GM Niles Iron Gods (Inactive)

Game Master nilesr

Hajoth Hakados
The Scar of the Spider
5 Kuthona 4714 (Day 100)
Hero Points
Seven.teen 2
Jarreck 1
Guaire 2
Mort 2

Campaign Languages:


Escape Craft NM:1023:

Escape Craft NM:1023
Gargantuan land/water vehicle
Squares 16 (10 ft. by 20 ft.; 10 feet high); Cost priceless
AC 12; Hardness 15 (Glaucite Construction)
hp 320 (159)
Base Save +6
Gunnery Pod 3d8 Plasma Damage (1/2 Fire, 1/2 Electricity)
Maximum Speed 120'; Acceleration 40'
CMB +6; CMD 18
Ramming Damage 4d8
This is a standard escape craft of the Androffan Royal Navy. It remained sealed in the Dusklight for thousands of years until recently being freed by the heroes.
Propulsion: Fission Reactor (2; 2 squares of energy drive; hardness 10, hp 150; extreme device); fission reactor located in rear compartments.

Driving Check Knowledge (engineering) or Profession (pilot)
Forward Facing the vehicle’s forward
Driving Device avionics
Driving Space a single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains electronics panels that control the driving device; the driving space is located at either two flight chairs in the far front of the flight cabin/observation deck(upper deck).
Decks (2) Lower Deck for passengers (Up to 4 medium sized) Upper Deck for Pilot and Copilot as well as Gunner.
Crew 1 or 2 (a single passenger may share the driving space/controls, at the chair next to driver, this passenger acting as support, grants a +2 bonus to the driver’s driving checks.)
Passengers 4
Weapons 1 integrated heavy plasma rifle (gunners base attack bonus modified by the driver’s Intelligence bonus) ranged touch (3d8 fire/electricity)

Glaucite Armor (heavy): The vehicle gains a +6 armor bonus to AC from a heavyweight polymer resembling glaucite.

Illuminators: A pair of bright technological lights are mounted on the vehicle. These give off normal light in 2; 60 foot cones in front of the vehicle and increase the light level by one step out to a 120 foot cone beyond that. These draw upon the same power source that powers the vehicle, allowing them to give off light as long as the vehicle’s engine is powered. The pilot can light or douse these lights as a swift action.

Shelter: The vessel contains a combination heater/air scrubber set that controls the temperature (between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit) and creates purified breathable air. The secured sealable shelter allows the inhabitants to live in inhospitable conditions with ease for as long as the power holds out