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Okay I finished perusing book 1 of the AP and am working on getting this campaign going now! Please post your finalized characters here in the Discussion thread when you are finished working on them.
The quick and dirty background is you are all in Longacre to start. It is not necessary you all know each other although feel free to say you do if you want. Don't worry about being associated with the House of Thrune currently, that is not required...Yet, he he he he....
Once you are all finished here I'll get the Gameday thread up.

Octavonius Procchus |

This should be Octavonius good to go. He wasn't a major player during his stint of criminal activity as a child and he was a slave/prisoner for the 30ish years in between then and now so I don't imagine he would know very many people outside his tormentors turned handlers but if any of the other players have ideas I am all for them!

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Okay still awaiting Phantom Genius to post his character here, but we are ready to get underway. I will post the Gameday thread later today.
Feel free to do some RPing here but you can all assume you know Cimri Staelish, one of the local crooks in town and also a ne'er do well, and that she has a job for you...

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I updated Hal as well. Since we’d be a little arcane-heavy if I took the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype, I opted instead for Counterfeit Mage and a more typical rogue build.

Phantom Genius |

S12, D14, Cn14, I11, W15, Ch14; AC 18, HP:11
Domains: Trickery, Evil
Feats: Selective Channeling and Extra Channel
Campaign trait: Scion of Nine Hells
Other trait: TBD
Skills: Bluff6, Disguise5, Diplo6, Stealth6, (Heal2 if he must)
Prepared Spells -
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1st: Blessing of the Watch, Burning Disarm, *Prot. from Good
Melee touch 5x/day sickens
Copycat as move action (1 round)
Gear: Lamellan Lthr and hvy wooden shield (left hand)
Short sword in scabbard (right hand) +1/d8+1 19-20
Lt Crossbow (on back) +2/d8 19-20
30 bolts
Cleric's kit
Plain black cloak with hood up
9 gp
Character stuff to put in alias.

Aurelius Flavius |

Hi, Gameplay updates werent showing for me, here I am :).
Quick TLDR Mechanically, since Omduras are relatively rare:
1: I can, minutes per class level, make all of you benefit from inquisitor judgements. You would be getting profane boni because I am evil.
It should be noted that, should nothing else be needed, I can judgement healing all of you and heal 10 (I think, 1 round=6 seconds?) hp from everyone.
2: I casts spells like an inquisitor, but also has access to cleric spell list. I got inflict wounds (because evil), Cure wounds (will swap out later) and divine favor for level 1s. Spell progression is like an inquisitors. If we have anoher cleric, I can swap cure light with command for versatility.
3: I picked a Malebranche with favored weapon bastard sword because I am a horrible munchkin, which makes me chuckle mildly at being a melee with only simple weapon proficiencies.
4: Skillwise: CHA 18 kind of lends itself to face skills.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

Does the palisade entrance help us with the stench problem? (Or the dog problem?) What about covering our mouths and noses?

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Hey guys,
I wanted to know if you were interested in having another player join our happy brotherhood of villany here. The player noral has a good reputation here on the boards and I have DM'ed him before.
Let me know what you think and if you give the word, then I will pass the news on to him!
Thanks for your consideration.

noral |

Hello DM Eric and fellow players!
Thanks a lot for inviting me to your game and you cannot imagine how excited I am!
I have never played in an evil campaign before so this will be a new experience and I am already looking forward to the game with you although I have to admit that I have to get used to the thought of being a villain. ;-)
I checked out your party composition and you clearly have the divine and arcane spellcasting, combat and support roles covered!
I will be on vacation from this weekend onwards for two weeks so I will join you beginning of September.
I will use the time to draft a character concept and will share that here for DM Eric's and all of your consideration.
Currently, I am leaning towards an Antipaladin with an archetype so that the character can be LE in alignment. Would that be ok?
Have a great week everyone!

Aurelius Flavius |

Nice, Seems that we would have *pun incoming* one hell of a frontline them.
Omduras are very much not feat intensive, if you are going for a fear build, I can see what I could contribute to it.
--Antipaladin Insinuator is one of the "doesnt have to be CE" options, and you could theoretically smite anything. Insinuators are the most "mercenariest" Antipaladins, so there would be a possible tie in with Aurelius backstory.
--It gives us someone who can actually wear heavy armor, because our actual frontline kind of cant.

noral |

Nice, Seems that we would have *pun incoming* one hell of a frontline them.
Omduras are very much not feat intensive, if you are going for a fear build, I can see what I could contribute to it.
--Antipaladin Insinuator is one of the "doesnt have to be CE" options, and you could theoretically smite anything. Insinuators are the most "mercenariest" Antipaladins, so there would be a possible tie in with Aurelius backstory.
--It gives us someone who can actually wear heavy armor, because our actual frontline kind of cant.
Thanks for the advice and I think you made a great suggestion with the insinuator Antipaladin archetype. The Tiefling backgrounds in the group kind of inspired me so I’m going for an Church-of-Asmodeus-educated Tiefling Antipaladin that eventually concentrates on ranged combat.
I’ve already started on the character background! Evil is an awesome twist I have to say. ;-)

Amala Zorex |

Hello GM and fellow players,
Here the character background. I can of course change anything that you find inappropriate.
It would be great if my character could have a connection to one of you players as a little bit of mutual history makes it easier to integrate a new face I think?

Aurelius Flavius |

One issue I see is that there seems little in character reason for her to be a Thrune Loyalist in any way shape or form.
Possible alteration: She was freed by Thrune-Hellknights, because the Evil Sorcerresses were experimenting with Demon or Daemon binding and sacrificing Asmodean worshippers to Demons in the process, which is insanely illegal.
Following this she was placed in an Orphanage, as her legal status so to speak was unclear, where one of the instructors was a secret Callistrian.
Possible connections:
--For the summoning of the "Sire Devil" that is the source of Aurelius bloodline, the sorcerresses were employed. Said Sire Devil was a Succubus in disguise (as a long term prank, forces loyal to Nocticula managed to abduct said sire devil, including stealing his true name), resulting in Aurelius being Abyssal rather then infernal (and now a mercenary bastard rather then a noble living the high live).
--Aurelius may have been a noble hell knight "aspirant" (he was there strictly because "participated in a hostage rescue" would look good on his CV, to the chagrin of the 2 hellknights tasked with keeping "noble numbnuts" alive) , and could have been part of the force that freed her.

Amala Zorex |

These are great points!! Let me build this in but I’ll on vacation so give me a couple of days.
Really liked your background by the way! :-D
@DM Eric: Hello GM, one other question I have is if you allowed to roll on the d100 table for Tieflings to have a variant ability instead of the spell like ability?
Some tieflings are blessed or cursed with unusual abilities. GMs may customize their tiefling NPCs using the following chart, or allow their players to do so by rolling a d%. Players with a particular character concept in mind may consult their GM if they want to select a specific variant ability.
The abilities presented here replace a tiefling’s spell-like ability racial trait. Any abilities that grant spells or spelllike abilities are treated as having a caster level equal to the tiefling’s character level.
d% Ability
1 You can animate a 1 HD skeleton, as per animate dead, once per day as a spell-like ability.
2 You possess some type of extrasensory organ, granting you all-around vision.
3 You enjoy being cut. The first time each day you take slashing damage, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for the following round.
4 You can use mage hand three times per day as a spell-like ability.
5 Inherited memories grant you a +2 racial bonus on one Knowledge skill of your choice.
6 You can levitate yourself plus 10 pounds at will, as per the spell levitate. This is a supernatural ability.
7 You can eat and gain nourishment from ash, cinders, dust, and sand.
8 You gain a +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls against good-aligned outsiders.
9 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Charisma score.
10 You possess a bite that is treated as a natural weapon and deals 1d4 points of damage.
11 Once per day, you can exhibit a burst of speed, moving as if your base land speed were 50 feet for one move action.
12 You do not need to sleep. You are not immune to sleep effects.
13 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made against disease.
14 Your base land speed increases by +5 feet.
15 You possess a fiendishly cunning tongue, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Diplomacy checks.
16 You have oversized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.
17 You possess claws that are treated as natural weapons and deal 1d4 points of damage.
18 You gain DR 2/bludgeoning.
19 You gain a Swim speed of 30 feet.
20 You gain a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks.
21 You possess fiendish luck. Once per day, you can reroll one die roll. You must take the result of this second roll.
22 You can use detect evil, as per the spell, three times per day.
23 You never need to drink to survive.
24 Once per day, you can produce a sharp barb from your body. This barb is removable and is treated as a dagger.
25 You gain acid resistance 5.
26 Your body produces intense, searing heat. Any creature that grapples you takes 1d4 points of fire damage per round.
27 You can speak two additional languages spoken by extraplanar beings.
28 Any evil creature you call via summon monster remains for 3 rounds longer than usual.
29 You gain a +1 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
30 You can alter your shadow to make it appear as that of any creature or object of your size or smaller.
31 You can burrow through dirt, sand, and loose gravel at a rate of 5 feet per round.
32 You can sense weakness, granting you a +1 bonus on all rolls to confirm critical hits.
33 You gain DR 2/silver.
34 You do not lose consciousness until you are reduced to –5 hit points.
35 You possess long limbs and a powerful grip, features that grant you a +2 racial bonus on all Climb checks.
36 You can communicate telepathically with any sentient creature with which you are in contact.
37 Once per day, you can use death knell as a spell-like ability.
38 At will, you can spend a full-round action concentrating to receive the benefits of tremorsense 60 feet for 1 round.
39 Once per day, you can move at double your normal speed for 1 round.
40 As a full-round action, you can bleed and collect 5 sp worth of precious blood per day.
41 You possess spell resistance equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice.
42 The spell animate dead can return you to life as per the spell raise dead 1d4 times.
43 Your fiendish sorcery ability treats your Charisma score as if it were 3 points higher instead of 2.
44 You are unusually short, granting you all the standard traits of a Small creature.
45 Your features are subtly malleable, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Disguise checks.
46 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Intelligence score.
47 You can use curse water three times per day as a spell-like ability.
48 You are invisible to all unintelligent undead. This is a supernatural ability.
49 You are healed by both positive and negative channeled energy.
50 Your skin is unnaturally tough, granting you a +1 natural bonus to your AC.
51 You can speak to all birds.
52 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against poison.
53 You possess the scent special ability.
54 You gain DR 2/piercing.
55 You are unnaturally sly, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Sleight of Hands checks.
56 Once per day, you can spit acid. This glob deals 1d4 points of acid damage and has a range increment of 5 feet.
57 Your body exudes painfully freezing cold. Any creature that grapples you takes 1d4 points of cold damage per round.
58 You heal yourself of double the normal amount of damage by resting.
59 You gain a +1 bonus on all Will saving throws.
60 You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks at night.
61 You can manipulate any armor, gauntlets, or shield you wield, causing them to grow spikes. These spikes last only as long as you wear your armor.
62 You can use deathwatch three times per day as a spell-like ability.
63 You have some manner of inhuman sensory organ. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against all gaze attacks.
64 Once per day, for 1 round, you may see through any substance less than 5 feet thick—except for lead—as if it were glass. This is a supernatural ability.
65 Your strange physiology grants you a +2 racial bonus on all Acrobatics checks.
66 You can drink and gain nourishment from ash, cinders, dust, and sand.
67 Your eyes glow fiendishly and you possess the see in darkness ability as if you were a devil.
68 You gain damage reduction 2/cold iron.
69 Once per day, you can use fog cloud as a spell-like ability.
70 You are aware of and can choose the result of any attempt to detect your alignment.
71 Once per day, you can spend a full-round action eating from a corpse to regain 1d6+1 hit points.
72 You can communicate telepathically with any evil creature within 50 feet.
73 You can use minor image three times per day as a spell-like ability.
74 Once per day, as a spell-like ability, you can animate a Small or smaller object for a number of rounds equal to your level. Treat this object as an animated object.
75 You gain sonic resistance 5.
76 You can hold your breath for 3 rounds longer than normal.
77 You can speak to insects.
78 Your skin is spiky. Any creature that attempts to grapple you takes 1d4 points of damage.
79 You receive a +1 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
80 You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD.
81 Once per day, you can use rage on yourself as a spell-like ability.
82 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
83 Once per day, exposure to fire heals you of 1d6 points of damage. This ability does not negate fire damage.
84 You are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects.
85 Supernatural awareness grants you a +2 racial bonus on all Perception checks.
86 Your anatomy is slightly unusual, giving you a 15% chance to ignore critical hits made against you.
87 You can survive on one-quarter the amount of food and water a human requires.
88 Any damage you deal with a melee weapon is treated as evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
89 Once per day, you can use inflict light wounds as a spell-like ability.
90 You gain an additional +2 racial bonus to your Wisdom score.
91 You gain DR 2/slashing.
92 You can see creatures on the Ethereal Plane.
93 Once per day, you may ask a corpse one yes-or-no question, as per the spell speak with dead. This is a spell-like ability.
94 You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against nausea.
95 You are flexible and slightly slimy, and thus gain a +2 racial bonus on all Escape Artist checks.
96 You can use ventriloquism at will as a spell-like ability.
97 Once per day as a standard action, you may suppress your unusual tiefling physical features for a number of minutes equal to your Con modifier, thus appearing human.
98 You receive +1 bonus hit point per level.
99 Once per week, you may mentally contact a fiendish ancestor to gain information, as per the spell commune. This is a spell-like ability.
100 Roll on this table twice, ignoring any further rolls of 100.

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Let me chip in my thoughts on the background for Amala here. I really like the direction that she is taking here and not following all the typical stereotypes of being a freed slave. Everybody is different and they follow their own individual paths. Feel free to work yourself into Aurelius's background here.

Amala Zorex |

Thanks GM!
Hello DM Eric, yes of course I read the Player’s guide. Currently, text from the campaign trait Asmodean Acolyte is included in the background. I saw the restrictions on CE but promise that although the character will be CE, I as a player will always push the story and not derail but still try to be alignment. But I think that Aurelius is absolutely correct that I need more reasons to really work with house thrune and the faith of Asmodeus so I’ll make adjustments!! Any suggestions accepted. ;-)
Also thanks for the possibility to use the table. I think that can be interesting. I thought that you’d roll but of course I can roll as well.
d100 Tiefling variant ability : 1d100 ⇒ 9
In case anybody else has suggestions then I’m always open. :-D

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I would say tact is a combination of Wisdom and Charisma. Hallidan has no particular excess of the one, and a distinct lack of the other, so he’s liable to say the wrong thing at times. Not in a game-ruining way, just a pot-stirring way.

Aurelius Flavius |

I mean, I did play a CN character that spent a good bit of 2 acts as solidly CE, in wrath of the rightous. Was a favorite group kind off.
Highlights of his antics:
--In act 4, where the party visits Nocticulas capital and seeks to gain her attention, he succesfully spread the rumor that the parties Paladin is a virgin, and also bluffed the party into believing that "Nay mylady, though art highly attractive, but I am a sacred virgin and am saving myself for someone", is the diplomatically appropriate way to resist the advances of a Succubus/Lilitu whatever.
He also betted several 100K gold on the Paladin staying a virgin.
Hilarity ensued.
He lost the bet, Nocticula, after saving the Party from Baphomet, did joink the absolutely lovestruck Paladin of Shelyn, getting the Paladin seduced, and my CN/CE Bloodrager heavily indebted, by one action.
One of my CN/CEs Bloodragers mythic trials was then to get out of debt, which he tried by collecting the bounty for Baphomet in hell. Unfortunately, Mammon paid the 666.666K in copper coins, trying to drown my character in it.
--Act 3: Intimidate a Ghibrileth into serving the party, dress him up with a lot of fakeblood, cast a fireball at him, then succesfully pretend to a worldwound dragon that the Ghibrileth is a massive tribute meatball. Unfortunately, this just turned the wordlwound dragon into an Abyssal Cancer worldwound dragon, but it was a reasonably cunning ploy.
--Act 3, tried to assassinate a Glabrezu by dropping a rune anvil dedicated to Torag at it. It didnt quite work, effing mirror image.
--Act 1: Creative use of Ventriloquism, alter voice and a conveniently placed Deskari statue resulted in the enemy cultist believing that the Paladin is the chosen one.

Amala Zorex |

Hello GM, so I’ll be back home from vacation on Aug 28 and the first week will be hard at work but I assume to have my char sheet ready Sep 1.
If you want to introduce my character at any point GM then you can do so because I’ve got the profile picture etc and can make posts but I need time to make the char sheet properly and can’t do that during vacation. ;-) I also need to make the changes to the background but if we assume that Mr. Flavius and I are old acquaintances or that this mysterious bald person somehow brings me in or that Cimri and I know each other then this might be enough and we flesh it out in the fly. :-D

Aurelius Flavius |

Backstory proposal, since there is actually an opportunity to do so entirely in character:
About the backscratcher thing you see Aurelius speaks
"Heroically rescues hostages from fake Asmodean sorceresses, who actually also sacrifice to demons" was something that looks really good on your Curriculum vitae if you are an up and coming young noble, so...
Little noble numbnuts, meaning me, gets voluntold into assisting a bunch of Hellknights into aiding them in a raid, while the hellknights, led by a full blown Erinye, also get voluntold into accepting my assistance, because having a rookie like my tagging along with them was totally their preference yesyes.
Aurelius chuckles
So, as soon as we enter, the Erinye says "you and you, guard the entrance as well as our noble numbsnuts, the rest proceed along with me, comments? Aurelius speaks with a surprisingly pleseant to hear female voice as he mimicks the Erinyes speech patterns.
I was thinking, "So I wont get in the f+%*ing way, and apparently she is got going to tie me to a pillar or something lest I get adventorous noble ideas"
He pauses
And then I hear the Erinye in my head saying "*Chuckles*, I was considering that, but I will probably need the rope elsewhere, just stay where you f~!!ing are and dont do anything stupid"
He stops for effect.
So, about 6 minutes later, 6 minutes mostly filled with listening to screams and sounds of battle, someone comes, 2 people actually, a sorceress whose outfit would probably be too tacky to work in an Alysushinyrran brothel, and a teenager she was using as a hostage, with a knife at the teenagers throat. You can imagine what happened next, "I HAVE A HOSTAGE LET ME PASS OR SHE BITES IT" "NOPE, LOSING ONE HOSTAGE IS A WORTHWHILE TRADE TO KILL YOU" at this point she figures I am the weakest target and cast some type of charm spell at me.
So I do something really stupid and pretend that it worked when it actually didnt, and spout some gibberish about me clearly knowing that she is an undercover agent, as I move over to her side.
She like grins and is like "HAHA 2 HOSTAGES NOW" and I run her through with my sword from behind. So, the hostage like, embraces and hugs me, and I feel the most heroic I ever felt in my life. Only for her to break the hug, and start stabbing the hell out of the dead sorceress, with my own cold iron knife, which she just happened to steal from my while hugging me.
Her name was Amala, and I think she got transfered into a relatively decent orphanage, you know, one of those that normally cater to the dependents of Chelaxian military personel. I did remark to the thankfully amused rather then pissed Erinye that I thought the girl had potential.

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No rush here Amala, just work on her character stats/background when you can and I will introduce her when you are finished. I do encourage character background interaction btw!
FYI I will be heading out of town to visit my family on Sept. 2nd and will be gone about a week. I will have access to my laptop with me and will check the thread every day but I may not be posting much until I return.
PS: The weapons provided here are indeed intended for each of you. I picked out what I thought are your favorite weapons here but if I made a mistake then let me know.

Amala Zorex |

Alright! Thanks GM and Mr. Flavius! ;-)
I’ll have everything ready before you are back GM early September.