GM Z..D.. |

Pleas fill out the following
Forum Name:
Character Name:
Pfs #:
Day job:
special notes or abilities the GM has to roll for you.
Please check out my GM profile for how I intend to run.
And just want to say, it is a pleasure to GM for you all. And this scenario should be fun due to the party make up.

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Forum Name: SkipperD (if you're completly filling out our chronicle sheets, then I'd prefer to have my name as Andreas F, thanks.)
Character Name: Tomren Tellius
Pfs #: 35574-14
Day job: Nope
The sign-up sheet was rather arcane caster heavy, so I'm looking forward to to see the other characters :)

GM Z..D.. |

I usually leave the player name blank and just put the character name in. And yes that is why I'm excited.

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Yup, another arcane caster reporting...
Forum Name: kuey (RL name: Yu Kee Lim)
Character Name: Celebdan Barhador
Pfs #: 215076-7
Day job: Craft (Jewelry): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
special notes or abilities the GM has to roll for you.
Celebdan has a rat familiar, Da'e, which is almost always in his backpack.

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Forum Name: Cyrus9553
Character Name: Bryzaglo
Pfs #: 62762-8
Day job: Profession (gambler): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

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Pleas fill out the following
Forum Name: Miteke
Character Name: Silgil
Pfs #: 141936-5
Day job: Jobs are for weenies
Class: Dwarf Transmuter Wizard, but he has an axe and can fight!

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Forum Name: SodiumTelluride
Character Name: Goldur Twinthunders
PFS #: 89635-9
Day job: Profession (scribe): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Two transmuters and a conjurer, huh? Should be interesting. Goldur is all support.

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Forum Name: Gerald
Character Name: Doodlevain "Doodle" Montafescue
PFS #: 12445-15
Day job: None.
Faction: Sovreign Court

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Forum Name: Gerald
Character Name: Doodlevain "Doodle" Montafescue
PFS #: 12445-15
Day job: None.
Faction: Sovreign Court
Edit: I forgot I put a rank in Craft Alchemy last level, so I do have a day job!
Day job, Craft Alchemy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

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Rude fellow aint he?
Tomren has a +11 bonus on the three knowledge skills, and if need be, I have a folio re-roll and 4 GM stars.

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And we meet the hated Aspis!
Celebdan would sit out the rolls for this, seeing how he's trained in exactly none of them. :)

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If we're allowed to aid, Goldur can try to aid any of those Knowledges (although his best is Local).
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Z..D.. |

it does not say anything about aiding, but depending on what the rest of the part says, or references there could be bonuses.

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I'm not trained in any of those skills so I'll sit out answering but I will try to aid, if I can.
Would telling them tidbits of info we received about the area in our briefing be good enough, I wonder?

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I am not trained in any of those skills either. May character is use to lying or intimidating people and I don't think that will work here.

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So, I guess it's up to me then! I'll go ahead and roll in the gameplay thread.

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Go ahead on the Spellcraft too, Tomren. Since you're the highest level, I doubt anyone can beat you.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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I think Tomren has the highest of +11 in knowledge(history)? Please go ahead! *fingers crossed*

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I'm very confused about what's happening here... Since we didn't get a description of how they showed up, does that mean they get a surprise round? And is that what the Perception was for?
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Z..D.. |

No surprise round, you pretty much just walked in on them, they notice you when you notice them. The perception, I guess was just for fluff.

GM Z..D.. |

FYI..My hardrive crashed on my Laptop. So I have been posting mostly from work.Yay to working 99% of the time with computers Anyway, posting may be a little bit slower until I get a new laptop.

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Do any of you guys have vanish? Silgil could just do an all out defense and have a decent chance at survival with vanish on him. Otherwise with a 14 AC things do not look good with the baddies making all their saving throws.

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Since vanish isn't Core, it'd have to be on a Chronicle. And so far I'm not sure any of mine (Core or otherwise) have had scrolls of vanish on them.

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Nuts. It looks OK anyway now that the zombie is dead and I have company up front!

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Were we planning on going through the whole series? If so would it be OK to swap in another character for the next scenario? I wanted to sign up Silgil for a core destiny of the sands series for the PBP game day and need to know if I need to back out of that to keep a commitment made for this game.

GM Z..D.. |

Yes, but i was planning on taking a break during the game day. so i could get some games in as well.

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That's fine with me. If the DM would be willing to continue, I'd love to keep it going! And I'm fine with taking a break, I don't want to be selfish. If the DM is nice enough to run for me, whatever schedule works for you is good for me.

GM Z..D.. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When I continue the series, you all will have first dibs on part 2.

GM Z..D.. |

So the plan is to be done by Gameday?
Yes, and to be honest, we are almost don this part anyway. I am already running two games for game day. So I was thinking about saving part 2 and 3 until after game day. If your worried about losing your spot. Don't I will send each character a PM when I am ready to begin part two.

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Like I said before, if you need a break, please feel free, DM. I hope you pick us up again, after, but I understand you needing time to explore other interests, lol!

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I may be out of commission for the rest of the day. Hopefully not.

GM Z..D.. |

Will it be ok if I go ahead and call this combat? All the threats have been nuetralized except the green kobold who is done for 4 more rounds. And the color spray victim, which is still messed up for 5 more rounds.
All that is left is to take out those two. But if you want to play it out, I do not have any problems with that. But it is your game, so your call?

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Call it.

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Woot! We survived! Thanks for running for us, GM! Like I said, when you want to pick up the game again, just let us know.

GM Z..D.. |

No problem all. You should have access to your chronicles. If not, let me know and I will resend them.

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Thanks for the Game.