GM Niles |
Encounter Map

Yeah, its a boy. My wife is a huge Fifth Element fan....so his name will be Corbin Dallas Romero.

Lanyssa |
LG Human Sorcerer 4 / Warlock 2 | Status: Ok
HP 40/40 | Pact 2/2 | Spells 1st 4/4 | Spells 2nd 3/3 | Sorcery 4/4
AC 12 | Init +2 | Speed 30ft | Str-1 Dex+2 Con+5 Int+0 Wis+1 Cha+7 | Perc 14, Insight 14

Well, I'm the new guy here. I don't have the same implication as you folks have with the game. If you want to keep going, I'll go with you; if you don't, that's fine for me.

Seven.teen |
Arcanist (occultist) 12 | HP 57 | AC 17 (Mage Armor) | CMB +6 CMD 19 T 13 FF14 | +12 fort +13 ref +14 will | +3 init | Resouce Tracker
Acrobatics +15 Appraise +22 Fly +10 Kn:Arcarna +20 Kn:Dung +18 Kn:Eng +22 Kn:Geog +18 Kn:Hist +20 Kn:Local +22 Kn:Planes +19 Lingu +11 Perc +14 Stealth +15 Spellcraft +22 UMD +8

I'm probably out sorry Guaire :( Real life isn't giving me too much free time at the moment.