GM - Mark Garringer |

This is the discussion thread for PFS scenario 02-02 Rescue at Azlant Ridge.
I have put up the first game play post, but I'm sure it'll be a few days before we are really ready to start :)
If I need to recruit I'll do that, but I'd like to keep it to 5 players again.

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You should speak up, Mareck.
The young Varisian tough shuffles his feet and looks at Batah then at Caravan Master Scevola.
"Errr, when we gonna get there, Scevola? We got a mission to accomplish, right Batah?" he asks, adjusting his wide, foppish, multicolored hat.
Brilliant, Mareck. You are the soul of wit. At least that woman from House Cartahegn isn't around to lead you by your man-parts like a little lost lamb. Stay focused, man!
Mareck's face brightens at the thought of Novaria, the warehouse mistress from House Cartahegn.

GM - Mark Garringer |

My condolences Nightwolf. Do what you need to do man.

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My uncle died and I am NOT ready and will not be ready to play for a LONG time sorry guys.
Sorry to hear that, Nightwolf. Hang in there!

GM - Mark Garringer |

I'm going to open a short recruitment for 2 more players so we can really get this started.

GM - Mark Garringer |

Because of the strange back to back setup of these two adventures it's a little awkward adding new players in, but Horatio and Slachagok anything you'd like to say in the way of introductions, character description etc will probably be better off going here for now instead of the normal 'in gameplay thread' intros.
Welcome guys!

GM - Mark Garringer |

I said don't read this!
H - 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
S - 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

GM - Mark Garringer |

Also, please hop on the roll20 site and sign up/sign in. If you don't have an account you can create one. Once you join the game you can go to the setting and change your display name to match your PFS character you are playing currently. Thanks :)

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Done and done.
Slachagok is a half-orc Inquistor of Abadar. Growing up an orphan in Westcrown, he stowed away to Andoran in his teens and joined up with the Society.
In combat, he'll rush to the front lines and swing a falchion at things. Likes include democracy, civilization, and LN, LG, or NG types. Dislikes include oppression, Cheliax, and all other alignment types.
Re-reading his intro, I should probably add "sweltering coastal sun" to the second list.

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Horatio is a Rogue (mechanically the Burglar archetype) who grew up in Absalom in the shadow of the Society. Raised on stories of their derring-do, it was little surprise that he would join their number.
He's aligned with the Sczarni faction although he isn't vocal about that fact. In combat, he'll look to flank with the other frontline fighters and feint as much as possible to get his sneak damage.
He likes money, prestige and fame. Also good food, good company and having a good laugh. He dislikes serious talk, getting struck and the law.

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Also, please hop on the roll20 site and sign up/sign in. If you don't have an account you can create one. Once you join the game you can go to the setting and change your display name to match your PFS character you are playing currently. Thanks :)
Mark: I've joined the Roll20 game. Can you enable/link me to Mareck's icon?

GM - Mark Garringer |

Mark, WTF! That purse was massive. Is there some rhyme or reason to that?
Surely a printing error?
So yeah, when I was typing up the loot I was a little shocked by that. I don't want to get too meta/behind the curtain to break your immersion. I usually hold those kind of commentary till after the mod is complete :)

GM - Mark Garringer |

I'm going to be mostly unavailable today trying to finish a freelance assignment. Sorry I've been spotty the last few days.

GM - Mark Garringer |

Thanks everyone! I think you see now why all the gold value was front loaded into the first encounter :)
Hopefully you guys enjoyed it, I had fun running it. Sorry for some of the longer pauses. I'll get Chronicles scanned and sent later today!
If you have any feedback (public or private) I'm always open to ways to improve my table experiences. Thanks!

GM - Mark Garringer |

I could certainly run another game. We lost Horatio somewhere around Nov 1 it seems, so I'd want to try and recruit 2 more before going on. You four seem like an excellent core to work with :)
I can give you a list of things I've played but not GMed for credit yet and we could pick from there?

GM - Mark Garringer |

00-23 - Tide of Morning
00-04 - Frozen Fingers of Midnight
01-39 - The Citadel of Flame
01-37 - The Begger's Pearl
00-07 - Among the Living
01-51 - City of Strangers
01-52 - Twofold Demise
00-05 - Mists of the Mwangi
00-02 - The Hydra's Fang Incident
04-01 - Rise of the Goblin Guild
03-02 - Sewer Dragons of Absalom
00-17 - The Pirate's Pact
03-04 - The Kortos Envoy
03-05 - Tide of Twilight
03-07 - Echos of the Overwatched
03-25 - Storming the Diamond Gate
03-20 - The Sundered Path
04-21 - Way of the Kirin
03-21 - The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment
00-14 - The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch
03-22 - Pagoda of the Rat
03-15 - The Haunting of the Hinojai
03-12 - The Dog' Pharaoh's Tomb
Obviously not all of them are appropriate for Tier 1-2 play, but that's the list I came up with.

GM - Mark Garringer |

I have decided to run Rappan Athuk next, which of course isn't for any kind of PFS credit since it's 3rd party material. You guys are more than welcome to stop by the recruitment thread though!

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Thanks for the game, Mark, and a collective high-five to the rest of the party.
Day Job: Profession (barrister): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Edit: Rappan Athuk looks like a good time, I'll post up some guys.

DoubleGold |

Instead of me pming people, please give me feedback on the DM by pming me, this is very important to me, he might be Dming something for me.