Ironfang Invasion Prequel (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Ironfang invasion prequel Map

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Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

I have not seen Inception, and you right we 'draw' from everything...

Yeah, the sites been wonky. Good question about the maintenance timing. I know there a west coast company, so their time frame is later than mine. But let's face if. Pay your tech guys to work 9-5 or pay your tech guys to work stupid hours...

I know which one I would want to work if I was the tech guy....

Agreed, but still it is a fact of life critical maintenance (if it makes your services unavailable, whatever they are) needs to be carried out of working hours - you really need to (and most tech guys do) come to terms with it an accept it.

Then it sits with the company to find an appropriate way to compensate them for that, either as part of their salary, extra days off, whatever - at least that's how I see it ;)

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Ratel Dier wrote:

ah, not enough char,

Usually that type of thing is set on a timer, with the grill at a certain temperature and using a grill press. It's possible of one of those things is 'off' it would effect the 'char.' Of course they may have changed the 'recipe' as well.

So sad, I have not seen 'Kung Fu Panda 3'

No. I suspect they were trying to do minimum work to get it served since they were shorthanded, so they just heated the chicken and started serving, not attempting to grill it.

You really should find a way to watch it. I like the Kung Fu Panda series because despite its light hearted comedic action, there are some serious life lessons in there.

Get to YouTube! =D

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

I totally agree, I guess the questions would be if it's a service they hire that only works 'bankers hours' Or if, since the site isn't focused on 'sales' if they see the extra expense of 'low hour' maintenance worth it.

Lots of question, fun conversation, but no real answers. Unless we want to find a 'discussion board' that asks questions to Paizo employees.

The sad times are when the site 'goes down' early in the evening and you know it's not going to be up until business hours 'west coast' time :-(

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Hedran wrote:

Inception is one of my favorite movies ever.

And one definitely draws from... Everything really! Comics from my childhood (and comics from my adulthood), movies, books, series, memories, games I used to make up as a kid, other RPG games/sessions/campaigns, you name it :D

(Site is acting up for me - one thing I don't really get is the fact the Paizo website probably being hosted in the US, how come maintenance is carried out middle of the day? :O)

Because if you carry it out at night, you get to pay the tech guys OT =D

My BF loved inception too. You see one thing about movie/story writing it is best that the audience understands why the characters did what they did. Sure, the group in inception werent a bunch of heroes etc, and were rather criminals for hire but you can't help but sympathize why they do some questionable things.

Like to get to live with your family legally(albeit the way he gets it is illegal)

Yeah, at least and even if slightly messed up, it 'seems' it will be working during my daytime... I need to research how to play a mid-level Magus :D

And well, there is a Website Feedback board, maybe I'll have a look in there, try to understand why the weird maintenance hours.

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Mirror image, kick down the door. Have a good whack. Alternatively turn yourself into the four armed gargoyle from gallowspire and go to town with arcane strike. That +1 damage that scales starts to add up once you have 6 attacks per round...

Ratel Dier wrote:

I totally agree, I guess the questions would be if it's a service they hire that only works 'bankers hours' Or if, since the site isn't focused on 'sales' if they see the extra expense of 'low hour' maintenance worth it.

Lots of question, fun conversation, but no real answers. Unless we want to find a 'discussion board' that asks questions to Paizo employees.

The sad times are when the site 'goes down' early in the evening and you know it's not going to be up until business hours 'west coast' time :-(

Yeah, at least and even if slightly messed up, it 'seems' it will be working during my daytime... I need to research how to play a mid-level Magus :D

And well, there is a Website Feedback board, maybe I'll have a look in there, try to understand why the weird maintenance hours.

Just a Mort wrote:
Because if you carry it out at night, you get to pay the tech guys OT =D

That is probably it yes, which in turn makes for poor customer service/experience.

Just a Mort wrote:
Inception stuff...

I don't want to spoil it for Ratel but for me everything since the Hans Zimmer soundtrack to the 'life' shared between the characters of DiCaprio and Marion Cotillard - the whole concept of it is astounding for me. Her 'presence' in his dreams... I don't know. I like everything about the movie :D

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Like Hmm, I enjoy cartoons.

Just a Mort wrote:
Mirror image, kick down the door. Have a good whack. Alternatively turn yourself into the four armed gargoyle from gallowspire and go to town with arcane strike. That +1 damage that scales starts to add up once you have 6 attacks per round...

Sounds solid :D

EDIT: As an example, I have no idea what Arcana to chose for Hedran (apart from Flight Hex Arcana ofc)

Just a Mort wrote:
Like Hmm, I enjoy cartoons.

I definitely enjoy some yeah - have a few favorites, but they are probably 'old school' :D

The Exchange

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There's this feat tree too. Concealment isn't hard to get, hit blur, go to town.

Familiar arcana with improved familiar for a umd buddy... Again you wouldn't get many wands/scrolls to umd here.

Though another take on it is you get a mauler familiar, you hit monstrous physique on it first, then yourself, both of you go to town.

Also slumber hex =P

Just need to time who goes after you so you can get CDGs off.

Did I tell you about my attempt to use floating disk to get my familiar to float beside me so I could always use it to CDG with a hooked Lance?

Again that was just a thought exercise.

OK, fine, I may have cheese for blood.

But the reason why I don't homebrew is I might come with all kinds of CR appropriate but totally wtf stuff, which wouldn't be fair.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Oh and I'm going for badminton later. That's why also not keen to move plot.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

have fun badmintoning.

Just a Mort wrote:
There's this feat tree too. Concealment isn't hard to get, hit blur, go to town.

I like this, and will probably use Blur eventually - just not sure I will use it so much to warrant the investment (with other defensive buffs around like Mirror Image, Displacement, etc.)

Just a Mort wrote:

Familiar arcana with improved familiar for a umd buddy... Again you wouldn't get many wands/scrolls to umd here.

Though another take on it is you get a mauler familiar, you hit monstrous physique on it first, then yourself, both of you go to town.

I am leaning more and more toward getting a familiar - don't want to shenanigan it too much, so not sure if would use Improved Familiar + UMD. Mauler means I would have to play two characters in a tussle, but I do like the Protector Familiar ;)

Just a Mort wrote:

Also slumber hex =P

Just need to time who goes after you so you can get CDGs off.

Did I tell you about my attempt to use floating disk to get my familiar to float beside me so I could always use it to CDG with a hooked Lance?

Again that was just a thought exercise.

OK, fine, I may have cheese for blood.

Hmmmmm here's why I shy away from Slumber Hex - as effective as it may be I don't find it very cool for one (putting people to sleep meh), but even worse than that - if you have it, it only makes sense to try and use it every single time it may work, and this risks making it your 'go-to thing' every single combat (again, when it can work). You risk becoming repetitive and boring and I don't want that ;)

Just a Mort wrote:
But the reason why I don't homebrew is I might come with all kinds of CR appropriate but totally wtf stuff, which wouldn't be fair.

I kinda like the cheese IF it is enjoyable for all - in my opinion good builds and players who put thought about their characters should be rewarded. However if it is no fun playing with you, then... What's the point?

The Exchange

Complain about the new boards here! a weird thing.

You definitely want some of it, but you don't want too much of it else your party members have nothing to do. And they'll be sad.

How much is too much really depends on how difficult the campaign is,and how much your party members are cheesing.

Also what may be too much cheese to one person may be not enough cheddar for the next.

Like to me, slumber hex is a big red button that says "push me." And I've never been good at resisting pushing big red buttons.

Generally I prefer to play characters that never get their hands dirty, because I like people helping me do my dirty work. It's part of my thou shalt not outshine others motto.

So yes I tend to pop out divine casters and bards, or control casters(dazing spell tends to appear a lot). Used to be a case of every character of mine had either an animal companion or familiar, but I've diversified these days.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Ironfang invasion official start

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

cool, I will head that way, I had to go into work four hours early and just got on. I will read the posts here, and then over there. I'm having trouble getting on the site, so this may take longer than it should.

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