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Welcome to the discussion thread. I'll open the gameplay thread when I have prepared the starting post.

Meliora Castafiore |

Thanks for having me, everybody! Looking forward to playing with you.
As for my character, Meliora is a wizard for whom her backstory is 'she has never been any good at making friends and this snowballed out of control,' so while I'm down for her knowing and/or recognizing people, they'd probably be business acquaintances. If anyone's backstory involves Lady Docur's finishing school then they might also have heard about her--she punched a girl in the face and put her through a bush headfirst before getting expelled for it in her first year there.
Also, she's avoiding using her last name since she ran out on her family and was disowned as a result, so if they do know her it'd probably just be as 'Meliora.'
Twistlok, if you don't already have any other plans then it's possible that Meliora could have hired Mic as a bodyguard at the protest. She's angry as hell, but she's also not dumb. Wizards are squishy and having a backup plan is always a good idea.

Canacha Bais |

Hi hi hi Meliora! It is very nice to have you aboard. I dont think Canacha would have ran across any of you lovely posh ladies from academies, but you are cool still :P
Canacha, as I have envisioned her is an eclectic mix of Karl from Van Helsing, Tank girl, and toss in some mad genius or River tam from the firefly series and you have Canacha.
She works for her uncle at the smithy, drinks tea in local parlors and studies science.. and the towers of the bell. I have her set to tag along but she could just as easily be going to see the big event.
She's the friendly sort so im sure any of you could be labeled as a friend if you want.

Meliora Castafiore |

* for the record Meliora is not cool and any evidence to the contrary is mere coincidence and cannot be corroborated by any independent study. do not hang out with Meliora if you are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. consult your GM before starting Meliora. viewer discretion is advised, void where prohibited.

Lena Silas |

Lena hasn't been in Kintargo long. She was sent to meet up with the followers of Milani in the city, but they have all disappeared. She is trying to be undercover. We'll see how good she does at keeping a low profile.

Paullo Ocella |

I think I saw somewhere that one of the pre approved characters from the other group is part of Jhaltro house. I could have had prior talks with them. I am a Private investigator so I could have been a informant.

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When all have had a chance to check in I'll move ahead with the protests and list what you can do. For now you can RP a little around maybe meet each other if you decided to go to the protets together or find a good spot to stand and watch if you went alone.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Welcome to the group Meliora and Paullo.
Meliora that would work out very well. I will send you a PM with a detail or two that I have been thinking about.
Canacha it is possible we at least have a passing acquaintance as well as Mic has been working as an armor-smith to keep busy and bring in a little money since the family business failed and her partner passed.

Meliora Castafiore |

Gotten and replied.

Jack Duncloak |

Welcome, Meliora and Paullo.
@Paullo: Although my PC is technically a member of the Jhaltero family, he's undercover, presumed dead, and has only been back in Kintargo for a few months. Maybe a Jhaltero pointed you toward 'a fellow named Duncloak,' but he wouldn't have mentioned any connection Jack has to the family.

Meliora Castafiore |

I just tried to look at the map and it's saying we need access to see it. I went ahead and sent a request accordingly.

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I updated the link so you all should be able to move around without asking for premission first.

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I'll be traveling through Monday. I should be able to post, but feel free to bot me if needed.
Which action at the protest would you perfer I take for you? There should be about to more checks before the next thing.

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I'll look upon it, I'm giving our last player a little time to join in. Hope he is ready soon.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Just a heads up. I will be attending a wedding out of town on Saturday so probably no posts from when i go to bed tonight until Sunday.

Meliora Castafiore |

Have a good wedding!

Lena Silas |

I'm back. The trip was awesome. I spoiled the nieces and nephews and snuggled the newest one. He's only 6 weeks old. They had me running from morning until I fell into bed so not much energy for posting.

Meliora Castafiore |

Have a good night, then! Glad you had fun.

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Should probably mention that if you reach the edges of the map you are considered to have escaped the fight and runs off to hide somewhere untill the rest are finished fighting/escaping.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Well folks should we be fighting these guards or running? We did not start this and I could see us being arrested anyway.

Meliora Castafiore |

Here's my thoughts: We've seen two waves of baddies, and there's still the matter of the scary lady who took a dagger through her throat and walked it off. She's probably going to come back out eventually, and at that point our overall CR for the battle has to be at least 4. Higher if she has help or character levels on top of her recovery.
This isn't a fight we're going to win short of a lot of 20's. We should bust through, run, and try to get away before we're arrested. Since there was a literal mob, they'll probably have other people to take into custody which'll keep them from following us in any organized groups too big to handle. If we do get a group pull after, we can do the time honored adventurer tradition of beating them up and taking their stuff.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Makes sense. I don't relish leaving the hapless fellow with the sword to fend for himself. Maybe we should try and exit that direction? I might try a Dirty Trick on the guard near me next turn and see if I can move that direction after that.

Jack Duncloak |

*Sigh* Jack's already 'the hapless fellow with the sword.' Unlike Jack himself, I (the player) DO believe in curses...though I'm not sure if this curse is 'All my Hell's Rebels characters can't roll above a 10 in combat' or 'All my urban rangers with humans as their favored enemy can't roll above a 7 when battling said humans.'
Anyhow, if the loyalist doesn't drop Jack, he's heading for where Lena and Canacha currently are.

Meliora Castafiore |

If Meliora goes in his direction she's going to open herself up to more attacks, and she's basically made of paper so she's just going to head off the left side to be safe.

Paullo Ocella |

I think it is awesome, I would just roll with it. Work it into your background. and ask if you can take a drawback like "doubt" and make it a part of your character.

Meliora Castafiore |

Alternatively, Barbarians.
Doesn't matter if you only roll 5's in combat if you succeed on a 2 or better.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

I am assuming we don't want to try and fight that many of guards correct?

Jack Duncloak |

No, I'm being stupid. :)
Although attacking an unconscious foe would be a lot safer....
Plan B!

GM Red Box |

Tomorrow afternoon I am heading out of town for my sisters wedding and then a trip to Nashville for work. Wednesday afternoon till Sunday my internet will be spotty at best as I will be on the family farm.
I will post as I can.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Back from all my trips and more able to focus on the games.
Did anyone else take any of the items off our foes? I have started the loot she but only entered the Manacles that Canacha and I took and the gold.
Anyone can edit the sheet which is linked in my stat block.

Meliora Castafiore |

I actually put the full list of loot we've gotten in a swagswagswag tab on Meliora's spells list.

Micheria "Mic' Musca |

Ahh, well no one said they were taking anything form the thugs other then the maniacals so I didn't list that stuff. Honestly Mic would have balked at stripping some thugs naked.
Regardless we can use either sheet, I put a bunch of formulas in mine to make things easy.

Canacha Bais |

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Just dropping this here
I'm gonna apply but I may need some help to write a decent background fitting the content you are using.

Canacha Bais |

My ladyfriend was diagnosed with cancer in her lady parts friday...and they are still waiting the results for her stomach, intestines and other lower parts.
Goodnews is, if... its just confined to the ladypart region, outlook is good, if its in the other stuff.. well not so good. But she is strong and im a hopeful optimist so . . .I will still be about and continue on, but if you dont hear from me for a few days, please just message me and remind me. Sort of brain addled at the moment and distracted

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Hope for the best.
Do you mind if I bot you in combat to move things along and get to the RP parts?

Canacha Bais |

OH i plan on being about. Honestly this is a bastion of stress releif and all that, just I know from well having a mother and grandmother and a sister who have battled this there will be days where sitting down at the computer isnt possible.

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Sure I just wanted to ask to not drag combats out to much I would always send a reminder before I move in to bot anyone.