
duckyinspace's page

** Starfinder Society GM. 8 posts (156 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.



TColMaster wrote:
Ducky5309 wrote:

My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.

I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?

It looks like you are new to PbP - but not ACG, so if you are interested in joining in a complete series run (seasons 0 - end), I have a 3 man group that is in the middle of 0-1d if you want to join in after the current scenario is completed.

Thank you, I would love that!


My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.

I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?


Looking to join either a PF2 or Starfinder PbP AP. I have a few general characters made up, my favorite being my Phatra lunar solarian. But will adjust to needs of the group. Central Standard Time.


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This will be my first PbP game on the forums. I played on Discord during Gameday X. I normally play Starfinder with Hmm and was told that I should play this special and that DougH is one of the best GM's to learn from.

Since I don't play PF2 anymore I am using a Pregen, I hope that is ok.

Also I have played the Starfinder half of this special.

Wayfinders 5/55/5 *


Wayfinders 5/55/5 *

I brought my friend to play SFS for their first time and there were no cards with organized play numbers available. So we used the website to create her an account and get her an organized by number. The sign up page asked for a guardian's email address, we couldn't go back to make that fill line go away so she used a secondary email address in that space. It sent an email to the guardian email address asking for them to fill out a form and mail it in. Is there a way to create her a new account as an adult? (she is definitely not a minor) And is it possible to delete the current account that says she is a minor? Thanks!



would you please cancel my order 36423727 before it ships. also please cancel my Rulebook, Lost Omens, and Pathfinder Society subscriptions. Thank you very much.


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Is there a way I can follow a thread without commenting? I am also having this issue but it looks like it’s just a waiting game, so I wasn’t going to post. Then I realized I will likely never be able to find this thread again, it would be handy information for the future.