GM SpiderBeard's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Barvo Delancy

Chapter Three: Demon's Heresy

Currently at: The Ivory Sanctum

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Hey guys, sorry for not posting for the last couple of days.

I'd like to take a break from PBP GMing for a couple of weeks. (I am NOT quitting). I've been going hard at a number of games for a few years now. I've been short on time, missing posts, and have more players missing posts than usual in most games.

So with that said I will take a summer vacation from PbP game mastering, and return on August 28th. See you guys then! I'll check discussion threads in the meantime and if you're in a situation where you can freely RP with each other, please do so.

That said I'll take a bit and figure out loot distribution so you have time to shop.

Male Kellid Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21

I think you're well entitled to a break. This game alone has been going for over three years, so a couple of weeks here and there is quite reasonable. Enjoy the time off. :)

Female Magus 12 | AC 26 T 16 F 21| HP 102| F +9 R +9 W +8 | Init +11 | Perc +18

See you at the end of the month, then. And HAVE FUN!!!!!


Haha. Well I've discovered really excellent methods for getting dog diarrhea out of a carpet, so I'm off to a great start!

Female Magus 12 | AC 26 T 16 F 21| HP 102| F +9 R +9 W +8 | Init +11 | Perc +18

Oh such fun!


Popping in to do some work on the loot spreadsheet.

Some items I expect to be claimed which have not been:

- bag of holding IV
- scroll of limited wish
- a few other high-level scrolls
- ring of major fire resistance
- metamagic rods

On the robes of the archmagi, they are redeemable, but there is an issue - you need someone with craft wondrous item in order to redeem them. Joran can only redeem magic arms and armour. That said...

Joran's Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Joran spends three days and successfully redeems the unholy longsword. You now have a HOLY longsword +2.

The only NPC you have any access to with Craft Wondrous Item is Chorussina, who has a demon attached to her you need to somehow find and kill before she can help you.

Pick the rest of your stuff. If you are going to donate anything, zero it out. The rest will be divided into cash you can spend on treats.

Female Kellid Pal 2 Or 9 | AC 20 T 13 F 17 | HP 70/133 | F+17 R+12 W+15 | Init+6 | Per +0 | Life links: Entire party
Remaining Mythic Points: 6/9, Spells: 1-8/10, 2-5/8, 3-3/7, 4-5/5, Channel: 3/7 LoH: 7/7 Smite: 1/1 Scale: 3/3

Dejik will hold on to most of the higher level scrolls, but Limited Wish, Plane Shift, and Planar Binding aren't on her spell list.

What do we need to do to help Chorussina?

Nilus' Consumables Nilus' New Friends Paladin 7 Sentinel 5/MT 5 Guardian | AC 27 T 16 F 26 DR 5/EPIC | HP 166 | F +18 R +13 W +17 | Init +8 | Perc +13

Ok, so I went through and zeroed out all the stuff that we claimed and that I thought Ayesha might need (Blessed Book, Vang's Spellbooks, Arcane Scrolls) I then "donated" that Holy Longsword to Irabeth and a Keen Glaive to Sosiel. Even after all that we end up with like 217,288GP in loot. Divided 4 ways thats 54,322GP, like way more than Nilus needs to build his church, and then build Jesker's church

Everyone should take a look at the loot log and put those claimed items somewhere on your sheet.

Female Magus 12 | AC 26 T 16 F 21| HP 102| F +9 R +9 W +8 | Init +11 | Perc +18

Okay, now we know!

I don't mind holding onto the arcane scrolls that we think are useful until it happens.

As for the bag of holding, again I don't mind carrying it around, but it is really a party item. I thought I grabbed the metamagic rods but I'll look.



Post will probably be up this evening but if I can sneak it in earlier I will.

That said, quick straw poll. Are you guys into the campaign and want to head into chapter 4, or do you want to switch it up? I have concerns about fight balance and the reliability of RP with what are effectively demigods at this point, so am offering a chance to try a different AP (even at a later chapter), or even Starfinder or something else entirely.

That said, we've also been at this for years, and we're hitting book four with a reliable group which is awesome. So I'm cool either way.

Female Magus 12 | AC 26 T 16 F 21| HP 102| F +9 R +9 W +8 | Init +11 | Perc +18

Wait, who are the demigods? I didn't sign up for this!

Okay, so mythic has a LOT to be desired when it comes to progression and balance. Basically, it's rocket tag on steroids, and that has taken an existing problem and punched it into the stratosphere. That's the #1 complaint about this AP from both sides of the table.

Now, I am having a blast playing Ayesha, so I am happy to continue on and see how Nilus manages to join the Golarion pantheon. But, I am just as happy to start something new with this same team, if that's what everyone else wants.


I'll let the others chime in before the big post. If there isn't a lot of response I'll get it up this evening.

Nilus' Consumables Nilus' New Friends Paladin 7 Sentinel 5/MT 5 Guardian | AC 27 T 16 F 26 DR 5/EPIC | HP 166 | F +18 R +13 W +17 | Init +8 | Perc +13

I'm enjoying playing as Nilus, but I very much share your concerns (in fact I've been voicing them since like book 2).

Honestly, I don't mind if combats become less important and we mostly skip the fights that pose almost no threat. So far, the Boss fights have managed to keep us at least relatively threatened.

All that being said, I know GMing this cannot be an easy task.

Encounter Map

But I am also very much down for a Starfinder game. I'm actually planning on GMing Dead Suns at some point in the soon as one of my current games finishes.


Okay, I'm getting middle votes so I'll see if Mrs and Mr Dejik have opinions before making my ultimate call.

Male Kellid Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21

I do enjoy the characters, but agree that the power level is downright silly. Running up walls, invisible at will, leaping tall buildings in a single bound ... and it will just continue to get worse.

This is a great group, so I suspect we could have great fun at whatever game we play. It might be that a different AP or module (or even homebrew, if you had one) might be more enjoyable. I'm good either way.

As to Starfinder, I don't have a great interest in it right now, and I know Dorothy has none at all.

Ultimately, if you as GM aren't enjoying it, that should be the largest factor. If there is something you'd rather do, I'm happy to follow you.

Dejik is at work, but I feel confident in saying she will have a similar opinion. She might even prefer getting a chance to start from the beginning of something, since she came in as a mid-season replacement. ;-)


Okay, I'm going to close down Wrath of the Righteous then. I will prepare an outro post when I'm not going on two hours sleep.

To be clear, I enjoy the game, I think the group is cool and the characters are all interesting. However, the power balance is insane, I'm not particularly enthralled by the plot (raise your hand if you deeply care about Nahyndrian crystals), and doing a round of combat takes 45 minutes when I'm trying to update several games on my lunch break.

We'll also keep firmly in Pathfinder and doing high fantasy, but it will be an adventure path or other material someone else wrote. I can write but it takes me a very long time to do so, and honestly I'm more interested in writing in other genres.

So - the floor is open. I legitimately haven't looked at any of the APs after Giantslayer, and all of them look interesting.

Here's what I will not run because I am sick of it or am running it:

Runelords, CoTC, Second Darkness, Council of Thieves, Carrion Crown, and Giantslayer. I'm also running Shattered Star during my weekly game and would something new.

Male Kellid Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21

Jade Regent could be interesting; I even have a character I had created for a PbP of it a couple of years ago, but the group dynamic didn't work for me, so I withdrew after a few posts.

Ironfang Invasion and Ruins of Azlant both look fun, too.

Iron Gods and Strange Aeons don't really appeal to me, too much "you got sci-fi/horror in my fantasy!" for me. ;-)

Nilus' Consumables Nilus' New Friends Paladin 7 Sentinel 5/MT 5 Guardian | AC 27 T 16 F 26 DR 5/EPIC | HP 166 | F +18 R +13 W +17 | Init +8 | Perc +13

Everything I've ever read/heard about Jade Regent says there might be problems with running it in PBP (specifically the caravan mechanic). But then again we managed to use the mass combat mechanic here easily enough.

I vote one of the newer APs. (Not Strange Aeons or Iron Gods. I'm in SA and I'm running Iron Gods)

Male Kellid Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21
Nilus Romani wrote:
Everything I've ever read/heard about Jade Regent says there might be problems with running it in PBP (specifically the caravan mechanic). But then again we managed to use the mass combat mechanic here easily enough.

Actually, I believe we skipped it entirely. Spiderbeard just hand-waved it. :)

That said, I wasn't aware that there was a similar mechanic in JR. If it is problematic for PbP, I'm fine taking it off the list.


Ruins of Alzant immediately jumps at me as something I like thematically. I'll check it out.

Female Kellid Pal 2 Or 9 | AC 20 T 13 F 17 | HP 70/133 | F+17 R+12 W+15 | Init+6 | Per +0 | Life links: Entire party
Remaining Mythic Points: 6/9, Spells: 1-8/10, 2-5/8, 3-3/7, 4-5/5, Channel: 3/7 LoH: 7/7 Smite: 1/1 Scale: 3/3

All of this sounds good. I'm looking forward to seeing which AP you pick next!


Okay, so looking at Ruins of Azlant the big caveat is that the companion rulebook is underwater adventures. So there will be cavorting under the sea.

Ironfang Invasion is designed as low resource survival against huge odds. The AP is also really well reviewed with people saying every chapter is solid. I think I'm leaning towards Ironfang Invasion.

Nilus' Consumables Nilus' New Friends Paladin 7 Sentinel 5/MT 5 Guardian | AC 27 T 16 F 26 DR 5/EPIC | HP 166 | F +18 R +13 W +17 | Init +8 | Perc +13

Ok so I checked out the players guide and now I have a ton of ideas for a new character! I'll list them in no order of preference.

a wandering hermit (would be a Witch OR Shaman OR Druid class) (Probably 1/2 Orc or HalfHobgoblin if that's a thing; Frontier Healer trait)

a freshfaced homegrown ranger (Human Ranger (nirmathi irregular); Chernasardo Hopeful trait)

a displaced dwarf (Dwarf, any class really, Kraggodan Castaway trait)

a tough everyman (Human (or half elf) some martial class, Unbreakable Survivor trait)

Those are the four traits that really called to me, and so I came up with rough ideas for each one. I'd wait till you guys picked before I chose a path. One thing is certain, no Paladins this time. Ironfang Invasion doesn't seem like it would lend itself to that...although maaaaybe a Paladin of Erastil (However, Erastil isn't my cup of tea deity wise)

Male Kellid Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21

I'll download the player's guide for Ironfang and take a look.

Female Magus 12 | AC 26 T 16 F 21| HP 102| F +9 R +9 W +8 | Init +11 | Perc +18

I am calling dibs on a barbarian-style character, right now. I've been tossing this idea around for a while in my head.

Gregor/Dane (names may be changed to protect the innocent source material I shamelessly stole the idea from)

Half-ettin (crunch is human or orc, the half-ettin part is fluff only) where one of the heads (Dane) is effectively blind and simple. The other head (Gregor) doesn't want to disturb Dane's simplistic and naive worldview, so he is constantly describing the area around them in the best light possible. A dark cavern with muck all around he might describe as "Dane, I see a wondrous cave filled with the life of the dark. Sparkling minerals abound on the walls, and crystal-clear water seeps from the moss there." Basically, continually lying to his "brother" to preserve the other's innocence, something Gregor lost a long time ago. Whenever they are in combat, Dane tries to "help" (any time they miss badly) and Gregor is constantly arguing with his brother to leave him be for a moment.

What do you think?


That premise is awesome.

Okay, new campaign is created - head on over here! My closure post is up and I will be mothballing this campaign. ge=last

Male shirren priest mystic 4 | SP 28 HP 30 | RP 6 | EAC 16; KAC 16 | Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +11, blindsense (vibration) 30 ft.;SM:+4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

Ayesha, he should wield a greatclub!

-Posted with Wayfinder


Reminder to hit the other discussino thread!

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