Iron Gods Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Daniel Penfold 351

A run through of the Iron Gods campaign.

Treasure list



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NG | Male Ratfolk Alchemist (Gun Chemist/Toxicant) 8/ Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) 1 | HP 62/62 | AC 28-17-22 | F+13, R+17, W+6 | Per +19, Sense M +3, Init +9

Zimdoz obliges by continually searching for traps.

Take 10 Perception for 26.

You do not find any traps but you do hear movement behind the door.

From A5

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

Poshment pushes Grezzag in front of the door. Looking back, he waits for everyone to be in formation. Then, he eases the door open, sticks his head in and yells, "SURPRIIIIISE!"

Poshment you try to fling the door open but it resists you, it appears that the door is locked.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"UGH!" Poshment whines. Pouting, he shuffles over to his favorite Ratfolk and pokes him twice, before scowling at the door.

So is Zimdoz attempting to pick the lock?

NG | Male Ratfolk Alchemist (Gun Chemist/Toxicant) 8/ Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) 1 | HP 62/62 | AC 28-17-22 | F+13, R+17, W+6 | Per +19, Sense M +3, Init +9

Zimdoz attempts to unlock the door, and then step to the side.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

Zimdoz cracks the lock and steps out of the way, gesturing for the beefy folks to step up.

The door opens into a small chamber. Workbenches and tools litter this large room, around an unusual looking forge. A variety of bladed weapons hangs on the walls. A shelf on the north end of the room holds polished humanoid skulls. At the back of the chamber is another android.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Thank you, Zimdoz."

Poshment clears his throat loudly, before poking his head in and yelling "SURPRRRRRISE!"

Grezzag, big axe in hand, steps into the room.

"What's it gonna be robo-person? The axe or talking?" the Gnome offers.

As Grezzag steps into the room the android looses off a shot.

zero pistol - touch attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Poshment initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Zimdoz initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Vivianne intiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Alldur initiative: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Grezzag initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Seerath (android) initiative: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Initiative order:

Block 1: Seerath

Block 2: You guys

Seerath fires at Grezzag again

zero pistol- touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

zero pistol touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

On to you guys

Wizard(metal elementalist) 7 Technomancer 2
| Init +12 | Perc +12 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 CMB +3 CMD 15| HP 48/48 (40/40) | F +4(-1) R +5 W+9| Iron Skin 8/8 2 CON Damage

'Why don't they ever want to let me study them?' Alldur chops an open palm towards the android, launching a dart of acid at the being.

Acid Arrow: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Ranged Touch

Acid Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 burns for 2 additional rounds

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"AXE IT, BIG GUY!" Poshment shouts, pointing a finger at the Android. In his other hand, he raises the mighty holy symbol of Milani and a burst of positive energy radiates outward.
Channel Positive Energy (Heal Living): 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 6) = 16
I have damage on my tagline that I seem to have forgotten about and Grezzag has taken some to, solving it all with the same channel! Everyone gets 4 rounds of Heroism (+2 vs saves, attacks, ability/skill checks)

Without needing Poshment's encouragement, Grezzag leaps at the hostile Android in the corner of the room. Axe held high, he brings it down overhead. "I feel bad, Alldur, there usually isn't much left after I've chopped them up either!"

Judging by his tone, he can't be too worked up about it...
+1 Orc Double Axe (Beacon of Hope, Robot Slayer, PA): 1d20 + 14 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 14 + 2 + 1 = 251d8 + 22 ⇒ (1) + 22 = 23
Move, attack. 9 damage after healing.

The android manages to avoid the acid arrow.

The next moment Grezzag leaps across and delivers a powerful blow.

Vivianne and Zimdoz, your actions.

NG | Male Ratfolk Alchemist (Gun Chemist/Toxicant) 8/ Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) 1 | HP 62/62 | AC 28-17-22 | F+13, R+17, W+6 | Per +19, Sense M +3, Init +9

Zimdoz steps in, quickly loads a paper cartridge, and tries to fire past Grezzag.

dragon pistol android, pbs, tanglefoot ordnance, beacon of hope, ranged touch, cover, range: 1d20 + 15 + 2 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 15 + 2 - 4 - 2 = 21
dragon pistol damage, pbs, tanglefoot ordnance: 1d4 + 2 + 1 + 4d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 + (2, 3, 6, 3) + 6 = 25

DC 19 reflex or be stuck to the ground and entangled

"This doesn't seem like just a farmhouse..." Zimdoz states the obvious.

Zimdoz's shot flies true, striking the android.

reflex save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

The android is stuck in place.

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Female Human Martyr Paladin 8

She just strolls on up and proceeds to whack the android.

Longsword Power Attack: 1d20 + 14 - 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 14 - 3 + 1 = 29
Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 6 + 1 = 21

Vivianne deals the android a mighty blow.

On its turn the android tries to attack Grezzag.

unarmed strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

damage: 1d3 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Back to block 2

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Oh snapples! You're going to regret that!" Poshment warns, backing away from the room. There are going to be so many pieces! Still weirds me out that they don't bleed right.
Delay, with our beatsticks right on the single enemy that's now glued to the floor, unless it does something crazy, I think Poshment's going to wait.

The Android's blow weakly glances off of Grezzag's breastplate, but the intent is all that the Half-Orc needs to justify an uptick in the severity of his response.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-!" he roars, spinning his double sided axe in the air. Quickly reaching maximum speed, he brings it down upon the Android like a buzzsaw.
Main Hand
+1 Orc Double Axe (TWF, Beacon of Hope, Robot Slayer, PA) vs Android (Glued to the Floor): 1d20 + 14 + 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 14 + 2 - 2 + 1 = 231d8 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
Off Hand
+1 Orc Double Axe (TWF, Beacon of Hope, Robot Slayer, PA, Double Slice) vs Android (Glued to the Floor): 1d20 + 14 + 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 14 + 2 - 2 + 1 = 341d8 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
Main Hand Iterative
+1 Orc Double Axe (TWF, Beacon of Hope, Robot Slayer, PA) vs Android (Glued to the Floor): 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 2 - 2 + 1 = 201d8 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

Grezzag's first blow slices through the android, shattering it into small parts.

Loot: 5 concussion grenades
M/W green scatterlight suit
timeworn zero pistol
2 batteries

Knowledge Engineering check

Wizard(metal elementalist) 7 Technomancer 2
| Init +12 | Perc +12 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 CMB +3 CMD 15| HP 48/48 (40/40) | F +4(-1) R +5 W+9| Iron Skin 8/8 2 CON Damage

Know Engi: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24

Alldur you can tell that this room was once used to create some kind of long range communication device. Among the mostly ruined and useless supplies are three timeworn commsets, all of which are fully charged.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

Poshment pokes the devices with his little fingers. "Are these more of those voicetrappers?" he asks, unsure of what to do with the things.
Southeast door?

This room may have once been used as a storeroom, but its metal shelves are now haphazardly arranged and draped with thick cloth or metal plating. The result is a claustrophobic warren of passages throughout the room.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Looks like a dump..." Poshment notes with slight disgust. "We'll give it a look over and then move on?"
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Perception then to the west!

You do not find anything of interest in this room.

Moving west the southernmost of the large tube like machines protruding from the wall of rubble has been significantly damaged, but some sort of jury-rigged cover has been affixed to the twisted end. Crusty strings of some sort of glistening residue hang from the edges of the tube's cover.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Is it safe to walk near that? I don't trust that cap, but if it has some danglers, do we even know it is working?" Poshment asks, shivering at the thought of getting covered by whatever is being kept from coming out.

If nobody seems keen on testing it...
"OH WELL! I'll go first!" He strides boldly past, only jumping once as he does so.

Sorry for my absence, had to get a new PC

Poshment, nothing seems to happen as you move past the pipes. You come to another area. The collapsed stone here splits the immense manufacturing hall in half. The jagged rock fall does not quite reach the south wall, leaving a space ten feet wide that allows access into another large chamber beyond. The floor is littered with bloody clumps of flesh and broken machinery shaped like arms and legs.

NG | Male Ratfolk Alchemist (Gun Chemist/Toxicant) 8/ Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) 1 | HP 62/62 | AC 28-17-22 | F+13, R+17, W+6 | Per +19, Sense M +3, Init +9

Zimdoz scurries around, sniffing and searching, "this is pretty horrible." He points at the clumps of flesh.

Zimdoz does perception check, take 10 for 26, searching for anything interesting.

Zimdoz, you can see that some of the rubble has been rigged to deliberately collapse if touched.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Ewwww, agreed." Poshment makes a disgusted face at Zimdoz's discoveries. "Can you unrig the rubble, Zimdoz, or are we going to have to be reeeeeeaaally careful?"

Wizard(metal elementalist) 7 Technomancer 2
| Init +12 | Perc +12 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 CMB +3 CMD 15| HP 48/48 (40/40) | F +4(-1) R +5 W+9| Iron Skin 8/8 2 CON Damage

'Do you figure they tore each other apart or someone else is indiscriminately ripping bits off of folks?' Alldur asks, surveying the carnage.

Zimdoz, you think that something else tore these creatures apart, you are not sure what though.

NG | Male Ratfolk Alchemist (Gun Chemist/Toxicant) 8/ Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) 1 | HP 62/62 | AC 28-17-22 | F+13, R+17, W+6 | Per +19, Sense M +3, Init +9

Zimdoz nods.

Is there a way to disable the hazard/trap without anyone getting hurt? If so, Zimdoz does!

Zimdoz takes 10 to try to disable the hazard/trap, for a 28.

He whispers, "Be careful! Something else tore them apart..."

Zimdoz is able to disable the rubble in such a way that it will not collapse, allowing you to get past.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Good thing we brought a Grezzag with us!" Poshment says, patting the Half-Orc on the thigh. Just in case though... The Gnome twists his ring and, for a moment, a line of energy courses between the pair. "Now I'm sworn to carry your burdens again! Onward!"
Extended Shield Other on Grezzag. Proceed to the West!

The western half of the manufacturing hall contains immense cylinders, bins and furnaces covered with thick layers of dust. Evidence of an ancient battle remains here and there on the walls in the form of scorch marks and broken machinery. In particular, the heaped remains of a strange insectoid automaton lie in a ruined heap to the west, partially buried under fallen rocks. 3 androids are in the chamber and as they see you enter they start to move towards you and speak to you in a language you don't understand.

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

"Uh, guys? Does anyone know what they're saying?" Poshment asks nervously. "Ummmm... Beep boop, boop beep?" This isn't going to end well. Glad we don't have to tussle with that bug robot! Thank you rocks, you done good today.

Wizard(metal elementalist) 7 Technomancer 2
| Init +12 | Perc +12 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 CMB +3 CMD 15| HP 48/48 (40/40) | F +4(-1) R +5 W+9| Iron Skin 8/8 2 CON Damage

'One moment' Alldur draws a wand and points it at himself. He listens to the android's words and interjects in his known languages when the opportunity presents itself. 'I don't speak your language, do you know this one?'

Comprehend languages on himself and then he'll try to ask in Common, Hallit, Orc, Dwarven, Draconic, Gnome before resulting to pictures in the dirt

[i]Alldur, you hear them say

"Lower your weapons and submit the traitor Casandalee and you will be spared."

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

Poshment proceeds to do the robot in an attempt to convey his thoughts via interpretive dance. Talky talky or axey axey!
Perform (Dance): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Well this should be fun! Surrender what you don't have or die!

""Lower your weapons and submit the traitor Casandalee and you will be spared.""

NG | Male Ratfolk Alchemist (Gun Chemist/Toxicant) 8/ Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) 1 | HP 62/62 | AC 28-17-22 | F+13, R+17, W+6 | Per +19, Sense M +3, Init +9

"We can't do that, so uh... I guess we fight?"

Zimdoz scratches his nose and looks expectantly at his companions, ready to blast away if necessary.

I'm assuming combat is our only option here, we can't comply with their demands. If this isn't the case, no problem with delaying/omitting this post.

"Dunno what they're saying, but I think we're done here!" Grezzag says, brandishing his ax and moving towards the nearest one. "Time to bust them up!"

Gnome Cleric of Milani 8 | HP: 64/89 | AC: 20 T: 13 FF: 18 CMD: 16 | F+10 R+4 W+9 +2 fear/despair/death, +4 disease/poision | Init +2 | Perception +4; Darkvision
Tracked Resources:
1Reroll 1/1; Reach 3/3; Extend 3/3; Restorative Touch 6/6; Liberation 7/7 ; Freedom 8/8; Channel Positive 6/9; Spells: 1st 3+1/5+1 2nd 2+1/4+1 3rd 2+1/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1

Poshment karate chops the air with both hands multiple times. "Axey axey, axey axey!" he chants.

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