Motteditor's Strange Aeons PBP

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / Overall map / Treasure tracker / Thrown splash weapon rules

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M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Uh, I think what I think doesn't need to be said.

+ 1 to the thoughts of others.

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HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

I really enjoy the Heinrich/BK dichotomy, but I actually enjoy BK more than Heinrich. I find it more fun to play a naked sociopath than a closeted one. I may be broken.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

FYI, I've got a wedding to go to this weekend, so probably won't post again until Sunday/Monday (unless it's something quick this evening/tomorrow morning).

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sorry for my brief absence; I thought I'd have the chance to post yesterday but ended up getting tied up with DesignFinder judging. Will have a post up ASAP.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The wife's departing for NYC tomorrow, so I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to post. Similarly, Sunday, I'm off to visit the wife in NYC so doubt I'll be posting (but this is just a one-day trip -- no passport needed! -- so I expect to post Monday).

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Sorry, all, I have friends visiting from out of state. Thought I'd get a chance to post, but obviously not. Likely won't have time tomorrow, but should be back to normal schedule Sunday.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Looks like we're back up again (for the moment, at least). Party is up.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'll be in NYC on Sunday and Monday and probably pretty busy Tuesday, so after today may not be able to post until Wednesday.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Hey guys, just a head's up that I may be extra slow in posting for the next little while. I (finally!) landed a new job and presently paizo is blocked on their network. I haven't figured out how to get into the firewall yet to add it as an exception, so until I do I'm limited to posting from home and that's proven to be hit or miss.

AC 28, touch 16, flat-footed 24, hp 109, Fort +18, Ref +20, Will +18; +2 vs. enchantments, CMD 34, Perception +2

Congrats on the new job!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey all, I'm working day shifts this week, so that might throw off my posting a bit. I'm still hoping to maintain my regular schedule, but figured I'd give you all a head's up.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have to update before Sunday/Monday, so this is probably a good time for this:

Everyone can level up!

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Last Level: January 21, 2018. Wow. 9 months of heck. :)

Tristain the Chalker, Level of Headbonkery:

+6 hp

+1 'mad' spellz

+1 feat: spell focus enchantment

+7 skillz
+1 Know (Arcana)
+1 Know (Dungeoneering)
+1 Know (Local)
+1 Know (Nature)
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Perception
+1 Spellcraft

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Warpriest (5)
+8HP (5 class +2 con +1 favored class) (total 43)
+2 skills (2 class) (Intimidate, Knowledge Religion)
+1d6 fervor (2d6)
D8 Sacred Weapon damage
+1 round Sacred Weapon duration (5r)
+1 Feat (Shield Focus)
+1 first level spell (Shield of Faith)
+1 second level spell (Hold Person)
Spells (Caster Level 5, Concentration +7)
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
First (13): Command, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
Second (14): Bull’s Strength, Burst of Radiance, Hold Person

I'm considering taking Cornugon Smash as a feat in the future, possibly as soon as next level (I get a bonus feat as a Warpiest). However, I know some DMs don't like this one at their tables - either because they find it overpowered, or because they want it to stay very local to Chelax.

What are your thoughts on the feat? I'm fine either way. It appeals to Kyffin's combat strengths, but I'm fine giving it a miss too if it's unsettling.

Just let me know - thanks!
- - -

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

Will update Monday. Have two games to run today in real life!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I think I'm OK with that feat. For all you know, you may have spent some time in Cheliax. :)

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Sorry guys, I’ve been (and am still) super sick; I’m hoping to rebound soon =\

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
Tristain the Chalker wrote:

+2123.0 gp gold
+2000.0 gp sweet and appreciated distribution
-3750.0 gp wand of MM
.373..0 gp to spend

..373.0 gp to spend

.3255.0 gp latest distribution
.3628.0 go to spend

GM Motte, with his Ioun Stone +2 Int, Tris gains access to another language. Based on the events at the Asylum and Hailcourse, can Tristain think of any one language that might be good to learn over another? We've seen a lot of funky writings and creatures and was wondering what he might feel might be good to learn.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Let me look through some stuff and get back to you, Tris.

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Ugh. Tenebrynn is a blast to write and play but good golly am I finding kineticists to be functionally boring.

Level 5!
HP: 5 + 1 + 4 = 10

kinetic blast damage increased to 3d6+3+Con Mod
Infusion (pushing infusion)
Infusion specialization 1
Metakinesis (empower)
Feat: Precise Shot

+4 Skill points
+1 Acrobatics, +1 Disable Device, +1 Fly, +1 Stealth


Previous gold: 2,109 gp
Party divvy: + 3,255 gp
Subtotal: 5,364 gp

burglar's bracers -1,050 gp
cloak of elvenkind -2,500 gp

New Total: 1,814 gp

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I think there's a lot of fussiness about maximizing stats as you advance, but it does feel like a pretty straight blaster, and IMO a bit overpowered because it's such a niche there.

If you want to rebuild her, we can discuss.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7
Kyffin Rhees wrote:

Kyffin takes out a potion of cursing...

I think you grabbed the wrong potion off your belt there, brother!

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

hehehe, I totally missed that! Must have typed it wrong and the autocorrect changed it.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Work's turning out to be a little crazy this week. If I don't post as often, that's why. Sorry!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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As we get into this final week of the year, I figure everyone's busy. I'll take it at an easy pace for the next week-plus, with plans for things to kick back into regular gear Jan. 1. I'll update as your guys' posts allow.

And happy holidays to whoever's celebrating them; thanks for a fun year of gaming. :)

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year.

I'm hoping we're all back to regular posting starting Tuesday or Wednesday, with lots of fun ahead of us for 2019.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7
Tristain the Chalker wrote:
”What is a Risi? Or is that a who?” Quill asks, uncertain about the name.

And uncertain about his own too, apparently. =P

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
Tenebrynn wrote:
Tristain the Chalker wrote:
”What is a Risi? Or is that a who?” Quill asks, uncertain about the name.
And uncertain about his own too, apparently. =P


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey all,

Just FYI, tomorrow is my last day working evenings, before I switch to a Sunday-Thursday day shift at work. I'm not quite sure how that will affect my posting rate. I don't plan to go anywhere, but especially as I get used to my new sleep schedule, I may be a little haphazard at first. I'll try to keep up, but apologies in advance if I'm a little slow at times.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Hey guys, just wanted to say I haven't forgotten about you. New job is taking a little more work than I expected, and my mornings have been a little more rushed than they will be as I allow time for bad weather.

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day/my wife's birthday, but I'll post Friday and through the weekend. I hope next week should be a little more regular in terms of when I'm posting.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sorry, guys, feeling a bit under the weather. Will resume posting ASAP.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey guys, feeling much better. I plan to update tonight. Sorry again for the delays and my struggles adjusting to my new schedule. I absolutely want to get back to daily updates.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey guys, I'm heading out of town for a good chunk of the next two weeks, returning the Tuesday after Memorial Day. I'm back for a quick two days, so I may try to get a post in between there, but I think it's more likely I won't get that chance. Enjoy the break and look for me again after PaizoCon.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Getting ready to leave again, for PaizoCon. I'll be back Tuesday and then we'll get back underway again. Sorry for the delays!

HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

I will be out this weekend and may not be able to post, due to a family trip.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Very busy few days, so posting may be spotty for a bit. Will try to get back to it ASAP.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sorry for my slow posting, guys. I need to do better. I'm hoping to get a game post up in the next couple hours.

That said, this is my wife's last week here before she starts her new job, so I may be spotty again for that time as we have some plans. I'm hoping/expecting my routine becomes more routine after next weekend.

M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15

Last Level: October 27, 2018.

Tristain the Chalker, Nutcase 2nd class:

+6 hp

+1 'mad' spellz

+7 skillz
+1 Know (Arcana)
+1 Know (Dungeoneering)
+1 Know (Local)
+1 Know (Nature)
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Perception
+1 Spellcraft

AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

Warpriest (6)
+8HP (5 class +2 con +1 favored class) (total 51)
+1 BAB (CMD/CMB) (total 4)
+1 Fort, Reflex, and Will saves
+2 skills (2 class) (Perception, Spellcraft)
+1 Blessing (6), +1 save DC (15)
+1 Fervor (5), +1 save DC (15)
+1 round Sacred Weapon duration (6r)
+1 Bonus Feat (Weapon Specialization)
+1 Zero Level spell (Mending)
+1 Second Level spell (Bull’s Strength)
+1 Divine Favor bonus (3)
Spells (Caster Level 4, Concentration +6)
Zero (12): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Stabilize
First (13): Command, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
Second (14): Bull’s Strength, Bull’s Strength, Burst of Radiance, Hold Person

Baseline Stats:
Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

Level 6!
HP: 5 + 1 + 4 = 10

+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Ref
+1 Will

Gain: Internal Buffer 1
Utility Wild Talent (Celerity)
Elemental Overflow increased to +2

  • To hit bonus = current burn (max 2)
  • Damage bonus = 2x current burn (max 4)
  • If burn >= 3, gain +2 size bonus to 2 ability scores
  • If burn >= 3, gain crit negation % = current burn x5

    +4 Skill points
    +1 Disable Device, +2 Fly, +1 Stealth


    If any of you casters were planning to use up precious spells known or spellbook pages on haste, don't do it! The utility wild talent I took lets me cast it on the group at will.

    Also, from this point forward, expect the first thing I do every round 1 or suprirse round to be haste. O_o

  • HP 32/32; AC 16, T 13, T 14; F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 17; Init +2, Perc+9

    I am travelling for the Fourth, but I should be able to level up on Monday when Im back at work

    Baseline Stats:
    Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

    I'm not sure what loot there is that could really benefit me, Kyffin. I have

  • a cloak that makes me sneakier
  • bracers that make me lock-pickier

    I suppose I could get some magic armor, but I'm normally in the back, so AC is less of a concern for me. And when I do get hit, I have the most hp of the group, which mitigates the need for a higher AC even further.

    We could try to boost my attacks, but the only thing that can improve my attacks is a Con-boosting belt (plus, my attacks already feel like they're way ahead of the curve).

    I guess the only thing that really stands out as a need is some way to shore up my Will saves. However, if ever there was a game where it feels both right and proper to have a crappy will save, it's this one =)

    In one more level, I'll be able to throw lightning bolts in a line instead of just single target physical air blasts if I want to, and I'll be under the effect of fly perpetually.


    And besides, all that notwithstanding, what magical items of any real import would you feel good about entrusting to a kender? =P

  • AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

    lol! True enough! I am only looking at things from a fairness perspective. If you're fine being behind in WBL, taking one for the team as it were, I'm fine with it too naturally.

    So it's up to you I guess. I'll drop the item I was reserving to sell for you back in the group kitty.

    RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    So, figure out what you guys want to do with loot. We're pretty much at the end of this adventure, but I'm not sure if you've picked up on all the clues (it can be tough when it's over the course of months). As I suggested, I might go back and look at what you found in the library to start. You also have some other loose ends in town that you could turn to for help if need be.

    M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
    Tristain the Chalker wrote:

    ..373.0 gp to spend

    .3255.0 gp latest distribution
    .3628.0 go to spend

    .3628.0 to spend

    .4656.0 recent distribution
    .8284.0 to spend
    -3000.0 metamagic rod of reach, lesser
    -3750.0 wand of MM, lvl 5
    .2284.0 to spend

    If anyone needs a loan, plz lemme know.

    M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
    Tristain the Chalker wrote:

    .8284.0 to spend

    -3000.0 metamagic rod of reach, lesser
    -3750.0 wand of MM, lvl 5
    .2284.0 to spend

    If anyone needs a loan, plz lemme know.

    Or should we buy a few wands of CLW? Tris can get one or two?

    AC: 35 (f28/t14); CMD: 27; F: +16, R: +12, W: +18; Perc +15

    We have two wands of CLW (24 and 48 charges) and a wand of CMW (14 charges) just now. Mostly we've been healing with my spells and Al's dirty touches (Al, did you level up a couple weeks ago and just forget to post, or did you miss it?).

    I keep planning on doing less healing, but it always seems like I need to devote two or three spells just to keep me upright. I suspect that'll continue though I am focusing on my AC a bit as finances allow.

    All this to say I don't think we need to buy another CLW wand unless you really want to. I think I can chip in the 150gp if we want to pick up a fresh one just in case our travels are long. That'd be 150gp from each of us per CLW wand we want to buy.

    Baseline Stats:
    Max HP: 142 | AC 17 (15 T / 13 FF) | CMD 19 | Initiative +4 | Fort +13 / Ref +13 / Will +7 | Stealth +21 |Disable Device +20 | Acrobatics +17 | Sleight of Hand, Perception +11 | Know (Planes) +10 | Escape Artist +7

    Sorry, gang - I didn't get to scrub through the gameplay thread like I'd hoped to. Been caught up in the new-to-me joys of homeownership and a series of troubles.

    RE: Plot
    Off the top of my head, we want to check in with the Sleepless Detective Agency and... Cesadia? Am I recalling her name correctly? Winter's boss?
    Check in with her, show her the magistrate's stamp and return the body of Accuser Omari.
    Also, we can check in with Winter, and show her the holy symbol we think likely belonged to the missing priestess Trilliss. Maybe we could touch base with that painter too, since he'd seemed worried about her.

    Do we have any idea what Melisenn was trying to do with that third monolith?

    RE: Loot
    I did scan through the loot sheet really quickly and the only thing I think that I'd make any noteworthy use of would be the +2 Con belt. But, as I'd said earlier, pumping up my Con and min-maxing like that would feel kind of lame to me. If selling it gets someone else something nice, then keep it in the sell stack. If not, and in lieu of a better suggestion, I'll take it, I guess.

    M Human - Loon 15 AC: 16 (12 FF) CMD (22/18) CMB +6 Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +15
    Tenebrynn wrote:

    RE: Plot

    Off the top of my head, we want to check in with the Sleepless Detective Agency and... Cesadia? Am I recalling her name correctly? Winter's boss?
    Check in with her, show her the magistrate's stamp and return the body of Accuser Omari.
    Also, we can check in with Winter, and show her the holy symbol we think likely belonged to the missing priestess Trilliss. Maybe we could touch base with that painter too, since he'd seemed worried about her.

    Do we have any idea what Melisenn was trying to do with that third monolith?

    +1 to Tenebrynn making this plan happen in posts.

    +1 to taking the damn Con belt. It's not min maxing if no one else claims it and it fits your yahoo.

    AC 28, touch 16, flat-footed 24, hp 109, Fort +18, Ref +20, Will +18; +2 vs. enchantments, CMD 34, Perception +2

    Al will be leveled up shortly, was waiting due to the negative level.

    Mott, may I change the custom race of Al a bit to account for my lack of understanding on BaB and claw attacks? I would swap out the detect thoughts ability, which hasn't been used, and the elven immunities to gain power attack and elven blade proficiency.

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