GM - Mark Garringer |

This will be a Pathfinder Society legal play by post game using the paizo.com forums and roll20.net for mapping. This means you need a Pathfinder Society legal character, if you are unfamiliar with these guidelines please download the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. If you have questions, please ask I'm happy to help.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7). We are playing at sub-tier 1-2.
With supplies in hand, you rush from Bloodcove to the Pathfinder expedition site at Azlant Ridge only to find it under siege. You must brave the newly discovered halls beneath the ridge in order to find the key that might save everyone.
The Rescue at Azlant Ridge is the second scenario in the two-part Before the Dawn campaign arc. Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-01: Before the Dawn—Part II: The Bloodcove Disguise is part one.
Before being approved to play, you must have a valid character and profile for that character.
The current party which carried over from Part 1 is:
Alafair Stormborn - Human F Sorcerer 1
Batah ibn Abbala - Human M Cleric (Sarenrae) 1
Mareck Bolthune - Human M Fighter 1
I'm looking for 2 more players for this sub-tier 1-2 table.