Sarkast |
Which down time rules were you thinking of? None of us is really a crafter, and we're not ruling cities or kingdoms (thankfully!).
How much "off camera" time are we talking about?
Sarkast |
I decided to take a Bloodrager dip for some abilities I can't get as a straight rogue. I posted a dream Sarkast had to help explain the emergence of his bloodline. Since I've invested pretty heavily in DEX, I decided to go Urban Bloodrager.
Level 9: Bloodrager 1 (Urban Bloodrager, Celestial Bloodline)
Hit points (d10) 6 + 2 CON = 8
Skill points (7): Acrobatics +1, Disable Device +1, Escape Artist +2, Knowledge (Planes) +1, Perception +1, Survival +1
Feat: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: Gain second attack with off-hand weapon
Class Features
Angelic Attacks (Bloodline Power): Melee attacks count as good-aligned for bypassing DR and deal +1d6 damage to evil outsiders
Controlled Bloodrage 6 rounds/day: +4 bonus to STR/DEX/CON divided 2 at a time
Fast Movement: +10' base speed
Mythic Tier 3
Wall Run (Path Ability): Move on vertical surfaces as if they were floor
Mythic Two-Weapon Fighting (Mythic Feat): As immediate action, spent one mythic point to ignore penalties for two-weapon fighting for a number of rounds equal to mythic tier
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
To spoil a bit ahead (and let you determine character builds), Demon's Heresy uses downtime rules to re-establish Drezen. This AP looves ultimate campaign.
Also, there's now a gigantic stack of loot in the gameplay thread. Take the week to level up, roleplay, and do as you please. I'll start chapter 3 next Monday.
Nilus Romani |
Personally, I'd rather handwave all the "rebuilding Drezen" stuff and let our friend Irabeth take care of that.
Copying Sarkast's format for the levelup
Level 9: Paladin 6
Hit points (d10) 6 + 1 CON = 7 +Mythic TierHP(5)+Exposed to AwfulnessHP(3)=total HP gained +15 (New Total=112)
Skill points (3): +1 Diplomacy +1 Sense Motive +1 Perception
Feat: Ultimate Mercy
Prerequisites: Cha 19, Greater Mercy, lay on hands, mercy class feature.
Benefit: You can expend 10 uses of lay on hands to bring a single dead creature you touch back to life as a raise dead spell with a caster level equal to your paladin level. You must provide the material component for raise dead or choose to accept 1 temporary negative level; this level automatically goes away after 24 hours, never becomes a permanent negative level, and cannot be overcome in any way except by waiting for the duration to expire.
Class Features
+1 BaB
+1 all saves
Add Mercy (Staggered)
+1 LoH/day (new total=10)
Mythic Tier 3 Guardian
Mythic Path Ability:
Impervious Body (Su): You gain DR 5/epic. This ability can be taken a second time at 6th tier or higher and a third time at 9th tier or higher. Each additional time it's taken, the DR increases by 5.
Commune with Power (Su): You can tap into your mythic nature to seek answers to the quandaries you encounter in your adventures. Once per day, in a special ritual that requires you to spend 1 hour of uninterrupted meditation, you can commune with the source of your power. This acts as the commune spell, using your tier as your caster level. The source of your power may be limited in the knowledge it possesses or can deliver, as decided upon by the GM.
Mythic Feat:
You can call upon mythic powers beyond those already invested in you.
Prerequisite: 3rd mythic tier.
Benefit: Choose one mythic ability from your path or from the universal path abilities that you meet the prerequisites for. You gain that path ability.
Recuperation (Ex): At 3rd tier, you are restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren't dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your full hit points (up to a maximum of your full hit points) and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day.
Nilus Romani |
Redo of Mythic Abilities, I didn't read all of them. I don't want Commune with Power. Instead....I'll take Mythic Mercy
Level 9: Paladin 6
Hit points (d10) 6 + 1 CON = 7 +Mythic TierHP(5)+Exposed to AwfulnessHP(3)=total HP gained +15 (New Total=112)
Skill points (3): +1 Diplomacy +1 Sense Motive +1 Perception
Feat: Ultimate Mercy
Prerequisites: Cha 19, Greater Mercy, lay on hands, mercy class feature.
Benefit: You can expend 10 uses of lay on hands to bring a single dead creature you touch back to life as a raise dead spell with a caster level equal to your paladin level. You must provide the material component for raise dead or choose to accept 1 temporary negative level; this level automatically goes away after 24 hours, never becomes a permanent negative level, and cannot be overcome in any way except by waiting for the duration to expire.
Class Features
+1 BaB
+1 all saves
Add Mercy (Staggered)
+1 LoH/day (new total=10)
Mythic Tier 3 Guardian
Mythic Path Ability:
Impervious Body (Su): You gain DR 5/epic. This ability can be taken a second time at 6th tier or higher and a third time at 9th tier or higher. Each additional time it's taken, the DR increases by 5.
Mythic Mercy (Su)
When you use the mercy paladin class feature, your caster level check to remove curses, diseases, and poisons automatically succeeds unless the affliction is from a mythic source. If you expend one use of mythic power when using a mercy, you add break enchantment to its effect, using your paladin level as your caster level. You must have the mercy class feature to select this ability.
Mythic Feat:
You can call upon mythic powers beyond those already invested in you.
Prerequisite: 3rd mythic tier.
Benefit: Choose one mythic ability from your path or from the universal path abilities that you meet the prerequisites for. You gain that path ability.
Recuperation (Ex): At 3rd tier, you are restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren't dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your full hit points (up to a maximum of your full hit points) and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day.
Nilus Romani |
Okay, Nilus is updated.
I waffled between Mythic Mercy, Relentless Healing and Legendary Item.
I really want Radiance to be an artifact (and be an Intelligent Item) but I think Mythic Mercy fits with Nilus' character better. It'll also let Nilus assist Dejik in removing curses/poison/disease and bad mojo on people.
Impervious Body was the obvious choice at 3rd tier.
Okay, as for items, Nilus isn't really interested in any of them, and he is gonna give his +1 Fullplate to Irabeth if she really wants him to keep the Armor of the Pious.
Sarkast |
Sarkast is interested in the Javelins of Lightning, in case he needs to hit someone in the air.
The +1 ghost touch chain shirt would be a 3 point step back in AC for the situational "affects incorporeal", so I think I'll pass on that.
The Bag of Holding is probably good for the party to keep. Likewise the flaming bow and the bane arrows; Dejik is an archer, though with restricted vision, and Sarkast can use a bow if needed. If we keep those, the efficient quiver would be a good place to store them, along with Sarkast's extra spears. He will ask Dejik if she wants to carry it; if not, he will do so.
Sarkast has a +1 chain shirt and a MW chain shirt to add to the pile, since picking up the +2 elven chain.
Spiderbeard, how much access to large markets will we have? Sarkast would want to restock his used elixirs, and there might be some other miscellaneous magic items that would be useful.
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Get your stuff ready for sale, but access to large markets is actually a key point in Demon's Heresy.
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Other thoughts on downtime rules? There's essentially a rebuilding Drezen minigame that's a core conceit of the chapter, much like the mass comabt armies was a conceit of Sword of Valor.
Sarkast |
I personally don't care for minigames in my RPGs. I play tactical combat games and economic strategy games and enjoy them, but don't really feel they need to be mixed into my RPG. I prefer to stick to the parts where I'm actually playing my character.
Does how well we do at the Rebuild Drezen game have a significant effect on later parts of the campaign? Would it be reasonable to just assume "average result" and go forward?
Nilus Romani |
I'm with Sarkast, PBP games already suffer from pacing issues, no need to exacerbate them. Let's skip to the cool parts imho.
Ayesha Jalal |
![Anwa of the Soft Step](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9406-Anwa_90.jpeg)
Personally, I like having additional opportunities to not contribute because I am not suited to do so.
All kidding aside, I understand that paizo wanted to use this AP to highlight the Ultimate Campaign release. I was never a fan of it. It is more about world building and that is something I never really was fond of (I hate Kingmaker, one of the MOST popular Aps on these boards).
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
I'm also not a world building guy. Okay! So I'll do a review and maybe do some rewrites to Demon's Heresy so that the world building happens automatically and is not coordinated by you guys.
On the mass combat, it was strange because I get that Sword of Valor was just not up to snuff with mythic pcs, but the mass combat was laughably easy. There was no threat of any kind unless the PCs failed at absolutely everything.
Frankly, Pathfinder is also a complicated super-crunchy game as it stands. No need to gild the lily ;)
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Hey so some family emergencies over the weekend meant I didn't have the time to do the prep I needed. Bear with! First post will be ASAP, hopefully tonight.
Dejik |
I have a question on one of the Hierophant path abilities:
Shape Channel (Ex) (Mythic Origins pg. 27): As a standard action, you can simultaneously expend one use of mythic power and one use of your channel energy ability to channel energy in a 60-foot cone, a 20-foot-tall cylinder with a 20-foot radius, or a 120-foot line. In addition, whenever you channel energy to damage creatures (whether undead creatures with positive energy or living creatures with negative energy), you can choose to deal half damage (or one-quarter damage to creatures that succeed at their saving throws) and then push back all creatures damaged by the effect. You push each creature back 5 feet for every 1d6 points of channel energy damage you are capable of dealing. Creatures that succeed at their saving throws against your channeled energy are only pushed back half as far (minimum 5 feet). You must have the channel energy class feature to select this path ability.
Because Dejik has Alignment Channel, her positive energy can also damage evil outsiders. Would Shape Channel apply to evil outsiders, too? Or just to undead?
If she picks up Mythic Alignment Channel, would Shape Channel apply to any evil creature?
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Okay, so reading a lot of discussions and this very closely, I'm going to say yes after writing and deleting several other responses.
In short, RAW seems to support it, you have invest a lot of your build into it, and it's not like you guys have a surplus of battlefield control abilities.
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Swiping the idea from another GM I have started a pinterest gallery for this campaign. There I'll upload pictures of NPCs, handouts, and other stuff I think is interesting. Check it out with the link at the top of the page. Right now it's just some generic artwork from the book, and your first handout.
Sarkast |
So here is the list of things unclaimed from the loot log plus the last batch Spiderbeard posted. Based on what other people have said and a conversation Dejik and I just had, here is what I've got for keep / sell.
Everyone speak up if there is something else you want to carry.
Spiderbeard, let us know if we are able to sell things, how much we actually get, and what access to other gear we might have.
Need to identify from Staunton's office:
- an elixir of climbing (I can't find such a thing to price it ...)
- magical glaive
- a set of stone-carved dwarven figurines
- a pair of expensive, ornate vases
- a silver coffer
Divide among the party:
- 4 potions of cure moderate wounds
- 4 potions of shield of faith
- 4 potions of divine favor
- a vial of oil of life, which will cast true resurrection upon a body it is sprinkled upon
- a bag of holding (type III)
- a dose of silversheen
- a potion of lesser restoration
- +2 amulet of natural armour
- +1 ghost touch chain shirt
- +1 flaming composite longbow
- masterwork composite long bow (14 Str rating)
- an efficient quiver
- masterwork composite long bow (14 Str rating)
- 12 +1 flaming arrows
- 2 javelins of lightning
- 19 +2 magical beast bane arrows
Item / Full Value / Sell value
- 4 masterwork chain shirts / 1000 /500
- 4 masterwork composite long bows (14 Str rating) /1200 /600
- 4 masterwork falchions /1500 /750
- +3 spiked full plate / 10700 / 5350
- +1 returning throwing axe / 8308 / 4154
- a rod of metal and mineral detection / 10500 / 5250
- a scroll of divination / 700 /350
- a potion of neutralize poison /750 /375
- a wand of nondetection (23 charges) / 5175 / 2587.5
- 7753 gp
- 1319 sp
- 3438 cp
- 2 pearls worth 500 each /1000
- 8 amethysts worth 800 each / 6400
- 12 agates worth 50 each / 500
- an emerald and ivory scepter worth 4,000 gp /4000
- a silver candelabra worth 75 / 75
- a gold signet ring worth 50 gp / 50
- figurine of wondrous power, bronze griffin / 10000 / 5000
- an elemental gem (earth) /2250 / 1125
- scroll of dimension door / 700 /350
- scroll of move earth /1650 /825
TOTAL / 47160.78
Ayesha Jalal |
![Anwa of the Soft Step](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9406-Anwa_90.jpeg)
spellcraft, glaive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
Here's to identify the glaive, and a few rolls in case anything else is needed.
spellcraft, other: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
spellcraft, other: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
spellcraft, other: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
You guys have had two weeks nad also have Aravashnial as a resource. Everything is identified at this point.
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
... oh yeah.
Uh, more specifically I'll look up what those things are and then tell you what you've identified ;)
Sarkast |
From the "Divide among the party" set, everyone should take a potion from the sets of four.
Who doesn't yet have a natural armor bonus and has a neck slot open for the amulet? Sarkast currently has a +1 amulet.
The Bag of Holding could be very useful, either I or Nilus could probalby carry it (it weighs 35lbs but is small enough I expect it can be tied to a backpack or otherwise carried hands-free). The other potions can either go into the BoH or someone can carry them.
Sarkast |
GM, I just realized that "Divine Favor" is a personal spell, which can't actually be made into potions. I don't remember what room those were from, but they were in the Citadel. Can you confirm that we actually have potions that break the rules, or if that was meant to be something else?
And while you're researching, Sarkast really gets good use out of those Elixirs of Vision. Any chance of more of them being available to purchase from the supply caravans?
Dejik |
Here's Dejik's leveling information:
Oracle level 7
10 hp (5+5), no change to saves
Revelation: Combat Healer (2/day, cast a "cure" spell as a swift action by spending two slots)
Spells added:
- 1st: Remove Sickness
- 2nd: Status, Spear of Purity (favored class bonus spell)
- 3rd: Prayer
Feat: Quick Channel
Mythic tier 3 (Hierophant)
Path ability: Shape Channel
Mythic Feat: Alignment Channel
Mythic Spell: Prayer (+2 bonus to allies/penalty to enemies instead of +1)
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
The glaive is a +2 transformative, glaive called Soulshear that had been casting misdirection on itself. It can also summon a babau once a day.
I'll get back to you on the potions since my night is crazy, Sarkast but you'll know before you use them!
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Drezen's Settlement notes are as such:
- Purchase limit is 2,500 so you can't sell items worth more than 2,500, but you can sell individual items worth less than 2,500.
- Base value is 2,200. I'm ignoring the 75% rule here. Any item worth less than 2,200 is available. There are a few medium magic items available over 2,200 but no major ones. Let me know what you're looking for.
I'll give you guys another day to determine your route and do your buying/selling.
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
And Sarkast - I can't find where the divine favor potions come from. I'll magic them into cure light wounds just to keep things within the rules and at same value.
Sarkast |
OK, then:
1. Keeping the Bag of Holding, and storing things in it we can't currently sell or may have a use for later (obviously wrapping sharp things to prevent damage to the bag) -
- +3 spiked full plate
- +1 returning throwing axe
- a rod of metal and mineral detection
- a wand of nondetection (23 charges)
- figurine of wondrous power, bronze griffin
- a dose of silversheen
- a potion of lesser restoration
- an emerald and ivory scepter worth 4,000 gp
** Who is carrying this? **
2. Dividing up items:
a) Sarkast: Efficient Quiver, with various extra bows, arrows, spears, and javelins
b) Dejik: +1 flaming composite longbow
c) Ayesha: +1 ghost touch chain shirt
d) Nilus: Has not claimed anything specifically, but might be the best person to carry the Bag of Holding
Plus everyone has a potion of CLW, a potion of CMW, and a potion of Shield of Faith.
3. Selling the following:
- 4 masterwork chain shirts
- 2 masterwork composite long bows (14 Str rating)
- 4 masterwork falchions
- a scroll of divination
- a potion of neutralize poison
- 7753 gp
- 1319 sp
- 3438 cp
- 2 pearls worth 500 each
- 8 amethysts worth 800 each
- 12 agates worth 50 each
- a silver candelabra worth 75
- a gold signet ring worth 50 gp
- an elemental gem (earth)
- scroll of dimension door
- scroll of move earth
The party has a total of 20,819.28 gold from these sales.
** Everyone please note your share of 4,163.85 to do with as you see fit. **
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
Yes. Minor magic items are available as much as you need. You're in a desolate hell hole, not Saskatchewan.
Nilus Romani |
Nilus has the Armor of the Pious, which is like an artifact and worth a ton of Gold, Nilus ALSO has Radiance which is another artifact. So, someone can take my share if they are low on items/gp.
We should keep magic scrolls that are on Ayesha's list (Dimension Door, Move Earth) because she is our only arcane caster now.
GM SpiderBeard |
![The Expansionist](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Drawing023Expansionist.jpg)
I'll give Ayesha the weekend to level up and buy stuff. If there's no update I'll push on and autopilot Ayesha until his life settles down.
Ayesha Jalal |
![Anwa of the Soft Step](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9406-Anwa_90.jpeg)
Level 9
hp: +6
fc: +1 hp
abilities: magus arcana (ghost blade), arcane pool 10/day, black blade arcane pool 3/day
feats: extra arcane pool (+2)
skills: (6) - fly, k. arcana, k. planes, perception, spellcraft, umd
upgrades: +6/+1 bab, +6 F, +3 R, +6 W; 5+1 1-level, 4+1 2-level, 3+1 3-level (new)
black blade: +3,14,10,12,teleport blade
Mythic Tier 3
hp: +3
Path Ability: energy conversion
Mythic Feat: extra path ability (eldritch flight)
Mythic ability: Recuperation
I'll try and get the character sheet updated ASAP
Ayesha Jalal |
![Anwa of the Soft Step](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9406-Anwa_90.jpeg)
Okay, I am an idiot. I just realized that my enduring armor ability gives me a force-based AC of 6, which is better than the chain shirt. You can sell that and divvy the proceeds up.
Ayesha no longer needs armor :p
EDIT: and with that, I think Ayesha is updated. I missed a LOT of things when leveling the last few levels, including both of my magus arcana. Apparently I suck at this :p
Ayesha Jalal |
![Anwa of the Soft Step](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9406-Anwa_90.jpeg)
Loot distro (in order of who needs it):
dejik, nilus, ayesha - amulet of natural armour +1
sell - bracers of armour +3
party - decanter of endless water
dejik, nilus - ring of protection +1
hold for future use (DO NOT WEAR) - unholy symbol of Baphomet with an inscription in Abyssal that reads 'Jerribeth' - Nilus feels strangely attuned and at ease to this item
party - an empty bag of holding II