GM SpiderBeard's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Barvo Delancy

Chapter Three: Demon's Heresy

Currently at: The Ivory Sanctum

Campaign Gallery | Party Tracking Sheet (Stats, Items, Gold) | The Marchlands Map

Campaign Log | Our Heroes

Barvo Delancy

Anevia Tirablade
Anevia Tira-blade

(69 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Aravashnial the Conjurer

(70 posts)
Aron Kir
Aron Kir

(20 posts)
Arueshalae the Risen

Female CN Succubus Master Spy 6 / Trickster 3 | HP: 223/223 | AC: 31 (19 Tch, 25 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 36 | F: +14, R: +17, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +27, SR: 18 | Speed 40ft Fly 50 ft (avg) | Mythic Power 7/9, Surge +1d6
(16 posts)
The Expansionist
GM SpiderBeard

(10,124 posts)
Her Majesty Queen Galfrey

(13 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Irabeth of Iomedae

Female Half-Orc Paladin 5 | AC 21 T 9 F 21 | HP 39/42 | F +7 R +4 W +7 | Init -1 | Perc +1 | LoH 2d6 4/4 | Spells Lvl 1: 2/2
(94 posts)
Horgus Gwerm
Lord Horgus Gwerm

(52 posts)
Sosiel Vaenic
Sosiel of Shelyn

(13 posts)
Barvo DelancyNurah_Dendiwhar


Anwa of the Soft Step
Ayesha Jalal

Female Magus 12 | AC 26 T 16 F 21| HP 102| F +9 R +9 W +8 | Init +11 | Perc +18
(861 posts)
DM Bigrin

The Great Rinaldo!


Male Kellid Rogue (Unch) 11 / Urban Bloodrager 1 / Trickster 5| AC 29(32 w/Cmb Exp) T 18 F 22 | HP 122/122 | F +7 R +14 W +5 | Init +11 | Perc +21
(1,184 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Variel Duardlon

CN [Male Elf] Inquisitor of Calistria 9 | HP 51/51 (+18) | AC 21 (T 12 F 20) | CMB +10, CMD 22 | F +7 R +5 W +11 | Init. +5 | Percep +18, Sense Motive +20 | Speed 30ft | Judgment: 3/day (1 used) | Bane:14/day (1 used)| Conditions: -
(1,075 posts)
The Great Rinaldo!Tony Lindman

Gwen Smith


Female Kellid Pal 2 Or 9 | AC 20 T 13 F 17 | HP 70/133 | F+17 R+12 W+15 | Init+6 | Per +0 | Life links: Entire party
Remaining Mythic Points: 6/9, Spells: 1-8/10, 2-5/8, 3-3/7, 4-5/5, Channel: 3/7 LoH: 7/7 Smite: 1/1 Scale: 3/3

(689 posts)
Gwen Smith


Red Dragon
GM Niles

Encounter Map
(6,083 posts)
Nilus Romani

Nilus' Consumables Nilus' New Friends Paladin 7 Sentinel 5/MT 5 Guardian | AC 27 T 16 F 26 DR 5/EPIC | HP 166 | F +18 R +13 W +17 | Init +8 | Perc +13
(988 posts)



Outsider Eidolon HP: 58/58 AC:25/Mage Armor 29 Saves F: 6 R: 8 W: 1
(187 posts)
Ronan Black

Male Half Elf Summoner 8/Achmage 2 | HP 78 | AC 18/13/15 +2 if Next to Jinxx | Saves F 7/ R 7 / W 8 | Init +6 | Perc +3
(394 posts)

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