- received 14 of 17 sheets
- checked all of them
- 8 are finalised (see below)
- of the other 6, most are minor issues which we're just sorting out (some very minor)
- of the 3 not received, 2 have been promised. One (Tangaroa/Kullr) doesn't seem to be responding and I will if necessary look for a replacement
- the 18th player hasn't responded either and I am going to have a look for a replacement
For the finalised sheets, I've uploaded the checked .por files and also the output stat blocks to the Google Drive. I'd encourage you to check the stat blocks and then copy them to your profile. In particular I don't want to end up looking aside at a character sheet residing on another site ...
I've posted the first of two prologues to the Campaign Info section. They're meant to introduce the campaign(s), which will have a common starting point. It's kind of a teaser trailer (and I may redraft it slightly), I hope to have the second up there in a couple of days.
Huh... I only see four files in the Google Drive, for some bizarre reason, none of which are the stat block for Rahadur. Maybe there's some bizarre permissions issue? Or I somehow am looking at a cached version of the page? I'll fiddle around and see if I can figure out what's going on with me.
You should have view access only on both, which should be enough to download them. Nobody has changed the settings on them since the new directories were created.
Still have me listed as a Clockwork Alchemist. Also, my stat sheet isn't in the folder.
Yes, I need to go back and change the list on the campaign info. But I just uploaded another couple of sheets to the folder, including Brintak (I'm only uploading them as they get finalised, and even then there's maybe a couple of days delay as I'm on vacation so doing them in batches), and hope to have another couple done tonight. I'm still waiting on some, will post an update later.
Been through again, along with back and forth with various players.
- received 15 of 17 sheets
- checked all of them
- 10 are finalised - these are uploaded into the directories on the Google Drive
- The other 5 are Kinnith, Gadron, Quinrey, Baerloth, Kveldúlfr - in most of these cases the changes are minor and I'm just waiting for them to be confirmed
- Still waiting for Eirikki & Kullr and also am chasing the 18th player
Received 16. I have given up on Kullr and the other player (qstor) ever replying and am sorting out two replacements.
Still waiting on final modifications from Kinnith, Gadron, Quinrey, Baerloth, Kveldúlfr, Eerikki
I will try to post Prologue 2 tomorrow. After that we are ready to go as soon as each of the party sheets is finalised and I will start the campaigns as the teams complete.
Raven's Call: 2/6 players ready
The Hollow: 4/6 players ready
Atop the Warring Blasphemies: 4/6 players ready
Looked through the stat block you made and put it on my profile. A couple things: I put a rank in Linguistics to learn Goblin, and where did I get Gnomish Magic and Undead Diplomacy?
Looked through the stat block you made and put it on my profile. A couple things: I put a rank in Linguistics to learn Goblin, and where did I get Gnomish Magic and Undead Diplomacy?
I'll take a look later as I am on the road today ... but in general can we keep the individual stat block discussions to PM please? I am working through 18 of them and it's a fair bit easier to track (plus I have to borrow my daughter's computer to run herolab! so I'm tending to batch up the checks later in the day).
- Gnomish magic is a feature of choosing gnomish language
- Undead diplomacy is a feature of choosing dharakul (undercommon) language
- skills - take a look and let me know by PM which one was incorrectly allocated, it might have been from an earlier version of the sheet. I'll then allocate 1 to linguistics and add goblin.
So am I - sorry about the posting rate. We're still finishing up our family vacation - flying home on Tuesday evening. I'll PM everyone before the respective campaigns kick off.
Oooo, interesting... I can already imagine Rahadur making oblique references to this in vague prophecy-like terms and having no clue what he's talking about... :D
OK, just been through a bunch of character updates:
- received 16 of 18 sheets (but see below, the number is effectively 15)
- checked all of them
- 13 are finalised (see below)
- Still waiting on final modifications from Quinrey & Baerloth
- Kveldúlfr has dropped out. This leaves us 3 players short (see below). I think I have replacements lined up for all of them
Raven's Call: 4/6 players ready - waiting on two new players
The Hollow: 5/6 players ready - waiting on Quinrey
Atop the Warring Blasphemies: 4/6 players ready - waiting on Baerloth and 1 new player
I'm still hopeful of getting all 3 campaigns kicked off by the weekend. I think we're pretty close on the Hollow and may start this one tomorrow but on the other campaigns I need to get and review the submissions from the new players.
Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7
Just a note to all regards my withdrawal - PM'd GM-S to let him know.
Work is running me very ragged at the moment, and as such I'm barely keeping up with life, let alone the pbps I'm currently involved in.
Know Shady runs a very immersive game, and as such know my B-game is not befitting of the standard. As such I've taken the very tough decision to drop out.
Typically not me as a player, so there is a sizeable slice of regret even as I type this - however last thing I wanted to do was token post.
Thanks for the opportunity Shady - hope I'll find a place at your virtual table again down the line. Everyone else - enjoy and hope to game with sum (all) of you in the future.
Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7
Yeah - sorry Almonihah was looking forward to the collaboration.
I'm in oil & gas in Scotland - small service company who've leaned down to the minimum over the last 6 months.
My role has taken on more managerial responsibilities and I'm the lone on-call guy which means I'm potentially on point 24/7 for the foreseeable. 2 overseas jobs went arse up over the last week and the resultant fallout/root cause/meetings and paperwork has fallen on me to oversee and drive to conclusion.
Bottom line is its burned me out and jumping into one of Shady's game's half-arsed would have done me/him nor you lot playing alongside me any favours. I take pride in the games I'm in and in this case it meant a (very) reluctant set aside at the 11th hour.
Again hope I haven't let my fellow Northlands table and Shady down too much.
@Black Dow - no problem, I'll definitely come back to you if there's a slot opens here or in another campaign. Definitely someone I want to play with again.
I actually have the 3 additional character specs now (I think) so still hopefully on schedule. May have to do a little last minute juggling though.
Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7
GM Shady wrote:
@Black Dow - no problem, I'll definitely come back to you if there's a slot opens here or in another campaign. Definitely someone I want to play with again.
I actually have the 3 additional character specs now (I think) so still hopefully on schedule. May have to do a little last minute juggling though.
Cheers Shady - much appreciated.
Aye please keep me posted - sentiment is a mutual one. And once I'm out of this tunnel I'll hopefully have more time on my hands/mind.
Baerloth is now done, and I've received 2 of the missing 3 submissions/replacements.
Raven's Call: 4/6 players ready - waiting on two new players (both submissions received)
The Hollow: 5/6 players ready - waiting on Quinrey
Atop the Warring Blasphemies: 5/6 players ready - waiting on 1 new player
Hey all, I'm just checking in again to keep track of the thread a little better; my last post was a while ago, and this'll make it easier to follow when the Shady gets the games set up. I can't wait to play with you guys.
We have a minotaur fighter and a kobold rogue joining table 1. The first is basically done; the second hopefully we can sort out today.
Waiting on Quinrey finalising for table 2.
Don't have a replacement for table 3 at this point - if nothing today I will start with 5.
I've changed the links at the top - people were having difficulties - you should be able to directly access the directories with the checked stat blocks and hero lab files.
This character would work for either scenario as the frontline fighter, though he works best if there's another melee nearby to help him out.
A quick note on fluff, since I don't have any of the setting books and $20 is not a small purchase for a starving college student: I made a best-guess that Fenrir is a god in Midgard, since Jormungandr is. If not, I'm looking for a god that represents the fury of nature chained by civilization.
This character would work for either scenario as the frontline fighter, though he works best if there's another melee nearby to help him out.
A quick note on fluff, since I don't have any of the setting books and $20 is not a small purchase for a starving college student: I made a best-guess that Fenrir is a god in Midgard, since Jormungandr is. If not, I'm looking for a god that represents the fury of nature chained by civilization.
Comments and criticism very much welcome.
To be clear, I don't think people should be buying material for what is a recruitment thread (the ones with guaranteed slots are in a slightly different position). Note btw the campaign setting for hero lab, for those that have it, is $10. And I doubt you're starving, but I do hear you.
If necessary I will help people on the fluff and fine tuning.
OK, where we are I think at the moment. Numbers in parentheses are the preferred starting scenario, with 1=Ravens Call and 2=The Hollow. Where not indicated I haven't seen a preference.
Where I don't know the race I've put human, but it's basically one of the CRB races.
Players from my existing campaigns (none of these have actually submitted yet, this is the indication of interest):
- Player 1: Human Spell-less ranger, I think, with animal companion
- Player 2: Human Cleric/Eclesitheurge
- Player 3: Human Medium/Relic Channeler (1) OR
- Player 3: Human Ranger/Beastmaster (2) with Roc
- Player 4: No indication
- Player 5: Human Unchained Monk
From this thread (submissions, no particular order):
- Whiskey: Einarr Alfasson, Human Skin Changer Spell-less Ranger
- KatGrey: Ashekara Kalder, Human Gravewalker Witch (2)
- Rotolutundro: Alennil Shandeir, Perunalian weapon master ranged fighter (2)
- Rotolutundro: Jhaele Jhalur, Magdar paladin of the Order of the Undying Sun (2)
- Rotolutundro: Baerloth Ammon, gearforged (tauric engine) clockwork warrior fighter (2)
- Scranford: Crea-Asp, Dragonkin Steelblood Bloodrager
- Black Dow: Human Unchained Monk (1)
- DekoTheBarbarian: Brintak, Kobold Clockwork Alchemist
- Paxx1717: Thule Stormheart, Dwarf Druid
- Paxx1717: Serris Vax, Human Druid (I'll note this, there may be a case for revisiting it)
- psionichamster: Gadron Delboriel, Elf Illusionist
- qstor: Eerikki Ravenfolk, tengu rogue
- Dreaming Warforged (planning inquisitor)
- TheOrcnextdoor
- Monkeygod
- Almonihah
- Mark Thomas 66
- rknop (arcane caster, or rogue)
I'll try to post regular updates for the rest of the process.
I'm working on a second character for submission, called Badluck Baldek. I think a witch fits best for him, and I was thinking of giving him a focus on ley lines through feat selection and archetype (ley line guardian).
I'm struggling on worship though. I was first thinking Rava, through his family and upraising in Zobeck, but I was wondering if you had other suggestions.
Regarding the names, thanks for the advice. Sometimes, thinking of names is a way for me to think of characters and their flaws; what makes them human and what makes them memorable as characters. A nickname is a way inside the character's demeanour, as well as how he or she is perceived by others. That being said, I don't do this all the time and will keep your advice in mind when making final submissions.
So far, it looks like Bjorg, an inquisitor of Loki, for the Northland starting campaign, and Baldek, a witch, for the Crossroads starting one.
Numbers in parentheses are the preferred starting scenario, with 1=Ravens Call and 2=The Hollow. Where not indicated I haven't seen a preference.
Where I don't know the race I've put human, but it's basically one of the CRB races.
Players from my existing campaigns (none of these have actually submitted yet, this is the indication of interest):
- Player 1: Human Spell-less ranger, I think, with animal companion
- Player 2: Human Cleric/Eclesitheurge
- Player 3: Human Medium/Relic Channeler (1) OR
- Player 3: Human Ranger/Beastmaster (2) with Roc
- Player 4: No indication
- Player 5: Human Unchained Monk
From this thread (submissions, no particular order):
- Whiskey: Einarr Alfasson, Human Skin Changer Spell-less Ranger
- KatGrey: Ashekara Kalder, Human Gravewalker Witch (2)
- Rotolutundro: Alennil Shandeir, Perunalian weapon master ranged fighter (2)
- Rotolutundro: Jhaele Jhalur, Magdar paladin of the Order of the Undying Sun (2)
- Rotolutundro: Baerloth Ammon, gearforged (tauric engine) clockwork warrior fighter (2)
- Scranford: Crea-Asp, Dragonkin Steelblood Bloodrager
- Black Dow: Human Unchained Monk (1)
- DekoTheBarbarian: Brintak, Kobold Clockwork Alchemist
- Paxx1717: Thule Stormheart, Dwarf Druid
- Paxx1717: Serris Vax, Human Druid (I'll note this, there may be a case for revisiting it)
- Tangaroa: Kullr, human skald (1)
- psionichamster: Gadron Delboriel, Elf Illusionist
- qstor: Eerikki Ravenfolk, tengu rogue
- Dreaming Warforged (planning inquisitor) (1)
- Dreaming Warforged (planning witch) (2)
- TheOrcnextdoor
- Monkeygod
- Almonihah
- Mark Thomas 66
- rknop (arcane caster, or rogue)
Recruitment will close midnight, British Summer Time (GMT+1), 31 July.
I'm definitely planning on playing an Oracle--probably a dragonkin one, worshipping Azuran (I did got ahead and by the campaign setting--I'd wanted to for a while, this just provided me a good excuse). I do have a few questions, though:
*How do you feel about the Deaf Oracle's Curse? I think it's an interesting role-playing challenge, but I recognize it can make things difficult. I'm assuming you'd allow the common house-rule of being able to take lip-reading as a language via Linguistics if I were to do this, but I'd still probably think about it even if you didn't.
*How are dragonkin viewed in the parts of Midgard far from the Mharoti Empire? I haven't had the time to read the Campaign Setting in-depth yet, so I haven't got a feel for this.
...And I feel like there was another, but it's not coming to me right now.
Edit: Oh, names! What kinds of names to Dragonkin often have? From the few examples, they look rather Arabic?
GM Shady - would you accept a Gauntlet Witch? The archetype appeared in the final Kobold Quarterly issue (#23). Variants were also posted on the KQ blog.
I have a Sylph Gauntlet Witch that uses a reskinned Aasimar Gauntlet Witch variant that took part in an ill-fated PbP here a few years back. You can read her backstory on her character sheet HERE.
If you are amenable to a Gauntlet Witch, I would be interested in a Tiefling, Gnoll or Elf variant, or the aformentioned Sylph (an adherent of Lada from Ishadia).
If you don't have the KQ article/issue #23, I'm sure the Kobolds will not mind me furnishing you with the requisite information/text, being the author of said archetype and variants....
GM Shady - would you accept a Gauntlet Witch? The archetype appeared in the final Kobold Quarterly issue (#23). Variants were also posted on the KQ blog.
I have a Sylph Gauntlet Witch that uses a reskinned Aasimar Gauntlet Witch variant that took part in an ill-fated PbP here a few years back. You can read her backstory on her character sheet HERE.
If you are amenable to a Gauntlet Witch, I would be interested in a Tiefling, Gnoll or Elf variant, or the aformentioned Sylph (an adherent of Lada from Ishadia).
If you don't have the KQ article/issue #23, I'm sure the Kobolds will not mind me furnishing you with the requisite information/text, being the author of said archetype and variants....
Hi. I do actually have a complete set of KQ (and congrats on the excellent article) but I'm sticking to my line of, it needs to be supported in HeroLab. I've been equally torn about including Shadow Fey, but same issue.
On races, the list of available races is in the first post of the thread.
Here's my first draft of my Dragonkin Oracle of Azuran, Rahadur. He's aiming for a Healer/Support Caster slot, with a side of melee combat when it doesn't seem like he should bother with spells. I'd prefer to go with the Northlands starting scenario, but I'd be fine going with the other one if needed.
GM Shady - would you accept a Gauntlet Witch? The archetype appeared in the final Kobold Quarterly issue (#23). Variants were also posted on the KQ blog.
I have a Sylph Gauntlet Witch that uses a reskinned Aasimar Gauntlet Witch variant that took part in an ill-fated PbP here a few years back. You can read her backstory on her character sheet HERE.
If you are amenable to a Gauntlet Witch, I would be interested in a Tiefling, Gnoll or Elf variant, or the aformentioned Sylph (an adherent of Lada from Ishadia).
If you don't have the KQ article/issue #23, I'm sure the Kobolds will not mind me furnishing you with the requisite information/text, being the author of said archetype and variants....
Hi. I do actually have a complete set of KQ (and congrats on the excellent article) but I'm sticking to my line of, it needs to be supported in HeroLab. I've been equally torn about including Shadow Fey, but same issue.
On races, the list of available races is in the first post of the thread.
Gotcha, and thanks for the consideration. Is the Shadowsworn Base Class (appearing in Players Guide to the Crossroads) supported by HeroLab?
Gotcha, and thanks for the consideration. Is the Shadowsworn Base Class (appearing in Players Guide to the Crossroads) supported by HeroLab?
Here's the relevant part of the first post in this thread.
- Paizo classes - all acceptable except Vigilante, Shaman (we’ll use the Midgard version - see below), Gunslinger, Samurai and Ninja
- Barbarian, Rogue, Monk, Summoner must be Unchained
- Midgard/KP classes - Spell-less Ranger, Shaman, Battle-Scion, White Necromancer, Elven Archer, Theurge (the SRD for all of these is here):
- Races - human, elf, elfmarked (Midgard equivalent of half-elf), dwarf, halfling@, tengu@*, dragonkin*, minotaur*, kobold*, gearforged*, gnoll@*. The SRD for some of these can be found here; if necessary I will fix up submissions to make them rules-legal.
- Those marked * in the above list - max one in the party and must take a Paizo class
- Those marked @ - these are meant to be “minor races” in Midgard so are correspondingly rare. Gnolls are more common in Southlands.
- We’ll use Midgard status rules - everyone starts at status level 4.
Am thinking of making my Monk middle aged... Here's the proposed Stat buy based on "standard starting age" vs "middle aged" (just to show I'm not optimising :)
Btw - older + Monk often equals Blind Master Po from Kung Fu or some such. I'm thinking more Sam Elliot's The Stranger in the Big Lebowski... tap room wisdom - "The North Abides"
Am thinking of making my Monk middle aged... Here's the proposed Stat buy based on "standard starting age" vs "middle aged" (just to show I'm not optimising :)
Btw - older + Monk often equals Blind Master Po from Kung Fu or some such. I'm thinking more Sam Elliot's The Stranger in the Big Lebowski... tap room wisdom - "The North Abides"
** spoiler omitted **
Also starting wealth... Average or rolled?
I'll probably trust you. Per a post somewhere in this thread (first page I think) average starting wealth for class.
How do you feel about the Deaf Oracle's Curse? I think it's an interesting role-playing challenge, but I recognize it can make things difficult. I'm assuming you'd allow the common house-rule of being able to take lip-reading as a language via Linguistics if I were to do this, but I'd still probably think about it even if you didn't.
I have to say, if it's going to make my job as GM more difficult, and complicate the RP for other players - and I think it's going to do both - I'm very unkeen on it, lip reading or no. All that happens if you introduce lip reading is that either it gets rendered largely redundant or there is an annotation in every player and NPC post.
How are dragonkin viewed in the parts of Midgard far from the Mharoti Empire? I haven't had the time to read the Campaign Setting in-depth yet, so I haven't got a feel for this.
There's some material in the Advanced Races Compendium. I would treat them as Saracen warriors in medieval Europe (say) - feared and discriminated against in some regions (e.g. Spain), unusual in others (e.g. England) and in those areas only found in mercenaries.
What kinds of names to Dragonkin often have? From the few examples, they look rather Arabic?
From the Players Guide to the Dragon Empire, the empire (with its Sultan) seems to be based on the Arab empires of the late Caliphate and before the rise of the Ottomans. So yes, Arabic is good (though it looks to me like the naming's a bit all over the place if that's really meant to be the case).
Numbers in parentheses are the preferred starting scenario, with 1=Ravens Call and 2=The Hollow. Where not indicated I haven't seen a preference.
Where I don't know the race I've put human, but it's basically one of the CRB races.
Players from my existing campaigns (none of these have actually submitted yet, this is the indication of interest):
- Player 1: Human Spell-less ranger, I think, with animal companion
- Player 2: Human Cleric/Eclesitheurge
- Player 3: Human Medium/Relic Channeler (1) OR
- Player 3: Human Ranger/Beastmaster (2) with Roc (player would prefer 2nd campaign)
- Player 4: Human Battle Scion
- Player 5: Human Unchained Monk
From this thread (submissions, no particular order):
- Whiskey: Einarr Alfasson, Human Skin Changer Spell-less Ranger
- KatGrey: Ashekara Kalder, Human Gravewalker Witch (2)
- Rotolutundro: Alennil Shandeir, Perunalian weapon master ranged fighter (2)
- Rotolutundro: Jhaele Jhalur, Magdar paladin of the Order of the Undying Sun (2)
- Rotolutundro: Baerloth Ammon, gearforged (tauric engine) clockwork warrior fighter (2)
- Scranford: Crea-Asp, Dragonkin Steelblood Bloodrager
- Black Dow: Human Unchained Monk (1)
- DekoTheBarbarian: Brintak, Kobold Clockwork Alchemist
- Paxx1717: Thule Stormheart, Dwarf Druid
- Paxx1717: Serris Vax, Human Druid (I'll note this, there may be a case for revisiting it)
- Tangaroa: Kullr, human skald (1)
- psionichamster: Gadron Delboriel, Elf Illusionist
- qstor: Eerikki Ravenfolk, tengu rogue
- Almonihah: Rahadur, Dragonkin Oracle of Azuran (1)
- Dreaming Warforged (planning inquisitor) (1)
- Dreaming Warforged (planning witch) (2)
- TheOrcnextdoor
- Monkeygod
- Mark Thomas 66
- rknop (arcane caster, or rogue)
- OceanShieldWolf
Recruitment will close midnight, British Summer Time (GMT+1), 31 July.
I have to say, if it's going to make my job as GM more difficult, and complicate the RP for other players - and I think it's going to do both - I'm very unkeen on it, lip reading or no. All that happens if you introduce lip reading is that either it gets rendered largely redundant or there is an annotation in every player and NPC post.
Understandable. It seems like you'd need an entire group on-board with it... which is unlikely to happen with a PbP recruitment. I'll have to decide what to take instead... Haunted reflavored as odd gusts of wind could be interesting...
GM Shady wrote:
There's some material in the Advanced Races Compendium. I would treat them as Saracen warriors in medieval Europe (say) - feared and discriminated against in some regions (e.g. Spain), unusual in others (e.g. England) and in those areas only found in mercenaries.
All right. That's about what I was suspecting. So he'd be very unusual and probably viewed with a degree of superstitious fear (or maybe just mistrust) in the Northlands?
I have to say, if it's going to make my job as GM more difficult, and complicate the RP for other players - and I think it's going to do both - I'm very unkeen on it, lip reading or no. All that happens if you introduce lip reading is that either it gets rendered largely redundant or there is an annotation in every player and NPC post.
Understandable. It seems like you'd need an entire group on-board with it... which is unlikely to happen with a PbP recruitment. I'll have to decide what to take instead... Haunted reflavored as odd gusts of wind could be interesting...
GM Shady wrote:
There's some material in the Advanced Races Compendium. I would treat them as Saracen warriors in medieval Europe (say) - feared and discriminated against in some regions (e.g. Spain), unusual in others (e.g. England) and in those areas only found in mercenaries.
All right. That's about what I was suspecting. So he'd be very unusual and probably viewed with a degree of superstitious fear (or maybe just mistrust) in the Northlands?
I've got a haunted Oracle in another campaign and I think it plays pretty well.
On the second question, I think it could turn either way; some people would find him/her exotic/threatening, others exotic/interesting, depending on context. I recall the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie (I haven't seen the Russell Crowe one) had Morgan Freeman as a saracen, and he probably fell into the latter category.
This character would work for either scenario as the frontline fighter, though he works best if there's another melee nearby to help him out.
A quick note on fluff, since I don't have any of the setting books and $20 is not a small purchase for a starving college student: I made a best-guess that Fenrir is a god in Midgard, since Jormungandr is. If not, I'm looking for a god that represents the fury of nature chained by civilization.
I think your best bet is Thor, to be honest. In Midgard he's complicated by associations with Mavros-Perun (or Mavros and Perun, depending on whether they are brothers or masks for the same entity). Thor-Mavros-Perun is kind of a combination of Thor and Tyr - thunder/war/storms/death/resurrection.
Fenrir and Jormungandr exist but aren't worshipped as such.
The closest to a god of civilisation in the northlands is Wotan (writing, knowledge, runes) but he's not that widely worshipped (much as Woden wasn't widely worshipped in history).
I think your best bet is Thor, to be honest. In Midgard he's complicated by associations with Mavros-Perun (or Mavros and Perun, depending on whether they are brothers or masks for the same entity). Thor-Mavros-Perun is kind of a combination of Thor and Tyr - thunder/war/storms/death/resurrection.
Fenrir and Jormungandr exist but aren't worshipped as such.
The closest to a god of civilisation in the northlands is Wotan (writing, knowledge, runes) but he's not that widely worshipped (much as Woden wasn't widely worshipped in history).
Hmm. Alright, I can make that work. Thor-Mavros-Perun it is.
Does Mavros have a favored animal? I went with wolves and a river for the Fenrir connotations, if I can get more exact I'd like to. Also, would you mind elaborating for a sentence or two on how Fenrir is worshiped?
I think I've made all of the tweaks to Rahadur I need to, now. Please let me know if anything about him doesn't fit with the setting or your tastes as a GM.
I think your best bet is Thor, to be honest. In Midgard he's complicated by associations with Mavros-Perun (or Mavros and Perun, depending on whether they are brothers or masks for the same entity). Thor-Mavros-Perun is kind of a combination of Thor and Tyr - thunder/war/storms/death/resurrection.
Fenrir and Jormungandr exist but aren't worshipped as such.
The closest to a god of civilisation in the northlands is Wotan (writing, knowledge, runes) but he's not that widely worshipped (much as Woden wasn't widely worshipped in history).
Hmm. Alright, I can make that work. Thor-Mavros-Perun it is.
Does Mavros have a favored animal? I went with wolves and a river for the Fenrir connotations, if I can get more exact I'd like to. Also, would you mind elaborating for a sentence or two on how Fenrir is worshiped?
To be clear, Thor-Mavros-Perun are different aspects so you'd need to pick one. As I said, if it were the Northlands it would be Thor. I think I said Fenrir isn't worshipped.
Mavros (city god) isn't listed as having a favoured animal - none of them are.
Mavros-Perun (god in the south) includes a bull as one of his symbols, probably due to being worshipped by minotaurs.
Thor (god in the north) doesn't have an animal symbol. In the real-world Prose Edda, he has magical powers over the goats that pull his chariot.
To be clear, Thor-Mavros-Perun are different aspects so you'd need to pick one. As I said, if it were the Northlands it would be Thor. I think I said Fenrir isn't worshipped.
Mavros (city god) isn't listed as having a favoured animal - none of them are.
Mavros-Perun (god in the south) includes a bull as one of his symbols, probably due to being worshipped by minotaurs.
Thor (god in the north) doesn't have an animal symbol. In the real-world Prose Edda, he has magical powers over the goats that pull his chariot.
Alright, thank you. I'll pull inspiration from Bothvar Bjarki or Sigmund/Sinfjotli rather than directly from the gods; changes will be up later today.
I also don't want to give the impression I'm applying only for Raven's Call; given the cross-pollination between medieval Scandinavia, England, and Germany I think this character could work just as well for The Hollow.
Thor (god in the north) doesn't have an animal symbol. In the real-world Prose Edda, he has magical powers over the goats that pull his chariot.
Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr.
Tonight they will be tasty eating,
Tomorrow they will be back bleating
Bleating because they're missing their... ankles? Do goats even have ankles? Been a little while since I read that particular story.
Anyway, I changed Einarr's deity-of-record to Thor and expanded on the background a bit to remove the Fenrir connotations.
Random historical tidbit that I learned when I was doing some research: The Norse actually had a standard response to an enemy berserker biting his own shield while raging - kicking the bottom of the shield.
Please do not hesitate if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.
(Still working on Baldek the witch for the other campaign.)
Here is my application for the Margreve campaign: Bad-Luck Baldeck, a human witch, aiming to fill the role of arcane caster.
I'm quite moved by the setting, and other ideas are bubbling. I might work on some kind of bravo from the Seven Cities if things fall into place.
And here is my second application for the Margreve campaign: Nik'olo Gaczi an exiled Septime hoping to one day return home a general. This character aims to fill the role of skill monkey, as he will go investigator after his swashbuckler dip.
Updated update. This is still very much on, to be clear.
Numbers in parentheses are the preferred starting scenario, with 1=Ravens Call and 2=The Hollow. Where not indicated I haven't seen a preference.
Where I don't know the race I've put human, but it's basically one of the CRB races.
Players from my existing campaigns (none of these have actually submitted yet, this is the indication of interest):
- Player 1: Human Spell-less ranger, I think, with animal companion
- Player 2: Human Cleric/Eclesitheurge
- Player 3: Human Medium/Relic Channeler (1) OR
- Player 3: Human Ranger/Beastmaster (2) with Roc (player would prefer 2nd campaign)
- Player 4: Human Battle Scion
- Player 5: Human Unchained Monk
Should say, I will be surprised if all of these turn up.
From this thread (submissions, no particular order):
- Whiskey: Einarr Alfasson, Human Skin Changer Spell-less Ranger
- KatGrey: Ashekara Kalder, Human Gravewalker Witch (2)
- Rotolutundro: Alennil Shandeir, Perunalian weapon master ranged fighter (2)
- Rotolutundro: Jhaele Jhalur, Magdar paladin of the Order of the Undying Sun (2)
- Rotolutundro: Baerloth Ammon, gearforged (tauric engine) clockwork warrior fighter (2)
- Scranford: Crea-Asp, Dragonkin Steelblood Bloodrager
- DekoTheBarbarian: Brintak, Kobold Clockwork Alchemist
- Paxx1717: Thule Stormheart, Dwarf Druid
- Paxx1717: Serris Vax, Human Druid (I'll note this, there may be a case for revisiting it)
- Tangaroa: Kullr, human skald (1)
- psionichamster: Gadron Delboriel, Elf Illusionist
- qstor: Eerikki Ravenfolk, tengu rogue
- Almonihah: Rahadur, Dragonkin Oracle of Azuran (1)
- Dreaming Warforged: "Bored" Bjorg Gaharson, Human inquisitor of Loki (1)
- Dreaming Warforged: Bad-Luck Baldeck, Human Witch (2)
- Dreaming Warforged: Nik'olo Gaczi, Human Swashbuckler (2)
- TheOrcnextdoor
- Monkeygod
- Mark Thomas 66
- Black Dow: planning Dwarf Unchained Monk (1)
- rknop (arcane caster, or rogue)
- OceanShieldWolf
Note - I'm fine with multiple submissions but players will only get one slot.
Recruitment will close midnight, British Summer Time (GMT+1), 31 July. All submissions that come in before that deadline (even if just before) will get fair consideration.
I RP my dump stats. Also why I tend to not really dump stats often. Without realizing it, I did a bit of min-maxing on a wizard (still in play on the forums), with an 8 in both Str and Con. He is a frail child lol.
Re-posting stats and adding background - obviously kinda looking at the northern side of things.
Male Dwarf Druid 1 (Storm Lord Archtype)
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf, Sky Sentinel/Mountaineer/Craftsman alternate racial traits)
Deity: Donar
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
Traits: Reactionary (+2 Init),Birthmark (+2 vs charm, compulsion)
AC 16 (Hide), touch 12, flat-footed 14
hp 11 (1d8+2+1 favored class)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6; +2 vs. spells and poison
Speed 20 ft.
Melee: Warhammer +1 (1d8+1)
Ranged: Sling (bullet) +2 (1d4+2)
Other Weapons:
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Spell Focus (conjuration)
Skills Heal +8, Knowledge(Nat) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +4, Survival +6
Languages Common, Dwarven, Druidic
SQ nature bond (Weather Domain)
Domain powers:
Storm Burst (Core 48): As a standard action, create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack.
The storm burst deals 1d6+1 points of nonlethal damage. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain,
causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability 7 times a day.
Special Abilities:
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Spontaneous Domain Casting (UM 40): “Lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower.
Racial Abilities
Slow and Steady: You have a base speed of 20 feet, but your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Hardy: You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers,
and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.*
Craftsman (APG 11): You receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks that create objects from metal or stone.
Mountaineer (ARG 12): You are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC
when making Climb or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces.
Sky Sentinel (ARG 12): Enemies on higher ground gain no attack roll bonus against you,
and gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls, a +2 dodge bonus to AC, and a +2 bonus on Perception checks against flying creatures.
Tall and thin (for a dwarf), with pale skin, silver hair, and icy-blue eyes.
This story is not mine. Many winters have passed, and an icy mist within obscures my memory. This story belongs to my father, and told to me only once as he wept with despair, just before he vanished into the deeps, never to be seen again.
My father was a Maker, whose reputation for working with precious metals and gemstones had spread far beyond the borders of his homelands. Wonders of the greatest order arose from his forge, and many rich and powerful of all races would travel far to obtain them. His kinsmen and family, and especially my mother, felt great pride that perhaps the greatest craftsman in all the lands worked his forge in theirs.
It happened one late winter that a star-stone fell into our lands out of a crystal-blue sky. The stone was gifted to my father by the king himself, out of respect, and the renown my father had brought to our clan. My mother, ever the practical dwarvish family matron, suggested my father turn his Maker’s eye to the stone, and create a marvel that no prince, duke, or king could resist. And so he set his mind to work, but the answers did not come quickly. Months passed, and then almost year, and still the stone sat on a bench, unworked. Then on the anniversary of the stone’s fall, a light came into his eye, and work on the stone began in earnest. A perfect sapphire was ordered and the king’s own jeweler delivered it to the forge. As the marvel took form, all other work was set aside as my father was driven to complete his masterpiece.
And then, one month later, as rapidly as the work had started, the echo of hammer and tool in the forge ceased and my father proclaimed the work was done. My mother asked of him which king would be worthy of such, and my father smiled. “No king, my dearest, but a queen…” and he placed his finest work, a necklace of immaculately crafted star-stone links with a perfect sapphire set into an impossibly detailed setting, around her neck.
It is here where the story wavers, or perhaps it is the storytellers. Word of the star-stone necklace had spread far…far enough to reach the ear of the Frost Giant chieftan, Magarg, who desired the marvel for himself. The tale recounts that it is about this time when the giant and his sub-chieftans came upon my parents as they exited the forge, and demanded the necklace for himself. My mother with her warrior’s practicality understood their disadvantage and relinquished the treasure, but my father, unable to easily relinquish the symbol of his love cried in rage and charged Magarg. It is here, the story says, that my mother absorbed the great blow meant for my father, and she breathed her last as the giant strode off into the night with his prize, laughing.
It is said I might have been at the forge that night, witness to those events, but I do not remember them. I do remember what came after. My father was broken; his Maker’s eye was blinded to the hidden design that inspired his work. And though for a year, before that day he walked into the eternity of deeps, he tried to find what he had lost, he was scarcely able to find it within him to repair an axe or shoe a mule. I did not understand then, and perhaps I still do not, but I do know that my destiny does not lie at the forge or in the deeps. It lies in the outside world on the peaks, and in the crystal-blue sky. And one day I will find the creature that murdered my mother, and sentenced my father to die.
- no stat lower than 8 or higher than 16 before racial modifiers imposed
- no stat lower than 8 after racial modifiers imposed
In that case, I have a re-submission for you. I also found out that, unfortunately, Gravewalker archetypes don't qualify for Extra Hex feat at level 1, so ditched that and took the Dual Talent racial trait. And added some more fluff.
Ashekara Kalder
Female Human Witch (Gravewalker) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Deity Anu-Akma
Init +9; Senses Perception +6
Aura Aura of Desecration (20 ft.)
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10
HP 8 (1d6 + 2)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Prepared Spells
Witch (CL 1st):
1st - mage armor (DC 15), ray of sickening (DC 15)
0th - dancing lights, daze (DC 14), message
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 10
Special Qualities Aura of Desecration, Dual Talent, Cantrips, Shadow Patron, Spell Poppet, Witch Patron Spells
Feats Improved Initiative
Languages Kariv, Trade Tongue, Nurian, Darakhul, Rue-Thothka
Skills Acrobatics +3, Appraise +4, Artistry +4, Climb -1, Craft (Untrained) +4, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception +6, Ride +3, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +3, Survival +1, Swim -1
Possessions Traveler's Outfit; Light Crossbow; Spell Component Pouch; Quiver [Crossbow Bolts (10)]; Pouch (Belt) [Crossbow Bolts (10)]; Backpack [Bedroll; Mess Kit; Rations (Trail/Per Day) (x3); Waterskin], 57gp, 2sp
Aura of Desecration (Su) You can create a 20-foot-radius aura of evil power. This aura increases the DC of channeled negative energy by +1 and the turn resistance of undead by +1.
Cantrips You can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Dual Talent Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits.
Gravewalker Bonus Spells
Reactionary You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
Seeker You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Shadow Patron
Spell Poppet You carry around a grisly, inanimate poppet stitched from human skin and stuffed with shards of bone, fingernails, and grave dirt. Your spells come from the will of evil spirits residing in the poppet, and its ability to hold spells functions in a manner identical to the way a witch's spells are granted by her familiar. You must commune with your poppet each day to prepare your spells and cannot prepare spells that are not stored in the poppet.
Witch Patron Spells At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron. This patron is a vague and mysterious force, granting the witch power for reasons that she might not entirely understand. At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch's patron adds new spells to a witch's list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar.
Appearance Dusky brown skin covers this young woman's slight, 5'7" frame, and together with the striking facial markings, they offer most a telling insight into her heritage as a Black Gypsy of the Kariv people. Hazel eyes, upturned and set into a slim, oval face, peer out from underneath a thick veil of black hair. Her upper lip, noticeably more plush than her lower, seems to give her an almost perpetual pout when she's not minding her features. While her somewhat exotic appearance might ordinarily be found attractive to those whose tastes favor what's foreign, there is an unsettling aspect to her presence that many find difficult to overcome. Her garb, an off-white blouse, a woolen skirt, soft, well-worn boots, and a recently mended cloak have all seen better times, and often have the look of few days worth of travelling dusty roads. Despite this, Ashekara seems to carry herself as one who has a great deal of pride.
Personality At equal times aloof and amiable, charitable and inconsiderate, Ashekara is a study of contrasts. Born into a nation of misfits and pariahs, she quickly learned that blood is the only thing you can trust in the world. To the Kariv, outsiders were nothing more than sheep to be fleeced. Ashekara was indoctrinated into this isolationist view from a young age, and even now she is often slow to warm to others, pessimistically waiting for them to begin treating her as an outsider. Almost completely at odds with their view of gadscho, or others, the Kariv also held that one of the highest tenets of their culture was to give aid to whomever needs it. The idea of helping others, be they blood-kin or not, was one that was firmly reinforced when Ashekara began down the path to becoming a Healer. Even now, long after abandoning that calling, she often finds she doesn't have the hardheartedness to turn a blind eye to one who is suffering, no matter how they may have slighted her.
Background Wandering is all that Ashekara has ever known, and, if the stories her people tell are true, wandering shall be the only thing she will ever know. The third and last child of a fortune-teller mother and a cutpurse father, Ashekara was born into the Kalder clan of the Wandering Realm of the Kariv, a nomadic people widely despised and mistrusted throughout the southern nations. But as much as city-dwellers and settlers look down upon the Kariv, so too do the other great families of Kariv look down upon the people of the Kalder clan. Reviled among their own people as kidnappers and bride-thieves, servants of dark gods who conspire with the undead, the life of a Kalder was one of being an outcast even among outcasts.
Family was what got Ashekara through her days growing up, particularly her elder brother, Iquari. When Ashekara became of age to begin training for what would become her life’s work, she chose to apprentice with the clan’s Healer. It was a noble calling, though, as Kalders were known for being masters of magic both malignant and malevolent, it was no small undertaking.
Her studies were cut short when, after a night of drunken revelry and violent tempers clashing, Iquari was brought to the Healer’s tent to be prepared for his burial. Deeply hurt by the death of her kin and most fervent ally, Ashekara would not be parted from her brother’s corpse no matter how her family and the Healer tried. And so they agreed that some time to grieve and say her goodbyes in privacy was what she needed, and let her be.
But when her parents and the Healer came back to collect her, they found their son’s body near mutilated, and Ashekara sewing the last stitches of a grisly poppet with bloodied fingers, murmuring about how “they” would to teach her how to bring Iquari back. That same night, she was brought before the King of the Kalders, who forever cast her out of the clan for breaking her Healer’s oath and defiling the corpse of a kinsman. Ashekara has been a wanderer in exile ever since, seeking more knowledge of the shadowy powers-that-be that have been her only companion since that fated night, and hoping that one day they will grant her the powers they promised.