PFS 5-01 Glass River Rescue, Table B (Inactive)

Game Master DrGabe

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Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Owai moves confidently, not trying to be furtive in case someone is watching them, yet as stealthily as he is able.

Stealth 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios furtively moves through the stables, being careful not to wake the animals.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Enok strolls along, thinking sneaky thoughts.

perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

stealth 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome HP 29/31 | AC 17/12/16 | F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 8 | Init: +1 | Perception: +15(17) | Diplomacy: +11

Following quietly Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11, Esmeralda moves carefully around the stable looking for anything of interest Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31.

The Exchange


The group moves quietly as the stable boy continues to snore into the night softly. Esmerelda spots an odd object lying the straw near the doorway of the stable. Stooping down to pick it up, it is actually a holy symbol of Torag.

A quick look through the stable, most of the horses are sleeping in their stalls. However, in the northeast corner, there is an unbroken mare that is whining, snorting, and pacing the stall nervously.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios walks to the Mares stable, and whispers.

Can anyone calm the animal whilst I check the stall for secret entrances?

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Not me

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

"I am not good with animals. We should get moving. I think we have found evidence that our missing friends were here." Owai says. "Let us check the baths next."

The Exchange


Well, which one do you want to do- search the mare's stable, return to the baths, or other?

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome HP 29/31 | AC 17/12/16 | F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 8 | Init: +1 | Perception: +15(17) | Diplomacy: +11

"If this big beast was undead, poisonous, a rat, or insect, this wouldn't be so hard. . . "

Esmeralda does her best to soothe the savage beast so Filios can check the stable, mostly unharmed. . .
Vermin Empathy: 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 6 - 4 = 6

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios puts up a finger, then peers into the stall.

Using my roll from above to search the stall, as indicated. Then to baths.

The Exchange


As Filios is about to enter to the cell he notices something amiss. The stall is trapped! There is a trigger that fires if anyone is to open the door. A pile of debris hangs precariously overhead, likely the reward for triggering the trap.
He also notices that the mare doesn't seem to notice is presence. It paces back and forth in a steady pattern.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios steps back, and he points to the door, then the roof of the stall.

The stall door is trapped for falling debris above. There is obviously something that they want to hide. I have a strong feeling that the dwarves may be underneath. Would you have me disarm it?

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

"One moment." he says, then casts a spell, directing his gaze at the horse.

Cast Detect Magic at the stall.

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Enok will also cast detect magic, and will check out the entire room as well as the stall.

The Exchange


Both Owai and Enok see that the horse is a magical image, not a real equine horse.

Who want to disarm the trap?

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Oh, that's all me.

Filios takes out a set of finely crafted tools and sets to work on the trap.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome HP 29/31 | AC 17/12/16 | F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 8 | Init: +1 | Perception: +15(17) | Diplomacy: +11

As Filios begins to analyze the lock, Esmeralda attempts to cast 'Guidance'.

The Exchange


Filios takes a few moments to study the trap. As he is about the disable its triggering mechanic, Esmerelda speaks a few kind words into his ear. Suddenly it hits Filios he was going about it the wrong way and would have caused a huge ruckus! Instead of clipping the wire, he ties it another stall door, avoiding the trap all together.
The mare's door opens without a sound. Stepping inside of the stall, Filios quickly proves the illusion that is the mare.

Filios Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 He quickly spots what appears to a be trap door in the ground. It appears to be well used, as there are numerous foot prints around the door.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

He whispers while holding up a finger.

Aha! I knew it!

Filios quickly drops to all fours and puts his ear to the door to see if any sound eminates from below. He then tests the door to see if it is locked.

The Exchange


No sounds, no locks. It appears as if the door is able to be easily opened. Focusing on the door a few moments (Taking 10) it doesn't appear to be trapped.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Well, shall we?

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Owai nods to Filios. "Prepare what you may." he says to the others, drawing his Scimitar and waiting for Filios to open the door.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Filios opens the door with his Curveblade drawn and peers below.

The Exchange


Filios pulls open the door waiting for something to happen... and nothing does. There is a wooden ladder that descends down into a dimly lit room. Crates and bits of furniture are stacked against brick walls. There are two doors out of this room.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Let's go.

Filios climbs down the ladder and looks around the room while waiting for the others to descend.

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Enok comes down when there is room to do so.

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Owai joins the others, and as he descends into the dark a halo of light glows from his brow, producing as much illumination as a torch. He looks at the two doors and looks to Filios. He then casts one spell for each Pathfinder.

Cast Message on everyone.

The Exchange


The door to the "north" is closed. On the other side are some voices. They are muffled and you can't make out the words very well.
Make sure everyone gets a chance to chime in on the discussion thread.

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

I got nothin'

Although Enok does speak 7 languages if we need to comprehend something.

The Exchange


Rounding the corner you see a strange site. This underground room appears to be a jail of sorts. There are several rooms, each with occupants. In the hallway is a childlike blasphemy conjoins the features of a plump human infant and a gigantic, gore-fattened fly. There is also beast that looks more like a rolling wave of flesh, its half formed limbs pointing at one of the prisoners.


NPC1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
NPC2: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Enok: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Owai: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Filios: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Esmerelda: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Initiative Order: Owai, Esmerelda, Enok, NPC1, Filios, NPC2


Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Owai, seeing these strange things, steps forward cautiously, his body shifting into a different fighting style.

Knowledge checks for these?

Step forward 10ft, use swift to engage Crane Style, Standard to ready an attack, fighting Defensively, Current AC 24 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

The Exchange


Yes, Owai- Knowledge Planes.

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome HP 29/31 | AC 17/12/16 | F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 8 | Init: +1 | Perception: +15(17) | Diplomacy: +11

Esmeralda peers down the hall, "I can tell you one thing about these critters, they ain't natural!" As she finishes, Esmeralda begins to chant and wave her hands.

SUmmon Swarm targeting the wave of flesh creature.

Via the message spell, Esmeralda adds, "Just so you know, swarms are neigh uncontrollable. Just make sure that there is a bad guy between you and the bats once the cute little flyers have arrived, and you should be fine!"

" . . . I hope. . . "

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Enok will rack his memory for a memory of these creatures!

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 knowledge planes check

Enok will also fire off a force missile at the fly / baby thing, which kind of freaks him out.

two missiles, each at 1d4+2 is 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 and 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

The Exchange


Enok knows that these are devils. What in the world? The child-like aberration is a tortured soul scoured of innocence by the flames of Hell and then reshaped by the mad whims of the archdevil Baalzebul, accuser devils embody the foul, merciless, and pervasive corruptions of the infernal host. They are often immune to fire and poison and are weak against good or silver weapons.
The other mound of flesh is a Lemure Devil. Far weaker than the accuser, it is the least of the demon-kind. Its fairly weak and suffers from being beat to death!

Enok's force missile slams into the lady but she hardly notices, her demonness just ignoring the force.
Owai's attack misses.

The child she-devil starts to cast a spell.

Initiative Order: Owai, Esmerelda, Enok, NPC1, Filios, NPC2

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Where exactly is the swarm? My attack depends upon its location.

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome HP 29/31 | AC 17/12/16 | F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 8 | Init: +1 | Perception: +15(17) | Diplomacy: +11

The swarm is a full round cast. It will not arrive until next round. It is targeting the Lemure so there is another enemy between the swarm and the party. Swarms just move to the next closest target, so I am keeping it as far from us as possible.

The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Round 1, Charge (AC: 18), Flat-Footed Enemy, Sneak Att

Filios charges NPC2 with his Curve Blade raised high for a downward slash.

CB Att: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 8 + 2 = 28
CB Dam: 1d10 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (5, 6) = 19

Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 2 = 19
Crit Dam: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Total Dam if Crit Confirmed = 32

The Exchange


Sorry, I have some family in town. I'll get the next turn posted up tonight.

The Exchange


]Back... however, Filios which character are you considering NPC2? The one blob that is closest to you, or the child-demon further down the hallway (35' away)?

Male Elf Rogue Swashbuckler/4; HP: 27/27; AC:20; T: 16; FF: 15; F: 1/R: 8/W: 1; CMD: 20; Init: 6; Perc: 7; Sense Motive: 0

I need to attack whichever enemy is flat-footed, has not acted before me. I see in initiative order that NPC1 acted before me, and the only action that I saw was that of the child-demon. Therefore, I assume that is NPC1. So, my attack is on the blob. If i am wrong in my assumption, then please just address my attack to the closest enemy that has not yet acted.

The Exchange


You made the correct assumption, I just wanted to be sure. Thanks.

Filios collides with the demon blob and destroys the beast in one fell swoop. The monster collapses to the ground in a heap of its own bile and filth.

Initiative Order: Owai, Esmerelda, Enok, NPC1, Filios,
well, in that case we are back to the top of the order. :) I'll get a map update later today

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Owai's stance becomes more complex and he begins to spin, his footwork taking on aspects of dance.

Swift to engage Snake Style, Standard to begin Battle Dance.

Silver Crusade

Female Gnome HP 29/31 | AC 17/12/16 | F: 6 / R: 2 / W: 8 | Init: +1 | Perception: +15(17) | Diplomacy: +11

Seeing the enemy destroyed so easilly, and lacking a target, Esmeralda ceases casting her spell. Soon thereafter, she casts 'Guidance' on Filios.

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Enok will hold, figuring the fighter types will hurt the thing.

The Exchange


As Owai, Esmerelda and Enok prepare for what happens next, suddenly the she-devil stops casting and a swarm of spiders materializes!
Esmerelda and Enok take Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5 and make a DC11 Fort save vs poison or take Strength Damage: 1d2 ⇒ 2.
In a flash the devil just plain vanishes from sight. One second she was there... the next there was nothing!
Esmerelda is the first to locate the devil, because it appeared right next to her, its teeth digging into her skin! Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 and DC14 Save vs Disease.

Initiative Order: Enok you may go at any time... and PC's get their turn before the NPC's go.


The Exchange

Elven Rogue Swashbuckler/6; HP 45/45; AC 23; T 17/FF 18 /CMD 20; Fort +3 /Ref +9 /Will +2; Init +6 ; Perc +11; Sense Motive +0

Round 2,Guidance

Filios rushes down the hallway to Esme's aid.He ends his move around the corner, next to Esme and directly north of she-devil, outside of the swarm in a final tumble to avoid an attack by the creature. He then slices upwards with his Curveblade.

Come quickly, Oswai!

Acrobatics to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

CB Att: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 = 23
CB Dam: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Male Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3, Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) HP 39/45, AC 23, T 17, FF 16, CMD 18, F +7, R +11, W +5, In +5, Per +4, SM +16, 1 Str dmg

Owai turns and runs back towards the devil, running past the spiders and arriving next to her, his blade slashing at her.

Move to the square to the West of the Devil, and attack defensively. Free action to maintain performance. Current AC 25.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 damage.

Scarab Sages

male human Evoker / 3; AC11 T11 F10, init+5; hp 12/17 speed 30; fort +1; ref +2; will +6

Enok moves back west 3 squares and prepares to use a burning hands spell once folks clear out of the way of the swarm.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 for for save

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