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Enok steps back and fires a force missile at the drake!
as magic missile plus intense spell damage (+1)
two missiles:
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 damage
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 damage

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Owai's stance shifts subtly and he lashes out at the Drake again with his scimitar.
Swift to engage Snake Stance with Fuse Styles, Standard to attack defensively. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

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Esmeralda's ice ball hits the drake square in the jaw with an unnervingly strong splat!
Enok's force missiles burry themself deep into the drakes body as it starts to sink down into the water.
Filios strikes the drake near him sending scales flying all over the deck and water.
Owai no drake in front of you, you can move across the deck if you like
The drake strikes back, not knowing that its mate has sunk back into the river. Flying up the deck it tries to bitke Filios Bite Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 and the tries to swipe its tail at Esmeralda again Tail Slap: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 Tail Slap: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4
The bite is easily dodged, but the tail swipe nearly knocks Esmeralda to the deck.
PC's turn

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Owai turns and runs back to help against the other Drake. He slips into a position with the creature between he and Filios and slashes at it.
Snake and Crane stance, Attack defensively, Flank 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
D'oh. After my first attack looks like the dice gods are done with me.

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Since Owai actually precedes me in initiative order, then I would also have to add Flank and Sneak Attack damage to my rolls. To Hit becomes a 17, and Sneak Att Dam: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 for a total damage of 15 in the event that I hit with a 17.

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Esmeralda's release of positive energy rushes over the boat. The sparkling brilliance attracting the attention of the young drake.
Filios just barely misses with his strike, the deft drake dodging the blow at the last possible moment. Suddenly the drake jerks wildly, trying to doge the mad monk and it backs right into the tip of Filio's blade!
At the same time Enok's missiles smash into beast, burning bits of muscle and scales.
The drake, severely wounded and with a huge tear in its wing goes into a full retreat. Once safe from the boat it dives down into the water.
After a few moments, the river is calm. The crew look around terrified as Captain Passad starts to give orders to secure lines and get the sails back in order.
Once Captain Passad is happy that the boat is well taken care of, he turns his attention to the Pathfinders. The Pathfinder Society continues to amaze me, and it seems to me increasingly prudent to enter into a business arrangement that would certainly be to our mutual benefit—particularly for those with an eye for spotting profit. Let me make my case simply: my trade network is growing and already blankets the Inner Sea like no other, and the dwarves cannot hope to compete with the prices I offer. Let us not forget that the Pathfinders have had many mutually profitable business dealings with me in the past.
A small bit of ret-con there, but in the end you guys vanquished the drakes. Well done. Heal up as needed and have a chat with the Captain

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"Sir Captain, how long until we arrive at the final destination?"
Esmeralda checks the surface of the water for plants that might for berries.
Nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
If any are to be found, she picks the berries and quickly enchants them with her good berry spell. Goodberry: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Level 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Create Water
Level 1: Entangle (x2), Snowball (x2)
Level 2: Barkskin (x2), Frigid Touch

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"Are you still hurt, Esmerelda?" Owai asks, walking over to her and flicking his wrist, causing a wand to shoot into his hand.

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"I'm glad." Owai says, and steps back. "Now, how shall we proceed? I'm offering myself for an Entertainer cover. Does anyone else have any expertise that will make any of the other ruses work better?" he asks.

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Not over night, you'll land in just a few hours unless you tell the captain otherwise. You can find some berries in the hold.
Metella apparently overhearing the Captains plea to the Pathfinders chimes in with an offer of her own- Yes, Temel has his bejeweled fingers in many pies and can offer cheaper wares, but consider the advantages of a business relationship with my mercantile concern: our network is many centuries old, and the quality of our goods is unrivaled. Furthermore, an arrangement with a firm with such deep roots in the Five Kings Mountains would reinforce the military alliance the Society is already negotiating.

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"Ah, we Pathfinders are not involved in commerce. At least we - " he indicates his fellow Pathfinders. "are not involved in commerce. Our superiors may be another matter." he pauses and looks to the others. "Actually, I suppose I cannot speak for you all. Do any of you have any stake in these matters?" he asks them.

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I am only involved in commerce to the extent of what I can take.
Filios smiles devilishly and looks to Owai.
I suppose this entertainer front deserves a guard. That would be my role.

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"I could be a naturalist on search for new and important herbs and what not that might be of curative values back in the south. . . If need be. You could be my entourage because I am a small helpless girl." Emseralda sucks on her teeth thoughtfully for a moment, "I mean, there is aways some crusade or another happening, generally up here. I suppose that is grounds for the healing trade."

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Your conversation continues as the sun starts to set. Near dusk, the captain points out a pleasant country inn up a hill on the north shore of the Glass River, where a small dock offers a berth for the Abacus. Passad and the envoys indicate they’ll wait out the night in their cabins while the Pathfinders execute their mission at the Gray Revelation Inn. Before leaving the boat, Amauhak strongly advises the party to refrain from violence on Razmiri soil if it can be helped; Metella and Passad, in rare agreement, concur.
Leaving the boat, a stone path leads from the dock about 200 yards through some light tree cover to the villa. All appearances suggest a very cozy establishment, and the inn certainly serves the obvious purpose of a way station for travelers. A sign above wide wooden gates reads, Welcome to the Gray Revelation Inn. The gate leans open invitingly, and the smell of fresh flowers wafts on the cool breeze.

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Owai, dressed in more ostentatious clothes than he was travelling with until now, leads the group towards the Inn. "Now, we are agreed. I will be leveraging my skills as a singer to be our cover. Enok, you can be my manager. Filios my bodyguard. Esmerelda my... writer? Or perhaps my promoter. You have a way with words." he says. He still wears his Scimitar, and much of his adventuring gear, and walks with a Quarterstaff.

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Walking through the gate, the profusion of flowers planted around this lovely courtyard fills the air with an enchanting fragrance. An oaken door to the north is the obvious entrance to the inn, while south are the broad doors of a stable. Wooden gates allow egress to west and east, and a roofed well lies at the east end of the main court.
Inside the stable you can see the outline of a worker put down his shovel and starts to walk out toward the Pathfinders. The tall stableboy smiles and waves to the party.

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"Hello my good man. As any idiot can see, we just arrived on yonder boat. The famous silver tongue Owai, bard of a thousand cities, is at your gate!"
Diplomacy (-1) 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
(perhaps I should be a silent manager?)

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The tall oofish looking stable hand great Enok cheerfully. He doesn't say a word but smiles a toothless smile. With a wave, he starts to head to what must be the front door of the inn and welcomes you inside.
Inside the inn are dark oaken tables, chairs and benches fill this comfortable, L-shaped common room, and the faint odors of tobacco and ale permeate the air. Narrow windows with panes of smoked glass along the north and south walls allow some light into this welcoming space.
An old matronly woman clad in peasant clothing and an apron sits at the centermost table of this room. She wears a red scarf about her neck and a wry smile on her face. The matron looks up at the Pathfinders and introduces herself. I am Addas Grymble. My sister and I run this establishment. What brings you here in the middle of the night? she asks pleasantly.

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Esmeralda makes a quick sweep of the outside of the inn before venturing inside, having learned a valuable lesson earlier in her career about inns.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Once inside, the gnome endeavors to make small talk with the locals in the hopes that some hints as to her mission might be revealed through the application of good, old fashioned, small talk.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
In the off chance people inquire about her business in the area, Esmeralda simply explains the various healing properties of the local flora and fauna in excruciating detail in the hopes of quickly derailing that particular line of conversation.
K. Nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Ouchies, the Dice gods don't like gnomes today! Luckily I have decent mods.

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Owai smiles at the stablehand, letting Enok speak to him. He tosses the lad a gold coin as he sweeps into the inn. Inside, he smiles at the proprietress.
"I am Owai, Bard of a Thousand Cities." he says ostentatiously. "My entourage and I are travelling to Caliphas, and need accommodations, if that is possible." he says.
Diplomacy 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

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Opposed Bluff Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Opposed Bluff Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Its more of a Bluff check here if you like, since you are not merchants after all.
As Owai and Esmerelda tell the kind old lady their story, another equally old and kind lady enters the room. Ah, sister. We have visitors here tonight. Merchants needing a place to stay.

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The sisters look at you silently for a few moments, as if trying to decern the lies from the truth. With a jolt of energy Addas leaps up. Sister, bring our guest some of that beef soup you have been conjuring up back there. How many rooms do you folks need? I have plain rooms for 5sp a night. They are big enough for one of you. The fine rooms are 3gp a night and would fit two or three of you, if you don't mind sharing some body heat that is! The lavish rooms are 5gp a night, but the silk sheets make it all worth while. How many nights will you be staying?
As she speaks her sister brings out enough bowls and a pot of boiling beef stew, enough for a light meal.

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"One night in the lavish room, please." Owai says. "The duration of our stay will depend on our transport and whether or not the river is clear for our continued travel. I didn't want to spend another night on that damnable barge, however."

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Well sir Owai, I only have one Lavish room. But a fine room will fit you all comfortably. 8gp a night, will cover the expenses if you please. she adds with a hospitable smile.
Once done with your meal, she and her sister lead you to your rooms. The nicer rooms are on the south wing of the building. The rooms are as advertised and the doors lock from the inside. There is a separate bath area near your rooms which you are free to freshen up as you see fit. Addas and her sister stay in the northern side of the inn, near the "commoner" rooms.
Satisfied that you are well taken care of, they leave you to bed down for the night.

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"Well, aren't we here to find someone? I think we'll need to have a look around, yes?" Owai says.

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Filios looks back and forth between the others.
I am certainly up for some silent investigation this evening. I would add that it is my particular field of expertise, so to speak. There would be nothing wrong with a performer taking an evening stroll with his bodyguard, Oswai, right?

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Sneaking is not my thing, but I am not in armor, so I suppose I could creep about a bit
Enok readies himself.

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Owai smiles at Filios. "None at all, I am sure." he says. Owai leaves all weapons but his Scimitar and dagger in the room as he readies himself to go exploring, and removes his jewelry and any other things that might rattle or jingle. His Mithril Chain Shirt, he wears, as well as his belt pouch and scrollcase.

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Filios leans in closely to Oswai, and says in a low voice,
Where do you think they are hiding the dwarves? I say we make a circuit of the building to see if there is exterior basement access. I could always climb up and peer in some windows, as well.

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"Let's have a look around the building, yes." he whispers. "Yes, the air is refreshing. Let us have a stroll about the grounds." he says to Filios in a more normal tone.

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Gates around the inn only encompass the main building and stables.
Looking inside the stables you see an expansive smithy is set up in the west end of the stable, one corner of it occupied by a small cot and a neat pile of clothing. To the east stretch a number of stalls for horses and other animals.
Perception Check