GM Shady |

Hi. I've created a Google Drive folder in which you should be able to drop files. The link should be in the header for this page (and this campaign).
If you used Hero Lab to create your characters, it would be really helpful if you could drop them into this folder, as it will speed up validation. Also if we need to further tweak for Midgard, and you don't have all the plugins, I can take the basic portfolio files and extend them for you.
If you didn't use Hero Lab, next best would be to send me a character sheet. Please PM me and I'll send you an email address.
Note - rules for this discussion:
- it's in place to help with organisation of the 3 campaigns. Each one will get its own campaign board once set up, and when all 3 are up and running I'll retire this board.
- please don't kick off RP in this thread. It's not what this thread is for (see Recruitment thread)
You can however use it to ask questions on the campaign(s) and high level questions about the setting.

Einarr Alfasson |

Excellent, thanks for the opportunity. One administrative question, then one or two lore ones:
My character sheet is on my profile for this alias, would you still like me to send you one? It's not any trouble if you do, I have a copy over on myth-weavers as well.
Lore-wise, is there a campaign-specific way we wound up in the goblin city or should I get creative?

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I've got a link to my character sheet on my alias page, but I can PM you a link if you want. No real questions for right now as it's early days yet, but as we actually start playing I'll prolly have a few.

Rahadur |

I didn't use Hero Lab to build Rahadur, since I don't have any of the Midgard plugins. I could build Rahadur as a human or something, though, and send you the file, which you could then make into a dragonkin. I'm guessing that you'd prefer that to a free-form character sheet?
I did have a couple setting questions. I remember from skimming the Campaign Setting doc that the stars of Midgard are kind of weird, but I wasn't sure how weird they are. Are there any constellations specified in any of the setting documents? Since Midgard is flat, does one's view of the stars change as one goes north-south or east-west, or are they distant enough from Midgard that travel doesn't really change your view of them? Do they change with the seasons at all?

GM Shady |

I didn't use Hero Lab to build Rahadur, since I don't have any of the Midgard plugins. I could build Rahadur as a human or something, though, and send you the file, which you could then make into a dragonkin. I'm guessing that you'd prefer that to a free-form character sheet?
Yes, exactly. And I'll send you back the export also.
I did have a couple setting questions. I remember from skimming the Campaign Setting doc that the stars of Midgard are kind of weird, but I wasn't sure how weird they are. Are there any constellations specified in any of the setting documents? Since Midgard is flat, does one's view of the stars change as one goes north-south or east-west, or are they distant enough from Midgard that travel doesn't really change your view of them? Do they change with the seasons at all?
I'll have a look for the detailed articles, but in Midgard the stars are living beings, orbiting/chasing the deific sun. It's not clear that their position is necessarily fixed in constellations. I remember there being at least one article in Kobold Quarterly but would need to check.

GM Shady |

My character sheet is on my profile for this alias, would you still like me to send you one? It's not any trouble if you do, I have a copy over on myth-weavers as well.
Can you please PM me the myth-weavers link and I'll print that out and enter the data manually to check it.
Lore-wise, is there a campaign-specific way we wound up in the goblin city or should I get creative?
Leave it with me for now - I need to figure it out not just from the point of view of the scenario but of the overall campaign. I'll probably come up with a common prologue for all three campaigns, hopefully this week (and post it in the campaign resources here).
You can then figure out how you got as far as the prologue.
But at this point I'm still making sure everyone's happy with the party allocations.

Rahadur |

I'll have a look for the detailed articles, but in Midgard the stars are living beings, orbiting/chasing the deific sun. It's not clear that their position is necessarily fixed in constellations. I remember there being at least one article in Kobold Quarterly but would need to check.
All right, thanks! Rahadur is all about the wind, the sky, and the stars, so it'd be very helpful to know as much as possible about them.

Crea-Asp |

I've actually played in this module before, but am pretty good at keeping character knowledge away from player knowledge... but if you're not happy with that, feel free to move me to another game.

Kveldúlfr the Wanderer |

Evening Shady (and waves to Scranford)
Trio of quick ones for you:
Like Einarr my character's sheet is on this profile. I don't have any character sheet templates at hand, can get one made up but it would be at work and as such won't be a quick create/send through.
Secondly I've been in PM discussion with Rahadur regarding a potential collaboration in terms of background meeting. Not sure what you had planned, but we saw the possibilities in both of them being (very different) itinerant divine warriors of a sort. Would make for an odd couple, both in terms of philosophy and a tag-team.
We thought it prudent to run the idea past you as you've hinted at having some mechanisation for the various groups coming together.
Finally am more than happy to tweak my character to fit with any specific party needs (now we have an idea of the group makeup). I've at least one feat (Toughness) and one or two traits/skill picks that I'd be happy to tweak or review.
Regardless looking forward to the game :)

GM Shady |

I've actually played in this module before, but am pretty good at keeping character knowledge away from player knowledge... but if you're not happy with that, feel free to move me to another game.
I'm OK with it, but if someone of a roughly melee class wants to move over to Table 3 from Table 2 and swap with Scranford then let me know. I can then accommodate knop's Dragonkin wizard submission on Table 3 also.
BTW Crea-Asp - thanks for the hero lab file. Only one violation, your Dragonkin is 5lb overweight, versus the race maximum. Otherwise checks fine.

GM Shady |

Like Einarr my character's sheet is on this profile. I don't have any character sheet templates at hand, can get one made up but it would be at work and as such won't be a quick create/send through.
Hi - it would still help in checking the sheets if I had a character sheet, since the profiles just contain the output, not necessarily how you got there. It can wait a couple of days though - there are 18 to get through.
Secondly I've been in PM discussion with Rahadur regarding a potential collaboration in terms of background meeting. Not sure what you had planned, but we saw the possibilities in both of them being (very different) itinerant divine warriors of a sort. Would make for an odd couple, both in terms of philosophy and a tag-team.
Thanks. Characters may have met one another beforehand, but there will be a pre-campaign scene that then takes them (in all cases) to the scenario, so it's not a case they will just roll up in the Northlands. Everyone will start off in Zobeck.

Naima |
Shady, I used PCgen to make my character, and it does not support Midgard. In order to get around this, I had to create my character as a cleric of no deity and use a GM boon option to get a feat for the proficiency with Horus's sacred weapon. Also, PCgen does not know about the blessing of the faithful ability. I've cleaned this stuff up in the profile. Would you rather:
1. I send you a pdf character sheet, which will have the above problems. Also, PCgen's character sheets aren't quite standard.
2. I send you a txt file exported from PCgen, which will have the above problems and look like a stat block
3. You use the cleaned up output in the character profile. I believe I have listed the names of the feats and traits, so it should be easy to reconstruct the character from this. Probably easier than using the goofy character sheet.

Bjørn Egilsson |

Hello, everyone! I'd say I look forward to gaming with you all, but I really only get to do it with five of you. My character's sheet is all in the alias, but my copy of the Campaign Setting Guide got corrupted so I couldn't look through it to check languages. I haven't had a chance to re-download it, so I will tonight. Other than that, I should be squared away.

GM Shady |

Shady, I used PCgen to make my character, and it does not support Midgard. In order to get around this, I had to create my character as a cleric of no deity and use a GM boon option to get a feat for the proficiency with Horus's sacred weapon. Also, PCgen does not know about the blessing of the faithful ability. I've cleaned this stuff up in the profile. Would you rather:
1. I send you a pdf character sheet, which will have the above problems. Also, PCgen's character sheets aren't quite standard.
2. I send you a txt file exported from PCgen, which will have the above problems and look like a stat block
3. You use the cleaned up output in the character profile. I believe I have listed the names of the feats and traits, so it should be easy to reconstruct the character from this. Probably easier than using the goofy character sheet.
Hi. I don't mind the goofy character sheet if it has the basic calculations in it used to build the character. Stat blocks don't. When checking the builds the most time is taken reverse engineering the calculations.

Rahadur |

Okay, I've uploaded Rahadur. I created him as a human, so switching him to a dragonkin should fix most of the issues with him. I think he'll get one more language, which should be Kobold, and he picked Lightning as his elemental resistance. I discovered that I don't have the Hero Lab files for Ultimate Campaign, either, so you'll have to switch out my custom Talented trait for the real Talented trait.
Let me know if there's any other issues! And many thanks!

Nik'olo Gaczi |

Hi everyone. I'll work on some tweaks over the next few days.

GM Shady |

Thanks to those who have uploaded stuff.
As I go through them, I'll put the corrected versions back in the folder, along with a bbcode export of the character block, which you can import to your profile. We can track these as you level up also (which will be in groups of 6 rather than 18, thankfully).
I've put the list of players, parties and tracking for which I've checked in the campaign resources.
Should say, it's slightly slowed by my daughter borrowing my Hero Lab machine during the days this week due to Apple being hopeless (geniuses?give me a break!).
Anyone that hasn't dotted in here or PM'd me by the weekend I'll chase up.
Note - I'm on vacation 9 Aug to 24 Aug so the campaigns will probably actually start after that point, but there'll be activity here in the interim.

Horvan Urthadar |

I am here. Like others I did create my character in Hero Lab but lacked the Midguard add-ins. So I created my Battle Scion as a fighter and then made the required modifications to the character sheet. Its pretty strait forward, at least until he starts getting spells at 4th level. I will try to upload the .por file into your Google drive folder later today. Not sure if I can do that from work with our firewalls.
Looking forward to the game and learning more about Midguard.

GM Shady |

Okay, I've uploaded Rahadur. I created him as a human, so switching him to a dragonkin should fix most of the issues with him. I think he'll get one more language, which should be Kobold, and he picked Lightning as his elemental resistance. I discovered that I don't have the Hero Lab files for Ultimate Campaign, either, so you'll have to switch out my custom Talented trait for the real Talented trait.
Did a check, found only the one issue - PM'd you.

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psionichamster wrote:Dropped the file for Gadron Delboriel into the shared drive.
That's a bbcode export of a stat block - is there are character sheet or something that explains the calculations please?
Gadron Delboriel
Male Elf Illusionist 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init: +4 (+2+2); Senses: Perception +7; Low-Light Vision
Speed: 30, Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Goblin, Dwarven, Celestial, Orc
AC 12 (+2 Dex) Touch 12 FF 10
HP 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1 (0+1) Ref +2 (0+2) Will +2 (2+0) [+2 vs enchantment]
Immune: magical sleep
Melee: Club +0 (0+0) (1d6)
Ranged: longbow +2 (0+2) (1d8 /x3) Range 100, Ammo 20 ______
BAB 0 CMB 0 CMD 12
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 15 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 12
SQ: Favored Class (Wizard; SP), Keen Senses, Arcane Bond (Ring), weapon familiarity, elven magic
SA: Blinding Ray (+2 to hit, 30’, blinds 1hd for 1 rd; 7/day)
Feats: Spell Focus (illusions), Scribe ScrollB
Traits: Seeker (+1 perception, class skill), Reactionary (+2 initiative)
Skills: Appraise +8 (+1+3+4)
Knowledge (local) +8, (+1+3+4)
Knowledge (arcana) +8, (+1+3+4)
Knowledge (history) +8, (+1+3+4)
Linguistics +8, (+1+3+4) - Orc learned
Perception +7, (+1+2+3+1)
Spellcraft +8 (+1+3+4) (+10 to ID items)
All skills listed have 1 rank each, I broke out the calculations above.

Thule Stormheart |

Checking in
I did not use HeroLab, but I will provide a Character sheet within the next day or so.

GM Shady |

Excellent, thanks for the opportunity. One administrative question, then one or two lore ones:
My character sheet is on my profile for this alias, would you still like me to send you one? It's not any trouble if you do, I have a copy over on myth-weavers as well.
Lore-wise, is there a campaign-specific way we wound up in the goblin city or should I get creative?
Einarr - the character sheet checks out fine (which is incredibly unusual, I'm still in shock. I've left the HL .por output and a copy of the generated bbcode statblock in the uploads directory.

Rotolutundro |

Is there a particular format for the character sheet that you'd prefer, or is any character sheet with the pertinent information okay?
Also, I'm willing to switch with Crea-Asp, if no one else already has.
EDIT: I just realized I wasn't being very clear. By "format," I meant the format of a non-HeroLab sheet. I have a rtf file I usually use, is that all right?

GM Shady |

Is there a particular format for the character sheet that you'd prefer, or is any character sheet with the pertinent information okay?
Also, I'm willing to switch with Crea-Asp, if no one else already has.
EDIT: I just realized I wasn't being very clear. By "format," I meant the format of a non-HeroLab sheet. I have a rtf file I usually use, is that all right?
I'm going to enter it into HL and check it, so I just need enough info to reverse engineer the character if something doesn't make sense. Which is a bit more than a stat block.
Also you're in the same party as Crea-Asp to start with ... :-)

Einarr Alfasson |

Einarr - the character sheet checks out fine (which is incredibly unusual, I'm still in shock. I've left the HL .por output and a copy of the generated bbcode statblock in the uploads directory.
Excellent, I copied the statblock to my profile to make things more familiar.

Kveldúlfr the Wanderer |

Work has stymied me somewhat - will get that sheet through to you hopefully tomorrow?Fri am latest Shady.
Appreciate the patience :)

GM Shady |

All right, thanks! Rahadur is all about the wind, the sky, and the stars, so it'd be very helpful to know as much as possible about them.
Email exchange with Wolfgang:
It's not clear to me how constellations work in midgard, if the stars are sentient and follow the sun across the sky do they just follow in random formation, like an amateur rugby game where everyone is chasing the ball, or are there actual constellations? I ask because one of the players is an Oracle with a heavens mystery, and is wondering how to work it.
The constellations question is a great one, and the answer slightly obscure but what the heck. Yes, there are constellations in the sky, of the distant stars beyond the Void. These might be other worlds, or simply lights in the sky. The closer, living stars are more mobile, perhaps somewhat like comets or planets, and there are not as many of them. So.... Some of both, but there's at least a hundred living stars.

Rahadur |

Oooo, neat! That's perfect! So I could say something like, "Many stars chase the Serpent's tail. It is a bad day to start journeys." Or something like that. Particularly if we get to 7th level and I get Star Chart.
Hmmm... maybe I'll have to propose some Mharoti constellations?

Thule Stormheart |

I uploaded a PDF of my character sheet. I used the YAPCG spreadsheet to create it, so hopefully everything is correct.

Kveldúlfr the Wanderer |

Uploaded doc/sheet of Kveldúlfr's workings.
Apologies on the wait - been a hell of a week at work. Hopefully should add up - I've not
Let me know if this suffices or you need more info Shady.

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Ready to get going and escape from some goblins!

GM Shady |

Hi - we're tomorrow morning (its currently 11pm here) going on our annual family vacation, for 2 weeks. I believe I'll have Internet access throughout but will try to avoid getting too dragged into the computer.
I will however continue to work through the character sheets. I will also post some background material. Assuming all the characters are on board, or for those tables which are ready, I think we'll be starting basically as soon as I get back.

Rahadur |

Have fun with your family! Looking forward to starting when you get back!

Dreaming Warforged |

Hi - we're tomorrow morning (its currently 11pm here) going on our annual family vacation, for 2 weeks. I believe I'll have Internet access throughout but will try to avoid getting too dragged into the computer.
I will however continue to work through the character sheets. I will also post some background material. Assuming all the characters are on board, or for those tables which are ready, I think we'll be starting basically as soon as I get back.

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Have fun, eat lots of food!

GM Shady |

Update: I've received 13 of 17 character sheets/portfolios. Most of these have some kind of minor omission (actually in some cases the errors are major but easy to fix), a few require more significant rebuilds. If you haven't heard from me, I haven't checked your sheet yet.
- 13 sheets received, I think I've checked 11 of them but should have the others done this weekend.
- 6 complete - in that the various omissions are fixed - for the more significant changes this can include a bit of back and forth. Once complete I'll leave a HeroLab .por file in the upload folder as well as a bbcode export of the fixed build you can use in your profile if you wish.
- The 4 I don't think I've had are caps/Kinnith, Tangaroa/Kullr, martico/Quinrey and qstor/Eerikki Ravenfolk. I'll PM later but maybe this post might help move some action.
Common issues - not having a deity, languages incorrect for Midgard. I recognise this can be an issue of source material so in these cases I'm automatically fixing it and then asking the player to approve the changes.
If the 18th player doesn't come back with a submission shortly I will go get a replacement from somewhere.
I am writing a couple of prologue pieces to set the stage for the three campaigns - it's a shared starting point. I will post those this weekend.
Sorry about the wait, but just to reassure you we're still on.

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I'm still up and ready to go!

Rahadur |

Looking forward to playing!