Do you have what it takes to rise from the ranks of a lowly deck-swab to become a captain of your own vessel and sail the seas of Golarion with intent to commit acts of piracy? Find out in this adventure path!
Chumtooth: HP 91/91; AC 18/13/14; F+8 R+8 W+3/+5; Init +3; Perception +13 (+12 in bright sunlight); Sense Motive +1
Dantes Goldforge: HP 50/50; AC 15/15/14; F+6 R+5 W+7; Init +5; Perception +0 (+2 w/familiar); Sense Motive +0
Faengrim: HP 84 (92)/84 (92); AC 19/12/17; F+9 R+9 W+4; Init +2 (+4 in water); Perception +14 (+2 in urban terrain; +2 vs aquatic humanoids; +4 in water terrain; +4 vs humans); Sense Motive +1 (+2 vs aquatic humanoids; +4 vs humans)
Carmelia Torvé: HP 61/61; AC 25/14/22; F+8 R+9 W+11; Init +3; Perception +14 (+1 vs traps); Sense Motive +15
Navasi: HP 75/75; AC 12/11/12; F+5 R+3 W+8; Init +1; Perception +8; Sense Motive +6
Carmelia Torvé
Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link
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Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)
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