues currently; I recommend bringing it up in the Website Feedback portion of the forum.
- 7. Correct. If you have the Ultimate Add-On deck before you begin you can include its basics to determine your starting deck. If you add it later, however, you can't swap those out on the fly - you'll need to banish or trade away your current basics if you want new ones from the Add-On deck.
Elinnea |
It can also be courteous to include in your notes what a card actually does. So, instead of “Feel free to use Spell X” it could be “this card can add two dice against any barrier” or “this blessing recharges in such-and-such situation so please use it.” If you play a couple scenarios with the same characters, you gradually get to know what everyone can do, and you can use more shorthand.
I like to do that even if I do have my card texts written out or there are other methods to communicate, just because it’s easier to reference in the thread. But groups vary in their preferences. You can always ask if you’re not following what other people are doing.
Also, hm I do see the list formatting option in the spoiler, under email and above bigger/smaller. (The bigger command doesn’t actually work right now, by the way. It in fact makes text smaller. I know that error at least has been reported.)
Kiya Toren |
I lay out my deck cards on a table & take a photo with my phone, then go through my class deck (& ultimate deck if I'm using one) to find any cards I think might be updates for me & take photos of those by type (one photo with all the weapons, one with all the spells, etc.), so it's easy to pick what upgrades are important to me. And then I have a section in a OneNote for PACG, with a page for each of my online characters & I copy-paste the text of the cards I acquire, or cards others acquire that I think might be useful later. I don't clear out those pages, so I've got quite a few card texts in there by now.
Also, I don't think you can have the forum email you when people post on a thread. As far as I can tell, posting in a thread just allows easier access via your profile page (either the Campaigns or Posts tabs). I don't think PMs generate email notifications either. This is at least part of why I think box runners started using other group chats for coordinating & discussion alongside the forum games. It makes it way easier to know when your turn is up if you can get notified when the previous person has posted :P
Yewstance |
Just to note: The Deck Handler, as linked in the Campaign Info tab, does not correctly list cards placed in the Sideboard in your status updates. A pretty simple fix for those familiar with spreadsheeting, but worth noting in case Aric/Red Raven players are finding it frustrating.
For those players, note that I've fixed that issue and created my own Deck Handler template for Aric/The Red Raven that you're welcome to use. The linked post summarizes the changes I've made.
Box Runner Nalshene |
Thanks for jumping in for that Redelia! And I'm going to try to fix the deck handler sheet to correctly deal with the Sideboard soon. Sorry about that!
Yewstance |
Thanks for jumping in for that Redelia! And I'm going to try to fix the deck handler sheet to correctly deal with the Sideboard soon. Sorry about that!