duckyinspace |
TColMaster wrote:
Ducky5309 wrote:It looks like you are new to PbP - but not ACG, so if you are interested in joining in a complete series run (seasons 0 - end), I have a 3 man group that is in the middle of 0-1d if you want to join in after the current scenario is completed.My local group stopped playing with covid and hasn't started back up so I thought I would come see what PbP looked like.
I have a question though. I looked at the unlocks blog and graph, I want to double check that I understand something. I have the Hunter deck, I am allowed to play the hunter deck but if I were to get the Ranger deck and I then played a certain scenario my Ranger character would have access to cards from the Hunter deck as well? Is that correct? or am I not allowed to play the Hunter deck unless I have the Ranger deck first and then also play that certain scenario?
Thank you, I would love that!