Ironfang Invasion Prequel (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Ironfang invasion prequel Map

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Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Prequel, that's what it says.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

dotted and deleted :-)

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

something I didn't think about, I have Bear listed at one trick, is there anyway Ratel was able to teach him more?

Male Human Ranger - 8

Posted Robert's arrival into Pharendar.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Stealing this one from PFS:

How can I teach tricks to an animal using Handle Animal?

You can teach any animal a trick so long as you follow the rules for Handle Animal on pages 97-98 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. A GM must observe your Handle Animal check, and must initial what tricks the animal gained on the scenario's Chronicle sheet. The first time a character with levels in druid, ranger, or any other class that grants an animal companion gains an animal companion, the animal enters play knowing its maximum number of tricks as dictated by the animal companion's Intelligence and the character's effective druid level. If the character replaces the animal companion for any reason, the new animal starts with no tricks known, save for bonus tricks granted based on the PC's effective druid level. Once per scenario, you may attempt to train the animal companion a number of times equal to the number of ranks you have in the Handle Animal skill. Each success allows you to teach the animal a single trick; a failed attempt counts against the total number of training attempts allowed per scenario, and you may not attempt to teach the same trick until the next scenario. Alternatively, you may train one animal for a single purpose as long as you have enough ranks in Handle Animal to train the animal in each trick learned as part of that purpose. You may take 10 on Handle Animal checks to teach an animal companion tricks.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

OK, I will read through all that in the morning, I'm headed to bed and will be back on in the morning, then some later, but I have to sleep 'cause I go back to work tomorrow.

Robert, Sorry, you ninja'd my post, I didn't catch it until now or I would have said something. I jumped on here just before bed, but I will be more active in about eight hours.

Male Human Ranger - 8

It's okay. I'm at work for about another 90 minutes.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

Ok Azmythe that was totally funny, I didn't expect that.

Which leads me to getting Bear trained. Mort I haven't read the rules yet, How many rolls will you let me make as a 'prequel' to getting Bear trained. I hoping to be able to do stay and guard, that sort of thing.

Edit: so I'm going to check a couple other games then start reading the rules, I keep an eye out on My queue to see if you post.

Looks like Ratel will be speaking with the priest soon enough

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

You automatically start with all the tricks that bear can have + additional tricks that animal companion gives you for a total of 7 tricks.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

ok going to go look for that now.... I will change the list on Ratel's page, when I sort it out...

Grand Lodge

And Ratel was worried that Bear would cause a problem.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Your GM is also actually very animal companion friendly and doesn't give a fk about people bringing their big fluffy companions everywhere they go.

The Exchange

Complain about the new boards here!

Again...look VERY carefully at your GM =)

Grand Lodge

Male Dhampir DEAD

Heh. Well, I restrained myself to just having a pet rat ;-)

As long as Mort doesn't try to eat Ursula, we should be fine :-P

The Exchange

Complain about the new boards here!

Are you sure Ursula isn't the Animagus Peter Pettigrew? *stares at the rat suspiciously*

Grand Lodge

Male Dhampir DEAD

Well, if *she* is, Peter is pulling one heck of an impressive con-job ;-)

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

Ewwwww, Peter Pettigrew...

If are pulling animal companions from movies, can Bear be Iorek Byrnison...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Nigel will only post about 5-6 h from now. He's Australian and anyway I'm off to bed too. Weeee!

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

ok, just back on line, will post either here or at work, Ratel will watch and listen with the priest, so if anyone wants to move us along, I'm good with that and will catch up soon.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Nah everyone asleep except me and Robert at this point of time. Nigel cant post due to work too.

Male Human Ranger - 8

And I'm only here for the next two hours or so.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

BTW everyone - I'm all for retconing conversations,like those that happened in the Tavern,even if it's several posts ago etc. I know I can move very, very fast.

And honestly I love moving this fast. Wheee!

But see the reason why I posted activity requirements?

Also, the others may have questions for Father Noelan regarding the investigation since it'll be the only mission briefing you'll have,until you manage to find the tomb custodians.

Male Human Ranger - 8

I've got a map. We're getting supplies. We've got contingency orders. I'm all set. I'll just wait until everyone else catches up, unless there's something else that I think up.

Eeeeeesh, Paizo site was offline most (if not all) day for me - time to hit the sack. Will catch up tomorrow. Cheers.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Tell me about it,I was locked out yesterday and just woke up.

Grand Lodge

Of course now that I'm back and too tired, the site is back up. Must rest. Will catch up after some sleep.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

any specific info on the forest you want Ratel to know?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Ah okay I gave you some stuff. Though it might actually be more like a knowledge geography / nature check.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day
GM Mort wrote:
Ah okay I gave you some stuff. Though it might actually be more like a knowledge geography / nature check.

yeah, I started thinking about that after I rolled it, but local and dungeoneering is all I have right now. I figured it might be enough if there was something we needed to know.

So How do I go about having Bear roll nature :-)

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

You have speak to animals? If you do, roll it,I'll have bear answer you. With 2 int. You probably won't get anything very useful but it'll be entertaining ;)

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

sorry, it's a once a day skill, he used it back when he got bear from where he left him

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

So, out of game question about in game stuff, would a goat cart fit on the path through the woods? I'm going to look at everyone's sheet, see what kind of movement and weight they have. If nothing else Ratel could carry a pack in one hand and the bag in the other, drop them if there is a fight. but that would put his speed at 20 ft. But that has to be faster than the goat cart right?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |


Technically it says 2 medium creatures and goats are small, so we’ll just halve the carrying capacity to 150 lbs.

Maximum speed of twice x creatures speed (60 ft total), -10 ft, which will leave 50 ft max speed. None of you can fit on the cart since it’ll be overloaded, so basically you’ll be on foot, urging a goat cart into the woods.

Speaking to bear without speak to animals will just result in Whuff, Whuff, Whuff.

Hedran is sitting pretty close to his Light Load limit - don't think he will carry much more :P

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

so, is the cart actually going down the path in the woods? If it is, I'll leave be...


Is that also counting the weeks worth if food we will need for the goats?

I say we take it - Ratel is good with animals, and Robert is too probably. Don't tell me you guys can't handle a pair of goats :D

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

We'll assume goats being what they are, they're fine with the path, unless its something that requires acro checks.

Ah, just let your goats graze...

Horses, donkeys, mules, and ponies can graze to sustain themselves, but providing feed for them is better. Herbivore feed is bloody heavy. 10 lbs!

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Ratel introduced himself to Robert and Azmythe.

For Hedran he may have seen Ratel in town before, so if he knows him, that’s fine.

Nigel and Hedran are introduced to each other.

Father Noelan knows everyone except for Robert, but Robert was the first person who introduced himself in town.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

I ran some rough calculations and realized that with 7 days of carnivore feed, cart’s probably overloaded so I’ll just GM handwave and say that the cart can hold 200 lbs of stuff.

Also not taking everything is an option.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

I'm surprised that a cart allows an animal to double it's speed - 10, but that's what it says, if the cart can pass through the woods, that's fine. Now many goats are we taking?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

If you wanna travel with heavy loads, go ahead, you’ll just take 2 days instead of 1.5 days due to slow movement speed. Also may lead to associated random encounters.

Not really sure who wrote the pathfinder vehicle laws to be honest.
Sorry for absence, I was afk at work.

You need 2 goats to pull a cart. Unless two of you want to pull the cart.

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

Hey work has to happen.

So if two goats are small, and Ratel is medium, he could pull the cart at 50 ft? Why don't we all get carts and get there in one day?


Oh, got Ratel's backstory and such done, not my best work but it'll do...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

I don't think the party can move at 50 unfortunately. You guys are stuck at 30 ft move. Cart can't fit so many jokers since medium sized creatures are about 100 lbs minimum.

Naaaaaaaaah, Hedran does not want to lug around a heavy load, nor pull a cart - unless absolutely necessary :P

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

So guys...going into the Woods with your goat cart?

Should I be waiting for anyone?

Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

Fun movie, I'm ready to go, do you want us to head out or wait?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Issue is I'm not sure where Azmythe is or if I'm moving too fast at the moment.

I'm ready to move,from a Gm point of view. I think I'll wait for one more to indicate.

Grand Lodge

Male Dhampir DEAD


Perhaps we should get the bear to pull the cart?


Male Human Paladin 9 | HP 99/99 |AC 27/T12/FF26 | F+11/R+9/W+12 | CMB +13/CMD 24 | init + 2 | Perc + 9 | Diplomacy + 15 | LoH 8/9 | Smite 2/3 | Divine Bond 9/9 min. 2/2 per day

I was thinking about that, but if he's pulling the cart and can go 50 ft per move action; I'm sure he would run ahead and by the time we caught up with him there wouldn't be any food left...

of course we could always try this

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Goat will not pull cart with Bear. Does Bear have the work trick?

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