Full Name |
Sarkast |
Race |
Kellid |
Classes/Levels |
Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21 |
Gender |
Male |
About Sarkast
Male human (Kellid) bloodrager (urban bloodrager) 1/unchained rogue 11/Trickster 5
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+23 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 29, touch 18, flat-footed 22 (+9 armor, +1 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 dodge, +2 natural; +2 deflection vs. evil)
hp 122 (12 HD; 11d8+1d10+53)
Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +5; +2 sacred bonus vs. death effects, +2 resistance bonus vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities; +2 resistance vs. evil
Defensive Abilities evasion, hard to kill, mythic saving throws
Speed 70 ft.
Melee +2 freedom's kiss +16/+11 (1d4+7/×3) or
. . +1 returning dagger +15/+10 (1d4+6/19-20) or
. . +1 keen shortspear +12/+7 (1d6+3/19-20) or
Ranged javelin of lightning +14 (1d6+2) or
. . mwk composite longbow +15/+10 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks angelic attacks, bloodrage (6 rounds/day), mythic power (13/day, surge +1d8), scout's charge, second chance 3/day, skirmisher, sneak attack (unchained) +6d6
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 29
Feats Acrobatic, Alertness, Barroom Brawler[ACG], Combat Expertise, Dodge[M], Extra Path Ability[M], Improved Two-weapon Fighting, Mobility[M], Twist Away[ACG], Two-weapon Fighting[M], Weapon Finesse
Traits chance encounter, poverty-stricken, scholar of ruins
Skills Acrobatics +24 (+51 to jump), Appraise +6, Bluff +5 (+9 vs. Dwarves, +7 vs. Gnomes and Halflings, 3 vs. any who are not Dwarves, Gnomes, or Halflings), Climb +13, Craft (weapons) +6, Diplomacy +0 (+4 vs. Dwarves, +2 vs. Gnomes and Halflings, -2 vs. any who are not Dwarves, Gnomes, or Halflings), Disable Device +18, Disguise +0 (+4 vs. Dwarves, +2 vs. Gnomes and Halflings, -2 vs. any who are not Dwarves, Gnomes, or Halflings), Escape Artist +20, Fly +7, Intimidate +0 (+4 vs. Dwarves, +2 vs. Gnomes and Halflings, -2 vs. any who are not Dwarves, Gnomes, or Halflings), Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 (+11 to navigate underground), Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (planes) +14, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +21 (+23 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +20, Sleight of Hand +16, Stealth +20, Survival +18 (+20 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Abyssal, Common, Dwarven, Hallit, Skald
SQ amazing initiative, controlled bloodrage, debilitating injury: bewildered, debilitating injury: disoriented, debilitating injury: hampered, dwarven hardiness, expert acrobat, extra mythic feat[MA], fast movement, fleet charge[MA], foe-biting, impossible speed[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary power, legendary surge, mythic bond, path dabbling[MA], recuperation, rogue talents (combat trick, double debilitation, expert leaper, slow reactions, trap spotter), undetectable, unstoppable strike, vanishing move[MA], wall run[MA]
Combat Gear elixir of hiding (4), javelin of lightning (2), potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of darkvision (2), potion of lesser restoration, potion of shield of faith, quick runner's shirt[UE], alchemist's fire, caltrops, holy water; Other Gear celestial armor, +1 keen shortspear, +1 returning dagger, +2 freedom's kiss, cold iron shortspear (2), dagger, mwk cold iron dagger, mwk composite longbow (+2 Str), mwk dagger, shortbow, shortspear (3), amulet of natural armor +2, belt of dwarvenkind, chime of opening, daredevil boots[ARG], efficient quiver, elixir of vision (6), muleback cords[APG], righteous medal of agility, righteous medal of vigor, ring of protection +1, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, compass[APG], dragon scale - alter self 3/day, +4 bluff vs evil while disguised, flint and steel, folding pole[UE], grappling hook, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork weaponsmithing tools, noble's outfit, periscope[APG], silk rope (50 ft.), spear-thrower, thieves' tools, whetstone, winter blanket, wooden holy symbol of Desna, 654 gp, 7 sp, 3 cp
Special Abilities
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Angelic Attacks (Su) Melee attacks are good-aligned, and do +1d6 to evil outsiders.
Barroom Brawler (1/day) As mv act, gain combat feat that you meet prereqs for for 1 min.
Bloodrage (6 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Controlled Bloodrage Gain lesser bonus split as desired, but without normal drawbacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Debilitating Injury: Bewildered -2/-6 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes AC pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Disoriented -2/-6 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes attack pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Hampered (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage has speed halved (and can't 5 ft step) for 1 rd.
Dodge [Mythic] Use 1 power to gain a +10 dodge bonus against one attack.
Double Debilitation (Ex) When using debilitating injury, apply 2 effects.
Dwarven Hardiness +2 resistance bonus to saves vs. poison, spells, and spell like effects.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Expert Acrobat (Ex) Many skills have no armor check penalty when wearing light armor, +2 Acrobatics, Fly when not wearing armor.
Expert Leaper (Ex) Always running for jumps, add +11 to jump, and can negate more fall distance.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+5 bonus, bypass all DR).
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Impossible Speed (+50 feet) (Ex) Spend 1 power to increase speed by 10 ft/tier for 1 hour.
Mobility [Mythic, 1/round] When an AoO provoked by your movement misses, move 5 ft as a free action.
Mythic Bond A legendary item is typically bonded to a single mythic creature. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it fully.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
Scout's Charge (Ex) Charge attacks deal sneak attack damage as though foe is flat-footed.
Second Chance (3/day) (Ex) Reroll failed Acrobatics, Climb or Fly checks at -5.
Skirmisher (Ex) After move 10 ft, first attack deals sneak attack damage as though foe is flat-footed.
Slow Reactions (Ex) Foes hit by a sneak attack can't make AoO for 1 rd.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +6d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Surge (1d8) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Trap Spotter (Ex) Whenever you come within 10' of a trap, the GM secretly rolls for you to find it.
Twist Away When in light or no armor, may make Ref save instead of Fort, if red eff, avoid entirely.
Two-Weapon Fighting [Mythic] As an imm. action, use 1 power to negate all two weapon fighting attack penalties for 5 rds.
Vanishing Move (Su) Swift action: become invisible until end of turn. 1 power: acts as greater invisibility.
Wall Run (Ex) You can move across vertical surfaces as if they were floors.
Legendary Weapon
Legendary Power (4/day) All legendary items contain a pool of power - at least two uses that recharge each day. This power is called legendary power, and it works differently than mythic power. Any creature bearing the item can expend the items uses of legendary power, whet
Legendary Surge (+1d6 to Attack Rolls - All, Combat Maneuver Checks) All legendary items have a legendary surge ability, similar to a mythic character's surge ability (see page 170). It can be used only on specific rolls or checks based on the nature or purpose of the legendary item - see the Legendary Surge sidebar o
Foe-Biting When this item deals damage, its user can use mythic power to double the total amount of damage it deals. If the attack is a normal attack, the bearer can expend one use of legendary power to double the total amount of damage. If the attack is a conf
Undetectable This grants its bonded user the ability to become utterly undetectable while invisible. While invisible and in physical contact with this item, the bonded creature can't be detected or scryed by any method.
Unstoppable Strike This weapon bypasses all armor. The wielder can expend one use of legendary power when attacking to make the attack against touch AC. If she instead expends two uses of legendary power, the weapon also bypasses any deflection bonus to AC the target has.